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About Tmgaming

  • Birthday 07/14/1990

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Rookie (2/14)

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  1. Brilliant thank you so much I cant wait to get to use this mod doing a show at the LS will be a lot of fun for me
  2. I know it hasn't hosted any wrestling shows but as a big West Ham fan I'd love for the London Stadium to be added if its not already. as I feel like in the summer it could easily host some large shows.
  3. This mod looks good and as a new fan of Slam masters Wrestling I'm very happy to see that you plan on adding them to this mod
  4. I've got the 1.0 version I was so excited for this I downloaded day it was released I believe
  5. Sorry to ask again but I'm a couple months into a WCW save so don't really want to restart the save if it can be helped so is there any way to stop mania from going dormant as someone who is running WCW?
  6. I've started a save on this today and enjoying it so far but seeing as I'm controlling WCW is there a way to change Mania from going dormant in a save that's already been started?
  7. I've just bought a licence for my friend, how does he get the retail version of the game?
  8. I'm not sure if this is the right place to put this, if not I'm sorry. Does anyone know how to fix the errors in this screenshot, this what I'm getting when trying to use the January 98 database.
  9. Hi guys, how easy is it to switch from AI pictures to regular pictures? Do I need to go through them one by one or is there an easier option?
  10. What role do you choose for an authority figure in a backstage segment when someone is asking for a match/title opportunity? only one i cand find that makes a little bit of sense is cutting a promo but that doesn't feel completely correct to me
  11. How do you set an event to last over two nights? I'm attempting to set Mania up to last two night but don't know what to write in the text box next to multi day event
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