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About SomeDude03

  • Birthday 09/01/2001


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    Somewhere in the United States

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  1. Whether I'm in a bidding war for my guy or trying to sign someone, I don't really look at popularity as a factor if it's over 70. They're over, if the star quality is high enough you can get their popularity up to match the contract quickly enough. I base it off whether or not I think I have plans for the wrestler/think I can make plans quick enough. Like if I'm TCW I'm not putting up much of a fight for guys like Sammy Bach or Mighty Mo, but if you try and take Jay Chord, T-Bone, or Wolf I'm doing whatever I can to bring them back. As long as the deal won't bankrupt the company I'm willing to go as high as possible to keep them. My red lines are creative control and hiring veto for negative personalities. I don't want to become late-era WCW so unless you are a professional who's putting people over if I ask you aren't getting CC. For hiring veto, I wouldn't give it to a guy like Jay Chord cause I don't want him to stop me from signing a guy cause he got into a social media argument. They do sweeten the deal though, and could potentially save you tens of thousands of dollars on a contract. And honestly for some of my favorites I throw the rules out the window. Kozue Kawashima's contract is up? Thank you for your service here's a 5 year deal that quadruples your asking price even though you'll probably be in decline by the end and have loyalty so you won't leave anyway. It's suboptimal but sometimes that's okay if you're doing it for the rp value.
  2. Some more stuff came up this week BUT it looks like I'll be free most of the weekend so, hopefully, this starts back up tomorrow.
  3. Just wanted to give another update, I should hopefully be able to start back on this tomorrow! Sorry for the delay
  4. Something came up so the ending to the Pride Tour may be delayed a few days. Sorry about that.
  5. .bordered { border-top: 5px none #7c7094; border-right: 10px ridge #7c7094; border-bottom: 5px none #ff6550; border-left: 10px groove #7c7094; background: #313131; } Nights 9 & 10 First Listed Match = Main Event Last Listed Match = Opener Night 9 (A/B) (B) Kozue Kawashima vs Nobuyo Hikichi Kawashina wins an good match that pales in comparison to the last two, putting Hikichi down the Kawashima Driver 2005 after 19:53. 81 Rating (A) Magnum Kobe vs Heihachiro Sakai In yet another great match, Night 9 arguably becomes the night of the tournament so far. Kobe was able to win after making Sakai tap to The Glorious Red in 19:11. 89 Rating (B) Wolf Hawkins vs Matt Keith In an arguable match of the tournament, Keith and Hawkins proved to be evenly matched opponents, going to a time limit draw. 98 Rating (A) Bussho Makiguchi vs Kazushige Matsuki Bussho and Makiguchi have a great showdown which saw Makiguchi pick up the win in 13:44 with a Blazing Elbow. 80 Rating (B) Shinji Mihara vs Matt Blackburn Shinji wins a great match in 13:28 after hitting Blackburn with the Spinning Elbow Strike. 80 Rating (A) Yoshimi Mushashibo vs Flint Slater In a very mediocre match that Mushashibo surprisingly had to career, Slater tapped in 16:28 with the Yoshimi Lock. 59 Rating (B) Tatsuya Toshitara vs Yoshinaka Taku Tatsuya wins a good, short match in 11:22, making Taku tap with the Heel Hook. 79 Rating (A) Greg Keith vs Funakoshi Greg opens the show with a victory, making Funakoshi tap out in 9:12 with a Proton Lock. 70 Rating Night 10 (A/B) (D) Placeholder (C) Placeholder (D) Placeholder (C) Placeholder (D) Placeholder (C) Placeholder (D) Placeholder (C) Placeholder Scores A-Block: Yoshimi Mushashibo - 4/0/1 (8 Points) Magnum Kobe - 5/0/0 (10 Points) Bussho Makiguchi - 3/1/1 (7 Points) Greg Keith - 2/0/3 (4 Points) Heihachiro Sakai - 3/1/1 (7 Points) Kazushige Matsuki - 1/0/4 (2 Points) Flint Slater - 0/0/5 (0 Points) Funakoshi - 1/0/4 (2 Points) B-Block 4/1/0 (9 Points) - Kozue Kawashima 4/1/0 (9 Points) - Shinji Mihara 2/1/2 (5 Points) - Matt Keith 3/0/2 (6 Points) - Tatsuya Toshitara 0/0/5 (0 Points) - Nobuyo Hikichi 0/0/5 (0 Points) - Yoshinaka Taku 3/0/2 (6 Points) - Matt Blackburn 2/1/2 (5 Points) - Wolf Hawkins C-Block Seiji Jimbo - 5/0/0 (10 Points) Viktor Beskov - 4/1/0 (9 Points) Haranobu Kobayashi - 2/2/1 (6 Points) KC Glenn - 2/0/3 (4 Points) Yasunobu Masuno - 0/1/4 (1 Point) SATO - 3/0/2 (6 Points) Hurakan - 1/0/4 (2 Points) Naoji Azumi - 1/0/4 (2 Points) D-Block 5/0/0 (10 Points) - Chojiro Kitoaji 2/1/2 (5 Points) - Masaru Ugaki 4/0/1 (8 Points) - Shozo Furuta 2/0/3 (4 Points) - Avalanche Takano 1/0/4 (2 Points) - Kyoshi Muraguchi 2/1/2 (5 Points) - Findlay O'Farraday 1/0/4 (2 Points) - Akinori Kwakami 2/0/3 (4 Points) - Gino Montero
  6. I try to have the general outline of a story planned that'll run through anywhere between a few months to a few years, depending on the company and story, and then slowly have everything converge at a single point. Basically booking around a main character, it's risky cause they can always get injured but it allows me to quickly change stuff on the fly as long as they stay healthy. Everything else is mostly show-to-show, though depending on the side-story I may also plan that out a few months in advance to get the ball rolling. It's probably not optimal but I just prefer a singular, long story that revolves around a main few people rather than a bunch of smaller stories that involve keeping track of dozens of people.
  7. Template.xcf I've posted these in another thread but thought they'd work here. Basically just an xcf and jpg for Backdrop templates in case anyone wants some help with making their own but doesn't feel like making the layout themselves/using an already existing backdrop.
  8. Okay yeah with that I'm done for the day, wish I could do more but college is college'ing right now so I can't I've got class and some meetings tomorrow so not sure if I'll be able to do any TEW tomorrow beyond some QoL stuff on my end and maybe changing some more renders, but I should be free most of Friday so expect me to get through the end of March by then.
  9. .bordered { border-top: 5px none #7c7094; border-right: 10px ridge #7c7094; border-bottom: 5px none #ff6550; border-left: 10px groove #7c7094; background: #313131; } Nights 7 & 8 First Listed Match = Main Event Last Listed Match = Opener Night 7 (A/B) (A) Magnum Kobe vs Yoshimi Mushashibo In the other undefeated vs. undefeated match on Night 7, Kobe was able to do what Shinji couldn't and beat his opponent, forcing arguably one of the greatest submission wrestlers of all time to tap to the Magnum Deathlock in 19:45. 84 Rating (B) Kozue Kawashima vs Shinji Mihara In a much-anticipated rematch from their clash in the Elite Series last year, which Kozue Kawashima won, these two did NOT disappoint. Showing just how much he's grown over the course of the year, Shinji was able to take Kawashima to a time limit draw, leaving both men at 7 points, just 1 more than what Blackburn is sitting at. 95 Rating (A) Bussho Makiguchi vs Greg Keith In a great showdown further teasing the eventual clash between KitoGuchi and The Keith Brothers, Bussho was able to pick up the win in 15:03 after he hit Greg with the Blazing Elbow. 90 Rating (B) Matt Keith vs Nobuyo Hikichi In a rematch from Nobuyo's upset win over the Keith Brother, Matt was able to get his revenge in 16:18 after he made Nobuyo tap to the Proton Lock. (Even with their negative chemistry these two are weirdly really good in the ring together, I don't get it). 78 Rating (A) Heihachiro Sakai vs Flint Slater Sakai picks up the win in 14:10 after folding Flint in half with the Sakai Suplex. 74 Rating (B) Matt Blackburn vs Tatsuya Toshitara In an interesting showdown, Tatsuya put up a great fight but was caught off guard by Blackburn's Springboard Forearm at 13:30, surprisingly losing the match as a result. 69 Rating (A) Kazushige Matsuki vs Funakoshi In a solid match between two of A-Block's least successful entrants, Kazushige was able to get his first win of the tournament after 10:41, pinning Funakoshi after he hit a Fist Of Fury. 74 Rating (B) Wolf Hawkins vs Yoshinaka Taku Hawkins wins a good opener, putting Taku down in 11:13 with a Full Moon Rising. 80 Rating Night 8 (C/D) (D) Chojiro Kitoaji vs Masaru Ugaki In what is basically guaranteed to be the match of the group stage, these two do what they always do when they're in the ring together and they stole the show. For 19:50 they went back and forth until Chojiro pulled out yet another creative finish, this time blocking an Arc Kick, grabbing Ugaki's arm, launching him into the ropes, and making him nearly do a 360 rotation with the Kitoaji Lariat. 98 Rating (C) Yasunobu Masuno vs Viktor Beskov Two of PGHW's largest wrestlers went back and forth for 12:24, with the match only ending after Beskov stunned Masuno enough to get him into position for the Tsar Bomba, hitting it for the pin. 79 Rating (D) Shozo Furuta vs Gino Montero In an okay match, Shozo won after hitting the EILL Star with the Lariat Clothesline at 14:04. 74 Rating (C) Seiji Jimbo vs Hurakan In an interesting showdown, Seiji was forced into a game of cat and mouse with Hurakan, taking 15:20 to catch him and put him in the Ocean Lock. 80 Rating (D) Avalanche Takano vs Findlay O'Farraday In a fun brawl, Avalanche was eventually able to come out on top after 13:11. 80 Rating (C) KC Glenn vs Haranobu Kobayashi In a great match between two people who have a chance to be future Glory Crown Champions, Haranobu was able to get the victory after 15:12, hitting maybe the best Kobayashi Plunge in history with the help of KC. 82 Rating (D) Akinori Kwakami vs Kyoshi Muraguchi Kyoshi manages to make the veteran Kwakami tap out in 10:26. 70 Rating (C) SATO vs Naoji Azumi SATO wins in 8:59 after hitting Azumi with the Wind Sprint Elbow. 70 Rating Scores A-Block: Yoshimi Mushashibo - 3/0/1 (6 Points) Magnum Kobe - 4/0/0 (8 Points) Bussho Makiguchi - 2/1/1 (5 Points) Greg Keith - 1/0/3 (2 Points) Heihachiro Sakai - 3/1/0 (7 Points) Kazushige Matsuki - 1/0/3 (2 Points) Flint Slater - 0/0/4 (0 Points) Funakoshi - 1/0/3 (2 Points) B-Block 3/1/0 (7 Points) - Kozue Kawashima 3/1/0 (7 Points) - Shinji Mihara 2/0/2 (4 Points) - Matt Keith 2/0/2 (4 Points) - Tatsuya Toshitara 0/0/4 (0 Points) - Nobuyo Hikichi 0/0/4 (0 Points) - Yoshinaka Taku 3/0/1 (6 Points) - Matt Blackburn 2/0/2 (4 Points) - Wolf Hawkins C-Block Seiji Jimbo - 4/0/0 (8 Points) Viktor Beskov - 4/0/0 (8 Points) Haranobu Kobayashi - 2/1/1 (5 Points) KC Glenn - 2/0/2 (4 Points) Yasunobu Masuno - 0/1/3 (1 Point) SATO - 2/0/2 (4 Points) Hurakan - 1/0/3 (2 Points) Naoji Azumi - 0/0/4 (0 Points) D-Block 4/0/0 (8 Points) - Chojiro Kitoaji 1/1/2 (3 Points) - Masaru Ugaki 3/0/1 (6 Points) - Shozo Furuta 2/0/2 (4 Points) - Avalanche Takano 1/0/3 (2 Points) - Kyoshi Muraguchi 1/1/2 (3 Points) - Findlay O'Farraday 1/0/3 (2 Points) - Akinori Kwakami 2/0/2 (4 Points) - Gino Montero
  10. .bordered { border-top: 5px none #7c7094; border-right: 10px ridge #7c7094; border-bottom: 5px none #ff6550; border-left: 10px groove #7c7094; background: #313131; } Nights 5 & 6 First Listed Match = Main Event Last Listed Match = Opener Night 5 (A/B) (B) Kozue Kawashima vs Matt Keith In the match of the tournament (so far), Kawashima & Keith were able to fit 45 minutes of wrestling in just 19:52, with Kawashima hitting a nail-biting Kawashima Driver 2005 to put away one half of the Glory Tag Crown Champions. 95 Rating (A) Magnum Kobe vs Bussho Makiguchi In an incredible match that went down to the wire, Kobe was just barely able to beat Makiguchi at 19:33 after hitting him with The Glorious Red. 89 Rating (B) Wolf Hawkins vs Tatsuya Toshitara In another massive surprise, Toshitara was able to upset Wolf Hawkins with a roll-up, getting the win at 19:49. 78 Rating (A) Yoshimi Mushashibo vs Greg Keith After Mushashibo's very slow start to the tournament, Greg Keith was able to coax a great match out of him, eventually falling victim to the Yoshimi Lock at 16:41. 80 Rating (B) Shinji Mihara vs Yoshinaka Taku Shinji wins in 14:24, defeating Taku with the devastating Spinning Elbow Strike. 78 Rating (A) Heihachiro Sakai vs Kazushige Matsuki Sakai wins a solid match, putting Kazushige down with the Sakai Suplex at 11:55. 73 Rating (B) Matt Blackburn vs Nobuyo Hikichi Blackburn wins in 10:24 after almost taking Hikichi's head off with the Springboard Forearm. 71 Rating (A) Funakoshi vs Flint Slater Funakoshi wins a surprisingly good match in 7:31, picking up the pin after hitting Flint with the Butterfly Backbreaker. 70 Rating Night 6 (C/D) (C) KC Glenn vs Viktor Beskov In yet another clash of styles for The Last Tsar, Beskov was able to continue his run of dominance in this Elite Series, eventually making Glenn pass out in the Red Devil Lock at 18:35. 86 Rating (D) Chojiro Kitoaji vs Gino Montero In a match between two of the biggest non-American wrestling stars on the planet, they managed to live up to expectations, with Chojiro putting down his Lucha Libre counterpart in 19:02 with the Kitoaji Lariat. 86 Rating (C) Seiji Jimbo vs Haranobu Kobayashi Seiji wins a solid match in 15:25, eventually making Kobayashi submit to the Ocean Lock. 78 Rating (D) Kyoshi Muraguchi vs Findlay O'Farraday Findlay wins a mediocre match, hitting Kyoshi with an Atomic Spinebuster at 10:53 to win. 67 Rating (C) Yasunobu Masuno vs SATO SATO puts some points on the board, beating Masuno in 12:50 with a Wind Sprint Elbow. 74 Rating (D) Avalanche Takano vs Akinori Kwakami Kwakami wins a solid match in 9:23, making Avalanche tap to the Kwakami Painlock. 70 Rating (C) Naoji Azumi vs Hurakan Hurakan wins a fun match at 13:19 after hitting Azumi with the Hurakan Roll. 73 Rating (D) Masaru Ugaki vs Shozo Furuta Shozo manages to pull out the win against the former Elite Series winner, putting Ugaki down with the Lariat Clothesline at 17:35. 89 Rating Scores A-Block: Yoshimi Mushashibo - 3/0/0 (6 Points) Magnum Kobe - 3/0/0 (6 Points) Bussho Makiguchi - 1/1/1 (3 Points) Greg Keith - 1/0/2 (2 Points) Heihachiro Sakai - 2/1/0 (5 Points) Kazushige Matsuki - 0/0/3 (0 Points) Flint Slater - 0/0/3 (0 Points) Funakoshi - 1/0/2 (2 Points) B-Block 3/0/0 (6 Points) - Kozue Kawashima 3/0/0 (6 Points) - Shinji Mihara 1/0/2 (2 Points) - Matt Keith 2/0/1 (4 Points) - Tatsuya Toshitara 0/0/3 (0 Points) - Nobuyo Hikichi 0/0/3 (0 Points) - Yoshinaka Taku 2/0/1 (4 Points) - Matt Blackburn 1/0/2 (2 Points) - Wolf Hawkins C-Block Seiji Jimbo - 3/0/0 (6 Points) Viktor Beskov - 3/0/0 (6 Points) Haranobu Kobayashi - 1/1/1 (3 Points) KC Glenn - 2/0/1 (4 Points) Yasunobu Masuno - 0/1/2 (1 Point) SATO - 1/0/2 (2 Points) Hurakan - 1/0/2 (2 Points) Naoji Azumi - 0/0/3 (0 Points) D-Block 3/0/0 (6 Points) - Chojiro Kitoaji 1/1/1 (3 Points) - Masaru Ugaki 2/0/1 (4 Points) - Shozo Furuta 1/0/1 (2 Points) - Avalanche Takano 0/0/3 (0 Points) - Kyoshi Muraguchi 1/1/1 (3 Points) - Findlay O'Farraday 0/0/2 (0 Points) - Akinori Kwakami 2/0/1 (4 Points) - Gino Montero
  11. So I fully admit I'm not the best at doing this but thought I'd give it a shot because I remember using them for a created company in 2020. I have no clue how to shrink the logo down while keeping the quality so I had to keep it out of the corner, I hope that's okay.
  12. .bordered { border-top: 5px none #7c7094; border-right: 10px ridge #7c7094; border-bottom: 5px none #ff6550; border-left: 10px groove #7c7094; background: #313131; } Nights 1, 2, 3, 4 First Listed Match = Main Event Last Listed Match = Opener Night 1 (A/B) (B) Kozue Kawashima vs Tatsuya Toshitara Kozue Kawashima wins in 19:44 with a Kawashima Driver 2005. 83 Rating (A) Yoshimi Mushashibo vs Funakoshi Yoshimi wins in 14:39 after hitting a Mushashibo-Plex II. 62 Rating (B) Shinji Mihara vs Nobuyo Hikichi Shinji gets the win after 12:49 after hitting the Spinning Elbow Strike. 80 Rating (A) Magnum Kobe vs Kazushige Matsuki Kobe picks up the victory after hitting The Glorious Red at 12:27. 77 Rating (B) Matt Keith vs Yoshinaka Taku Matt wins in 11:24 with a Proton Lock. 80 Rating (A) Bussho Makiguchi vs Heihachiro Sakai Time Limit Draw. 84 Rating (B) Wolf Hawkins vs Matt Blackburn Wolf wins in 10:24 with a Full Moon Rising. 80 Rating (A) Greg Keith vs Flint Slater Greg wins in 10:56 with a Proton Lock. 75 Rating Night 2 (C/D) (C) Viktor Beskov vs SATO Beskov wins in 19:54 with the Tsar Bomba. 86 Rating (D) Chojiro Kitoaji vs Kyoshi Muraguchi Chojiro wins in 15:27 with the Kitoaji Lariat. 84 Rating (C) KC Glenn vs Hurakan KC Glenn vs Hurakan, Glenn wins in 11:44 by Tuning Up The Sunshine Band. 80 Rating (D) Masaru Ugaki vs Avalanche Takano Ugaki wins in 15:32 with the Ugaki Clitch. 84 Rating (C) Seiji Jimbo vs Naoji Azumi Seiji wins in 14:30 with a Jimbo Driver. 80 Rating (D) Shozo Furuta vs Akinori Kwakami Shozo wins in 12:55 with a Lariat Clothesline. 79 Rating (C) Haranobu Kobayashi vs Yasunobu Masuno Time Limit Draw. 78 Rating (D) Findlay O'Farraday vs Gino Montero Gino wins in 13:45 with a Montero Press. 76 Rating Night 3 (A/B) (A) Magnum Kobe vs Greg Keith In a solid match, Kobe eventually won after hitting Greg with The Glorious Red at 18:37. 80 Rating (B) Kozue Kawashima vs Wolf Hawkins In a great match that went down to the final seconds, Kozue Kawashima was able to hit Wolf with the Kawashima Driver 2005 at 19:52 to win. 83 Rating (A) Yoshimi Mushashibo vs Kazushige Matsuki In a match well below the standards of what's expected from PGHW, Yoshimi was eventually able to win after making Kazushige tap to the Yoshimi Lock at 11:27. 59 Rating (B) Shinji Mihara vs Matt Keith In a fast-paced, even match, Shinji was surprisingly able to get the win at 17:06, hitting Matt with a Spinning Elbow Strike out of nowhere. 80 Rating (A) Heihachiro Sakai vs Funakoshi Sakai was able to pull out the win after hitting Funakoshi with the Sakai Suplex at 12:28. 79 Rating (B) Tatsuya Toshitara vs Nobuyo Hikichi Tatsuya was able to out-technical wrestle Nobuyo, making him tap to the Arm Triangle at 16:07. 80 Rating (A) Flint Slater vs Bussho Makiguchi Bussho puts on a show, beating Slater in 10:49 after hitting the Blazing Elbow. 74 Rating (B) Matt Blackburn vs Yoshinaka Taku Matt Blackburn wins after nailing Taku with the Springboard Forearm at 7:39. 70 Rating Night 4 (C/D) (D) Chojiro Kitoaji vs Shozo Furuta Tying Kobayashi v. SATO for match of the tournament so far, Shozo Furuta continues to show his growth, but he just couldn't beat the Glory Crown Champion, losing after Chojiro was able to hit the Kitoaji Lariat at 19:41. 89 Rating (C) Viktor Beskov vs Hurakan In an interesting clash of styles, Beskov was able to eventually beat lucha libre's rising star with the Tsar Bomba at 13:23. 74 Rating (D) Gino Montero vs Akinori Kwakami In an okay match, Gino was able to beat the former Elite Series winner in 19:20 with a Montero Press. 67 Rating (C) Haranobu Kobayashi vs SATO In an incredible match, Kobayashi and SATO through everything they had at each other, but SATO fell victim to the Kobayashi Plunge at 15:13. 89 Rating (D) Kyoshi Muraguchi vs Avalanche Takano Takano dominated the smaller Kyoshi, winning at 11:09 after hitting a Mountain Takano. 77 Rating (C) KC Glenn vs Naoji Azumi In a great, short match, KC Glenn was able to win after Tuning Up The Sunshine Band at 12:18. 78 Rating (D) Masaru Ugaki vs Findlay O'Farraday In maybe the most surprising result of the tournament so far, Ugaki looked very strong against the American, but couldn't win within the time limit, leading to a draw. 75 Rating (C) Seiji Jimbo vs Yasunobu Masuno In a great match carried by Seiji Jimbo, he was able to out-brawl Yasunobu, eventually locking in his Ocean Lock at 10:12 to win. 80 Rating Scores A-Block: Yoshimi Mushashibo - 2/0/0 (4 Points) Magnum Kobe - 2/0/0 (4 Points) Bussho Makiguchi - 1/1/0 (3 Point) Greg Keith - 1/0/1 (2 Points) Heihachiro Sakai - 1/1/0 (3 Point) Kazushige Matsuki - 0/0/2 (0 Points) Flint Slater - 0/0/2 (0 Points) Funakoshi - 0/0/2 (0 Points) B-Block 2/0/0 (4 Points) - Kozue Kawashima 2/0/0 (4 Points) - Shinji Mihara 1/0/1 (2 Points) - Matt Keith 1/0/1 (2 Points) - Tatsuya Toshitara 0/0/2 (0 Points) - Nobuyo Hikichi 0/0/2 (0 Points) - Yoshinaka Taku 1/0/1 (2 Points) - Matt Blackburn 1/0/1 (2 Points) - Wolf Hawkins C-Block Seiji Jimbo - 2/0/0 (4 Points) Viktor Beskov - 2/0/0 (4 Points) Haranobu Kobayashi - 1/1/0 (3 Points) KC Glenn - 2/0/0 (4 Points) Yasunobu Masuno - 0/1/1 (1 Point) SATO - 0/0/2 (0 Points) Hurakan - 0/0/2 (0 Points) Naoji Azumi - 0/0/2 (0 Points) D-Block 2/0/0 (4 Points) - Chojiro Kitoaji 1/1/0 (3 Points) - Masaru Ugaki 1/0/1 (2 Points) - Shozo Furuta 1/0/1 (2 Points) - Avalanche Takano 0/0/2 (0 Points) - Kyoshi Muraguchi 0/1/1 (1 Point) - Findlay O'Farraday 0/0/2 (0 Points) - Akinori Kwakami 2/0/0 (4 Points) - Gino Montero
  13. .bordered { border-top: 5px none #7c7094; border-right: 10px ridge #7c7094; border-bottom: 5px none #ff6550; border-left: 10px groove #7c7094; background: #313131; } Elite Series Entrants and Schedules A-Block Yoshimi Mushashibo - 4 Time Glory Crown Champion, 3 Time Elite Series Winner Magnum Kobe - 1 Time Glory Grown Champion Bussho Makiguchi - 1 Time Elite Series Winner Greg Keith - 1 Time TCW King of Kings Winner, Current Glory Tag Crown Champion Heihachiro Sakai - Former BHOTWG World Champion Kazushige Matsuki - Multi-time Elite Series Entrant Flint Slater (Guest from TCW) - The Syndicate Japan Member Funakoshi (Guest from BCG) - 4 Time Yoshifusa Maeda Grand Prix Winner B-Block Kozue Kawashima - 4 Time Glory Crown Champion, 2 Time Elite Series Winner Shinji Mihara - Current International Champion Matt Keith - Current Glory Tag Crown Champion Tatsuya Toshitara - Member of Hammerfall Nobuyo Hikichi - Member of ADVANCE Yoshinaka Taku - 2nd Elite Series Appearance Matt Blackburn - 1st Elite Series Appearance Wolf Hawkins (Guest from TCW) - 3 Time TCW World Champion, 1 Time TCW King of Kings Winner C-Block Seiji Jimbo - 1 Time Glory Crown Champion, 2 Time Elite Series Winner Viktor Beskov - Current Historical Japan Champion Haranobu Kobayashi - Previous Glory Tag Crown Champion KC Glenn - Former BHOTWG Best Of The Super Juniors Winner Yasunobu Masuno - Member of Burning Invasion SATO - Member of Team GLORY Hurakan (Guest from EILL) - First Elite Series Appearance Naoji Azumi (Guest from WLW) - First Elite Series Appearance D-Block Chojiro Kitoaji - Won the last two Elite Series, current Glory Crown Champion Masaru Ugaki - 2 Time Glory Crown Champion, 1 Time Elite Series Winner Shozo Furuta - Previous Historical Japan Champion Avalanche Takano - Multi-time Elite Series Entrant Kyoshi Muraguchi - Former BHOTWG Best Of The Super Juniors Winner (as MYSTIC Dragon) Findlay O'Farraday - First Elite Series Appearance Akinori Kwakami - 1 Time Elite Series Winner Gino Montero (Guest from EILL) - 1 Time EILL World Champion A/B Block Nights: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 C/D Block Nights: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 2 Points For A Win, 1 Point For A Draw, 0 Points For A Loss If the winner of the Elite Series is not the current Glory Crown Champion, they get a title shot at any of the other "Big 4" (Nights of Glory, Honour, or Wrestling). I will not be putting up a match list for this just because that seems to be a bit of an extreme undertaking. I'll keep you updated with match cards and results as they happen like I do for round robin tournaments, I just don't feel like writing out 112 different matches right now. I hope that's okay.
  14. Updates before the Destiny Tour, February 2023 Roster (all will be entrants in the Elite Series): "Lucha Legend" Gino Montero. Joining PGHW on loan from EILL just a month after his month Louis, there is a reason why Gino works for EILL and Luis works for CZCW, and that's because Gino is one of the best wrestlers alive, even after spending most of 2022 out with a torn achilles. Gino's an incredible technical wrestler who's solid-to-good at everything else and he should be a big player in the Elite Series this year. In his career, he's won the OLLIE Tag Team Championship three times with his brother, the COTT Tag Team Championship once, the OLLIE Trios Championship once, the OLLIE Mexico Championship once, the OLLIE Universal Championship once, and the EILL World Championship once. Works for EILL. "The God of Storms" Hurakan. Also on loan from EILL, Hurakan is one of the best young wrestlers on earth and has aerial skills that are comparable to some of the best junior heavyweights of all time. At just 24, Hurakan looks like he'll be a massive force in wrestling for a long time. In his career he's won the EILL Tag Team Championship three times, all with Itzamna. Works for EILL. "Leader Of The Pack" Wolf Hawkins. You know him, you love him, Wolf Hawkins is back for his third tour with PGHW and his second Elite Series. He made the semifinals last year and he's hoping that this year he'll be able to win the whole thing. Works for TCW. "The Rottweiler" Flint Slater. Also joining PGHW for his third tour while on loan from TCW, Flint Slater has continued to improve and looks like he may be a potential world champion for the American promotion. Outside of that, there's not much else to say about him. Works for TCW. "Puroresu Incarnate" Funakoshi. Perhaps the most surprising of the outside guests brought in for the Elite Series, Funakoshi has been the ace of BCG for over a decade. Arguably one of the best in-ring performers on the planet, there's a lot of excitement about him finally being given a major spotlight to shine on. He's a three time BCG World Champion and he's won BCG's equivalent to the Elite Series, the Yoshifusa Maeda Grand Prix, four times. Works for BCG. "LuchaResu's Messiah" Naoji Azumi. Considered one of the best young stars in all of Japan, Naoji Azumi is the total package. He looks like a star, he acts like a star, and now, after a few years of development, he wrestles like a star. If WLW can keep him, and so far it looks like they'll be able to, he should be the foundation that they build the next generation around. In his career he's won the WLW Show Stealer Championship once. Works for WLW and SAISHO. In other news, Hirokumi Saito has signed a 1-year deal with PGHW after leaving BHOTWG. Most people assume that this is just to replace the outgoing Mamomoru Nagahama with someone much more popular. Other PGHW News: The Elite Series has been expanded. Unlike the previous system, which saw two blocks of 8 leading to a four man semifinal, this new edition, dubbed "The World Series of Wrestling" by some in the industry, will see four separate blocks of eight, which will be broken down into an 8 man quarterfinal. To deal with this expansion, the tour will go on for 14 nights, and Night Of Pride has become a two night event. Blocks A/B will be wrestling on odd-numbered nights, and Blocks C/D will be wrestling on even-numbered nights. Night 1 of Pride will see the Quarterfinals and Semifinals, and Night 2 will be main evented by the Elite Series final this year. Quarterfinals - Night 1 Of Pride: 1. A-Block Winner vs B-Block Runner Up 2. C-Block Winner vs D-Block Runner Up 3. B-Block Winner vs A-Block Runner Up 4. D-Block Winner vs C-Block Runner Up Semifinals - Night 1 Of Pride: Winner Of Match 1 vs Winner Of Match 2 Winner Of Match 3 vs Winner Of Match 4 Finals - Night 2 Of Pride: Winner Of Semifinal 1 vs Winner Of Semifinal 2 Random News from Other Companies: Nicky Champion and Jacob Jett are leaving USPW this month. El Hijo Del Aguila Americana will be leaving EILL to join USPW. BHOTWG had their first profitable month in over a year, making just over 3,000 dollars. They are also not re-signing Chaos Khan. Tommy Cornwell is once again 21CW World Champion, beating Bedlam to start his 4th reign with the Title. 21CW is also still losing money and slipping further into debt. Tadakuni Toshusai won the A-1 Grand Prix in SAISHO, a great accomplishment for the wrestler in his post-BHOTWG career.
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