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Mecha Kaji

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Posts posted by Mecha Kaji

  1. 12 hours ago, willr0ck said:

    Just a quick heads up guys, I should be back to filling these requests this weekend. I just have to finish up my show for my diary. Sorry for the delay, we've had Spring like weather here all week so I've been taking my daughter to the soccer park most evenings so she could get some practice in while the weather was nice. I really didn't want to spend everyday there but her argument was that "It was more fun than watching RAW". Touche' little one, touche'.


    There's nothing to apologise for, family always comes first. Besides, I'm impressed you're juggling the two.

  2. I'm currently doing a 5SSW Round Robin for the third in game year in a row and I've noticed by the time it's complete, there are no "Major Stars" in the company. It's tricky since the way TEW 2020 is built, the odd upset or short term push that do regularly happen in the likes of NJPW or STARDOM for example seem to be more a hindrance. I enjoy booking them and still will but I really need to make my current top stars dominate for a month before going back to Major Star.

    Unless... am I missing something here?

  3. I've got a game with multiple companies, so these are some of the current "guys":

    TCW - Logan Wolfsbaine because damn does TCW need some young blood and this guy has "it".

    WCW (formally CWW) - Robert McAullie, real man of the people vibe, booking like a Scottish Jon Moxley.

    5SSW - Fuyuko Higa because she's he best female worker in the world, of course she's the ace, currently having her own Kenta Kobashi in Noah style run!

  4. 6 minutes ago, Dave Mac said:

    ultimately as well like I said its done purely for my enjoyment.  If I was trying to create the CVerse perfectly I'd do it differently.  But for me someone like Sifu in 21CW is the only Asian.  It makes sense that to me he wouldn't be rocking the shaved head like everyone else.  Wrestlers want to suceed so in my mind they'd do things to make them stand out within their own company.  

    It also makes my life easier as some of this bald muscle MAry's on the roster look identical.  Having a different look helps me remember who on earth I'm booking! 

    Haha, very true. Having a similar issue after a takeover of TCW.

    No wonder lucha is easier to book for, for me.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Dave Mac said:

    And this is why I dont moan too much.  Jeff Nova an ex strongman is a big chap with bald head.  Hence the roster is full of people similar to that.  So it fits in with his character.  Just makes booking the company difficult.

    I have been working on these renders for a long time. I've used others and dont like the results.  The problem is real life and the Cverse isn't all just big characters.  Take John Cena for example a headshot of him would be rather unremarkable.  Yet he's been the biggest wrestler for decades. And like my roster of bald headed chaps what I'm finding hard with AI is injecting life and personality into the generic looking.  John Cena might from a headshot have an unremarkable look, yet you still know the charisma is there.  What I find with AI is it doesn't do a good job of injecting life behind the eyes of the character I guess.  But I think that comes down to it being AI its almost impossible to put that "look" into words if that makes sense.  

    You've got that right, hence why my game is reshaping the UK scene as much as possible and yes, I think I do know what you mean about the eyes. I also find a lot of look like Tekken characters so far. I like Tekken but a whole wrestling world of it, not so much. Still, it's early days and I'm very intrigued to see how it develops more, the tool is still being explored.

  6. 29 minutes ago, Dave Mac said:

    While I massively agree with this. And I've found the deeper you get into AI you find quite often you are just looking at the same base image of a face for example with slightly different hair.  

    However my flip side of that argument and I'll firstly say I love playing TEW. But the picture renders in the game are pretty terrible at times.  I've mentioned I play as 21CW and I'll show you my issue with the roster -


    Thats 26 people on the roster all with fairly the same look to the.  Its around 40% of your on screen roster looks like that. For me AI generated isn't perfect.  But least gets me away from a sea of bald heads.  And no hate as I shave my own head.  But I find it hard booking any company when there is so few different looks.

    Yeeesh, Nova sure does have a type doesn't he?

    Yeah I can agree the current crop isn't perfect either. I have massively diversified my renders over the years too. However I feel most renders look at least similar enough to fit in, however most AI renders are much much different in style (I cannot stand most of the female renders). Again, each to their own of course, however I find your AI renders in particular Dave bucking this trend already, much better, even early days of its use, so I could change my view on this in the future.

  7. 9 minutes ago, Idolized said:

    I will say this - it definitely puts the power in the player’s hands to flesh out their game world if they want to. How many times have you gotten a regen whose photo doesn’t match their stats or bio? Look at how many C-Verse renders are still floating around I touch from 2004-2005. I’d personally take “samey” high definition updated pics over those, especially when I have an idea for someone in my game.

    Glad you've got such use. Each to their own I guess.

    4 hours ago, Dave Mac said:


    My Tommy Cornell.

    This style I much prefer, doesn't look as "painted" as some of the others. Excellent job!

  8. On 11/15/2023 at 2:24 PM, ColdBloodedSausageMaker said:

    I understand why AI has appeal and why people use it. Renders and logos take a TON of time and skill and AI can step in and let you create graphics for a mod or creator in minutes. It democratizes the game and helps a lot of people. I'll probably use it at some point.

    Things with less detail, like trophies or belts, sometimes do come out really good particularly if further edited and messed around with in GIMP.

    As someone who has both made and requested logos for TEW, AI cannot  compete with either human-made logos or renders. For me at least, there's a level of craftsmanship in human-made work that AI cannot duplicate. For example, there's a huge problem with stylistic variety, line consistency and text alignment in logos and in renders a lack of contrast and a lack of consistent lighting source among other things.

    After you've seen a couple threads of AI generated images, (right now at least) the images do appear a bit samey. And given that AI works as a composite image based on prompts, I don't know if a future version will address the lack of variety and options.

    I can't speak for everyone involved but for me it doesn't appear the same.

    (Going to just say my general opinion of AI is that overall it isn't capable of replicating creative pursuits to a professional degree and may never be).


    I can agree with this, especially the samey part. I've noticed this particularly with the female renders. Unless Vince McMahon is booking every women's division on the planet, I need more variety is face and body types before I'm convinced on AI's benefits there.

    However I will give dues to the logos, noting the event logos in particular. Well done!

  9. On 11/13/2023 at 3:35 PM, Markw said:

    Just because there have been a few glum posters in various AI threads, just want to reiterate that the quality of the work our Daz renderers, photoshop/gimp logo creators and witchcraft/sorcerer belt creators produce is, in my view, infinitely preferable to the quantity provided by other sources. Your work is still very much appreciated by large chunks of this forum, so please don’t go getting any funny ideas about stopping  🔫

    I second this, the AI one's don't do it for me at all. As I've said elsewhere, everything looks "too uniform" if that makes sense and I genuinely appreciate all the work that many have put into their own renders. Thank you!

    • Like 5
  10. 21 hours ago, The Swanton825 said:

    I've tried to avoid saying anything about the AI renders because I didn't want to discourage newer users, but I really don't like most AI renders. It was really starting to get on my nerves how the AI posts were taking over the re-render thread. Though now that they've got their own thread, it doesn't bug me as much.

    If it helps, I agree completely. Hard to explain why exactly but a lot of the AI seems too slick like they're painted, overdesigned or too similar to each other.

    • Like 3
  11. 11 hours ago, willr0ck said:

    Thanks for posting this! I'm glad people are still getting use out of the mods. The last update had such poor download numbers I figured it was finished. ^Everything in the game sounds awesome so far.

    Dude seriously, you're work is excellent!

    Also I forgot one, CWWF up North as well, run by June Butler, close ties with CWWF.

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