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  1. Randy Savage defeated Ultimate Dragon The Four Horsemen (Anderson & Benoit) defeated Nasty Boys by DQ The Booty Man & Steiner Brothers defeated Dungeon of Doom Hollywood Hogan defeated Glacier Sting defeated VK Wallstreet US Title Ric Flair defeated Jim Duggan to retain World Title Kevin Nash defeated The Giant to retain Barry Buchanan defeated Freddie Joe Floyd The Headbangers defeated Chris Adams & Mark Youngblood Disciples of Apocalypse defeated Justin Bradshaw, Leif Cassidy & Rick Titan BodyDonnas defeated Salvatore Sincere & The Goon 2ColdScorpio defeated Jason Ahrndt Rocky Maivia defeated The Sultan Marc Mero defeated Justin Credible
  2. Thought it was better to just post the Bearer promo as I couldn't do it justice. Great storytelling
  3. 1996 - November - Week 2 JR: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Monday Night Raw! And what a night of action we have in store for you tonight as we have the WWF Champion Vader in action against ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin, the Ultimate Warrior defending his Intercontinenal Championship and the in-ring return of Bret ‘Hitman’ Hart…. Following JR’s announcements, the music of Bret Hart plays and he makes his way to the ring accompanied by his new insurance policy, ‘The Loose Cannon’ Brian Pillman. Hart: Firstly, I’d like to address the challenge made last week by Steve Austin for a match at Survivor Series. I’d like to say that I have been watching Austin for months at home…he is a hell of a competitor and in my mind one of the best wrestlers in the World today….so Austin….I gleefully accept your match for Survivor Series…and look forward to showing you the difference between one of the best….and the absolute best in me! Secondly, I am happy to announce that tonight will see my return to in-ring action against the enigma that is Goldust…. ………. Bam Bam Bigelow vs Marc Mero In the first of our matches, Bam Bam Bigelow is in action against Marc Mero. The latter makes it competitive for the most part, but Bigelow’s strength and power ultimately prevails and he puts Mero away with a Greetings from Asbury Park. Outcome: Bigelow wins by pinfall ………. Curt Hennig promo We return from a commercial break and the WWF Commissioner Curt Hennig is in the ring. Ladies and gentlemen, as we have become accustomed to, it is the time for the latest instalment of the Best of 9 Series between the Nation of Domination and The Alliance. As a reminder, the Nation lead by 4 to 2…one victory will see them secure the victory… The two wrestlers I have personally selected for this evening’s match up are….Wallace of the Nation of Domination….versus….Barry Windham of The Alliance! .,……… Barry Windham vs Wallace This is the first time we have seen Wallace in singles competition in the WWF and he overcome with relative ease by the far more polished Windham. Windham picks up a pinfall victory following a vicious Lariat. Outcome: Windham wins by pinfall JR: That’s another one back for The Alliance, they are now just one behind at 4-3! ………. WWF Tag Title – Owen Hart & British Bulldog (C) vs The Headbangers Next up are the Tag Team Champions the British Bulldog & Owen Hart, facing off against new arrivals in the WWF, Mosh and Thrasher. Otherwise known as The Headbangers. In perhaps a unique set of circumstances, they are placed into a WWF Tag Title match in their first appearance in the WWF. They put in a strong show, but ultimately lose out following the British Bulldog hitting a running powerslam on Thrasher to pick up the win. Outcome: British Bulldog and Owen Hart win by pinfall Following the win, their manager Jim Cornette gets into the ring. Cornette: Last week, that idiot Commissioner Curt Hennig ordered Vader to defend his WWF title at Survivor Series vs Bam Bam Bigelow. This is outrageous….Bigelow does not have one singles win on his resume indicating that he deserves a shot at the title… JR: How much Owen Hart be feeling here…Bigelow beat Hart a matter of weeks ago! Cornette: So I demand that Hennig get his ass out here and explain his decision right now…! Hennig doesn’t waste much time, as he makes his way down to the ring. Hennig: Let’s make one thing clear Mr Cornette…I am the Commissioner of the World Wrestling Federation…and when it comes to matchmaking, I don’t answer to anybody…let alone YOU! Bigelow will be facing the WWF Champion Vader at Survivor Series…and not only that….the British Bulldog and Owen Hart will be in competition…defending their WWF Tag Team Titles….against THE ROCKERS!!! ………. Intercontinental Title – Ultimate Warrior (C) vs Roddy Piper Next up is the Ultimate Warrior making a defence of his Intercontinental Title vs the leader of The Alliance, Roddy Piper. It’s a good bout between these two experienced wrestlers, with a back and forth flow between the two. The Ultimate Warrior eventually picks up the win following a Gorilla Press and Running Splash. Outcome: Ultimate Warrior wins by pinfall Following the bout the Warrior grabs the microphone off Howard Finkel. Warrior: Last week, I stated to that young upstart Rocky Maivia that I would announce to the World the man he had to beat to get a shot at my Intercontinental Championship at Survivor Series… Before he can get any further, a figure appears from behind the curtain at the top of the entrance ramp….it’s Curt Hennig… Lawler: How many times is he going to stick his nose into things tonight JR? JR: It’s his job King…! Hennig: Warrior…let me remind you of your role as a wrestler here in the WWF….and more importantly, let me remind you of who is the Commissioner here in the WWF…it isn’t you….it is me Curt Hennig! I will announce who Rocky Maivia will face for a shot at your title…and it will be directly next….Rocky Maivia will go to head to head with….HUNTER HEARST HELMSLEY….!....RIGHT NOW…FOR A SHOT AT YOUR TITLE! ………. Intercontinental Championship #1 Contender’s Match - Rocky Maivia vs Hunter Hearst Helmsley JR: So which of these young studs here will take the step up and go on to face the legend that is the Ultimate Warrior at Survivor Series? Lawler: It has to be Helmsley JR, Rocky has failed ever time he has stepped up. And it would be perfect retribution at Survivor Series for Helmsley to avenge his WrestleMania defeat against Warrior! The two athletes set a tremendous pace during this one, producing a real see-saw of a bout with the momentum swinging back and forth. Helmsley momentarily gains the upper hand with a perfectly executed DDT…. JR: It looks like Helmsley is looking to end this one with the pedigree….NOOO…Maivia has reversed it, Helmsley is now down…. JR: Rocky has picked up Helmsley…it looks like we are going to see the Running Shoulderbreaker…..NO….. JR: That b***ard Justin Credible has just entered the ring and taken the legs out of Rocky…the referee is calling for the bell….this one is over by disqualification! Lawler: What happens now JR?? JR: Well, it well be on Curt Hennig’s decision….but it looks like Rocky Maivia is going to Survivor Series to face the Ultimate Warrior for the Intercontinental Championship! Outcome: Rocky Maivia wins by DQ ……… Bret Hart vs Goldust JR: What a treat we have tonight folks, as we are about to witness the first match of Bret ‘Hitman’ Hart since WrestleMania, as he goes head to head here with the unique Goldust! Goldust takes the early initiative, as Bret Hart shows evidence of his ring rust due to an extended period out of the ring. Lawler: Bret Hart has no chance against Steve Austin at Survivor Series JR, Austin is at the top of his game and Hart is miles off the pace! Hart gradually grind his way back into the contest and begins to gain the upperhand… Marlena seeing that her husband has lost the momentum climbs onto the ring apron… JR: What is Marlena doing…we have seen her hit people with her purse before…a purse that contains a brick Bret Hart makes his way over to Marlena… Lawler: Yes….Hart the idiot is going to fall for it!!! Marlena takes her arm back to launch it towards Bret Hart…. JR: Pillman has yanked Marlena clean off the apron….! Hart is going for the SharpShooter on Goldust…..it’s LOCKED IN!!! Can Goldust escape…..nooo….Goldust is tapping out and the referee has called for bell. Hart wins and his insurance policy Brian Pillman is paying off already ! Outcome: Bret Hart wins by submission ………. Paul Bearer Promo JR: Well, it’s time for the big announcement by The Undertaker’s former manager, Paul Bearer….what will he say after promises of a grave announcement regarding his former protégé…. ………. Vader vs Steve Austin JR: So here we go with the main event of the evening, in a non-title match, the WWF Champion Vader will face off against the Texas Badass, ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin. The match gets off to a frenetic start with wild brawling between the two men. The crowd unclear who to cheer for between these two heels, but seemingly loving seeing them both beat the crap out of each other. Vader gains the ascendency… JR: Vader is picking Austin up….it looks like he is going for the powerbomb…..AUSTIN ESCAPES! Austin manages to hit Vader with a low blow without the referee noticing, Vader is writhing around on the floor in agony… JR: Austin is stalking Vader…it looks like he is set to deliver the ‘Stone Cold Stunner’ once Vader gets to his feet…………Vader is up…..WHAT THE HELL IS CORNETTE DOING…..! Jim Cornette seeing his client in clear trouble has entered the ring and smacked Austin across the back of the head with his tennis racquet! The referee has called for the bell! JR: Austin gets the win by DQ here….I guess we could call that Vader’s first defeat in the WWF….but it doesn’t quite sit right…. Lawler: We can’t say Vader has been beaten until he has been pinned or submitted JR! Disqualifications mean nothing in this sport. Outcome: Steve Austin wins by DQ
  4. RAW - 1996 - NOVEMBER - WEEK 2 - PREDICTIONS WELCOMED Bam Bam Bigelow vs Marc Mero Barry Windham vs Elijah - The Alliance vs Nation of Domination Best of 9 Series Tag Titles - British Bulldog & Owen Hart (C) vs The Headbangers Intercontinental Title - Ultimate Warrior (C) vs Roddy Piper Rocky Maivia vs Hunter Hearst Helmsley - #1 Contender Match for Intercontinental Title Bret Hart vs Goldust Vader vs Steve Austin
  5. Congratulations to Lord Byron for winning the February contest. Prediction Standings February @Lord Byron– 22 @Old School Fan - 17 @Nobby_McDonald - 10 @Dawn - 6 @DinoKea- 6 Overall Lord Byron – 73 Old School Fan - 53 Dawn - 22 DinoKea- 13 Nobby_McDonald - 10
  6. Chris Benoit defeated Prince Iaukea The Barbarian defeated Jim Duggan Eddy Guerrero & Rock n Roll Express defeated The Revolt (Jeff Jarrett, Dean Malenko & VK Wallstreet) The Giant defeated Maxx Muscle Sting defeated Greg Valentine The Outsiders defeated The Nasty Boys Randy Savage defeated Meng Charles Wright defeated Leif Cassidy The Godwinns defeated Brooklyn Brawler & Rick Titan The Sultan defeated Savio Vega Yokozuna defeated Elijah
  7. 1996 - NOVEMBER - WEEK 1 Raw gets underway with a raucous welcome, with the crowd seemingly pumped up following a recap of last night’s PPV. JR: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Monday Night Raw! And what a show we have in store for you tonight, as we enter the month of the Survivor Series! But with no further ado, lets go to the owner of the WWF, Vince McMahon who is in ring, with a special announcement set to be made…. Vince McMahon Promo “Thank you very much JR….tonight marks a special occasion for the World Wrestling Federation, over the past few months, there has been a notable absentee….a man who is amongst the best in the World…and a man who I believe upholds all of the values and standards expected of this organisation… Ladies and Gentlemen…please rise to your feet and welcome this man who is a two-time WWF Tag Team Champion…a two-time King of the Ring winner…a two-time Intercontinental Champion…a former Royal Rumble winner….and a THREE-TIME WORLD WRESTLING FEDERATION CHAMPION….BRET…..’HITMAN’…….HART!!! Bret Hart makes his way to the ring dressed in jeans a t-shirt, appearing relatively relaxed despite this being his first appearance in the WWF since his defeat to Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania. McMahon: Bret…first of all, welcome back to what we consider your home in the World Wrestling Federation…secondly, what do you have to say to the fans and the reaction you have been given tonight… Hart: Firstly, thank you to the crowd…the support I have received these past few months, is what has kept me going…and ultimately, the support of the WWF fans is the receive that I have turned down an offer from a rival promotion and will be staying right here in the WWF! McMahon: Great news for all of us here in the WWF, and our fans around the World. Given you have been away for over six months, what have you made of the Superstars here in your absence…? Hart: I’ve been watching along every week…I think now is an interesting time to come back. We’ve seen the return of the Warrior….Vader exerting his dominance…and the rise of guys like Faarooq, Hunter Hearst Helmsley and ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin….but there’s one element where I have felt that I have had to take action to facilitate my return to the WWF… McMahon: What’s that…. Hart: In the past few months, we’ve seen the emergence of numerous groups…I feel it is becoming impossible to get by at the top by going alone…look at the likes of Camp Cornette…the Nation of Domination…The Alliance, and recently we’ve seen the formation of the Disciples of the Apocalypse…with this in mind, I’ve had to take decisive action and take out some insurance against this… McMahon: But what does this mean….in what form is this insurance? Hart: I’ve taken out an Insurance Policy…in the form of a man who will watch my back….a man who won’t be intimidated by mob rule…a man who will ensure fair play…and a man trained by none other than my father…. A psychotic music begins to play over the public address system… JR: Oh my God! It’s Brian Pillman! We saw Pillman appear last night, distracting Steve Austin by his appearance in the crowd, effectively costing him the Intercontinental Championship…. McMahon: Mr Pillman…first things first, welcome to the World Wrestling Federation….please explain your presence here tonight…and why you decided to appear ringside last night during Steve Austin’s Intercontinental Championship match… Pillman: First off…thank you to Mr Hart for this opportunity….I am here to ensure fair play in Bret Hart’s matches….there will be nobody…and I mean nobody who will interfere in Mr Hart’s matches and cost him the opportunity of becoming a four-time World Champion…that is my remit McMahon…secondly….Steve….it’s been a long-time brother…. Before Pillman gave get any further, the sounded of shattering glass goes around the arena as Steve Austin’s music hits…Austin appears at the top of the ramp, mic in hand. Austin: Cut the damn music….last night ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin was once again denied what is rightfully his, in the Intercontinental Championship…that right was cost me by that idiot in the ring Brian Pillman. It seems to Steve Austin that there are a few cripples in the WWF in Curt Hennig and Brian Pillman who seem to be going out of their way to try and deny ‘Stone Cold’… Lawler: He’s right JR, if it wasn’t for Hennig and Pillman, Austin would be the top man in the WWF! Austin: As for you Brian Pillman, if you ever gain half of what you had in your prime son, I will whip your ass around this arena for an eternity…but it seems that you have taken the option of aligning yourself with another b**ch in Bret Hart….Bret, whilst you have been sitting at home for 7 months, cryin’ like a baby, Steve Austin has been out every night all over this country filling arenas and his busting my ass….Pillman can take about your desire to win the WWF title, but right now, you are behind ‘Stone Cold’…the 1996 King of the Ring…if you’ve got the minerals son…Steve Austin challenges you to a match at Survivor Series…and I’ll beat your pink and black ass until it is black and blue…and that’s the bottom line…’cause ‘Stone Cold’ said so…. ………. Hunter Hearst Helmsley & Justin Credible vs 2Cold Scorpio & Bob Holly Helmsley and Credible maintain their momentum as a tag team with a routine victory here, with victory secured by Helmsley by virtue of a pedigree. Outcome: Helmsley & Credible win by pinfall ………. Faarooq vs Savio Vega Next up we have the leader of the Nation of Domination, Faarooq taking on Savio Vega. JR: It was a huge night last night for the leader of the Nation of Domination, as they took a 4-1 lead vs The Alliance in their Best of 9 series. The Nation can secure victory in this contest later on this evening… Faarooq wins this one convincingly following a Dominator. Outcome: Faarooq wins by pinfall ………. Paul Bearer Promo The lights dim and Paul Bearer makes his way to the ring. JR: Things could get interesting here King…Bearer has hinted for a number of weeks that he is going to unveil a dark secret from The Undertaker’s past… Lawler: What could it be JR…it seems to have been very vague so far… Bearer gets into the ring and is handed a microphone by Howard Finkel… Bearer: I’m going to make this short and sweet…Undertaker…by choosing to chokeslam me last week…you have made one of the worst mistakes of your life…next week on Raw…I will unveil the darkest secret of your life…and it will shock everyone associated with the WWF ………. Tag Team Titles - Owen & Bulldog vs Barry Windham & Mark Henry JR: Next up we have the British Bulldog and Owen Hart of Camp Cornette defending their WWF Tag Team Titles vs the team of Barry Windham and Mark Henry of The Alliance. This is a welcome change for The Alliance members amidst there thus far chastening experience in the Best of 9 Series vs The Nation of Domination. Things don’t improve in the win column The Alliance though, as the British Bulldog secures the victory with a running powerslam. Outcome: British Bulldog & Owen Hart win by pinfall As the British Bulldog and Owen Hart celebrate in the ring, we go backstage to where The Rockers go on a rant against the Tag Team Champions. Michaels makes clear that since The Rockers and Bam Bam Bigelow secured a victory last night over Camp Cornette, that they should be given a Tag Team Title shot at Survivor Series. Michaels states that Bulldog & Owen can’t keep taking on B-rate opposition forever, and that The Rockers offer the real genuine test of greatness. Michaels always states that he is looking forward to dipping back into singles competition tonight, as he faces off against Mankind in tonight’s main event. ………. Rocky Maivia & Sycho Sid vs Smokin Gunns Next up we have the unusual pairing of Rocky Maivia and Sycho Sid taking on the former WWF Tag Team Champions, the Smokin’ Gunns. Sid is the dominant force here, and seals the win for his team following a chokeslam delivered to Bart Gunn. Outcome: Rocky Maivia & Sycho Sid win by pinfall ………. Curt Hennig Announces Next NoD vs Alliance Following a commercial break, we return to see the WWF Commissioner Curt Hennig in the ring. “Ladies and Gentlemen…it’s time for the next iteration of The Alliance vs The Nation of Domination…in what could be the final match in this Best of 9 Series…the Nation currently lead 4-1…. But with no further ado…let’s get to the next match right now… Representing the Nation of Domination will be….Malcolm…..facing off against the leader of The Alliance…’Rowdy’ Roddy Piper! ………. Roddy Piper vs Malcolm JR: Well here we go in this one folks, Piper must win this one or the Nation of Domination will win this series with a thumping 5-1 victory! Malcolm gets this one off to a fast start, using his considerable weight to advantage and downing Piper with some clubbing blows. Piper gradually finds his way into the match though, until a mistake leads to him being levelled with a huge clothesline… JR: Malcolm is trying to finish this with a Big Splash….and he nails it…!!! Malcolm with the cover…..1…..2…..NO! Piper kicks out just before the referee hit the 3 count. Malcolm is now screaming in the referees face claiming that the count was slow…. JR: Malcolm has become completely distracted….PIPER NOW HAS HIM IN A SLEEPER HOLD AFTER COMING UP BEHIND HIM…. Malcolm attempts to escape, to no avail… JR: The referee is waving this one off…Piper secures the victory and keeps The Alliance in the series. The Alliance 2 – 4 Nation of Domination Outcome: Piper wins by submission ………. Dok Hendrix We return from a commercial break and Dok Hendrix is in the ring. Hendrix: Ladies and Gentlemen, at this time I’d like to welcome the man who was victorious last night in the defence of his Intercontinental Title bout against ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin, please rise to your feet and welcome….THE ULTIMATE WARRIOR!!! There is a crazy pop as Warrior makes his customary high octane entrance to the ring. Hendrix: Warrior, firstly congratulations on your successful defence of your title last night…and what do you envisage next for the Ultimate Warrior? Warrior: The Warrior achieved…what he said he would achieve…’Stone Cold’…Steve…Austin…in three attempts, you could not defeat the Warrior, and I stand here proudly as Intercontinental Champion…a belt of the fighting man…a belt of the people… Before Warrior can get any further, the music of Rocky Maivia hits and he makes his way to the ring… Lawler: What the hell is he doing here JR, he isn’t scheduled to be part of this interview… Maivia: First of all….congratulations on your victory last night over Steve Austin….you are a man I have admired ever since you first came into the WWF….I remember watching in awe when you defeated Hogan and became the World Champion…but now I want to experience what it is like to go 1 on 1 with the Warrior….for the Intercontinental Championship….! Lawler: What’s he done to deserve a shot JR? He loses every time he steps up in competition! JR: He’s taking on the role of the plucky underdog here, that’s for sure King… Warrior: There’s something to be said for people with testicular fortitude son…and it looks like you have some…but your results…they don’t back it up…..however….the Warrior has a proposition for you….if you win next week against the opponent of the Warrior’s choosing…you will get your shot at the Intercontinental Championship….at SURVIVOR SERIES! Lawler: What an odd proposal JR! Does the Warrior think he is the commissioner now?! And who will he pick?! ………. Bam Bam Bigelow vs Goldust Next up is the semi-main event, as Bam Bam Bigelow who was successful at last night’s PPV vs Camp Cornette, takes on Goldust. The match is an even contest, Bigelow comes away with the win following a Greetings from Asbury Park. Outcome: Bigelow wins by pinfall As Bigelow celebrates his victory in the ring. The WWF Commissioner Curt Hennig appears at the top of the ramp. Hennig: Congratulations to Bam Bam Bigelow on his victory….and I have more good news for you Bam Bam…given your victory last night on PPV…I have decided it is only fair that you get a match on the next PPV at Survivor Series…this match….will see you in the Main Event…against the World Wrestling Federation Champion, Vader!!! ………. Shawn Michaels vs Mankind The main event sees Shawn Michaels in singles competition for the first time since his defeat to Vader at SummerSlam which cost him the WWF title. The bout is a competitive affair, with Michaels securing the victory with Sweet Chin Music. Outcome: Michaels wins by pinfall
  8. Thanks. P.S. Please add who you think will be the returning star.
  9. RAW – 1996 – NOVEMBER – WEEK 1 – PREDICTIONS WELCOME Which Wrestler will return in the opening segment? – Hunter Hearst Helmsley & Justin Credible vs 2Cold Scorpio & Bob Holly Faarooq vs Savio Vega Tag Titles: British Bulldog & Owen Hart © vs The Alliance (Barry Windham & Mark Henry) Rocky Maivia & Sycho Sid vs Smokin’ Gunns Best of 9 Series (NoD 4-1 Alliance) – Malcolm vs Roddy Piper Goldust vs Bam Bam Bigelow Shawn Michaels vs Mankind
  10. Thanks to everyone for their PPV predictions, updated standings are below. Prediction Standings February @Lord Byron– 17 @Old School Fan - 11 @Dawn - 6 @DinoKea- 6 @Nobby_McDonald - 5 Overall Lord Byron – 68 Old School Fan - 47 Dawn - 22 DinoKea- 13 Nobby_McDonald - 5
  11. The WWF has extended the contracts of Chris Candido and current Commissioner Curt Hennig. It’s believed the WWF see potential in Candido, but for the time being he is likely to remain in the BodyDonnas team as the WWF attempt to fill out their Tag Team roster. Hennig is seen as a key figure going forwards, with WWF executives delighted by his performance thus far in his new on-screen role. It remains to be seen what the future will hold for Hennig and whether he will ever be fit enough to return to in-ring action. There has been one WWF release this month, with Bob Backlund requesting his release following him having to do a job for Mark Henry. A WWF official statement thanked Backlund for his long-term association with the company and wished him the best for the future. The next contractual issues across the desk of Vince McMahon will be that of Leif Cassidy who has less than a month to run on his current deal. It’s recognised that Cassidy has plenty of talent, but there is currently nothing to write home about him under his current guise. Insiders have indicated a decision has to be made over whether to repackage him or release with a view to potentially re-hiring at a later date. WWF SuperStars is moving to a 2-hour format, but will remain a ‘B’ show. The motive behind the move is believed to be to give mid-lower card wrestlers more TV opportunities, given the limited time they are afforded on Raw. WWF Executives are said to be delighted thus far with the partnership of Hunter Hearst Helmsley & Justin Credible, under the capable management of Sunny. Their recent spate of victories on TV and PPV have catapulted Helmsley into being viewed as a Major Star, somewhat way ahead of schedule. His rise in popularity has been quite staggering considering in September he lost to Marc Mero, who has made no tangible progress since. Meanwhile, WCW have extended the contracts of John Tenta and Gene Okerlund, in addition to signing free agent Tatanka. Rey Mysterio however has left the company and is currently a free agent. It was rumoured he may make the switch to the WWF. However, officials linked to the WWF have indicated that there is no interest in bringing Mysterio in.
  12. 1996 - October - PPV The Judgement Day PPV gets underway with a fantastic set of pyro and the 40,000 plus crowd is electric. JR: Welcome ladies and gentlemen, and what a PPV we have in store for you tonight. The main event sees the likely culmination of the rivalry between the Ultimate Warrior and ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin with the Intercontinental Championship on the line, Camp Cornette face off against The Rockers and the man who has assaulted the WWF Champion Vader during the past few weeks, Bam Bam Bigelow! We also have two matches in the best of 9 series between the Nation of Domination and The Alliance, with the former currently leading 2-1. Also in action are Sycho Sid, Mankind and Rocky Maivia! But first, let’s go backstage to The Rockers and Bam Bam Bigelow! ………. Rockers, Bigelow and The Rockers promo Michaels cuts a promo on how tonight is his first real chance to exert revenge on Camp Cornette for his defeat at the hands of Vader at SummerSlam and the events which led up to it with Camp Cornette injuring his long-term mentor Jose Lothario. Michaels adds that ultimately his revenge will end further down the line, when he and his buddy Marty Jannetty are crowned Tag Team Champions. Bigelow makes his points directly at Vader, stating that he has man handled him on two occasions already during his brief return to the WWF, and doing so again tonight will be the springboard Bigelow needs to get his shot at the WWF Title. .......... DOA vs The Goon, The Sultan & Salvatore Sincere In the first match of theevening, we see the Disciples of the Apocalypse as a trio for the first team, following their formation, two weeks ago. It’s an extremely dominant display from Brian Adams, Charles Wright and Yokozuna. Brian Adams secures the victory following a chokeslam. Outcome: Disciples of Apocalypse win by pinfall ………. Rocky Maivia Promo We go backstage and its to an interview with Rocky Maivia who is getting valuable airtime on PPV. Rocky points out that he was impressed with Mankind during his recent battles with The Undertaker, but Rocky Maivia would present a younger, more athletic challenge, one that Mankind will find difficult to overcome. .......... Mankind vs Rocky Maivia Maivia puts in a strong showing in this encounter, but ultimately he comes up short as Mankind secures the victory following the Mandible Claw. JR: A strong effort here tonight by Rocky…he will learn and come again another day Outcome: Mankind wins by finisher. ………. Hunter Hearst Helmsley & Justin Credible vs Terry Funk & Who? Terry Funk gives a good account of himself here, but Helmsley secures a relatively straightforward victory following a pedigree delivered to Who? Outcome: Credible & Helmsley win by pinfall ………. Smokin’ Gunns vs The Godwinns Next up we have two former Tag Team Champions in action as the Smokin’ Gunns face off against The Godwinns. There’s not much to write home about in this one, as Bart Gunn secures the win via pinfall. Outcome: Smokin’ Gunns win by pinfall ………. Sycho Sid vs Goldust In a competitive bout, Sid picks up the win following a huge chokeslam delivered to Goldust. Outcome: Sycho Sid wins by pinfall ………. The Alliance vs Nation of Domination JR: Ladies and Gentlemen, next up we have a 3 vs 3 match-up. As The Alliance, led by their leader Roddy Piper, accompanied by Jake Roberts and Mark Henry takes on the team of the Nation of Domination, led in this match-up by Malcolm, accompanied by Elijah and Wallace. A reminder folks, that so far the Nation of Domination leads this ‘Best of 9 Series’ 2-1. The Alliance who are no doubt favourites for this content make a quick start and find themselves in the ascendency, with Piper in particular putting in an impressive showing. As Mark Henry is the legal man facing Malcolm, Elijah and Wallace engage Piper and Roberts in a wild brawl on the outside of the ring. This enables Malcolm to Henry with a low-blow, followed by a well-executed DDT…Malcolm follows this up with a big splash… 1…2……3! JR: It’s another win for the Nation of Domination, following outright cheating! They now lead this series 3-1… Lawler: Things are starting to get quite desperate for The Alliance, JR….and they have to face Faarooq next ! Outcome: Nation of Domination win by pinfall ………. Faarooq vs Barry Windham Next up for The Alliance is Barry Windham, with The Alliance almost getting into ‘must win’ territory, being 3-1 down in this best of 9 series. Windham makes his way to the ring, and then Faarooq makes his way to the ring with a fierce demeanour on his face. JR: There’s no sign of overconfidence from Faarooq based upon this entrance… Lawler: There’s no chance of that JR, Faarooq is a real leader of men…a man with a purpose here in the WWF…he won’t stop until he reaches his objective…there will be no mercy shown to Barry Windham in this one… As JR puts it, this one is an ‘absolute slobberknocker’ with both men giving as good a beating as they get. The tide ultimately turns in Faarooq’s favour though, and he is able to hit Windham with a Dominator to pick up the 3 count. JR: It’s a huge win for the Nation of Domination as they now take a 4-1 lead in the series…they are just one victory for winning… Lawler: The name gives you a clue JR….DOMINATION! The Alliance are getting utterly dominated, this series will probably be wrapped up tomorrow night on Raw! Outcome: Faarooq wins by pinfall ………. The Rockers & Bigelow vs Camp Cornette JR: Ladies and Gentlemen, it's now time for our semi main event, as Camp Cornette consisting of the WWF Champiom Vader, with the WWF Tag Team Champions, Owen Hart & the British Bulldog. They will be up against the newly reunited The Rockers, as Marty Jannetty and Shawn Michaels strive towards their goal of becoming WWF Tag Team Champions. They will be teamed with the man who has launched two brutal assaults on Vader and recently defeated Owen Hart, Bam Bam Bigelow! Lawler: Camp Cornette are a proven team of Champions JR, Michaels and the other two idiots don't stand a chance here! The match gets underway to a quick start with Hart and Jannetty getting this contest off to a high flying start. That's brought to an end however when Hart makes the tag to Vader who presses Camp Cornette's advantage against the overmatched Jannetty. Jannetty makes the desperate Tag to Michaels, who uses his agility to gain an advantage over Vader, who quickly realises he needs to Tag out, bringing Bulldog into the equation. The match temporarily descends into chaos when Michaels makes a near fall on Bulldog, with all 6 men entering the ring...Vader is sent over the top rope by a Bigelow clothesline and Hart suffers a similar fate at the hands of Jannetty.... Michaels hits Bulldog with a superkick and Bigelow makes the cover... 1....2.....3! JR: The Rockers and Bigelow have scored a huge victory here over Camp Cornette! Lawler: This is outrageous JR! Bigelow wasn't the legal man and the ref made the 3 count!!! JR: I'm sure it will give your buddy Jim Cornette more to complain about tomorrow on Raw... Outcome: The Rockers & Bigelow win by pinfall ………. Austin Promo Prior to the main event, we go backstage to an interview with ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin ahead of him challenging the Ultimate Warrior for the Intercontinental Title. Austin: Warrior…your time has come son. I beat your ass all over the damn arena at SummerSlam and a referee decided to disqualify men, giving you a free run at the title…last month at BackLash, I beat your ass again, even gave you a Stone Cold stunner, and then that jackass Marlena stuck her nose into Steve Austin’s business and Goldust lost the match…but guess what…there’s no hiding place for your sorry ass tonight son…you’re looking at the NEXT Intercontinental Champion…and that’s the bottom line….cause Stone Cold said so… .......... Intercontinental Title – Ultimate Warrior © vs Steve Austin JR: Well, here we go folks...it's the main event of the evening, as 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin attempts to take the Intercontinental Championship from the Ultimate Warrior, and remember these two have plenty of history. Austin makes his way to the ring to a chorus of boos as Warrior receives a rapturous welcome. JR: Well, it's clear who the crowd favourite is in this one King... Lawler: Listen JR, there's only one thing Steve Austin is interested in winning tonight, and it isn't the support of these moronic fans... The action gets underway before the bell as Austin stomps on Warrior as soon as he slides into the ring. Austin maintains his dominance for a good 5 minutes before Warrior seemingly gets some renewed energy from outer space as he begins his customary running around and shaking of the ropes, he then proceeds to nail Austin with a couple of clotheslines and a powerslam... JR: The tide is turning now King...can Austin alter the course of this one... Austin seems powerless as Warrior launches his assaults... JR: It looks like Warrior is going to finish Austin here with the Warrior splash...and he nails it! Warrior makes the cover...1...2.....NO!!! Austin kicks put just before the referee hits the 3. Warrior look around dumbfounded. He picks Warrior up and whips him into the ropes, he's going for another clothesline...Austin ducks it...he's spun Warrior around... STONE COLD STUNNER! JR: Austin has stunned Warrior seemingly out of nowhere... Lawler: Pin him Austin!!!! As Austin goes to make the pin, a man at ringside can be heard bellowing into a a speakerphone ' STEVE! ....STEVE!....STEVE!....STEVE!' Austin is clearly distracted by this and makes his way over to the ropes, leaning over them to get a better view... Lawler: What the hell is going on JR.... JR: OH MY GAWD! IT'S BRIAN PILLMAN....AUSTIN LOOKS LIKE HE'S SEEN A GHOST...! Austin remains looking over the ropes, clearly shocked at seeing a man from his past...but he's let the Warrior off the hook... JR: Warrior has rolled up Austin from behind ...1...2...3! THE ULTIMATE WARRIOR HAS RETAINED HIS INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPIONSHIP! Lawler: Austin is going to be furious JR, it's another defeat snatched from the jaws of victory...another cripple screwing him over ! Austin is visibly furious post match and Pillman disappears but not before giving a maniacal laugh through the speakerphone Outcome: Ultimate Warrior wins by pinfall
  13. Sorry the Who? Was Jim Neidhart's character rather than a mystery wrestler !
  14. I had an overarching idea for DoA, but I'm not sure how I am going to do it in conjunction with another storyline, so TBC whether I go ahead with it. For the time being, it is a collection of guys who I think I can do more with. Yoko has been sent on crash diets, and he is still fairly popular at this stage, think he's around the mid 60s, without looking.
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