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Posts posted by PHughes84

  1. On 2/10/2023 at 10:37 PM, Geo said:

    Hey there. Great mod, appreciate the effort. Was itching for some more Marvel stuff after playing the excellent Marvel Midnight Suns game.

    Are you still working on this mod? Maybe a Midnight Suns team might be cool to add. If it isn't already in.

    Im not actively working on it as i changed jobs in Jan and i dont have as much free time now. I hope to maybe do some extra content during future holidays.

  2. Version 3.0 Released!

    The first post has been updated with version 3.0.

    This is a huge update with almost 100 new characters and doubling the number of storylines!!!

    New characters include Scarlet Spider, Molecule Man, Dormammu, Blade, Dracula, Morbius, Fin Fang Foom, Misty Knight & Colleen Wing, Hit-Monkey, Purple Man, Ratatoskr, Sharon Carter...and tons more 😂 Some appear via storylines so may not be there at the start of the game.

    New storylines include the Night Of The Sentinels, Master Mold coming online, the evolution of Amadeus Cho, and a massive Secret Invasion. Plus there is content for King In Black, Gorr The God Butcher, Frankencastle and more.

    New factions include the Legion Of Monsters, Serpent Society, Inhuman Royal Family and the Great Lakes Avengers.

    Theres also now cover images for a lot of storylines and events to make it look better.

    Enjoy 😁

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  3. As promised Version 2.1 has now been released in the 1st post. It is sort of a 'outer space' update as it mostly brings in characters like Galactus, Starjammers, Nova, Vulcan and Adam Warlock, but theres also several new Earth characters like Exodus, Havok and Polaris. This also takes the database past 300 characters!!

    This will be the last big update for a while but there should be plenty of content now to keep people entertained until the next one.


    • Thanks 2
  4. A late christmas present - version 2.0 is now out in the 1st post. 🎅

    This is a big update that adds in nearly 60!! new characters as well as some new storylines. Ive also gone back and edited some of the older characters so they use the new powers that have been patched in.

    Im hoping to do one more big holiday update before i go back to work and that will probabky be out in the new year so look out for that 🙂

    • Thanks 4
  5. 22 minutes ago, Vader628 said:

    Very excited to try this out but it shows to me that the 1.9 files are not downloadeable.  Is this a "me" thing or can they be re-posted? 


    Think its probably a issue at your end as the download counter shows that other people have downloaded them without problem. Maybe try a differnt browser?

  6. Version 1.9 is now out in the 1st post. It will probably be the last update this year as ive got a busy xmas planned. We're now up to more than 225 characters!! 😲

    New things include lots of new characters, a fun SHIELD faction, and several storylines from comics like Superior Spider-Man, the Hank Pym story, and the age of Ultron. Ive also put in a lot more duo attacks and 'anti-swarm' powers to try and add to the strategy.

  7. 2 hours ago, YBDynamo said:

    Checking out the data, love the progress, I look forward to more X-Men and Asgard stories and characters and more artifacts. I was wondering though the purpose of the two Jane Foster Thors and was wondering if there was any particular reason for Mjolnir, Jarnbjorn, and Stormbreaker to not be artifacts owned by Thor, Odinson, and Beta Ray Bill?

    Theres 2 Jane Fosters as there can only be 1 person called Thor active so when Odinson turns back into Thor she needs to turn into "Jane Foster Thor" instead.

    Mjolnir, Jarnbjorn and Stormbreaker arent artifacts because if they were then the holder would lose access to them any time they lost in combat.

    • Thanks 1
  8. On 12/5/2022 at 9:24 PM, Eternal Phoenix said:

    Just downloaded and had a look around. Did you mean for all of your Storylines to only happen once? It seems like some of them ought to be open to happening over and over.

    Yes its meant to be one storyline per game so that they feel special.

    • Like 1
  9. The 1st post has been updated with new files. Its another big update as theres now more than 150 characters (new people include Thanos and the Black Order, the Kree empire, Scarlet Witch, Vision, Punisher) and theres also artifacts (the infinity gems) and several comic book storylines (including Superior Spider-Man and Dark Reign). I think theres now enough content that its propely playable at last 😄

    The next update will be a focus on building up Asgard!!

  10. Hey guys. 1st post has been updated with new files. Its a BIG update as it now takes us past 100 characters 🥳 hopefully people like it as it adds in a lot of popular X-men and there enemies. There are also now a handful of storylines so the mod is starting to become properly playable. enjoy!

    • Thanks 2
  11. 15 hours ago, MidKnightDreary said:

    Do you want any help?

    Thanks for offering 😁

    If your good with gfx then that would be helpful as finding the right pics and getting them to the correct size is taking a lot of time.

    I am not currently looking for help with the data tho as I plan to do all the characters myself so that the numbers and powers are all consistent.

  12. I have updated the opening post with updated database and picture files as ive done some more work on it over the weekend. This adds in some new characters like the remaining members of Sinister Six and all of the Fantastic Four and also has the first few NY sites. 🙂

    • Like 1
  13. Dial M For Marvel

    I'm working on a Marvel database called Dial M For Marvel. The goal is to eventually have every significant character from the comics in it. 🙂 Current version: 3.0.

    I have tried to keep the stats and powers as close to the default data as possible as that way it should work with the engine better.

    Current Stats

    Characters: 403

    Factions: 29

    Artifacts: 10

    Storylines / Reactive Events: 106

    Relationships: 770

    To Install

    Download the database zip file from the bottom of this post. Inside is a folder called DialMForMarvel which you put in the Databases folder where you installed CBU.

    Then download the pictures zip file. Inside is a folder called DialMForMarvel. Put this in your Pictures folder.

    Open the game and pick DialMForMarvel from the database list.


    DialMForMarvel_Database.zip DialMForMarvel_Pictures.zip

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