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Posts posted by ColdBloodedSausageMaker

  1. 0. Blackpool Combat Club (Claudio Castagnoli, Daniel Garcia & Wheeler Yuta) vs. Gravity, El Hijo del Vikingo & Bandido
     0. Miro vs. Keith Lee (w/CJ Perry)
     0. Big Bill & Ricky Starks vs. Lucha Brothers (Rey Fénix & Penta El Zero Miedo)

     1. ROH World/NJPW STRONG Openweight Championship: Eddie Kingston XDdjFCe.png vs. Swerve Strickland
     2. AEW TBS Championship: Kris Statlander
    XDdjFCe.png vs. Willow Nightingale
     3. Kenny Omega vs. Powerhouse Hobbs
     4. AEW World Trios Championship: The Acclaimed & Billy Gunn
    XDdjFCe.png vs. United Empire (Will Ospreay, Kyle Fletcher & Mark Davis)
     5. AEW World Tag Team Championship: House Of Black (Brody King & Malakai Black)
    XDdjFCe.png vs. Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson)
     6. AEW Women's World Championship: Saraya 
    XDdjFCe.png vs. Thunder Rosa
     7. Adam Copeland vs. Christian Cage

     8. Full Gear Title Eliminator - Final: Adam Page vs. Andrade El Idolo
     9. AEW International Championship: Bryan Danielson 
    XDdjFCe.png vs. Kota Ibushi
     10. AEW World Championship: MJF
    XDdjFCe.png vs. Jay White

    • Like 1
  2. Corgan's NWA has made some big names in wrestling. Ricky Starks got his big break there among others.

    I've liked a lot of what I've watched on the undercard even when I haven't been sold on the main event with NWA.

    Intrigued to see what NWA can do with a TV Slot. Can't think of how it won't be a good thing.

  3. 37 minutes ago, PH71 said:

    Wcw Logos


    Nitro Episode 3: 

    Wednesday 16th May 2001

    Live late-night on FX

    7,366 crowd at the Odeum Expo Center


    Runaway - Linkin Park (Hybrid Theory) - YouTube


    Show opens up with Linkin Park's 'Runaway'

    Tony Schiavone on comms says it's Wednesday night folks and you know what that means...IT'S WCW NITRO LIVE FROM NORTH CAROLINA!!! 


    We're starting hot tonight with your first match coming up right now! Juventud Guerrera and Billy Kidman face off with the winner going to Big Bang to challenge the Cruiserweight Champion, Shane Helms, for his title!



    Match 1: 

    Billy Kidman (with Torrie Wilson) vs Juventud Guerrera 

    WCW Billy Kidman 4th Theme (1998-2000) - YouTube

    Mexicools - theme and Titantron Video - YouTube

    When Juventud comes out Super Crazy and Psychosis come with him and they wish him luck before he indicates for them to go back as he doesn't need them.

    It's a really exciting high-spots match to start the show with both guys putting in a great performance and giving their all to try and get a shot at the Cruiserweight Title at Big Bang. 

    Towards the end of the match Kidman has Juventud down but when he gets up to the top rope to give him the Shooting Star Press he momentarily slips on the top rope, by the time he gets his balance back and hits the move Juventud gets his knees up to counter. Juvi then gets a Juvi Driver in and gets the win. 

    Juventud wins via pinfall - (6.04 minutes) - 68 rating

    After the match Billy Kidman is visibly extremely upset and frustrated as Torrie Wilson does her best to console him whilst Juvi celebrates


    Rob Van Dam with Bill Alfonso is in Shane McMahon's office with Eric Bischoff and Johnny Ace. 

    Shane congratulates RVD on the win and says the U.S belt looks great on him. Bischoff asks RVD about Tommy Dreamer being at Nitro last week, he says RVD used to be in ECW, he must know what's going on there. 

    Bill Alfonso starts going mad at him but RVD gets him to chill out.

    RVD says of course he loved ECW and he has a lot of respect for guys like Tommy Dreamer who helped make it big, but ECW is dead. RVD had out-grown ECW and he had to move on and become Mr Wednesday Night for WCW instead. ECW is his past, but WCW is his present and future. RVD was the hottest free agent in wrestling, not Tommy Dreamer.

    Bischoff says that's just as well as there's no way they'd consider giving bums like Tommy Dreamer or that silly guy who jumped through the tables... what was his name... Shamu?? 

    RVD says Shamu was the jumping Orca at Seaworld... Bischoff says what's the difference? They are both nothing more than one trick pony performing stunt monkeys and at least the whale knew how to draw in a mainstream audience. RVD cracks up at this whilst Bill Alfonso looks a bit uncomfortable. 

    Shane says look if the Champ says he doesn't know anything about Dreamer being there that's good with me. He was probably just trying to get himself over or get some revenge on that Mike Awesome fella... the way he's betrayed his country I guess you can't blame him for having a pop at him.

    Just as they're talking Stevie Ray bursts into the office. 

    Stevie Ray gets up in RVD's face demanding he spill the beans. Shane, Bischoff and Johnny Ace intervene to split them up with Bill Alfonso angrily blowing his whistle. 

    Stop blowing that damn thing Shane shouts above the racket.

    What's your problem Bischoff asks Stevie Ray.

    Stevie Ray says do they not think it's a coincidence his brother gets hit by a car and then RVD manages to win the title in the main event. Was it RVD who hit him? This whistle man?? Tommy Dreamer?? It stinks! Until he proves himself otherwise he thinks RVD can't be trusted! 

    RVD says he's sorry about what happened with Booker but he was just in the right place at the right time. Johnny Ace points out that there was someone from the crowd trying to intervene in Booker's match with Chavo, maybe there is someone out to get Booker, but that doesn't mean it's RVD.

    Stevie Ray says he still don't trust RVD! 

    RVD says to make things right he's happy to give Booker a rematch later tonight as fair is fair...Stevie Ray says Booker isn't cleared to compete tonight and it's just hollow words he probably knew Booker wouldn't be fit to compete tonight.

    Shane steps in and says well RVD if you want to put that title on the line later tonight... we can't have Rob Van Dam vs Booker T for the U.S Title... but how about we have... Rob Van Dam vs Stevie Ray for the U.S Title!! 

    RVD says sure thing no problem and offers a handshake to Stevie Ray who seems to change his tune and shakes RVD's hand given he now has an opportunity of his own at the title

    Freestyle segment with Shane McMahon, Rob Van Dam, Eric Bischoff, Johnny Ace & Stevie Ray - (66 rated) 


    Terry Funk is in the dressing room when suddenly Lance Storm and Mike Awesome barge in

    Mike Awesome has an eye-patch on and is wearing a neck brace. He doesn't look good.

    Lance Storm is getting in Terry Funk's face saying he stole a win against Mike Awesome because of that coward Tommy Dreamer last week. He thinks it's funny to hit a pile-driver on a man who was clearly concussed? It's scum-bag behaviour and shows that Terry Funk doesn't belong on national TV anymore... he should be slumming it on the indies having to buy tickets to WCW like that bum Tommy Dreamer! 

    Christopher Daniels appears on camera and tells Storm to stop disrespecting a legend like Terry Funk. Daniels says there's nothing wrong with the indies. Daniels says he used to respect Lance Storm and enjoyed watching guys like him, Awesome, Funk and Dreamer in ECW. But Awesome and Storm have gone down in his estimations since he started sharing a locker-room with them. 

    Storm is furious. Says who the hell even are you to Daniels. Daniels says he'll show Storm who the hell he is. Daniels challenges Storm to a match later tonight. Storm laughs manically and says if he has to beat some respect into some indie bum later tonight then that's exactly what he'll do. 

    He storms off with Awesome following him holding his neck.

    Terry Funk lectures Daniels that he can fight his own battles but he respects the kid's fighting spirit

    Freestyle segment with Team Canada (Awesome & Storm), Terry Funk and Christopher Daniels - (41 rated) 


    The announcers confirm it's official later tonight will see Lance Storm take on the young indie star and recent WCW signing Christopher Daniels 1 on 1

    Match 2: 

    Hugh Morrus vs Curt Hennig

    Hugh Morrus WCW Theme "Xtra Large" - YouTube

    WCW Mr. Perfect 1st Theme "Rock Energy" (HQ) - YouTube

    The announcers hype up this match being made last week after Hugh Morrus interrupted Curt Hennig's fairly emotional interview with JJ Dillon about his own son not really respecting him for never being a world champion. If Curt is going to stake a claim for a future title shot then this is the kind of match he has to be winning. 

    It's a solid match with both guys getting in a decent amount of offence with Morrus storming out the block, but Hennig eventually uses his technical superiority to gain control of the match eventually getting the win.

    Curt Hennig defeats Hugh Morrus - (5.41) - (60 rated)


    Shane Helms is backstage when Juventud comes strolling in, says hello champ, I'm looking forward to become Champion for a 4th time... Shane says Juvi shouldn't be so sure he will get the job done. Juvi says he'll see him at Big Bang baby and walks off

    3 Count (Karagias & Moore) come into set. Shane is annoyed and says not you guys again, I told you, no reunion... the band is finished. Moore says Shane needs all the help he can get, Juvi rolls with those cats Super Crazy and Pyschosis... if they get involved at Big Bang then Shane will need 3 Count to even the odds! 

    Shane says he's got this far without them and he doesn't need them now and to stay out of his business they're just trying to keep relevant by wanting to hang onto the Champ. There's no guarantee that Super Crazy and Psychosis even make it to Big Bang they've got a match with DDP and that crazy cat Kanyon tonight! Now leave me alone!

    Freestyle segment with Shane Helms, Juventud Guerrera and 3 Count (Evan Karagias & Shannon Moore) - (43 rated) 


    DDP and Kanyon in the locker-room. 

    DDP says he can't believe those crazy MexiCruisers challenged them to a match but you gotta give it to them. You disrespected them last week Kanyon and they asked for the match. 

    Kanyon says they'll rue the day they messed with him and if they'd just told him what he needed to hear they wouldn't have needed to get into this mess. 

    Booker T storms in looking like he's in some pain and not all there

    DDP asks Booker if he's okay showing genuine concern. Kanyon just looks annoyed at the interruption. 

    Booker T asks DDP if he knows anything about what happened last week. The way he sees it DDP is the one who benefitted from all this. Sure RVD got the title off him... but is all this some crazy scheme to play mind games with him going into Big Bang so DDP can win the world title?? Did he think if he sat in the parking lot all night stalking Sharmell he'd eventually get a free hit at Booker??

    DDP laughs this off as crazy talk. You think I'm some kind of stalker?? Not even Vince Russo could come up with something that stupid! DDP says Booker should have taken the night off to rest in time for Big Bang he's clearly not feeling right. 

    Booker says he's sure DDP would like him to take the night off so he can help screw over his brother Stevie in the main event tonight too. Booker T says he's staying here to make sure nothing funny happens to Stevie tonight, can you dig that sucka??

    DDP looks baffled as Booker storms off in a huff. Kanyon says Booker is just entitled, throwing his toys out the pram that he's lost 1 title when he's still got another 1 whilst guys like him who work their ass off every week can't even get a shot at any title. DDP promises him his time will come.

    Freestyle segment with DDP, Kanyon & Booker T - (91 rated)


    Match 3: 

    Tajiri & Kid Kash vs Fit Finlay & Dave Taylor

    Tajiri's 2001 v1 Titantron Entrance Video feat. "Imperial City" Theme [HD] - YouTube

    Kid Kash's 2005 Titantron Entrance Video feat. "Kash Money" Theme [HD] - YouTube


    Finlay's 2006 v2 Titantron Entrance Video feat. "Lambeg v2" Theme [HD] - YouTube

    The announcers state that Fit Finlay put a challenge to Tajiri to have this tag match and Tajiri accepted this challenge roping in former ECW colleague Kid Kash to tag together tonight. They make a point about how Tajiri and Kash came out separately and Finlay & Taylor came out together, can their experience as a team see them through against much younger and more agile competitors tonight?
    Very early on in the match Kid Kash comes down from a top rope move and appears to sprain an ankle. He immediately tags in Tajiri and seems to indicate to him that he's done, he can't compete anymore and he hobbles out towards the back. Arn Anderson slaughters him on commentary saying Kash is coward, but Tony says if you're hurt you're hurt I think it's smart.

    Tajiri is clearly on the back foot for the majority of the match as it becomes a defacto handicap match now. He puts up a really good fight getting in big kicks on Taylor and Finlay throughout but the numbers game catches up with him in the end as Finlay picks up the win. 

    Fit Finlay & Dave Taylor win via pinfall (9.01) - (52 rated) 

    After the match Fit Finlay and Taylor wait for Tajiri to get up and offer to shake his hand. Tajiri shakes both their hands and then bows  to both of them before out of nowhere spitting green mist into Dave Taylor's face, laughing and then leaving the ring. Dave Taylor is furiously trying to clean his eyes after Finlay fail's to grab Tajiri as he slides out the ring. Finlay asks Dave is okay and then kind of laughs at him and looks at Tajiri walking off almost impressed by him.



    Johnny Ace, Shane McMahon and Eric Bischoff are in Shane's office when in walks Road Warrior Animal. Johnny gets up and greets his brother, Bischoff doesn't look particularly impressed but Shane is excited to see him.

    Johnny asks where's Hawk and Animal says he couldn't be here tonight and he's a bit apprehensive about coming back and thinks they might've had their time in the sun already. Bischoff says I told you so to Shane and Johnny who seem to ignore him and Shane tells him it's already booked for big bang...Sean O'Haire & Chuck Palumbo vs THE ROAD WARRIORS for the WCW World Tag Team Championsip!

    Eric Bischoff says to Shane that whilst he thinks it's a good booking... it could be better. Shane says he's all ears. Eric says The Road Warriors didn't earn this shot... O'Haire & Palumbo have been fighting week in week out to keep the belts and they have those belts on the line at Big Bang... well Animal says old Hawky isn't sure if they're past their best or not... well how about at Big Bang you have Sean O'Haire & Chuck Palumbo vs THE ROAD WARRIORS for the WCW World Tag Team Championship...

    I like it Shane says...

    TITLE VS CAREER!!! Bischoff adds. 

    Woah what do you mean Johnny asks? 

    I mean, Bischoff says, if Animal here and his buddy Hawk win the match then they get the titles and a nice spot on our growing roster on the hottest wrestling show on television... but if they LOSE... then that's the last ever match we see from The Road Warriors...PERIOD! 

    Shane asks Animal what he thinks. 

    Bischoff says he thinks Animal doesn't have the guts to go through with it because he knows they're time is done too that's why he had to call up and beg his brother for a favour!

    Animal is a bit unsure. Johnny Ace jumps in to tell him he doesn't need to make a decision now, he should talk to his partner about it first...

    But Animal's pride is wounded by Bischoff's taunting and he says that it's settled. TITLES VS CAREER at Big Bang!! 

    Johnny Ace looked a bit worried but Bischoff and now Shane too seem pleased by this development

    Tony on commentary hypes this up saying that's just added a huge element of jeopardy to that match at Big Bang! 


    Match 4: 

    Stacy Keibler (with Shawn Stasiak) vs Meiko Satomura

    Stacy Keibler 2001 - "The Girl Next Door" WWE Entrance Theme - YouTube

    Meiko Satomura - "My Own Destiny" (NXT UK THEME) - YouTube

    A debut for young Japanese talent Meiko Satomura against Stacy Keibler. The announcers hype up that Stacy has been training in the WCW Power Plant but despite being the same age as Stacy actually has around 5-6 years of experience in the ring. 

    Stacy gets a decent amount of offence in but Meiko is carrying the match and gets the better of her for most of it. The match ends when Stacy gets distracted by Stasiak shouting advice and encouragement at her which Meiko uses as a distraction to score a roll-up victory. 

    Meiko Satomura wins via pinfall - (4.06) - (34 rated) 


    JJ Dillon interview with Sean O'Haire & Chuck Palumbo

    JJ asks them how they feel about it being confirmed they will face The Road Warriors for the Tag Team titles at Big Bang! 

    Chuck says they're proud of how they've been doing lately and they're looking forward to testing themselves against the legendary team at the PPV.

    Sean O'Haire says it might well be the end of the road for the Road Warriors and being the team who retired the Road Warriors would be a hell of a statement to the rest of the tag team division not just in WCW but in the entire business. 

    Freestyle segment with JJ Dillon, Sean O'Haire & Chuck Palumbo - (49 rated) 



    Rob Van Dam with the U.S Title seen in the back congratulating Meiko Satomura on her big victory. As he's doing so Shawn Stasiak and Stacy Keibler storm into set with Stacy looking crestfallen at her loss and angry at Meiko. 

    Shawn sarcastically says oh hey champ! Great to see you! Trying to get some tips ahead of your big match tonight? You're gonna need them!

    RVD tells him if anything he thinks Stacy is the one who could do with a few tips and he's a very giving guy he'd be more than happy to come down to the Power Plant and show her the ropes...

    Shawn is furious at this and tells him RVD better watch himself if he can hold onto that title tonight then sooner or later someone better than him will take it off him. Stacy tells Meiko she got lucky tonight and Stacy could beat her any time any place. 

    Meiko says okay then... why not next week... Stacy and Shawn can take on Meiko and R-V-D! 

    Stacy looks a bit apprehensive but Shawn and RVD instantly agree and face up to each other

    Freestyle segment with Rob Van Dam, Shawn Stasiak, Meiko Satomura and Stacy Keibler (54 rated) 


    Match 5: 

    Barry Windham (with Mike Rotunda) vs Johnny 'The Bull' (with Buff Bagwell) 

    Barry Windham 9th WCW Theme 'Road To Glory (Underscore)' - YouTube

    Johnny "The Bull" Stamboli's 2nd Titantron Entrance Video [HD] - YouTube

    Johnny 'The Bull' is bang up for this match looking to impress his prospective tag team partner and friend Buff Bagwell. Buff looks disinterested at ring-side whilst Mike Rotunda offers encouragement for his brother in law and tag team partner throughout. 

    Both guys look fairly good in this match with Windham maybe getting slightly more offence in than 'The Bull'. 'The Bull' makes a mistake towards the end of the match which Windham eventually capitalises on and hits his finisher before getting the pin.

    Barry Windham wins via pinfall - (5.23) - (42 rated) 
    After the match Johnny looks fairly crestfallen at the loss. Windham offers to shake his hand and Johnny looks like he will shake his hand but Windham gets knocked down by a frustrated Buff Bagwell. Rotunda immediately storms the ring to even the odds and a brawl breaks out with between them. Windham manages to clothesline Buff over the top rope and they hit their tag finisher on Johnny 'The Bull'. 

    Buff is furious at this development and challenges Windham to a singles match at Big Bang! Windham manages to get a mic and says let's make it a tag team match... Windham & Rotunda vs Buff Bagwell & Johnny 'The Bull!! 

    Buff doesn't seem too keen on tagging with The Bull but he agrees to the match nonetheless in the heat of the moment. 


    JJ Dillon interview with Kid Romeo & Elix Skipper

    JJ asks Romeo & Skipper about their loss on the first edition of Nitro and how big a setback that is for them. 

    Skipper and Romeo say you win some and you lose some. Sure they lost to Team Canada in a big opportunity for them but they'll be back as they're a young team.

    3 Count come into set. Evan Karagias says Romeo & Skipper are the worst tag team in the company. Romeo says shouldn't you be called 2 Count now? Your main attraction ditched you and you're like the two less talented singers in a band trying to keep the band going as you gradually play smaller and smaller venues to less and less fans every week. 

    Moore says they'll prove Shane Helms and everyone else in this locker-room and watching at home that 3 Count is on the Comeback reunion tour next week when they get the 1-2-3 versus Romeo & Skipper!  

    Freestyle segment with 3 Count (Evan Karagias & Shannon Moore) and Kid Romeo & Elix Skipper (37 rated)


    Match 6:

    Christopher Daniels (with Terry Funk) vs Lance Storm (with Mike Awesome)

    TNA Themes - Christopher Daniels (Wings Of A Fallen Angel v1) - YouTube

    Lance Storm WCW Titantron - "Team Canada" - YouTube

    The announcers hype up Christopher Daniels getting his big chance on national TV against such an established athlete in Lance Storm. Mike Awesome still in his eye-patch and neck brace looks paranoid and scans the crowd for potential threats. 

    He tells Storm and the referee that Terry Funk can't be trusted. He's in on it! He's the real traitor!

    The in ring action in this match is some of the best we've seen so far in the Shane McMahon Nitro era. Storm looks amazing but Daniels also looks great. Storm eventually gets the win by tapping out Daniels who takes a while before he gives out.

    Lance Storm wins via submission - (6.15)  - (69 rated) 



    After the match Storm signals to Awesome who throws a chair into the ring. Funk tries to stop him but Funk is slow on his feet and Lance Storm manages to get several chair shots in on Daniels before Storm can get there. Awesome grabs Funk's legs from the outside and Storm manages get a chair short in on Funk too who lies prone in the ring alongside the fallen Daniels.

    Freestyle segment with Team Canada (Lance Storm & Mike Awesome), Terry Funk & Christopher Daniels - (52 rated)



    Big Bang hype package advertising Booker T vs DDP for the WCW World Championship, Sean O'Haire & Chuck Palumbo vs The Road Warriors for the WCW World Tag Team Championship and Shane Helms vs Juventud Guerrera for the WCW Cruiserweight Championship

    (52 rated)



    Match 7:

    The MexiCruisers (Psychosis & Super Crazy) vs DDP & Kanyon

    Mexicools - theme and Titantron Video - YouTube

    Kanyon - YouTube

    WCW DDP Theme Song Self High Five - YouTube

    The announcers hype up this match being made after the MexiCruisers put up the challenge after Kanyon punched Super Crazy all over trying to find the whereabouts of Chavo Guerrero after Chavo stole his shot at the U.S title on the 1st episode of Nitro. 

    The announcers hype up MexiCruisers as a good tag team but albeit still big underdogs in this match given the experience and pedigree of Kanyon and especially DDP in this match. 

    Psychosis and Super Crazy use their speed and high-flying to get in a bit of offence here and there but DDP is kept very strong in this match looking really good against both of them. At one point they manage to keep him isolated for a little while but he soon tags in Kanyon for the hot tag who comes in and starts destroying Psychosis and Super Crazy.

    The fans seem into it and Kanyon looks like he's going to get a finish and the big win as he punches Psychosis off the apron and hits his finisher on Super Crazy when

    WCW Chavo Guerrero Last Theme - YouTube

    Kanyon turns round to see Chavo at the entrance way. Kanyon is furious. Chavo comes down the ramp cockily waving and blowing kisses to Kanyon. Kanyon immediately gets out of the ring and goes for Chavo. Chavo runs into the crowd and Kanyon runs after him determined to get his hands on the man who cost him his big shot at the U.S title. 

    DDP looks a bit frustated and tries to work out where Kanyon is and whether he's got his hands on Chavo. 

    The camera cuts to Kanyon who seems to have lost Chavo, gives up, kicks an empty chair in the crowd and makes his way back to the ring but


    DDP frantically signals and shouts for Kanyon to get back. Kanyon is the legal man and is getting counted out!! 


    Kanyon gets near to the barrier but it's too late as just as he jumps over the barrier...


    The MexiCruisers have won via countout!!

    DDP has his head in his hands and Kanyon is absolutely raging, kicking the stairs and slamming the mat. 

    Super Crazy sneaks out of the ring celebrates with Pyschosis manically on the outside as they pick up a huge upset win against DDP & Kanyon

    The MexiCruisers win via count-out - (7.22) - (54 rated) 



    Shane McMahon promo on the big screen hyping up Big Bang which is now just 2 weeks away. 

    He now says he hopes fans enjoy yet another big-time main event title match with RVD taking on Stevie Ray.

    Shane McMahon promo - (77 rated) 



    WCW Booker T Theme - YouTube

    Booker T comes down to a bit of confusion from the announcers but he comes and joins them on colour commentary for the match

    Freestyle segment with Booker T (79 rated) 


    Stevie Ray 1st WCW Theme 'Rap Sheet' - YouTube

    WWE Rob Van Dam 1st Theme "Van Daminator" (HQ) - YouTube


    Main Event / Match 8

    Rob Van Dam (C) (with Bill Alfonso) vs Stevie Ray for the WCW United States Championship

    Booker T on commentary doesn't sound 100 percent, Tony shows concern but Arn praises him for coming to the show and looking out for his brother Stevie Ray.

    Before the match starts and Stevie and RVD are sizing each other up Booker pushes the idea that DDP was behind the car incident. Arn says do you not agree with Shane that it was just an accident and nothing untoward? Booker T says tell me you didn't just say that Arn. I'm tellin' you I don't know who's behind it but clearly someone's out to get me. 

    The match itself is a pretty good one, Stevie Ray puts in a good performance but he can't really get near Rob Van Dam who looks brilliant in his first defence of the U.S title. Booker T moans on comms that Bill Alfonso's whistle is giving him a migraine or something. Rob Van Dam eventually picks up the win with the Five Star Frogsplash to retain the title. 

    Rob Van Dam wins via pinfall - (8.12) - (67 rated)

    Booker T comes off commentary disappointed, not looking 100 percent but after scanning the crowd worried for someone out to get him he gets towards the ring in support of Stevie Ray who looks disappointed to have lost as RVD celebrates in the ring with Bill Alfonso going wild.


    Show rating: 77

    1.04 TV rating (780K viewers) 

    Best rated and viewership so far. Very good, very nice. Hopefully we can build on this again in the go home show before the first PPV.


    Not sure I would've teased the Road Warriors retirement yet. Feels a bit like hotshotting. But I do get you want a big angle for the PPV.

    Might be fun to see RVD & Sabu vs. Harlem Heat at some point especially with Bill Alfonso now in the fold. Even if it's a one-night deal for Sabu.

    Love the angle with Funk & Dreamer against Team Canada. If ECW goes under (and I think they usually do within a year in the mod), could we see an "invasion" of some sort? Would be cool to see the old ECW belt on WCW TV.

    Love that Juventud is given a push but I'm a bit worried given his personal problems around this point. Would love to see a Luchador challenge for the main title at some point since they're getting use outside the cruiserweight division.

    I like that there is a definite reset for the show so far.

  4. On 10/14/2023 at 2:00 AM, Self said:

    My fantasy booking changes to 'save' companies are usually the same. 

    - Give each show a unique identity, aided by a soft brand split. The best thing about early Collision to me, was Andrade. He was featured every week, and was exclusive to Collision. If I only watched wrestling on Saturday, I got to see him consistently. If I loved Andrade, I only had to watch Saturday to get his entire story. So each show would have exclusive 5-10 acts, with mostly undercard or cameo acts floating around.

    - I'd extend that to the secondary belts. The 6-man tag team titles, the champions, the challengers, and the stories, would only be on Rampage (for example). Love Lucha clusters? You want Rampage. One of the Women's belts would be exclusive to Collision, aided by that show being 50% women's matches. Love women's wrestling? Collision is the show for you. 

    - Drop the Tertiary titles. Excess belts are a lazy man's booking crutch. 

    - Rip off the G1 tournament, albeit retooled for television. My TEW version is typically 8 guys I want to feature, everyone fights everyone over 12-13 weeks. Points system. 10 minute time limits. Loser gets fired. Winner gets something bigger than a title shot (not a good prize). Everyone gets a journey and a story and (short) promos to talk about matches, performances, tactics. Taz and Big Show as pundits talking about how Ricky Starks only needs a draw this week to retain his lead, Hangman Page should probably try to work on his submissions to earn some extra bonus points, and Buddy Murphy should stop getting disqualified because he's really close to coming in last.

    Agree with most the stuff here. All relatively simple, common sense changes Tony could make.

    On 10/14/2023 at 2:00 AM, Self said:

    Although if you went back in time 10 years, I'd probably have the same ideas for TNA. I never thought AEW would be this much of a success just doing what they're doing, and I was wrong. They are fine. 

    I don't have that level of confidence in AEW. Given the resources the company has, I feel they should be doing better. Tony recently has made some questionable decisions that could really hurt the company down the line.

    I'm content with how the company has performed, but I'm worried about the direction AEW is heading in right now for a number of reasons. Tony has struggled with a lot of the same pitfalls that Dixie Carter did with TNA.

    There seems to be some real problems with backstage politics and personal issues in AEW that have led to some bad press. Many former prominent people in the business seem very worried with Tony's inability to distinguish between a personal and professional relationship. It's rare to see Bischoff, Cornette and Vince Russo agree on anything, but all three have expressed major concerns over Tony's professionalism with talent.

    Over the last year, AEW has made some really questionable booking decisions. Tony keeps putting the belt on guys who are hurt, unreliable or both. He's done this with three champions in a little over a year.

    Moxley wasn't under contract when he won the championship in 2022, Punk was unreliable and hurt when he won the belt from Moxley (and immediately got injured), and current champion MJF's contract expires in January. He needs to tie guys down to long-term deals before giving them the world title.

    Tony's in a situation right now where his top star could show up with a competitor and claim to be the "real" AEW Champion due to these continued decisions. And it could happen again with MJF in January 2024.

    Other than MJF, AEW hasn't pushed home-grown talent to the main event. As a result, their main stars are older, banged up former WWE Talent. Two of the last three champions have dropped a title due to injury in a little over a year. The #1 Contender, Adam Cole, can't defend his ROH tag title due to injury. The fans are solidly behind guys like MJF, Powerhouse Hobbs, Ricky Starks and Wardlow, but excluding MJF, those guys haven't yet had a run on top.

    Tony needs to avoid making these common-sense mistakes in the future. Particularly, he needs to make sure reliable talent under contract are on top. You don't to repeat other companies' mistakes like Flair taking the WCW World title to WWF. You don't want the champion vacating the World Title due to injury. Tony keeps risking those nightmare situations.

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  5. 4 hours ago, sonny912 said:

    First, why!? Why would you bring in Eric bischoff!? He's the reason wcw went down the crapper in the first place! The whole point of trying to rebuild wcw is to not repeat past mistakes. 2nd, how many former ecw guys went to wcw? Cause I thought guys like rvd, dreamer and Tajiri still went to wwf with heyman.

    I'm not a fan of the Bischoff hiring either. I get he's over and talented, but Bischoff also at this point has go-away heat with the WCW fans.

    He's great for ratings but in real life WCW fans would have treated Bischoff like Jeff Jarrett in AEW.

    ECW was still running shows at this point. As a result, most the ECW guys are still available in the mod, so they're free to hire -- in real life, EVD and most others signed with WWF in a month or two (if I remember correctly).

    Love the RVD Debut. Don't mind that Booker dropped the title. I usually prefer to have the figurehead chasing the main title than holing a main title. You want a figurehead in a match every week on TV if possible, and World Heavyweight Champions tend not to wrestle weekly.

    I would try not to let Booker T take too many losses. That way, a big shock loss like this would stand out even more and get RVD more over.

    Alfonso's a guy you could really build a stable around. There are many wrestlers who'd work well with Alfonso. For example, Awesome & Storm would work well with Alfonso if they drop the Team Canada gimmicks.

    He's also a good referee which ads another dimension to his booking.

    I've always been a fan of The Unholy Alliance in ECW. I'm a big fan of Taijiri and Whipwreck and thought the group really stood out even in a sea of goth and occult gimmicks. Since Tajiri is in WCW, I'd love to see Mikey Whipwreck & Sinister Minister turn up eventually.

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  6. Love what I'm seeing from Skye Blue's gimmick so far.

    Skye's kicks do give her a real intimidating aura. They're really believable and stiff -- sounded like she hit Emi Sakura with a brick each time to foot landed.

    She doesn't have to turn heel to be feared, but I would look forward to a her heel run.

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  7. 22 hours ago, sonny912 said:

    Windham is younger than ddp? Didn't know that. Weren't Hogan and Savage in their 40's when they joined wcw?

    He was born in 1960, DDP was born in 1956.

    Guys started really young in the territory days. Terry Gordy was a main eventer when he was like 18 in Texas, for example.

    Modern fans forget how great Barry Windham was. The guy had all the tools to be a Hogan or Flair level star, but didn't quite have the single-minded focus on wrestling to take his career to that level. Windham also had some bad luck too.

    But he absolutely was -- and could still be -- a top guy.

  8. 1 hour ago, CQI13 said:

    They can always hang their hat on the demo. But in all honesty, AEW is going nowhere. It wasn't a great look, but it was a stacked NXT. Everything Tony did to try to counter it though seemed like overkill if we are playing the result.

    AEW is reacting like they're desperate, and it's making things worse.

    For one, they're hotshotting titles and not building their angles as well to chase a rating each night.

    AEW brass needs to control their emotions better, and more importantly, communicate more professionally publicly.

    Tony, for one, could use some social media training.

    • Haha 1
  9. 2 hours ago, aXminster said:

    IMO ROH stuff shouldn't be featured on AEW. It should be kept as developmental and the champions shouldn't overlap.

    I would tolerate it more if they made the ROH Stuff feel special. But overall, I agree, way too much ROH Titles and stuff knocking around AEW.

    2 hours ago, ColdBloodedSausageMaker said:

    Cancel either AEW Collision or AEW Rampage and rebrand the other. Have a new announce team and noticeably different presentation on the new show. Have different storylines on the B-shows and feature different talent in big spots. 

    (Examples separated because this involves a bit of fantasy booking)

    AEW would probably do best to tape the B-Show in a home arena similar to Lucha Underground's Temple or The Impact Zone. 

    I'd probably use Lucha Underground as a template for the show. Have the B-show focus on the Luchadors. AEW has a lot of talent really over in Mexico and they should cater more to that audience. 

    Andrade is a guy who could be huge for AEW in that regard.

    Might consider the main B-show title being an X-Division equivalent to further make the B-Show feel special. Only occasionally have the B-show title defended on big Dynamites and PPVs and bring out the B-Show commentary team, officials and presentation when you do so.

    You might even consider pitching the show to a Spanish-Language channel at some point.

    You could also work with AAA to produce or even-copromote the show or at the least do some talent trades.

    If nothing else, a show with matches contested under 2/3 falls and Lucha rules would be distinct from regular AEW Dynamite. It wouldn't come off as a Dynamite B-roll.

  10. 1 hour ago, FellaLibby said:

    This isn't TNA like when Hogan-Biscoff era, or Dixie. But I'd agree that when Punk got the axe, he did take a lot of winds out of their sales, figuratively and literally. As much as I dislike CM Punk, his name carries alot of weight and many fans. While Adam 'Edge' Copeland is a big deal, especially retaining the Metallingus song, it isn't enough to stem the tide of down business. Basically, the honeymoon period is over, and they need to figure out a way to regain interest.

    So GDS faithful, let's brainstorm together what does AEW need to do to regain momentum? I'll start. Cut back on "big announcements".

    From most to least important things that would help AEW gain momentum:

    (one or two really specific things but I'm trying not to venture too far into booking territory)

    Sign MJF to a long-term deal and make sure he's on TV a lot more. Even if this means MJF dropping the world title. He's their clear #1 draw and his absence hurts the show. 

    Sign Will Ospreay long-term exclusively when his contract comes up with NJPW soon. Arguably their top heel right now and one of the few guys AEW has pushed consistently.  He's coming off huge PPV wins over Kenny Omega and Chris Jericho and in a hot faction, he needs to be written a blank check to keep him aboard. 

    Spend more time promoting big matches on TV.

    Limit the number of TV Special Episodes to no more than 15 yearly.

    Have more big matches and more build for the TV Special Episodes. Model your existing Special Episodes off the Grand Slam Arthur Ashe Stadium Show.

    Have at most 5 PPVs a year -- All Out, All In, Double or Nothing, Full Gear and Revolution. Replace Forbidden Door and less prestigious PPV specials with similar Special Episodes. TV almost always gets more viewers than PPV -- PPV is for drawing money -- and AEW has plenty of money right now.

    Get some David Finlay appearances so you can run the Bullet Club vs. Bullet Club Gold angle. 

    Push Juice Robinson. Make him head of Bullet Club in AEW. 

    Push Anthony Bowens as a main event babyface.

    Run more shows in the UK where AEW has some momentum. 

    Have Jamie Hayter unify the TBS Title and the AEW Women's Title. 

    Have Jamie Hayter squash Britt Baker and then have Britt take several months off television to reinvent her character.

    Run a big women's-only TV Special in England where Jamie Hayter beats Saraya in a Title vs. Career match in the main event. Build the match on TV for at least a month. 

    Have Saraya retire and work in commentary and backstage as an agent.

    Don't run a regular TV Show on the weekend.

    Cancel either AEW Collision or AEW Rampage and rebrand the other. Have a new announce team and noticeably different presentation on the new show. Have different storylines on the B-shows and feature different talent in big spots. 

    Cut dead weight from the roster. 

    Have either Adam Cole, Bryan Danielson or Samoa Joe unify all ROH Singles Titles plus the AEW International Title into one unified ROH Title on Dynamite. Only recognize the new Unified ROH Title as a Singles Title on AEW Programming going forward. 

    When ROH Titles are defended on AEW Television, have the ROH commentary team call the match, ROH officials referee and have all ROH Title matches occur under the Code of Honor. 

    • Like 1
  11. 3 minutes ago, sonny912 said:

    Windham is too old now, he's best used I n the mid card helping new talent get over.


    Windham is four years younger than DDP and probably as good or better in the ring and on the microphone. For wrestlers, 40 even back then was still pretty young. 

    I'm not how sure how healthy Windham was at this point but he had at least a few years left in his in-career. 

  12. Enjoyed the show overall. 

    Barry Windham is a guy who could still be a huge star in the company. Hope he continues to get featured.

    Booker T absolutely is your "Ace" and it's worth checking if he'd make a good figurehead. The guy has always been money and he's in his prime right now. 

    Enjoy that you've done a reset and the existing storylines and canon are largely wiped clean. WCW from that period was a rough watch at best and there needed to be a new canon.

    If Johnny Ace is still wrestling, you could always pair him up with Shane Douglas (should you sign him). Ace was a star in Japan and could help a show should you run there -- or, you could maybe send Ace over in a talent trade to get access to NJPW or AJPW Talent.


  13. AEW Dynamite did really poorly in the ratings again this week. 609,000 probably is the worst rating they've done in recent memory. And the company did everything (except book MJF in action) to get people tuned in.

    NXT beat them by over %50 this week.

    While I'm critical of AEW, I've always been cheering for them to succeed. I'm worried about their viability at this point.

    The live attendance numbers and ratings the last couple months have been pretty poor even if the in-ring action has been solid.

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  14. 3 hours ago, sonny912 said:

    Personally I think they should've kept Windham face and gave Eddie gilbert his spot in the horsemen instead, hot stuff was arguably the top heel of bill watts's uwf and already had experience working with heel stables thanks to his hot stuff international. It seemed really weird the WCW wanted him to be a face for some reason.


    And I'd prefer callis then dillion, it may have the horsemen name but it's still corino's stable. And I'd think he'd prefer Cyrus the virus thanks to them both working for the network in ecw. Maybe Lance Storm could work with them? He wasn't a full member but the impact players were allies in the beginning.

    I don't think Cyrus fits well in the Horsemen role. A manager in the Horsemen provides support/interference and doesn't lead the group like Cyrus does. 

    Since CW is a kayfabe Anderson member, Arn Anderson makes a lot of sense. Ole had a similar manager role in 90s WCW. 

    Storm starts in a tag team with Mike Awesome already. Awesome & Storm might be a good replacement for Windham and Rotunda, but I don't think there is room for all four guys in The Horsemen. The stable doesn't need two tag teams and two enforcers. 

    You could put Corino, a Canadian, with Team Canada, and have Arn Anderson join the faction as an American Turncoat, dragging his kayfabe relative CW Anderson into the group with him. Sort of like how Jim Duggan joined Team Canada back in the day. 

    Few things are more American than an Anderson brother (maybe apple pie). 

    Minnesota, after all, is a lot closer to Canada than Atlanta. You could always have Anderson "discover" a relative from Alberta who met his wife on a shopping trip across the border.

    Candido could instead re-form the Jersey Triad with DDP and Kanyon.

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  15. 2 minutes ago, sonny912 said:

    Okay, you know I think I have an idea on what you can do with them. round this time on the indies Windham was part of a faction with Steve corino and cw Anderson called the extreme horsemen. Signing those two along with Don Cyrus calls to act as the mouthpiece and Have rotunda take the 4th spot in the group and you'll have something for them to work with and give booker and ddp a gang of heels to fight with.

    I didn't know Windham was part of the extreme horsemen. I think the MLW Version had Corino, CW Anderson and Simon Diamond. 

    Windham spent a decent amount of time with the Horsemen in late-80s WCW. From what I've seen, he was a good fit with the group -- he didn't feel out of place like Sting did. 

    I agree Windham and Rotunda would be a good fit. Rotunda's great at playing a cocky rich guy -- when you think about it, "cocky rich guys" were what the Horsemen gimmick boiled down to.

    Windham is a former horsemen member and he's teaming with his brother (in-law) Mike Rotunda. Just like the Andersons did long ago. I like that this idea would provide the Horsemen with some much needed continuity. 

    I'd consider having Rotunda work as Barry's brother Mike Windham. Kind of like how Jimmy Garvin got his ring name from his step-dad Ron Garvin, the real family ties are reflected in Kayfabe.

    You could always have JJ Dillion -- the original manager in the Horsemen -- as your mouthpiece. 

    I still think there are a couple guys higher in the pecking order than Windham and Rotunda right now. The team just isn't established in the main event yet. 

    Lance Storm and Mike Awesome probably start as the top heels in the company. Packaged with a good manager and the right gimmick, Storm could absolutely carry the company at this point -- he did for a while in 2000. He was that good.

  16. The South East is a really forgiving area to run a wrestling promotion in RW TEW. Between SMW and USPW alums, there are a bunch of guys who are over there and not elsewhere. 

    Windham & Rotunda are both great pickups even relatively late in their careers. 

    5 hours ago, MrCanada said:

    For signings, the biggest most obvious one I always think basically everyone should sign with the mod is Rob Van Dam. He's not the most wrestler available (is it Curt Hennig? I'd have to check) but he's properly one of the best workers in the data.

    If Rob Van Dam isn't signed by WWF, he'd be my first signing. RVD was revolutionary. 

    • Like 1
  17. 13 hours ago, milamber said:

    Big show tomorrow thanks to TK getting annoyed at NXT lol. 10 minute overrun and a bonus pre-show banger.


    Tony going this far to compete with NXT on a night when viewership will probably already be down seems like a poor decision. 

    Booking a TV supercard on a night where many fans aren't used to watching Dynamite to compete with NXT is an understandable mistake. 

    Tony scheduling a 10-minute overrun to inflate viewership, making the first thirty minutes commercial-free and then scheduling a buy-in for a Dynamite wasn't a good decision given the circumstances. 

    Tony made AEW look desperate with these decisions and I'm not sold AEW will even justify this in the ratings. 

    I have to think WWE wanted Tony to react that way. AEW probably isn't going to beat the entire RAW Main Event in the ratings. Asuka, Becky Lynch, Cody, Cena, Dominik Mysterio, Heyman, LA Knight, Rhea Ripley and (literally) The Undertaker were all on the show.

    I don't think Tony trying to go head-to-head with what essentially was a RAW after Wrestlemania will work. Maybe I'm wrong though. 

  18. 9 hours ago, Jaysin said:

    Exodus runs like monthly shows and the NWA does block tapings. cYn is the most time consuming part of his life right now since it's more one on one coaching and reconditioning, but EC3 has plenty of time for Exodus and NWA because of their schedules. 

    I didn't understand the scheduling situation fully, sorry.

    I guess I have some trust issues with NWA management after the last year or so with the disastrous Tyrus push. 

    EC3 is winning me back, though.

  19. I actually think WCW starts in a decent place if you shift towards a more wrestling-friendly product.

    DDP and Booker T are the obvious stars and are great in the ring.

    Lance Storm and Kanyon are also really good and have a decent push.

    Young guys like Kaz Hayashi and Shane Helms definitely could fill a bigger role. 

    I'd start with focusing on some good tag team wrestling. It's a bit easier to pull a good rating with two experienced teams in the ring.

    These teams (probably) could be pushed pretty quickly into main events.

    Diamond Dallas Page is a main eventer on the roster and his team with Kanyon could be a huge threat. 

    Harlem Heat (Booker T and Stevie Ray) both start really over and have a lot of experience working together.

    Lance Storm and Chris Candido were a great tag team and both guys can really go in the ring. Storm also teamed with Mike Awesome for a while, who is decent in the ring and starts pretty over. I would push those three guys as your top heels. I would bring in Sunny and Bill Alfonso to work as mouthpieces for the group as none of these three can cut promos well. 

    Alfonso can also referee on the card, so he won't rack up show costs -- you'll probably want a second referee anyway on Nitro (should it stay at two hours) and on PPV anyway to avoid the official being overworked (unless your referees start with monthly deals which I doubt). 

    Kaz Hayashi would pair well with either former stablemates MEN's Teioh (I would use him under his real name Takeo Otsuka, as I doubt WCW fans would get his in-joke ring name) or Dick Togo. Teioh and Togo probably have more upside than either Jamie Noble or Jimmy Wang Yang. 

    The Rock N' Roll Express (Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson) are still around and not too old at this point. They'll definitely bring up the workrate and could main event in the South East.

    The Midnight Express (Bobby Eaton & Stan Lane) should still be active at this point. I'd also bring in Steve Keirn, who has worked with both members. All three are great workers (should) start more over in the South East like the Rock and Roll Express. 

    CW Anderson & Steve Corino both start pretty over from their time in ECW and come with a ready-made gimmick. They're both pretty solid hands as well. 

    Since you're probably going to run (most) shows in the South East, you should pick up some talents that start more over in that region. Jeff Jarrett, Jerry Lawler and Terry Funk should be available and can immediately be pushed into the main event. Lawler and Funk were still active and free agents in real life at this point -- they were a focal point in early MLW, for example. 

    You should also pick up some job guys who start over in the South East. I'd start with Bob Armstrong, Buddy Landel, Dirty White Boy, Road Dogg, Steve Armstrong, Tommy Rich, Tom Prichard and Tracey Smothers as Day 1 hires. You should give these guys some wins on the B-shows (if you still have them) pre-shows, the post-shows and the undercard and also turn them relatively frequently to keep their momentum up. 

    Most these guys should be pretty cheap, so having them on the pre-shows and post-shows shouldn't hurt you too much financially.

    I would also bring in Juventud Guerrera to shore up the Cruiserweights and Konnan to work in the main events. Konnan in particular often starts very over in Mexico and can be used to get a really good show rating there. You can also send Konnan or Juventud to Mexico in talent trades for young, fresh talent from AAA or CMLL. 

    If you have the money, I would throw everything to get Rey Mysterio Jr.  when he returns to wrestling. He's a generational talent and will start with a great tag team with Billy Kidman. 

    You should definitely strike up a working agreement with Mexican companies AAA or CMLL and Japanese companies AJPW or NJPW. I'd consider co-promoting a PPV in Mexico as well with Konnan challenging for the world title.

    The Second City Saints (CM Punk & Colt Cabana), The Briscoes (Jay Briscoe & Mark Briscoe) and Air Paris & AJ Styles are must-hires for the youth movement. I would hire Ace Steel too, he's spent a lot of time teaming with Punk and is no slouch himself. I would have all three teams take some lumps as enhancement talent before turning heel and moving up the card a year or two down the road. 

    I don't think this roster can consistently beat WWE, though there are enough guys who are over that it'd be possible to score some early victories. 

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  20. 1 hour ago, Jaysin said:

    Don't think EC3 is dropping the title when he's a part of why people are tuning in again. 

    I assume he'd be too busy promoting NWA Midwest Evolve (and with a developmental promotion) to hold the World Title. Maybe not, maybe the NWA could co-promote more shows with NWA Midwest Evolve to lighten the load for EC3.


  21. Apparently, NWA is doing some sort of "territory system revival"? Should be interesting to see who ends up joining.

    I do think that with EC3 running Exodus he'll probably drop the belt. Which sucks, because he's done a great job as champion and gotten pretty over. 

    I like what I've seen of Thom Latimer so far, so I wouldn't be too mad for him to pick up the win.

    NWA Reveals More Details About Territory System Revival | 411MANIA

  22. There are a couple guys there I'd like to see in AEW.

    I think Thrillbilly Silas Mason would do great in AEW. He's a good big man with a relatively unique look and gimmick. 

    I also would like to see "Psycho Boy" Fodder & "Psycho Girl" Angelina Love on AEW TV. They have some good chemistry and a good gimmick.

    I'm not totally sold on Fodder's in-ring work, but he has some good charisma. 

    Give their gimmicks, Fodder & Mason would make great additions to The Righteous and/or in a Psychobilly tag team with Love as manager. 

    AEW can always use more tag teams with FTR (apparently) out and The Acclaimed holding the trios belts. Mason & Fodder both have good, unique looks and could draw. 

  23. Thought this title change was booked perfectly. Great match too.

    Big Bill and Ricky Starks could be a force in AEW -- they could be great heels and headline a couple PPVs. The spot with Bill slamming Dax Harwood in the ring got some immediate heat.

    Would highly recommend the table spot as well. Really well done.

    Bill & Starks remind me a lot of 90s Shawn and Diesel here. Both are great fits for their role.

    I wish they showed this on next week's Dynamite. I get that Tony wanted to protect FTR a bit though -- they are definitely "top guys" in the company.

    (I still think Big Bill needs a new name).

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