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Posts posted by SaySo

  1. That...is...so...stupid of WWE.


    I'm not sure, but IMHO, I believe that the world title should only change hands on a PPV.


    Midcard titles are alright occasionaly, but this is a main event title.


    Now I'm starting to wonder if WWE is starting to be booked by Vince Russo.


    Great way quoting a spoiler that revealed the spoiler.


    Trivia question:


    How many different wrestlers won the WWE Championship since 2012? 1 (CM Punk)


    Now count how many different wrestlers won the World Heavyweight title since 2012. 1 (Daniel Bryan), 1 (Sheamus), 1 (Big Show).


    And if WWE starting to be booked by Vince Russo, count how many WWE Championship during 1999.


    Then count wrestlers that held WCW World Heavyweight title during Vince Russo time from 1999-2001.


    Now I'm starting to wonder if we forgot how to count.

  2. The drop on his back was meh at best. You slug me in the face with a chain and yea, I'm going down.


    I'm NOT Brock Lesnar.


    The man can wrestle an EPIC match with Kurt, damn near kill himself, get back up and win the world title, but a chain shot, the weakest back bump ever, and a firemans takedown on some steps was enough to take him down after 15 minutes of him just utterly destroying someone?


    He's taken far worse and just smiled.


    Brock Lesnar i remembered --> http://youtu.be/SGqxcxFVKAQ?t=3m53s

  3. Super Cena all over again??? God, i think i'm going to quit watching WWE. I'm done with them! Cena always wins. it's boring, it's washed up and making Lesnar return to lose his debut match isn't that smart of a business move. I'm done. Predictable ppv in every line and every single match...and the only surprise, Cena's win, comes out when it shouldn't! WWE sucks!



    Don't come back.

  4. WCW drop in profits were staggering and immediate. I don't think the WWE has a lot of fixed cost in terms of how WCW handled their contracts with their big stars. I assume the WWE pays their workers a certain amount based on how much they draw from live events and so on. Not exactly sure. But i know Bischoff talked about doing it in 2001 with WCW and make pay variable to how much people they are drawing in. WCW didn't manage it too well. WWE probably won't get a better contract on the next TV contract negotiations. But it's just going to make the top guys make even less than they did previously.
  5. I found an interesting article here.


    How Does WWE in 2009 make more money than 2001


    Not sure how factual the numbers but they seem about right.




    2009: $72.8 domestic TV rights fees + $39.1 int'l TV rights fee + $7.7 advertising = $119.6 million net revenue (with $68.3 in cost)

    2005: $52.3 domestic TV rights fees + $24.8 int'l TV rights fee + $43.7 advertising = $120.8 million net revenue (with $68.5 in cost)

    2001: $20.9 domestic TV rights fees + $14.3 int'l TV rights fee + $90.3 advertising = $125.5 million net revenue (with $78.3 in cost)


    2009: $51.3 million in profit

    2005: $52.3 million in profit

    2001: $47.2 million in profit

  6. djthefunkchris, if you get a chance, watch Morrison/Del Rio. Nice opening match as well as the promo between Del Rio/Cena/CM Punk/HHH at the start of the show.


    Cena just being too much inconsistent the last month or two. Wonder what he has to say about taking this assist from Nash. Del Rio took an assist from Nash himself and capitalized on Punk winning the WWE title. Cena crapped on him last week for it. Now Cena practically did the same thing this week capitalizing on an assist from Nash by beating Punk.


    Del Rio, like any smart MITB guy would do, just watch that SummerSlam match and the opportunity lucked out.

  7. last night i could swear they had a close up of the title and they had 'immortal' spelled wrong as 'inmortal'


    From what I've heard, it's a sticker plate of some sort blocking the actual AAA title. So that's probably why it reads Immortal.


    Jeff Jarrett referred to it as an Immortal Championship (or something close) a week or two ago. Or whatever the Impact after Hardcore Justice.

  8. <p>On topic and dirt sheet material:</p><p> </p><p>

    Credit: PWTorch</p><p> </p><p>

    Booker T says his in-ring days are not over and to "stay tuned" on a possible return to the ring. Booker, who wrestled Jack Swagger on Raw TV two months ago in an unhyped singles match, tweeted on Wednesday: "Q. Why am I not wrestling now. I feel great, I still train daily I'm going to finish it, so just stay tuned." Booker also picked up where RVD left off in TNA claiming the Young Bucks (Generation Me in TNA) disrespected him at TV this week. Read Booker's tweets at Twitter.com/BookerT5x.</p>

  9. Which is the fatal flaw in Nash being in the role. Even if Punk and Nash do the best job possible of garnering interest in their match, once they have the match all the hard work goes flying out the window because Nash is such a physical mess.


    Who should have played the role of HHH best buddy, XPac? Sheamus? Drew McIntyre? Anyone that has the history of Nash deserves the current role, it's perfect in this particular story. Of course, if the match was the end all, didn't stop Hogan/Sting, HBK/Mr.McMahon, Jericho/Legends from happening. I have more faith in CM Punk getting a match out of Nash than someone like The Miz. It's not going to be a show stealer. If they can duplicate the crowd reaction from Hogan/Rock (doubtful), they don't need to do much in the ring anyways.


    But if Khali can main event the recent SmackDown, i have faith Nash could get one match done with Punk. Who's a better worker: Khali or a physical mess like Nash? Probably neither.


    And who would have been perfect in this role instead of Kevin Nash was Shawn Michaels. I want to see CM Punk -vs- HBK. But guess i could that in TEW 2010 than the real world.

  10. The glass is far below half empty.


    WWE finally has a story where I'm intrigued and don't know what's going to happen, and they manage to screw it up entirely and put the spotlight on a feud we've seen 400 times, while the most talked about guy on the roster gives Trip's buddy some air time.


    Let's not forget Punk gets to carry Nash, while Cena, the LOSER, gets the run with Alberto.


    Generic IWC alert.

  11. It would take something substantial to kill Punk for me. I won't go into my reasons because I look nuts enough without doing so.


    Wouldn't be surprised to see Punk/Austin. Just not counting on anything for certain with Austin yet. As was said, WWE needs Austin more than Austin needs WWE, so Punk's probably more likely than Miz at this point.


    They said the same thing about The Rock.


    Just like The Rock, who only signed on for one match. I believe there is a high probability Austin gets into a WrestleMania match.


    It makes it plausible for Austin especially since Austin has talked about having his last hoorah, and it possibly being CM Punk.


    Rock doesn't need wrestling. Austin is in the same boat. And we need a dream match for WM 29 if HHH/Punk is going down at 28.

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