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  1. Adam, Could you provide the booking skill and attribute coordination where an owner will remain booker or hire one? For example, will an owner with professional attribute hire a new booker unless his booking skill is XX? I have guys with decent skills but low rep (since they are new) who have 60 booking skill who ALWAYS hire a booker, yet another owner with 52 skill will stay booker and the latter is not a control freak or selfish but he is not professional
  2. Then I REALLY appreciate the edit! I am horrible at editing the AI images, my color blindness is BAAAD
  3. I bumped up Race's attributres a bit and he becomes THE MAN by 1975 I also lowered Killer Kowalski's overness and increased Ivan Koloffs and VOILA in the 8th of my test sims it was Ivan...not Killer who unseated Bruno!
  4. Yea, I think the perfect setting would be Jan 1970 to Jan 2000 as your other mod covers later on so well and there are a PLETHORA of Attitude era mods
  5. Oops sorry, I did not read your whole request Travis, my mistake
  6. I got the same one on the right but It was mispelled! How do get the darn AI to spell perfectly for you? Also THANK YOU VERY MUCH! Those are wonderful
  7. Thank you so much, I was going crazy as I was going through the database adding in some obscure women wrestlers and some 50's guys and I was wondering why the wrestler never really added up to the owner!
  8. Ok, ok....so I should change all those to be Preferred with a backup or two to make sure they open. Thanks for the quick reply as always Adam
  9. You are correct, Hogan did not have CC in WWF. All the things he gets accused of in WWF is Vince's call even against Patterson's or other creative guys ideas. Vince was really a bit scared of moving on from Hogan not realizing fans were changing and they wanted guys like Bret and Shawn
  10. The only thing I know about Tours is that it is better to create them yourself, have the schedule in the company as fixed and have the TV shows be a Tour Highlight instead of live. For example I have NJPW Figting Spirit run from January to February almost everyday with most in Kanto but some in other areas of Japan. Then the last one I put as season finale. I may be wrong on that, but it works for the most part
  11. Ok, so if I have Mammoth's 1970 mod and AJPW and NJPW are to open in 1972 with Giant Baba and Antonio Inoki as mandatory owners and both are under contract with JWA, will those companies NOT open?
  12. No, I knew I would phrase that confusingly Theoretically I have AWA Tour I (Mid West) Tuesdays - held in the studio AWA Tour II (Great Lakes) Weds AWA Tour III (Mid West) Thu AWA Tour IV (Manitoba) Sun All events are 2 hours I have a TV Show called AWA All-Star Wrestling where I set it as on Tue and shown on Saturdays and it is one hour and have it 2 tapings at a time, so event =2 hrs, TV =1 hr...should work, correct? The show has a different card than the event held on Tuesday
  13. Could I please bother you for a Utah Championship Wrestling logo one in the style of the 1960s and one in the style of the 1980s?
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