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Everything posted by SamFedora

  1. I see the change on the upcoming patch notes. Just wanted to thank you. It's very cool that you take the time to look into feedback and consider suggestions. Wanted you to know that your dedication and work are appreciated!
  2. Hey, I'm having a blast making my own smaller database stealing and/or tweaking your universe characters. As I make my own stories and connections, one issue keeps popping up. Is there any way to make the Storyline precursor options and the Reactive precursor options include each other? For example, I have a very specific reactionary event set up. It involves three characters appearing, the heroes winning, and A knocking out B during the issue. I have my reactionary event set, everything is fine there. However, I would like this reactionary event to be a precursor to a storyline that would be an option for any future storyline picks from that moment on. Right now that isn't directly possible. I want the reactionary event to happen for sure, and THEN the storyline to be active/available as an option. I could create a throwaway character who's status is changed by the reactionary event, then use that status change for the Storyline, but it seems like it would be smoother to see if the precursor options could be combined. Thanks for thinking about it!
  3. I understand. Thanks for looking into all our thoughts! Awesome! I appreciate it. Looking forward to playing more.
  4. Sorry, just read these. This was my primary concern too. Maybe make the autosave feature more clear, as we all seem unaware it would do that.
  5. Played several issues now and I am loving the game! I especially like how deliberate the battles are now. It makes things more interesting than just a click-fest where you are not really invested. That said, I wish I could have more interaction between the characters, or more storyline driven gameplay. Maybe I need to adjust the tables to put more in, or maybe my limited play just hasn't come to that yet. Just feel I am not getting to "know" or care about any of these people like I did in CBH. The tables and actions are laid out nicely and clear. From the journal I've read all about the customization potential, which should be one of the best assets of the game. I can't wait to really mess with that. Here are a few suggestions I have after limited play: There doesn't seem to be (that I can find) a way to save mid-issue. In the combat containing several people on each side, gameplay can get long. Which I am okay with! But I would like the option to save and come back to the fight if need be. The more save opportunities, the better. Kids and life and whatnot. Please consider changing the "News" section when it comes to characters from previous issues. Characters recently impacted by gameplay have their change described as "due to consequence roll". This takes away the immersion. These people are injured "due to a recent fight" or whatever happened in the issue. The other "News" items (moving to cities, for example) don't mention the game mechanics. Neither should the characters we were just playing as. Keep the story (not the roll) in the "News" section, please. Maybe this one is nit-picky, but there are times when my Hero gets dealt a blow that will knock them out... but the game first tells me they will be stunned next turn. Duh, they are going to be knocked out. The "Stun" resolution/notice happens before the damage resolution. But maybe there was a way to bypass the "Stun" notification when the knock-out is inevitable. Just my opinions so far. I will definitely be buying the full version and hope to play more of the trial through the week. Thank you for all your work!
  6. I love the breakdown allowing for some story progress. Playing CBH recently, I find myself frequently editing the issue summaries and seeking out the same enemies to try and get a sense of story. Building that into this new game will allow stories to feel more natural.
  7. In anticipation of a new similar game coming, I went ahead and bought this one way late. Really liking it so far. Does anyone have a link to the patch for this mod? I got the one a few posts up, but cannot find the mod patch anywhere. Thanks!
  8. Hey, new here. Was looking for TEW mods originally. I came across this post and looked at the previous Comic Book game. The concept sounds awesome! I'm excited to try this new one once it's out. Good luck!
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