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Posts posted by AboardTheArk

  1. 12 minutes ago, christmas_ape said:

    What a show, really good length, each match was well written but unique on the card. Whippy's win is big for him without hurting Zeus, Storm has Stormed onto the scene (sorry), Atherton came out looking like a star (and with the awesome grade), Golden Elite (if not necessarily the blondes themselves) looking strong, enjoyed the big bad brawl and again both men came out looking good and then main event was fantastic. Always sad to see Garg lose, but at least he wasn't pinned and Ian having to resort to a true desperation tactic with the punt kick on the ref was a nice touch for him going forward. 

    Thanks! This one felt good writing the matches, although perhaps I have to make amends for having a show where 5 of 6 matches were won by heels... much to think about. 


    The Gargantuan case is special and intriguing. On one hand, he's one of my most important guys even after I've restructured the roster, he's a star, and I've never booked a truly dominant monster heel world champion so it would be doing something new and challenging which I'd love to. On the other hand, in the backstory of this mod CGC spent all of 2017 giving every title to untalented monster heels much worse than Gargantuan and that's a big part of how the company cratered, so it makes sense to give the fans some breathing room. That plus... I kinda sorta maybe angered him in January by making him job to Poison (while he got super duper extra protected, but still) and he still hasn't forgiven me and is mailing in his performances. 

    So, Gargantuan (or Ducont) with the big belt? Maybe in 2019. Hopefully, at least! 



    Venue: Waterloo University Arena, Toronto, Ontario 

    CA: 5000 (SOLD OUT)

    PPV BUYS: 26,577 




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    Obviously this wasn't some fair fight. However, Zeus came as prepared as he could be, purposely using elbows and forearms where he would slaps and punches to start the match, trying his best to lift Whippy with his arms for his usual impact moves. In general, he managed to adapt fairly well, though he still had moments where he got caught up in habits and had to freeze and cede control to an absolutely ecstatic Whippy who saw his choice bear fruit at multiple points in the match. In particular, Whippy did his best targeting the demigod's face, making sure to piss him off as much as possible instead of causing head trauma, in hopes of making him swing (or locking in the Why So Serious Lock, as he's a Combatant who contains multitudes!) and forcing the DQ win. This almost worked at one point but Zeus stopped himself- and that hesitation was a perfect opening for Whippy to hit the Clowning Around (Code Breaker) for a very close nearfall. Zeus fought back with explosiveness, knowing that he can't afford more mistakes so he had to speed up. After a particularly devastating Uranage, he picked Whippy up and locked in the devastating Olympian Clutch II! Whippy shuffled around trying to escape but the grip was extremely tight powered up by Honor, Determination and Godlike strength, to the point when Whippy knew he had little choice but to tap out...until he got an excellent, devious idea! He managed to contort his right hand in a way where he was kind of holding hands with Zeus, and argued to the referee that this is a violation of the rules, which made ref Russell Eicke start the DQ 5 count, forcing Zeus to release the hold! The suntanned superman pleaded his case, but that was the exact opening Whippy needed, as he rolled Zeus up for the three count, keeping his belt!!!!




    FrankieDeejtlant.jpg.325ef92d211e4f2074e28fbacba26897.jpg  VS  RickyStormShipshirt.jpg.917f90d3cbf5743d7b764e807b02c6b2.jpg

    It seems like the martial artist teased on the last episode of Title Bout Wrestling was "The Sensational" Ricky Storm! The hottest free agent in wrestling today made his debut against fellow martial artist Frankie Dee. It's Kung Fu vs Karate in a battle for the ages and a particularly impressive and flashy affair. These two wrestled at a frantic pace, hitting each other as hard as possible but never lowering their guard, only stopping to show respect to one another for their excellent performance. Ricky peppered in some (familiar for the 21CW audience) moves such as his rolling solebutt, the one inch gut punch, the elevated DDT and the Exploder Suplex, but each time Frankie fought back and got back in, forcing Ricky to use his most lethal weapon: the twisted Gutbuster known as Storm Rising, to earn his first CGC victory. 



    Ricky instantly took to the microphone to congratulate his opponent for a well-fought battle, but mostly to share a life lesson with the fans of CGC: Fighting, wrestling isn't about winning, it's about learning lessons and improving self-discipline. Only then will you achieve your best version, and by proxy happiness. So what did he learn in this match, his first in a CGC ring? That competition is fierce. That you need to bring your best self in every occasion. That humility is key. And that no one can beat your best technique, if you've spent all your life mastering it. 




    JamieAthertonshipshirt.jpg.e449675ab0da63e1ff81d1ca242e800a.jpg  VS  SkipBeauParker_Stiles.jpg.5a79c8537f62f606ed48a9c93926c2f2.jpg

    What an absolute masterpiece these two painted. We already knew they are competitive with each other, but both felt like they had to bring something "extra" to this one and they blew the expectations out the water! Jamie instantly relished not being locked in a cage against Skip this time and he was absolutely rapid which made Skip have to adjust and ease himself into the match. This proved to be a mistake, as Jamie really controlled the pace for the whole first half of the contest, having both Skip and the crowd at the palm of his hands, despite the Golden Elite not being by his side (excluding Adrian Garcia in the commentary booth). But Skip is a force that can't be contained for long, and he forced himself back into the match with a vicious body back drop. From that the snowball became an avalanche of offense with flying lariats, belly to belly suplexes, and an early attempt at the Flow Down that Jamie flipped out of, absolutely terrified. This is where the contest reached its latter, more even stage with both of them angling to end things as hard as possible, essentially hitting mini combos that led to nearfalls. Skip debuted a Fallaway Slam to the outside that absolutely rocked Jamie, and Atherton himself had a lot more of his offense aiming towards Skip's head, since he's not as easy to ground as his usual opponent. Jamie tried his hardest to hit the Dangerous Brainbuster on Skip, but Skip was too big and focused on finishing the job. Perhaps too focused, as he tried a very ambitious way to end things, not wanting to risk another kickout: an Avalanche Flow Down, that Jamie managed to counter into a top rope Frankensteiner, dropping Skip on his neck and allowing himself to pick up the pieces: Dangerous Brainbuster, 1...2...3. A CLEAN win!

    SEGMENT RATING: 77 (+6 from the previous year record!)

    SEGMENT 2: Jamie has a demand 

    In a stark contrast from the last post-match promo, Jamie instantly wanted only one thing to talk about: Himself. How impressive he was, how he has officially beaten anyone thrown at him, how he only has one thing left: winning the CGC World Championship at Chamber Of Horrors. He warns Alex DeColt that when he chooses the participants for the Chamber Of Horrors match, if he isn't included, the Greatest Showman is ready to lawyer up, b*tch! 




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     FlashSavage2.jpg.d2cbbbcdefac765d396b8f4162c4cc93.jpg OzzieGoldenPoputt.jpg.535e71828ff9c74936712ba35c2400f5.jpg


    The Canadian Blondes despite their talent have been mostly fighting on par with the rest of the division and not above them like most champions. Having said that, Thunder & Lightning with their extra edge to do whatever it takes have shown themselves to be their most capable challengers so far, and this continued in this contest, which was unpredictable from start to finish, as well as the best tag titles match of the year. T&L were in sync bringing the fight to the Complacent Blondes, who still showed flashes of brilliance by cutting off barrages of offense and using the space very well to not truly be left helpless against double teams. Ozzie hit the Golden Shower for a very early nearfall, but that was a bad decision as he got instantly beat up by the anxious challengers as retribution. Despite the back and forth action, we looked to be heading towards a definitive winner at the very winner with Lightning locking in the Lightning Lock on Flash, but that was the point where The Golden Elite once again showed why the partnership exists. Ozzie feigned a serious injury that forced referee Jonathan Taylor to check on him, which allowed Don Draper to appear from out of nowhere, strike Lightning AND Thunder with one of the tag title belts and dip out of the ring. Flash hit the Crucifix, tagged Ozzie in who magically got back the pep in his step, hit the Golden Shower on Lightning and the champs retained once again!




    DustyDucontAsaemon(1).jpg.afae8e8fa23fa10e25bf9aa548c5fb34.jpg  VS  JoeyPoisonShipshirt.jpg.059873f39209332c0392aacbc043ba14.jpg

    Dusty is imposing on any opponent, and the Big Bad Brawl rules should usually suit him against anyone except perhaps Gargantuan himself. However, healthy Joey Poison is what the kids would call "a menace". The veteran really showed that his words of taking exception to the big man weren't all show and he instantly grabbed a chair that he used to slap a conscience into Dusty. After the chair was broken by the sheer size of Ducont's muscles colliding with it, Joey tried to lift the deadweight over the rope for the humiliating victory, but Dusty recovered just in time. Afterwards both men went to grab weapons, with Ducont choosing a kendo stick and Joey another chair and...something else. Dusty broke his kendo stick on Joey's head, then went for a Thrown Powerbomb that Poison barely countered via chairshot to the head, then using the chair by setting it up and jumping off it off of one leg for a dropkick on Ducont. Joey hit the Twist of Fate on Ducont for a two count, and that's when he revealed what the other thing he grabbed was. A vial of green liquid, which he chugged and gave a dark green smile to the crowd right after. Dusty went up and clobbed him from behind, but before he could attempt another Thrown Powerbomb, Joey pushed him away and then spat GREEN MIST right on his face! He followed it up with the Antidote Cradle but Dusty powered out, blind literally but also with rage. Joey, out of tricks, decided to attempt the Wrist-Clutch Poison Driver, but there was a reason he was avoiding the move after all. Dusty managed to counter and lift him up, then throw him over the top with the Gorilla Press, for the top rope victory. Dusty Ducont just beat CGC royalty. 




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    What. A. Battle. CGC is all about these big brawls, but the added element of the two world class wrestlers having to work together to survive against Gargantuan really elevated this match into a new level. Especially since, shockingly, Dubois and DeColt showed a lot of chemistry and real teamwork in fighting Gargantuan off. Of course, the Genetically Modified Killing Machine got the better of them multiple times, but after Dubois hit his Superkick and Ian his Identity Theft, his resistances went down. Using the steel steps and double DDTing him on the edge of the cold hard steel, they managed to "get rid" of him for a while and went in the ring to settle their differences. There, Dubois shone as the new bright light that wants to lead CGC into a glorious future by completely showing his amazing wrestling skills and the fact that three matches in, he has figured out the puzzle that is Ian DeColt. Ian has to resort to DeColt-isms to bring anything "new" to the table, with his brawling getting more vicious and reminiscent of Angry Jack DeColt. But that's just a short-term solution delaying the inevitable. Dubois hits the Superkick, into the Face Crusher! Model Solution!1...2...3- NO! Ian brings the shoulder up! Marc instantly goes for the Dubious Dubois Pin, not wanting to waste time, but Gargantuan is there to stop him! Gargy grabs Ian DeColt, hits him with the ULTIMATE BACKBREAKAAAAAAH and discards him to the outside like trash. Besides, he's actually 1-1 with Dubois. Their fight is legendary, but shockingly, Dubois has the better of him too, at least more often than not this time. A pounce by Gargantuan at some point turns him upside down and is almost enough to crown a new champion, but Dubois at the very least has the Ultimate Backbreaker scouted and doesn't let Gargantuan get him fully up without backflipping out of his clutches. Dubois finds a lot of success spamming his superkicks, but it's clear his legs are getting tired, so when he once again dodges a wild swing by Gargantuan, that time he uses his momentum to lock in the Model Solution! He's doing it, it's happening! Gargantuan is fading! The referee holds up the arm once, and it drops. Twice, and it drops. He lifts Gargantuan's hand a third time and...referee Jonathan Taylor gets punted on the face by a desperate Ian DeColt! Dubois instantly removes the hold on the unconscious monster to confront Ian. That was a safety hazard, he could have killed the man, he's not a wrestler! Ian chuckles and tries to wave Marc off, but he's passionate and grabs him by the jaw so that he makes the Prodigal DeColt look at him in his face, at which point a furious Ian DeColt kicks Dubois in the groin. He hits the Identity Theft on him three times, at which point replacement referee Russell Eicke comes out, and counts. 1...2...3..ARM IS UP! But Dubois is working purely on instinct. Ian doesn't want to risk things however. He dumps Dubois off the middle rope, and realizes that an unconscious Gargantuan is an easier bet, pinning him unceremoniously.1...2...3...Title retained. 






    • Like 3
  3. Freedom Fighters 2

    Brody's Final Match in the quest to 10: Giant Brody vs ???

    Feels like due to cost-cutting measures there's not someone being brought in who could spoil his party.

    Winners face Harlem Knights for the FCW Tag Team Titles: Ox & Ace vs Relentless vs Joffy Laine and Davis Wayne Newton

    But can they coexist???

    Lee Bambino continues the hard hitting interviews he wants to be known for, but being the amateur he is requires your help. Do the fans have any questions for Carlos Gonzalez ahead of his clash with Marco?



    Freedom Fighters 3

    Mutant & Kip Keenan vs Relentless

    Mutant is in scorching form, Relentless might need to do some soul-searching.

    Young & Wasted vs Batch Enterprises (Tex Tegan & Martyr)

    They're the new group, so.

    This time it will be the FCW Puerto Rican Champion, Mutant, in Lee Bambino's hot seat. What would you like to see asked of your reining champion?

    A simple one for the champ: Who would he like to see challenge him for his belt for as long as he holds it?

  4. 1 hour ago, The Lloyd said:

    Just wanted to pop on here and tell you how much I've enjoyed this so far. Reminds me of Self's CGC diary from a number of years ago. It's really, really good, with a lot of fun stuff happening. I may have missed it, because I haven't read every word, but what happened to Donte Dunn?

    Thank you so much for popping in and predicting. Self's diary is a big inspiration even though I can't quite do it that way, I have tiny homages in there like Gargantuan's nickname. 

    Donte Dunn starts the mod with a lot of negative heat from Alex DeColt who wants him buried in the owner goals, so I couldn't quite salvage his career and he opted to leave fairly early on in the save, which is a shame as you have probably noticed the shortage of babyfaces.



    Coming to you from the Waterloo University Arena right outside Toronto, Survival Of The Fittest promises to be a high level wrestling show from a company that is finally building some buzz again, with the 5000 people capacity building projected to be selling out. Here are the 5 announced matches: 



    Marc Dubois probably feels cheated as he got very close to winning the CGC World Championship back in October in his hometown of Montreal when Gargantuan spoiled his party. This is what lead to this triple threat, with Ian DeColt backed against the wall staring at two of the most dominant Combatants in CGC currently. Gargantuan is unstoppable and is the only man to have pinned Marc Dubois, but he can perhaps be contained if Champion and Challenger work like they did on the Go-Home show. But where does that leave the battle between them? We have already seen them face off twice and while they seem very evenly matched, Dubois has the mental edge at knowing he can beat the champion. Ian needs to show he's a true DeColt once again to survive with his precious title belt. 



    A rematch from Apocalypse, Thunder & Lightning have proven to be relentless in their pursuit of the tag team titles with their high octane offense and their stubborness. The Canadian Blondes kept their titles the first time, but they seem to have just regressed since. It's fairly simple but the result of this match depends on whether Flash and Ozzie are back at the top of their game or they have a Golden Elite ace up their sleeve, because T&L are a known commodity by now, and they have everything needed to pull this off. 



    Jamie Atherton has done a lot in his first year as a CGC Combatant. He has main evented both nights of the DeColt Wrestlefestival. He has beaten the matchmaker Alex DeColt. He has formed a scary and formidable alliance alongside Adrian Garcia. He has won the Last Man Standing Rumble. One thing he hasn't done however is hold championship gold. And as much as he states that he only wants the main belt, it's clear that losing to Skip Beau for the Canadian title at Chaos In The Cage bugs him. Will that chip on his shoulder be enough to overcome the Raging Bull? Skip is having a career year in his own right and has been clashing with the Golden Elite for the past few weeks. There will be no one-sided motivation here with Chamber of Horrors approaching in December. 



    Well this is fairly straightforward isn't it? Whippy is gaming the system to hold on to the Canadian Chaos belt after winning it in a Turkish Oil match against Skip Beau. The Clown Prince of Grappling is not willing to taste defeat ever again after losing the World title to Joey Poison and he knows that Zeus Maximillion is a legendary competitor in his own right. Zeus has been on an impressive win streak and has debuted a devastating new submission that bypasses the obvious issue of the stipulation, but getting there will be a huge challenge considering Whippy's sadistic streak and incredible strategic thinking. 



    USPW Royalty Dusty Ducont came to CGC in order to finally be a top champion in his home country, but his attitude and entitlement has rubbed people off, especially locker room leader and former World Champion Joey Poison. With Chamber of Horrors and another free opportunity for Ducont looming in the distance, Joey decided to take matters in his own hands. Big Bad Brawl rules offer the opportunity both for violence and embarassment, and it will be interesting to see who chooses which one as they both look to make their point clear to one another: One his innate superiority and the other the fact that hard work triumphs over all. 



    OOC: There's a chance I post the PPV during the weekend, and mid-April is my spring break so we might actually not be TOO far from finishing 2018, which is freaking crazy I never thought I'd make it this far. Thanks to everyone for reading all this stuff, seriously. Not all of this diary has been great, but it's all been worked hard on.



    1 hour ago, christmas_ape said:

    A lot going on, new debut and a tease of another one, both interesting. The Zeus promo probably my highlight. I used to love CGC roster and it's nice to see callbacks to it despite this obviously looking very different to CGC in it's prime. Consider me hyped for SoF!

    Thank you! In truth, booking a constant state of flux is easier in terms of me filling time in the 120 minute show, but I think the roster depth is getting to the point where it's going to be easier like booking RAW or TCW (obviously not THAT much, and those still have their own challenges, I'm speaking completely in the filling-time aspect). I've thought of getting the show back to 90 minutes, but since I need to kayfabe it in my mind it's not happening unless I get a B-show.

    Likewise I love CGC's history, and I agree it enhances the diary. I don't want this to feel like it could be any company in the world, even though it's a trap I can fall into with my "updating" the style. It would defeat the point. 

    • Like 1
  6. VIBERT'S VOICE - Ep. 168, Tuesday, Week 3 of November 2018


    [Transition] and of course now with Nicky Champion leaving for EILL, that leaves a power void in North American Sports Entertainment. Which brings us to CGC, obviously, and Sunday's show which got a record 0.04 rating with 35 thousand viewers! The unstoppable tide of the DeColts is rising. But how was the show quality wise, right before Survival Of The Fittest? 


    SEGMENT 1: 

    The intrigue of a debut opens the show, with a young man with outrageous hair and dark clothes coming out holding a microphone. He announces himself as the newest signing of CGC, EMOe Not.Man (ZEN:S's Moe Norman) and he cuts a promo about how the world is a dark uncaring place full of posers but he's here to bring some light by keeping it real and being tougher than all these jocks in the locker room. He's interrupted by TDM's music and yeah that's fine to present the character but maybe don't open the show with this because the crowd was barely cheering. Luckily the kid can talk.

    Segment Rating: 52 


    MATCH 1: 

    So, EMOe Not.Man and TDM were very clunky together, probably because they're both fairly new to this thing. Not a pretty sight, it lasted for like 10 minutes as both went through their usual moveset and EMOe won with a cutter he calls "Last Bite". Not much to say for this one, I guess cutting the promo first was a good decision as a first impression when the match was bad. Rumors are Tongan Death Machine is on his way out of the company which, the guy needs work before getting on TV, but CGC is the smallest platform on TV you can get so we will see if a former Rugby star is willing to dig into the indies. 

    Segment Rating: 26 


    MATCH 2: 

    Drake Young & Philippe LeGrenier vs Generation Z. A lot of miscommunication and annoyance between the heels, with Philippe's vain schtick going further and further to him flat out refusing to tag in and wrestle after his initial stint in the match, which led to the kids getting a ton of their dope movez in on Young who is a great ragdoll even for lightweights. Philippe actually gets a hot tag accidentally at the end, gets some suplexes and clotheslines but pauses to fix his hair, then tries to hit on Lizzie Spellmann who gets creeped out by the age gap and the distraction allows Alyx Winters to lock in the Nuclear Lock (Bulldog Choke) for the win!

    Segment Rating: 39


    SEGMENT 2: 

    A video package plays hyping a mystery wrestler. Shots of serene nature with forests and waterfalls are shown with flute music in the background. A voiceover gives a short mantra that is repeated once "The way of the warrior is spiritual. It's a lifestyle. But at the end of a battle, the only important thing is who's left standing." Then the screen goes dark and letters showing SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST are the final lasting image. 

    Segment Rating: 48


    SEGMENT 3: 

    Joey Poison repeats some of the talking points from last week's promo on Dusty Ducont, emphasizing how annoyed he is at his opponent's for Survival Of The Fittest entitlement. He says he's done everything there is to be done, and getting the Grand Slam in this company is the proudest moment of his professional life, which makes watching a failed USPW behemoth act like he's too good for the place sickening and personally hurtful. He reveals that their match will be contested under Big Bad Brawl rules (No DQ and the match can end in the usual ways + being thrown off the top rope) to show Dusty the CGC way. 

    Segment Rating: 62 


    MATCH 3: 

    Chucky Dorrance vs Killer Karson. This was actually solid! Chucky is slowly but surely showing his good fundamentals as a babyface and he kept outsmarting Karson for the whole duration of this match. He went for Chucky's Revenge again but Karson powered out and hit a bunch of Killer Boots for the win, however Chucky actually got really close to winning a second straight match, something the commentary put over. I don't know if this is starting a roundabout push for either of these, but I'd like to see if they can do anything if they're led out of the shuffle.

    Segment Rating: 44 


    SEGMENT 4: 

    We head backstage where Jenny Playmate is interviewing Zeus Maximillion ahead of tonight's match and Friday's title match. Zeus says that he has watched Whippy's success and reinvention with great interest. The jester rose up and then reverted when things didn't go his way, but that somehow has made him more dangerous than ever before. They've battled countless times, and somehow this is the most dangerous Whippy has ever been, due to his ability to bend the ruleset itself. Sadly, he says, he can't offer the same unpredictability. The difference is in his blood. He's not a wild child, golden ichor runs throug his veins. It's in his blood to fight the hardest battle and walk the roughest road, but it will inevitably lead him to the gold that he craves. He might not be able to use his hands which are his greatest weapons, but he warns Whippy to not get at arms length or else he'll get wrecked regardless.

    Segment Rating: 57 


    MATCH 4: 

    Thunder & Lightning and Zeus Maximillion vs Whippy The Clown & The Canadian Blondes. A cool little story match where they don't go too hard ahead of the two PPV title matches with Whippy wrestling the bulk of this match and mostly getting destroyed by the babyfaces. The Blondes do not care about anything going on and halfheartedly save him because losing feels Not Great when they have to, but this match strategy keeps wielding diminishing returns, and even when Flash and Ozzie are wrestling instead of intervening, Thunder and Lightning are absolutely locked in and work together like a ninja and his shadow. In the end, Whippy is stranded in the ring which leads to Zeus locking in the Olympic Clutch II for a huge (if wrestling was real) win. 

    Segment Rating: 58


    MATCH 5: 

    Gargantuan, Ian DeColt and Jamie Atherton vs Greg Black, Marc Dubois and Skip Beau. Apparently this was the last match in Black's contract as the tournament participants signed multi-match deals just for the "unpredictability" of the tournament and to get some more use out of them. This lead to Black inadvertently being part of the company's best TV match of the year and probably second best overall after McFly vs Frankie Dee. A really strong performance by all 6 men who all shone in different moments, but the star of the match was Jamie Atherton who is in the form of his life right now. He debuted a new move in his arsenal that is something like a rope walk sunset flip which was insane when hit on Dubois, he keeps getting heat the best out of anyone on the roster and truly this match actually ruled. Heather got involved letting Jamie get the hot tag out to Jamie Atherton, Jamie hit a cheapshot and a surprise Identity Theft to Greg Black and the heels stand tall heading into the PPV.

    Segment Rating: 71 


    SEGMENT 5: 

    Dubois confronts Ian after the bell warning him to not even think of cheating on Friday or he's not walking out on his own power. Ian tries to posture but he's backing off at the same time, which leads him hitting the brick wall that is Gargantuan, who is mesmerized looking at the gold World title belt. Ian and Dubois team up to repel Gargantuan (but mostly survive him so that he looks protected) and then they have a staredown.

    Segment Rating: 69 


    Overall Rating: 67 (highest yet)

    • Like 2
  7. VIBERT'S VOICE - Ep. 167, Tuesday, Week 2 of November 2018


    A news-heavy week for CGC, as we have a few notes to discuss. Firstly, the backstage struggle on the direction of the company, apparently culminating at Chamber of Horrors has been brewing continuously. The title match at Survival Of The Fittest becoming a three way is seen as a compromise, as Alex DeColt didn't want a third straight underperfoming Gargantuan singles match in the Dubois feud. This strife has been so intense that it has been a contributing factor for the resignation of longtime road agent and CGC Hall of Famer Chance. After 26 years in the company, he has been used less and surpassed in the pecking order by Dan DaLay as well as Garcia-hire and ally Stuart Ferdinand and therefore felt like he's made enough money off the business and would rather take some time off with his family. 


    Another nugget is that the promotion made profit in October for the first time in over two years! This unlikely success is considered months ahead of schedule even in their predicted recovery and is attributed to both the positive change in booking ever since Alex DeColt stepped down, as well as the change in timeslot on Channel Six. This huge change in fortunes means another aggressive pursuit of signings in the coming months, because there's the feeling a few of the additions over the year have been flops, as well as the phase-out of the older generation has been continuing, with Nathan Black joining the backstage team as a road agent-in training and his retirement being "very close", and Brett Fraser also staring retirement in the face. The feeling is that there's a need for new, fresh jobbers that will have potential to scale up in the future like Lewis Frey, as well as the midcard needing some extra babyface additions. When my source (who is not Adrian Garcia on these news at the very least) was questioned on investing the profits on some bigger names the reply I received was "there's very specific people we would even think of making offers to and we're not abandoning this policy unless a huge opportunity presents itself". I think that's code for 'Sean McFly rejected us on a permanent offer', but you know what they say about assuming. Anyway, let's get to the show! 


    MATCH 1: 

    Jamie Atherton vs Robin DaLay opens the show. The longest match Robin DaLay has had yet, it was also the best as Jamie led it masterfully and got incredible heat with his control making the large man a believable underdog. Robin held his own end of the deal in terms of being selfless and allowing himself to be carried but the difference between the two is as obvious as is justifiable. Robin tried to hit his father's backfist to knock Jamie out as he felt the match slipping out of reach but Atherton dodged, hit a crucifix bomb and then as he saw the brainbuster is impossible due to the size difference he hit the Lightning Bolt for the win, despite the fact it has been transitioning towards being a signature as of late. Really fun match, a bit of a 'hidden gem' if you will. 

    Segment Rating: 67 


    SEGMENT 1: 

    Jamie Atherton instantly gets a mic after the match. He restates his goal of becoming World Champion within his first year in the company, and says that he feels he's very close but with Chamber of Horrors approaching, he needs to make sure he can actually get that opportunity. Therefore, there's a mark that needs to be checked. He calls out Skip Beau, who has been facing and beating members of the Golden Elite the past few weeks, and who also beat him at Chaos In The Cage, challenging him to a title match at Survival Of The Fittest. Skip accepts, but considering Jamie has a lot more to earn, he wants his stablemates barred from ringside, to which Jamie agrees. 

    Segment Rating: 66 


    MATCH 2: 

    Charlie Homicide & TDM vs Generation Z w/Lizzie Spellmann. Not good, but didn't last very long and there is some tangible improvement from everyone involved, they should just be in there with veterans every time. Very classic in structure to make things simpler, the heels dominated with short spurts from Alyx and Flip, until Lizzie cheerleaded well enough that they got a second wind, Flip got the hot tag and did some outrageous things that led to the win with a backslide pin on TDM. 

    Segment Rating: 36 


    SEGMENT 2: 

    Backstage interview with Jenny Playmate and Marc Dubois, with Jenny asking for Marc's reaction to getting another shot at the title in the form of the three way match at Survival Of The Fittest. Marc says that having wrestled both men twice in singles so far, he feels the pressure he's up against, but he also knows he can beat them. There's a special energy at the top of the company, but he knows he hasn't completed the comeback until he's truly where he belongs. For the fans, the momentum of CGC, and the future. 

    Segment Rating: 76 


    MATCH 3: 

    Chucky Dorrance vs Nathan Black. A fun little technical match between the two with Chucky showing some personality by constantly outsmarting the veteran with unorthodox movement and offense. The chuckmeister has gotten a new lease of life as a babyface considering most of his time as a heel has been a disaster so the bar is low, but this was genuinely SOMETHING real. Black stooged for him and took all those weird almost non-bumps pretty well, and Chucky hit his finisher, which, the fact that he has a finisher is news to me, with a "Tiger Suplex" that is rolled instead of hit with impact into some sort of reverse backslide called Chucky's Revenge. 

    Segment Rating: 44 


    MATCH 4: 

    Brett Fraser vs Dusty Ducont. A big, meaty brawl that really showed Dusty the CGC experience of getting clubbed by Brett Fraser as a rite of passage. However, this match was very predictable and Brett isn't the athlete he once was so this got really plodding after it stopped being intriguing. Still solid. Dusty hit a huge Thrown Powerbomb that must have sucked to take, and got a nice win. 

    Segment Rating: 47 


    SEGMENT 3: 

    Post-Match, Dusty begun beating Brett up, taking his frustrations for being fairly aimless recently out on him, but as he got him up for another Thrown Powerbomb, Joey Poison's music hit and he and his glorious head of hair made the save. Joey then took the microphone and insulted Dusty for clearly phoning things in and expecting good things to happen to him, then throwing a tantrum (not in a shoot way, in a "let's explain his absence last month" way). Ironically, he gave him a PPV match by offering to teach him a lesson at Survival Of The Fittest. It'll be nice to get Joey in a PPV singles match again, especially one where he won't be selling the leg all the time. 

    Segment Rating: 56


    SEGMENT 4: 

    A goofy little video package, it has the format of a training montage. However, it focuses on Gargantuan getting ready for the World title match, so it's more about him suplexing trees and hitting backbreakers on bears and healing in a weird pod of non-clear liquid while also meditating, because apparently he has a lab at his house in the woods. 

    Segment Rating: 55 


    MATCH 5: 

    The Canadian Blondes vs Ian DeColt and Whippy The Clown. A pretty nice match although everyone being a heel got the crowd confused as to who they should be cheering for. The tag team champions put on a clinic at points that was contrasting with their storyline which is about them getting more complacent, but that's what got the singles wrestlers back in towards the end of the match. with Ian managing to fight off both of them and tag Whippy in, who hasn't been a hot tag since like January, that's fun. Whippy hit the Joke's On You on Ozzie Golden, but before he could go for a pinfall attempt, lightning struck between him and Ozzie and smoke filled the ring. After everything cleared, Ozzie Golden had the veteran up on his shoulders and hit the Golden Shower for the win, with Zeus Maximillion appearing on the ramp with a grin on his face. 

    Segment Rating: 60 


    SEGMENT 5: 

    Zeus enters the ring besides the still selling Whippy, and showcases a way he can hurt him without his hands when they have their Canadian Chaos title match. He apparently spent a lot of time in solitude in the mountains and reached deep within himself to find a new technique that he considers a modification of the Olympian Clutch (camel clutch). He then, to me hilariously since he talked it up so much, just proceeds to put Whippy in a Cobra Clutch, which the commentary puts over as Olympian Clutch II. The crowd goes wild at the hero getting another hope of victory in two weeks. 

    Segment Rating: 55 


    Overall Rating: 61 



    Gargantuan, Jamie Atherton and Ian DeColt vs Greg Black, Marc Dubois and Skip Beau 

    Thunder & Lightning and Zeus Maximillion vs The Canadian Blondes and Whippy The Clown 

    Chucky Dorrance vs Killer Karson 

    Drake Young & Philippe LeGrenier vs Generation Z 

    ??? vs TDM 





    • Like 3
  8. PSW Championship - Ernest Youngman vs Nelson Callum (c)

    Hear me out. Ernest Youngman gets screwed by the former Steel Circle for costing them the title shots and getting one anyway.

    Street Fight - Ash Campbell vs Chris Caulfield

    Anger be damned.

    Submission Match - Art Reed vs Logan Wolfsbaine

    It's the era of Wolfsbaine.

    PSW National Title - Sayeed Ali (c) vs Xavi Ferrera

    Xavi Ferrera Baby

    Battle of the Acids Acid vs Acid II

    Build to that win.

    Churchyard clash for PSW Tag Titles Samoan Destruction Inc vs The Dirty White Boys(c)

    I was wrong about them the first time so let them retain I guess.

    Battle Royale - Winner earns last entry into the Big Ass Brawl

    Featuring Arthur Dexter Bradley, Cerberus, Doug Peak, James Diaz, Prime Time Jack Pryde, Sky Man Stuntman, The King, The Silencer, Xavier Reckless

    He just had a huge title match so he gets rewarded.

    No claims match - Cowboy Buck Winchester vs Vendetta

    Cowboy is good. Vendetta is WIP.

    Antix vs Austin Smooth

    Unless he appropriates AAVE as an internet thing, in which case he gets murdered in the middle of the ring.

    A Lover and a Fighter vs Blood Soldiers vs ???????? vs The Dogs of War

    I'm a romantic in nature.

    Man Feelings vs Rich & Famous

    With a lot of you on the same scores, let's have a tiebreaker. What grade will Ernest vs Nelson get? 67

  9. Reading every match, remembering my prediction and just going "ah, well, nevertheless..." repeatedly. Awesome main event that made Mutant finally making it feel earned, really strong promos and the family drama is really compelling and often cuts through to feel realistic. Charlie T is a nice get too, he fits the vibe.

  10. FCW Puerto Rican Title

    Handsome Stranger(c) vs Mutant vs Davis Wayne Newton vs Joffy Laine vs Rudy Velasquez vs Xavi Ferrera/Frederique

    A really tough choice for me as Stranger is SO CLOSE. I think you can argue his reign has hit a natural endpoint but also...tied longest reign ending on a multi-man? With a lot of the other participants being tied up in other stories? I want Mutant to win but he's failed twice even if he's good enough. I will overthink this and assume the belt finds itself on Keenan or Peverell soon.

    People's Championship

    Island Boy Apollo(c) vs King Kong Kennedy 

    I'm a huge Apollo guy, he should just never drop tbh

    FCW Tag Team Titles

    Latino Kings(c) vs Harlem Knights

    The greatest get celebrated for a little longer

    Xavi Ferrera vs Frederique

    Xavi Ferrera baby

    ??? vs Giant Brody

    Would have to be a pretty big get not to lose

  11. PSW Title - Nelson Callum(c) vs James Diaz

    Ernest Youngman vs 'El Jefe' Handsome Stranger

    Art Reed & Xavi Ferrera vs Logan Wolfsbaine & Sayeed Ali

    Jackpot Jordan vs Mighty Cavanagh

    Jake Idol vs Teddy Powell

    The Samoan Family (Umaga, Machine & ADB) vs The Dirty White Boys & The Sky Man

    Rap Battle - Antix vs Austin Smooth

    Acid & Reckless vs Devil May Care

    Cowboy Buck Winchester vs Prime Time Jack Pryde

    *Plus; Ash Campbell, The King and the debut of A Lover And A Fighter


    Not giving explanations for the On Tour show but it's actually a really fun card that feels a bit special on its own.

  12. On 2/17/2023 at 11:14 AM, BornToFail said:

    Necrobump! It's, uh, been a while. 

    My PGHW save has reached May 2024 as I've been going slow and steady for the last year plus, so after not visiting GDS forums for six months or something, I thought I'd write something down before the inevitable computer crash takes it all away. 

    Departures: Golden Scorpion, Timmy West, Danny Cavanagh, Hirokazu Yamanoue, Reaver

    Mostly older members of the roster leaving for smaller pastures (Yamanoue and Reaver) or retirement (West & Scorpion). Cavanagh was finally grabbed by BHOTWG with minimal fighting. While at one point Cavanagh was an important member of the upper midcard, some big hires and rising young stars were taking away his spotlight. At 40 years old I could let him go and have an unremarkable run with the big boys. 

    In & Out (arrived and left during the past two years): Julian Watson, Namboku Makuda

    Declining Watson was let go by TCW and was brought in for a year as a solid hand in the generic evil gaijin stable. Wasn't good enough to hang around for longer. Makuda was let go by BHOTWG, had a short six month run with us before taking the big money offer to return. He was good, but in a stacked roster not good enough to seriously fight for. 

    Arrivals: Andrew Lee, Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Chomei Sugiyama, Hammer Hadley, Hiroaki Nakasawa, James Diaz, Logan Wolfsbaine, Mabuchi Furusawa, Shogun Watoga, Sterling Whitlock, Takayuki 2000, Takenori Doi, returning/debuting Young Boys

    The hiring spree... has commenced. The Americans came in with one fell swoop. Bulldozer was let go from USPW, which gave me an idea to do a the generic foreign heel unit. Andrew Lee was brought in to tag with Darin Flynn and formed the original five with Bulldozer, James Diaz and Logan Wolfsbaine. Whitlock was brought in quickly when USPW let him go as well and Hammer Hadley rounded up the group. Takenori Doi left BCG and I hired him shortly after. The deals of Watoga, Sugiyama, 2000 and Nakasawa expired with BHOTWG and weren't renewed so I was happy to bring them in. Furusawa, who just arrived a month back, was the only one I had to really bid for, dealing another blow to my closest competitor. 

    Major topics:

    - While Masaru Ugaki was the undisputed ace for the first two years, Chojiro Kitoaji started the run of his career in 2022 and hasn't stopped since. Joining Warriors of PRIDE, taking the leadership and winning the Glory Crown from (former) tag partner Bussho Makiguchi in April 2022 made Kitoaji the top dog. What followed was an amazing two year title reign filled with 90+ rated main events. And while I'm finally moving to other champions, I have no doubt in my mind that Kitoaji will stay as the best wrestler in the company until his decline starts. 

    - KC Glenn is really good, to the surprise of nobody. A killer tag reign with Orange Tsuchie (leading to back to back Team of the Year awards in 2022 and 2023), on-and-off feud with Masaru Ugaki leading to three time limit draws before Glenn finally beat him to win Elite Series and finally dethroning Kitoaji for the Glory Crown have made Glenn a true top star despite his size. Him, Kitoaji and Ugaki are currently our only Major Stars and top performers. 

    - Other top tier wrestlers include guys like SATO, despite him dropping the ball yearly in Elite Series, is the second best wrestler in the company behind Kitoaji. Logan Wolfsbaine is really good and outperforms most main eventers while being a midcarder. Makiguchi got his short but sweet Glory Crown reign but has kind of been spinning his wheels since. Sterling Whitlock is reliable in any spot he's put in. Seiji Jimbo is not the ace he should be, but can be counted on to deliver a big performance on the big stage, being responsible for two of our five 99 rated matches (the famous 100 still eludes me). 

    - To anyone familiar with PGHW there's probably a name you're waiting to be mentioned. Kozue Kawashima is, unfortunately, cooked. While he is still popular, he is no longer the man he once was. His Glory Crown reign in 2021 was good, but notably still the worst of the big GC reigns we've had. Other veterans falling from grace are guys like Akinori Kwakami, who was out for a year with a broken neck and his tag partner Noriyori Sanda whose skills have eroded with time decline. Veterans hires like Gakusha and Nakasawa were also deep in decline coming in and have mostly been used to put over the younger guys. On the other hand we have Magnum Kobe, who came back from a serious neck injury and finally started to deliver in the ring. He's not a top tier guy, but can reliably main event a big show if the need rises. Tetsunori Yasuda will never be a top guy, but is still solid in the upper midcard. What is a bit worrying is that Ugaki hasn't been himself in 2024. He's not in decline... yet, but it's a terrible thought. 

    - With this being the fifth year of the save, the "young" core from the start has had chances to step up and deliver. SATO is the big success story, and the rest... well, it's been a bumpy ride. Avalanche Takano is getting the push of his career, getting to lead his own stable. He can turn it up in the big shows, but is solid at best on tours. Hirobumi Takimoto is an excellent guy to have in the tag ranks. Haranobu Kobayashi screams future Glory Crown champion and his tag title reign looks like it will finally push him to that stratosphere... if he can handle singles matches.  All three have struggled when put on the spot in the Elite Series. Yano & Kikuchi are solid in the tag division. Eien Miyamoto and Hirotsugu Satou are frustrating as they tend to go hot and cold in random intervals. 

    - While the dojo's newgens haven't been anything special, the crop of young guys from the start of the save have had their successes and failures. Shinji Mihara is the big success, shooting up to star status after returning from excursion and becoming a two time International champion, the first reign being cut short with an injury. Delivering a staggering 98 rated match against Takano is a promising sign. Nobuyo Hikichi never got his excursion and just kind of slithered up the card. His Historical title reign briefly hoisted him up to a star level, but he quickly returned to the midcard. He's capped in technical skills and psychology in the low 70s, so he won't be the star of the next generation. The rest are a lot lower on the pecking order. Kamimura shows the most promise, Blackburn is getting there, Yoshihara might become a midcarder but Goya and Nakahata are spinning their wheels in the undercard. 

    - Around the world things have definitely happened. PGHW might have won the Promotion of the Year in 2023 (woo!), but the eyes of the world are on the star battle between SWF, USPW and CWA. TCW has fallen flat on their face, losing Hawkins, Andrews, Gauge, Huggins and pretty much anyone else worth anything, main eventing with Running Wolf and... DUSTY DUCONT. 


    Warriors of PRIDE: Chojiro Kitoaji (leader), Kozue Kawashima, BRUTE Kikuchi, BISON Yano, Kyuichi Matsumoto, Simon Flemmingway, Kazushige Matsuki, Shuga Amano

    The top heel(ish) group. Old school to the bone with some brutish strength mixed in. Went through a big shake-up when Kitoaji came in. Old farts Kawkami, Sanda and Stone Yoshikawa were kicked out and preplaced with Kikuchi & Yano. Matsumoto joined when Golden Army was disbanded and Amano joined as Kawashima's protege after returning from excursion. Kitoaji is the undisputed ace, but is missing a strong second. BRUTE and Flemmingway can, at times, be really good and Matsumoto has showed flashes of uppercard potential. 

    HONOR Bound: Masaru Ugaki (leader), Mabuchi Furusawa, Ryoma Muruyama, Eien Miyamoto, Dean Waldorf, Marv Statler, Azunamaro Shimizu, Masashi Urogataya, Masatochi Kamimura

    Ugaki led face unit has stayed mostly static. The original six are still there. Ring Generals and Muruyama are still solid. Shimizu joined to freshen up the group, Urogataya joined him after returning from his year long injury and Kamimura was added coming back from excursion. Furusawa is the new addition as Ugaki's right hand man, as the unit really needed another top line wrestler. 

    Death or GLORY: KC Glenn & SATO (leaders), Magnum Kobe, Orange Tsuchie, Shogun Watoga, Chomei Sugiyama, Yuta Isono

    Still stealing the show nearly ever night. Despite Kobe being out for over a year, his unit has continues to prosper as the natural landing point for flashier and high flying wrestlers. Reaver left pissed off about his booking and Kobayashi and Kamachi stepped away when the group added Watoga and Sugiyama, with Isono joining from his excursion. Best top three in any stable, with Glenn, SATO and Tsuchie all being extremely good. 

    D.O.A: Bulldozer Brandon Smith & Sterling Whitlock (leaders), Hammer Hadley, Matt Blackburn, Andrew Lee, Darin Flynn

    The aforementioned evil foreign stable. The line-up is definitely the weakest of every group. Bulldozer was already declining when I brought him in, so the mere existence of Sterling Whitlock is the cog that keeps this machine running. Hadley is really good as long as he's not asked to wrestle over ten minutes. Flynn and Lee spin their wheels and don't really develope and Blackburn is still slowly cooking. I would have brought in Wolf Hawkins (TCW fired him after a toxic incident), but SWF sniped him from under me in one night, not even getting a chance to up my bid. 

    Nextream: Avalanche Takano (leader), Logan Wolfsbaine, Nobuyo Hikichi, Hirotsugu Satou, Takenori Doi, James Diaz, Daigo Goya

    The newest unit in PGHW, forming at the start of 2024, formed out of young guys looking to jumpstart their careers. Lives and dies with Takano and Wolfsbaine. Might add Mihara as the third killer, but Home Army needs its young guns as well. Doi might develop, Hikichi is midcard for life, Satou saves his best performances for SAISHO, Diaz is terrifyingly good for is his age Goya is here to eat the pins and tag with Hikichi. 

    Home Army: Seiji Jimbo (leader), Bussho Makiguchi, Haranobu Kobayashi, Tsurayuki Kamachi, Hirobumi Takimoto, Shinji Mihara + veterans & rookies

    Home Army is naturally the biggest group and the one with no clear identity. It's really top heavy, with guys like Jimbo, Makiguchi and Kobayashi, but doesn't really have any good hands on the midcard level, mostly aging veterans and rookies not ready to fill their boots. 


    Glory Crown: KC Glenn V0 (Just defeated Kitoaji. Won't hold the belt for two years, but I'm hopeful to give SATO the next run. Ugakand Jimbo might deserve runs, as does Makiguchi. Don't want to forget the younger core either, but the main event is set to be rock solid for a few years)

    Glory Tag Crown: Kobayashi & Kamachi V8 (There hasn't really been a massive reign with the tag belts, but title matches have delivered the match of the night on multiple occasions. This reign is all about making Kobayashi, but the duo are about to drop the belts to some Warriors combination (probably Kitoahi/Matsumoto) as Kobayashi prepares to test himself in the main event)

    International: Shinji Mihara V1 (Mihara's second reign is just getting started. Whitlock had a year+ reign in 2022, but if thigns work out Mihara might do something similar.)

    Historical: Shuga Amano V4 (Historical has been used for younger guys trying to get out of the undercard and some midcard stalwarts. Now it's Amano's time to rise up the card)

    Elite Series history: Masaru Ugaki (2020), Chojiro Kitoaji (2021, 2022), Bussho Makiguchi (2023), KC Glenn (2024)

    Elite Tag Series history: Yano & Kikuchi (2020), Yasuda & Takimoto (2021), Glenn & Tsuchie (2022), Kobe & SATO (2023)

    This all rules so much

  13. VWA The Price of Victory


    Main Event: Kronos vs Van Cleer

    It's an interesting conundrum given you don't have Van Cleer exclusively like the default database, but I am still leaning with him because he's that good.

    Co-Main Event: Macks vs Thunderbolt

    Feel like Macks is on borrowed time.

    Swiss title match: Blackburn vs Antonio Arias

    Building the prospect up.

    Marcello Ricci vs Frederik Fusker

    Giant killer rules.

    Fabian Schwartz vs Petey Barnes

    Bern Boys!

    Jasper January vs Kristjan Kristiansen

    And I even like Jasper, but there's no chance.

    Jason Dempsey vs Ricky-Jade Jones

    Just a hunch. Probably not.

    • Like 2
  14. 19 hours ago, christmas_ape said:

    This was perfect. Intro I could really easily picture in my head. Many of the costumes were great but I can definitely picture Gargantuan being the type to keep picking the same one, to be fair to him though him doing the backbreaker in a Bane costume would least take at least a couple of years to stop being cool.

    Whippy being everyone but Joker I loved and I'm all for the you 'Got Tricked' catchphrase. 

    I did a costume battle royale in my RAW diary and I'm annoyed I didn't think of the idea of them all being anonymous until the reveal, was a fun way to end.

    Whilst you could argue saving it fully for Halloween works I think in general the more comedic style fits CGC well year round especially as it was pulled off fully. 

    Thank you so much for the kind words. I have tried to incorporate more comedy (starting with none at all) as we've gone on and I'd like for the promotion to get more gimmicky in the future but the truth is my "vision of pro wrestling" might just be too bland. Regardless, onwards and upwards although I do think it's okay for this post-DeColt, like 5 bookers in version of CGC to be different than classic, there's still a balance to strive and achieve.

    15 hours ago, 619 said:

    What a unique show and main event concept, and I love the CV immersion of having a Halloween Knight homage.

    The fact you could imagine a costume for everyone on the show speaks to how well you know your roster and, as christmas_ape said, it was great how you took the detail even further with Gargantuan always wearing the same, Canadian Blondes thinking they're too cool, Lizzie Spellman doing her own thing, etc. Likewise, I always like the timeslot and audience nods like Generation Z advocating safe trick-or-treating.

    I think Ian DeColt winning the main event was a good call, giving him something to gloat about after falling short in the GDMC and a chance to continue his non-Halloween-exclusive cosplay as old-school DeColt with the post-match address.

    Thank you, the limitations of my format and the fact I can't come up with promos makes adding in these details all I can do to give characterizations. Glad the show delivered, this is overwhelming response.

    6 hours ago, knkmaster69 said:

    A great show, as per usual! 

    Thank you knkmaster69, as per usual!




    Champions Scramble: Ian DeColt & Whippy The Clown vs The Canadian Blondes 

    Jamie Atherton vs Robin DaLay

    Brett Fraser vs Dusty Ducont

    Charlie Homicide and Tongan Death Machine vs Generation Z 

    Chucky Dorrance vs Nathan Black




    We get a package video hyping up the PPV that is fairly random. It's set in different locations as essentially scenes in a horror movie. Marc Dubois is in the gym. Jamie Atherton is in his car with Heather. Ian DeColt is walking in an abandoned street. Skip Beau is at home watching TV. Suddenly, an unspeakable horror (portrayed only with shadows to save money) appears and begins chasing the four wrestlers for a few seconds and cuts as outdated rock music plays. At some point, all men are cornered, and they have to face the fact that they need to fight to survive, and look at certain death with determination: They'll survive because they're them, they're CGC Combatants. The name, SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST flashes on the screen, as the video comes to an end. 



    First off, let's get the important stuff out of the way. Costumes: Clause Reed as a Chef complete with the hat. Ant-Man has already done the superhero of the same name so he's going as Batman, and Topher Smith is fine with being Nightwing for the time being. The Battalion is more fun, with Karson having put a lot of effort to his Solomon Grundy costume, while TDM just went as a Rugby Player and Charlie Homicide is dressed like a satanist but that might just be his Sunday clothes. The match itself is something we have gotten plenty of times this year in a never ending feud, but this was probably the best version of it. There was a sense of fun with this match feeling like a tornado tag and a crowdpleasing moves-spammer. Topher Smith hit a top rope stunner on Homicide for the win, and the heroes prevailed! 


    SEGMENT 2: The Party Backstage 


    We head backstage where we see Jenny Playmate being a reporter in front of a dance party including a generous part of the roster and backstage staff. Everyone is having a good time! Generation Z (Alyx dressed as Fred from Scooby Doo, Flip as Shaggy), accompanied by Lizzie Spellmann (who completely no-sells their costume choices to dress as whatever was popular on Netflix in October 2018 equivalent of Wednesday last year) jump on the mic and essentially wish everyone a good time tonight and an excellent halloween. The show airs from 4 PM to 6 PM, so they remind everyone to be safe partying or trick-or-treating and just party like chill people. 


    MATCH 2: Philippe LeGrenier vs Zeus Maximillion


    Zeus (who does a deity cosplay every year but has kind of ran out of pantheons the normal fan would both recognize and not be offended by so he went as Buddha and it’s kind of a disaster because it’s not the most obvious costume ever) truly veteran’d Philippe (intersectional feminist ally, is a “sexy Policeman”), laying chops into him for 10 minutes and absolutely wrecking him, before locking in the Olympic Clutch and making him tap out. It was extremely straightforward, although one would have to question Drake Young’s stance on the police since he wasn’t by his friend’s side. 


    SEGMENT 3: Whippy reveals the stipulation 


    Whippy rips on the obvious Joker parallels every year by going for another Batman villain, this time he’s the Penguin, which is really hard to pull off without seeming like an anti-semetic caricature but tophat + crane does the job. Whippy also lends Owald’s ruthless opportunism, as he informs Zeus that he has used a very simple stipulation for their title match: Zeus isn’t allowed to use his hands to touch Whippy The Clown. He wishes him luck, and informs him he Got Tricked. 


    MATCH 3: Trick or Street Fight, Gargantuan vs Hugh Ancrie 


    Gargantuan is just Bane every year and everyone groans with displeasure at his schtick. Hugh Ancrie is Ken from Street Fighter and he instantly brings the fight to Gargantuan. The two brawl really hard and intensely, they also use jack-o-lanterns and anything that was used as stage setting as weapons alongside the usual kendo sticks and steel chairs. Hugh gets really close to winning after planting a pumpkin head on Gargantuan’s shoulders and going for a jackknife pin, but after that the enraged Killing Machine is furious enough to be unstoppable. The Ultimate Backbreaker ends things and it looks like that scene in the Dark Knight Rises, for the 6th year in a row. 


    MATCH 4: Dan Draper & The Canadian Blondes vs Thunder & Lightning & Robin DaLay 


    Dan (Brad Pitt in Inglourious Basterds) has his coming out party for the company here with an awesome performance. Flash and Ozzie went low effort because they think they’re too cool for Halloween, just wearing vacation clothes. Robin is Paul Phoenix from Tekken, Thunder & Lightning go with the ol’ reliable as Scorpion & Sub-Zero. This is another match we have seen at least parts of, it puts over T&L as threats to the titles even further and leads to an outside brawl between the teams leaving the young guns in the ring to finish the match off. They have a nice exchange but Robin gets overzealous, wanting to hit Paul’s special punch to win the match and being trapped into a Furusawa Armbar, forced to tap out. 




    We get V from V for Vendetta, Scream, ZEN’s Halloween Knight, Ghost Rider, Red Ranger and Vega from Street Fighter. The six men have a great fun brawl, laying it all out before they even attempt eliminating each other. Around 10 minutes in, Ghost Rider is thrown over the top rope by Halloween Knight. 


    There’s a spotlight on the eliminated man, who is revealed by referees to be Curtis Mobstar! 


    There’s a lot of tag team offense from Vega and Halloween Knight on Scream, while V and Red Ranger have an awesome mini match in their own half of the ring. Red Ranger goes for the Skull Crusher but he’s countered via a mule kick. These matches are technically no DQ. Scream throws Halloween Knight out but gets lariated to death by Vega and eliminated. 


    Halloween Knight is: Joey Poison! Scream is: Jamie Atherton! 


    Vega and V have a fight over claiming the letter, and it leads to perhaps the best moment of the show as V takes an incredible uppercut for all his taunting that the crowd pops huge for. Vega hits a backdrop and then goes for a top rope maneuver, but he’s not used to taking high risks like his character of choice and his lariat gets countered into a Rock Bottom. V eliminates Vega. 


    Vega is: Sterling Whitlock! 


    Red Ranger has recovered from the kick to the groin and we get another mini match between the two that kind of betrays who each wrestler is as they’re evenly matched and also very familiar with each other. To get an advantage, V almost removes the Ranger’s mask and uses that opening to kick him in the gut and hit a devastating DDT that swings it in his favor. A Rock Bottom later, there’s a winner to the Masked Man Battle Royal!

    Red Ranger is: Marc Dubois! 


    SEGMENT 4: The Winner 


    V removes his mask, revealing himself to be the World Champion, Ian DeColt. He basically repeats the point the show started on, thanking the crowd for being there, wishing them a good rest of Halloween and urging them to be safe, and sleep tight knowing him and his anti-hero ways will always defend DECOLT COUNTRY!

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