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Prime Time

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Posts posted by Prime Time

  1. On 1/22/2023 at 12:39 AM, psx said:

    not super happy with since i saw it kinda looked way too much like their old hockey national team's logo, but i feel like all possible paths with the maple icongraphy has been exhausted. so here it is;





    14 hours ago, psx said:

    requester(s) asked for some alts version of the logo






    These are 🔥 . The white and black especially hook me here because I'm so used to red dominated Canadian company logos. Feel like Red and Black would be the 80s versions and when we get more into the technological modern age they'd go for the white.

    • Like 1





    I'm a big Taylor mark tbh. So I'm always rooting for him when I see him on the up and up.





    It's Greg Gauge. This is a TCW save. He's only losing this belt when he's winning the big one.




    Freddy is always a safe bet. Best gimmick in the fed.




    Two old dogs going to war here. Got my flag up for Silent and Deadly.




    Three main eventers and Bart Biggins enter a ring.




    Most split on this one but I'll give it to Chandler as I think he's the more valuable of the two.

    • Like 1
  3. vfsWWVK.png

    TCW Presents Total Chaos
    March, Week 2, Grissom Auditorium, 2000 Attendance (SOLD OUT)


    No DQ Singles Match

    T-Bone Bright vs. Wolf Hawkins

    No DQ Singles Match

    Nick Booth (W/ Floyd Goldworthy) vs. Sammy Bach

    No DQ Tag Team Match

    Chance Fortune & Flying Jimmy Foxx vs. Freddy Huggins & Roderick Remus (W/ Laura Catherine Huggins)

    No DQ Singles Match

    Human Arsenal vs. Maverick

    No DQ Singles Match

    Dean Daniels vs. Logan Wolfsbaine


    Will Greg Gauge accept Mighty Mo's challenge for tonight?

  4. tT0OxRT.png
    TCW Presents Crash Hour
    March, Week 2, Grissom Auditorium, 660 Attendance


    Introduction with Kyle Rhodes, Shawn Doakes and Roderick Remus


    "Surprise! Hello and good evening all TCW fans and welcome to a brand new show that'll be airing exclusively on TotalChampionshipWrestling.com every week. This is the show that happens before the main show, TCW Total Chaos, where we'll be featuring some of TCW's brightest to come and most beloved familiar stars in a packed hour of pure action, this is TCW Crash Hour, I'm Kyle Rhodes and next to me is my partner Shawn Doakes, joining us as well..."


    "It is I, your beloved Double R! I just had the thought that you two boys could use an extra bit of spice at your commentary booth tonight!"


    "Is this going to happen every week Kyle?"

    Chance Fortune Defeated Zippy Deverell (8:28) 41
    Following the match, Fortune and Roderick Remus on the commentary table got into a quick argument with notably Remus saying "Your spot, it's mine my friend, yeah! It's mine!"

    Sandman Winks defeated Ant-Man (5:34) 36
    Ant-Man showed a good performance but the clever Sandman managed to catch him with the sleeper to make it goodnight.

    The Hot Taggs defeated Jaylon Martins & Raymond Klein (4:17) 32
    The Hot Taggs continued to show their prowess and domination as they ran through MAW regular Martins and local Klein in a quick sprint.

    Tana the Mighty defeated Harvey Robbinfield (6:30) 56
    MAW trainee Robbinfield tried to put up a fight but the friendly giant was merely biding his time until he could put away his opponent as quickly and painlessly as possible.

    Sinner Society and The Behemoths discuss Sammy Bach and Ernest Youngman's alliance 63
    Society leader Eddie Peak suggested that they target Youngman specifically but Nick Booth wants a piece of Bach and Peak reluctantly accepted the rookie's blindsighted anger.

    Doc Hammond defeated Stan Manna (7:04) 54
    The Man Stan Manna had his fighting boots on but there is little beating the cold blooded silent veteran, Hammond submitted Manna with his pattened Cloverleaf.


    Mighty Mo Interview with Jasmine Saunders

    The action in the ring is interrupted by the same interview set we saw last week with the same interviewer, Jasmine Saunders but the interviewee this week is none other than Mr Pumped Up Power himself, Mighty Mo, who had people asking where he was for the first edition of Total Chaos last week as he is one of TCW's biggest and most popular stars. Mo, rocking his deep red shades, his high end suit, a man always dressed for a night out but also always ready to throw down. Jasmine Saunders starts us off.


    "Mighty Mo, I'm sure the TCW faithful are happy to see you, there was a lot of questions going around last week, including about where you might be and if I'm right, I believe right now you're going to tell us?"


    "Right as always Jas! Mighty Mo owes you a sorry, in fact he owes everyone watching, be it in the arena or at home, an apology as well because he was at home. He was, sitting in his two grand fur dressrobe, feet up, model either side and drinking margaritas from the skull of an egyptian pharoah where he saw the most despicable thing he could describe." He removes his sunglasses for a sad stare then immediately puts them on again. "He saw a TCW plagued! A TCW infested! By losers who became winners because they didn't follow the rules and now I hear you say in response "Mo this new TCW doesn't have any rules" and I'll say WRONG! There may be no countouts, no DQs but there is one rule that you always need to follow and that's the rule of cool."

    "You see, burning a man's eye with smokes because you don't like the way he lives his life? That ain't cool. Having a heavy do all the heavy lifting for you whilst you sit flat-a** quivering like a puppy with blood in your eyes? That ain't cool. However, the biggest uncool geek of them all is you Greg Gauge! TCW Television Champion, Daddy Keith's precious little girl, has the guts to dare talk down to Edd Stone a man who's gotten better and better and never stopped getting better, you have the cajones to talk ill of him? You are the lamest, geekiest, dorkiest, ugly son of a gun to have a close up on my 80 inch widescreen and to be honest I'm sick of your face, so I feel like the quickest way to get you off my TV is to get the TV title off you!, come this week's Total Chaos, you? Me? One on one, your teeth, my boot, a match made in heaven I say! Mighty Mo will be waiting on your answer."

    Mighty Mo takes a stage turn out of the picture as we await the answer of TCW Television Champion Greg Gauge. 82

    Show Rating: 59

  5. FCW Puerto Rican Title

    Handsome Stranger (c) vs Bradford Peverell

    FCW Tag Team Title

    Relentless (c) (Rob Reynolds and Ricochet Ramone) vs Latino Kings (Rudy Velasquez and Hector Galindo)

    FCW People's Championship

    Xavi Ferrera (c) vs Island Boy Apollo

    Kip Keenan vs Giant Brody

    Ox Mastadon vs Bull Wrecker

    New Years Rumble Featuring; Cobra, Carlos Gonzalez, Marco Gonzalez, Kanishoki, Bret Kyle, Taylor Norton, Martyr, Curtis Shaw, USAce and Juggernaut Jones

  6. bNYilzX.gif

    TCW Presents Total Chaos

    March, Week 1, West Texas Coliseum, 2,000 Attendance (SOLD OUT)


    Introduction with Kyle Rhodes, Shawn Doakes

    Cameras fade into a much more reduced set than the TCW faithful are used to. Gone are the high-tec LED screens, half mile long entrance ramp and dazzling lights, in their wake we are greeted by a black curtain, steel bars and not being able to see anyone beyond the third row. The crowds may have taken a hit due to the popularity dissipation that's affected the company as of late but those that are here are raucous and raring to go. The camera eventually turns from the jeering crowd to the commentary team that we're all familiar with. Total Championship Wrestling CEO Kyle Rhodes on the left and to his right is ex-basketball turned Pro-Wrestling play by play Shawn Doakes. The former gets us under way.


    "Well, it feels like forever since we have seen each other but it's only actually been a couple of days. Welcome Total Championship Wrestling fans both old and new, I'm Kyle Rhodes, beside me is the voice of TCW TV for some 10 years Mr Shawn Doakes and tonight, we two will be guiding you through a whole new chapter of TCW!"


    "That we will, now whilst we might be wearing new clothes, we got the same class and crew, we got the same best in the world talent but this time the stakes are higher, the thrills are real thrillers, this is going to an exciting night in a long list of exciting nights to come! We got the legendary One Man Army taking on Wolf Hawkins tonight, whilst I think most people would bet the house on Hawkins, especially with his intentions of TCW Gold clear to see, I'm backing our resident soldier and hero! What can I say Kyle? I'm a patriot through and through."


    "Try and not get too excited just for that main event though Shawn as you'll wear yourself out and there is plenty of great more action to see tonight including another man with strong intentions, Jay Chord doing battle with debutee Cip Conduit, the badass brawler from Maine will fit like a glove in this new TCW but can he hope to pick up a big win against one of the company's strongest and brightest? We'll see when that one happens at around the half way mark of the show. Lets stop talking about the soon to be present for now though Shawn as we have a match up starting in just a moment!"

    Kyle Rhodes' last few words are partially drowned out by the beginning of The Hot Taggs' theme "Better Run Boy!" that signals the arrival of the brothers, Kalder and Wolfie who are picking up steam with dominant performance after dominant performance, despite only a year in the business, these two and their synergy is surely something to put the whole TCW Locker-Room, tag team or otherwise, on notice.

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    The Hot Taggs (Kalder Tagg & Wolfie Tagg) vs. Joe Burr & Pin Eaton

    It'd be fair to say that there was never much hope for the other two. They're just here to get their money and show these fans the wrestling equivalent of a double homicide. Kalder and Wolfie take turns laying the beat down on poor Burr and Eaton. A display of stiff slams and strikes one after the other to show the fortitude of the two brothers and whilst their opponents are hardly the quality they will come to be familiar with in their time with TCW, the sheer damage they're inflicting with every move is nothing to scoff at. Burr must have gotten a bonus after the match as Wolfie decides to take advantage of the No DQ for every match rule that was enforced with the changes and pulls out a table on the outside to send the defenseless Joe Burr crashing through it with a wicked uranage. In the ring, Kalder pulls a damaged Eaton up and then drops him again with a Piledriver for the three.

    Winner: The Hot Taggs (4:46) 48


    Aaron Andrews Interview with Jasmine Saunders

    We cut away from a dominant tag team to the ring to a dominant man backstage. Total Championship Wrestling World Heavyweight Champion, Aaron Andrews, full suit with title on his shoulder, is flanked by our very own interviewer, Jasmine Saunders, microphone in hand. She holds it to Andrews' mouth but he takes a second to take in any agilation from the crowd before finally turning his attention the task at hand.


    "Seems I really don't need any reintroduction, you know people been asking, they have been demanding to know, what's next for TCW? Where does TCW go from here? But in all of the madness of the last week, not a single question like that has come my way and why is that? It's not for a lack of knowing, oh no, it's because you all know well, that sunrise or sunset, there are few things surer than where Aaron Andrews is and that's at the top of the American Wrestling Mountain, title in my grasp, fans on my side, that's where Aaron Andrews forever has been and forever will be!" The crowd cheer for their TCW Champion.

    "Listen to them! Just listen to them sing Jasmine, me? I'm always listening and lately through all the cheers, all the ladies screaming my name, a pipsqueak of a voice has been tainting my ears! It squeaks..." Andrews puts on his best kiddy voice and gets real quiet "Wolf Hawkins is going to be the next TCW World Champion, you can't beat The Alpha Wo-OH QUIT YOUR YAPPING KIDDO!" The crowd pop again "Every man, girl and boy with half a brain to give knows that it could be Wolf Hawkins, it could be Jay Chord, it could be the mighty Joe Burr we just saw in action! That's right, it could be any of them getting my boot up their a** come our next Pay-Per-View Public Enemy!"


    "But Champ." Jasmine interjects "It has to be said that Wolf Hawkins' recent momentum seems hard to stop, he hasn't lost a single match since-"


    "Since he lost this TCW World Heavyweight Championship to yours truly! I have no illusions about the ability of Wolf Hawkins but he ain't ever beaten me because I'm the Ace, I hold all the cards and I don't fold, so you want to talk about this championship? 13 years, 3 times around the waist of The Ace! Hawkins? 16 years, 3 times and you're telling me he wants to shoot for 4? No. No. No. No. NO. Nada, it ain't happening, so by all means Wolf, go out tonight, win the match, win your right to face me at Public Enemy and win the right to become Mr 7th title defence in the ongoing reign of The Ace Aaron Andrews."

    Andrews takes a sharp turn out of the view of our camera crew and leaving Jasmine to herself. Battle lines drawn. Challenge laid out. 95

    CJ689Sr.jpg  4rlarUb.png  KF9pYkq.jpg

    Kendo Stick Match

    Dave Diamond vs. Joshua Taylor

    These two have had a clear dislike of each other since the second Diamond entered the company in 2015. How could they not? The beer guzzling, chain smoking Diamond is the greatest sum of everything that Taylor's abstinent lifestyle is against, the tensions have finally started boiling over from dislike to hatred within the last few months and the step into the ring against one another tonight. Taped to the ropes, six on each side, are kendo sticks ready for use, Diamond makes his entry first but his opponent blindsides him half way through and the bell rings, there aren't many rules left in this new TCW after all. The two walk and brawl, trade kendo shots that leave definitive lines on each man's skin. When we're eventually back in the ring, it is Taylor on top and Diamond down and hurting, Taylor cracks a plan. He ventures into the pockets of Diamond's entrance jacket on the apron and fetches his cigarettes and lighter, he teases smoking one for a moment before pushing a lit cigarette into the eye socket of an unassuming Diamond! He holds it in Diamond's eye until he is pryed off by the referee. The Bar-room Brawler rolls on the canvas in pain, clutching his eye as Taylor welcomes the disapproval of the TCW fanbase. The referee ends the match as Diamond is ruled to have a medical emergency by our doctor. The bitterness between these two just increased tenfold as Taylor gladly takes his win by stoppage.

    Winner: Joshua Taylor (7:49) 67

    rIJDOfC.jpg  4rlarUb.png  WPd5b6O.jpg

    Cip Conduit vs. Jay Chord

    The debuting Cip Conduit immediately pounces on Jay Chord the millisecond the bell sounds and he's taking it to the next big thing. Chord would be everyone's favorite had this match happened last month in the old TCW but in this new era? Conduit is shockingly dominating. The brawl spills to the outside where Chord's head meets the ring post causing color to stain his perfect dyed blonde perm. Chord tries to do some more traditional wrestling holds and counters to get the upper hand but it seems like nothing can chip away at Conduit's firm resolve. The crowd are eating up Conduit's demolition of Jay Chord and a running boot puts Chord firmly in the danger zone and gets a 2.9. Jay tries to retreat up the ramp but Cip Conduit is in pursuit. Chord has resorted to scurrying on his hands and kness as both men reach the curtain when all of a sudden a man emerges from the other side and lays Conduit flat with a lariat.


    It's Logan Wolfsbaine! A man even meaner and bigger than Conduit! He picks Cip up and lands a gnarly belly to belly on the ramp, the flesh on metal cascades with a sickening thud and all the damage Cip done to Chord seems to have been equalized with just one move. The bloodied Chord looks up confused at Wolfsbaine so was this not planned? Despite the assistance, Logan Wolfsbaine seems to be staring rather intently at Jay Chord rather than the man he's beating down. Logan drags Conduit into the ring then follows up with two wicked spears, one after the other. He's still taking every free moment to look at Chord though and the two men don't take their eyes off each other for a moment, even when Jay Chord finishes Cip Conduit off with his DDT and the cover.

    Winner: Jay Chord (8:08) 73


    Post Match Bewilderment with Kyle Rhodes, Shawn Doakes, Jay Chord and Logan Wolfsbaine

    The bell rings, Chord's music plays and his arm is raised but through it all and through bloodied eyes, he doesn't avert his gaze from Logan Wolfsbaine who seemingly satisfied, exits without a word and back through the curtain from where he came. Jay Chord seemingly realizes his red mask for the first time in five minutes and leaves too before Cip Conduit can stir from his beatdown and screw over at the hands of "Glorious" Logan Wolfsbaine. The fans aren't sure what to make of it and neither does our commentary team.


    "I'm a man who normally has a word for everything but I guess you can call my bluff on that one because I'm truly speechless."


    "For all his technical excellence Kyle, you wouldn't back Jay Chord in a street fight so enlisting the help of a heavy like Wolfsbaine wouldn't be out of the question but..."


    "That didn't seem like something Jay was expecting or asking for did it?"


    "His eyes was as wide as ours Kyle! Plus, it didn't even seem personal between Wolfsbaine and Conduit. What on earth is happening here?" 84

    Eht5Qhk.jpg  My7osV5.jpg  4rlarUb.png  VgGUNxF.jpg  nCUsvNM.jpg

    Ernest Youngman & Sammy Bach vs. Jeremie Courtney & Matt Hocking

    Ernest Youngman has been getting the indy buzz for good reason as he steps up to the plate in this tag team match, nearly keeping pace with his mega over tag team partner and the TCW fans seem to be appreciative. Hocking is hardly a performer to scoff at either but his eccentricity and electric performance seems to lead him to disaster as he clutches his back off a topei which we'd later find to be a cracked tail bone. It's all down here from there for the dastardly duo because Bach and Youngman make a surprisingly tight and crisp team as they lay in both the old and new classics on their opponent. It's always been Sammy Bach's match to win and win it he does as for a moment when Courtney finds himself alone, it's all The Rockstar needs to flatten him with The Adrenaline Shot. Hocking could potentially break it up after contending with Youngman for a second but opts that he doesn't care too much for Courtney or this temp partnership anyways.

    Winner: Sammy Bach (10:32) 70


    Post Match Promo with Sammy Bach & Ernest Youngman

    The match over and it's another day in the office for The Elation Sensation Sammy Bach and as he's joined in the ring by his young partner, it seems that a bright new idea pops into Bach's head as he calls for a mic.


    "I'm flying baby! Bach been flying solo since you were a young man Youngman! Believe it or not though, I got my kicks once with a friend of mine by my side and though no friendships last forever, I can't deny that it weren't a good feeling to have my back covered by a smooth dude like yourself man, ya dig?" Sammy Bach gestures to Ernest and refers to his performance that draws applause from the crowd. "See they feel it! They feel it too, you got good things coming my brother and if you down with it, I'd like you to consider a propisition. You see, the TCW World Tag Team Titles are currently being held hostage but two nasty pigs! Killer Shark and Titan? Well, they got that gold on lock right now but the way we moved just a mo ago? The way we grooved brother? Feels like we could move those titles to thinner waists!" The crowd pop for what Bach is hinting at. "That's right my friend, I'm suggesting we turn this one night stand into a long term! So whaddya say?"


    Ernest takes the microphone and gives an overly-dramatic and overly-long pause before given his answer. "That'll fly with me!"

    The crowd cheer and it seems like this one time thing is going to turn for a pursuit on the trail of the TCW World Tag Team Champions, Killer Shark and Titan, The Behemoths. Sammy Bach downs a beer from the crowd in celebration of this new comradery and invites his new tag team partner to do the same which after another pause, he gingerly does. 86



    Pre-Match Promo with Greg Gauge

    Greg Gauge's music hits for the next contest but the cheers for the initial start of another match is met with boos when Gauge emerges, title on waist and microphone in hand, insisting that we listen to him talk the talk before we see him walk the walk in the ring.


    "Hey, hey, hey...What's with this reaction huh?" The sarcasm only invites more hatred. "Ladies and Gentlemen, it's The Modern Spectacle, The Son of a Legend, your reigning defending TCW Television Champion of the Wooooooooorld. Me." He's a heat magnet really. "And tonight, aren't you lucky? I'm putting this sweet gold around my waist on the line once more but once more, I'm dissapointed." His slow walk to the ring as he talks finally arrives him at the ring. "I'm dissapointed because for every loser that's backstage right now there are a few good eggs, men who think like me, Jay Chord, Wolf Hawkins but tonight? Am I offering one of those fine men a shot at my title? Management says no! They say I gotta face my opponent tonight."

    "Edd Stone, you aren't a good egg, you ain't even just a bad egg, you're rotten from shell to core! See, daddy kicked you to the curb in 08 and Huggins wised up and left you head swirling in the toilet two years back and now you have the gall to challenge the likes of me? Because we're both the sons of some of the greatest to ever lace a pair? Well, let me tell Edd, I'm not sure you know boot lace from boot camp because your daddy should've sent you into the army to die overseas so at least then our country and your old man could pretend to be proud of you." That final spurn seems like it was enough and Edd Stone storms out, outpacing his music which is good because the crowd seemed equally as furious with that last remark. 78


    HcG156J.jpg  4rlarUb.png  91Kddpr.jpg

    TCW Television Championship

    Greg Gauge (c) vs. Edd Stone

    The bell sounds as Edd Stone is half way through launching himself at Gauge. The champion is the bigger man here but that doesn't seem to deter Stone who throws flurry after flurry of kicks and fists that sends Gauge on the retreat. The opening pace matches Edd wonderfully as he flies about the inside and outside of the ring. Perhaps inciting such rage and determination wasn't the brightest of Greg Gauge's ideas as he can't keep up. Though he weathers the storm and it only takes one slip-up to turn the tide. Throughout the match they trade like this but Greg Gauge is wrong, Edd Stone is a good egg and it's that goodness that costs him, he plays it so clean that we almost forget the No DQ, that is until Gauge uses his signature heavy gold chain and clobbers Stone over the skull and follows immediately with a choke with the object that causes Stone to lose consciousness within seconds.

    Winner: Greg Gauge (10:04) 74


    Post Match Commentary with Kyle Rhodes and Shawn Doakes


    "For God's sake, I'm sickened at this cycle of rage and dissapointment that Greg Gauge has us stuck in."


    "It was bad enough when we had him binded to rules Kyle, now the whole playground has opened up and you can't deny that the TCW Television Championship is one of the most resourceful men we have on the roster and it's the willingness to act fast with things like this that'll make him a force to be reckoned with even in the new age of Total Championship Wrestling."

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    Main Event

    One Man Army vs. Wolf Hawkins

    It's now time for TCW Total Chaos' first main event. Earlier in the night Aaron Andrews threw down the gauntlet that a convincing win here for Wolf Hawkins would grant him a shot at the TCW World Heavyweight Championship. One Man Army on the other hand is fighting against time as his aging and this turn for a new direction threatens to leave him behind. There were fears among the backstage that this new type of crowd might reject him for who he is but they accept the legend with open arms. One Man Army starts off strong, he has the intensity but Hawkins is baiting him into the longer match. Both men are fiery enough to keep the crowd engaged for the best wrestling we've seen tonight. OMA can still keep up with the kids it seems but The Alpha Wolf ain't playing around. An exchange of weapon shots to the body, a few moves from each here and there, it's just a shame that the jig was almost certainly up for One Man Army ever since the bell rang. Wolf Hawkins eventually seizes a comfortable control and to put an extra bit of spice on the match, he first lands the Full Moon Rising and then finishes the legend with Aaron Andrew's very own frog splash (Aces High) to win the main event.

    Winner: Wolf Hawkins (13:58) 80


    Post Match Promo with Wolf Hawkins

    The referee's hand hits the mat for the third time and Wolf Hawkins is declared the winner, he takes no time at all to disrespectfully put the boots to One Man Army to usher him out of the ring. He gestures that it's his ring multiple times before beckoning for the microphone.


    "Winner of the first main event of this new show, where's my interview with the lovely Jasmine Saunders huh? Where's my red carpet boss?" he points over the rope at Kyle Rhodes who just mimes a shrug back at him. "You were talking earlier Aaron Andrews, you were talking but you weren't saying much but one thing did stick out, you mentioned the lone voice in the crowds that call for me and you're right it's a very small minority that respects The Alpha Wolf, that knows that I'm destined to be a four time TCW World Heavyweight Champion."

    "You also talked about what people are saying, what people are asking, both of you and this company well let me tell you something 'Ace', people have also been asking the same things of me, saying the same things to me. I'm a thirty-four year old with three world championships to his name and people will still say "Hey kid, you ain't earned sh** in this business." Kid? Are you kidding me with that?" Wolf Hawkins paces around the ring, ever increasingly more agitated. "People'll say that I was brought into this industry with a golden spoon in my mouth but it weren't no spoon. No, it was a golden hand, THE golden hand of THE Tommy Cornell who took my own and dragged me to the top of the mountain and said "Hey, take it from here, I believe in you." and for that I don't care if none of you believe in me because he did! So I do too!" Wolf Hawkins screaming has reached a fever pitch.

    "So let's get to the heart of the matter huh? Aaron Andrews, your title? I want it and you wanted definitive well how was this? Not good enough? Well, see you next week then, feel free to send another one of your 'legendary' old yeller goody-two-shoes friends who I'll gladly put out to pasture because when you're The Alpha Wolf, the hunt is all the fun man, so feel free to make me wait right up until the Pay-Per-View but come that fateful night in late March, the TCW faithful will have to hang their heads in shame as they Shawn Doakes on commentary says "FOUR TIME! FOUR TIME! FOUR TI-" Hawkins hurls his microphone to the mat amidst the mixed adjulation and jeers of the crowd as we fade off the air in this new era for the first time. 92

    Show Rating: 81

    Points Leaderboard

    1. @DarEatWorld 6 Points
    2. @AboardTheArk 6 Points
    3. @Jaysin 6 Points
    4. @christmas_ape 5 Points
    5. @QFresh 5 Points
    6.  @GreatreDRagon 5 Points

    Thank you everyone who predicted and those who dare read something so long lol. Preparing to aim for one mainline TV Show or PPV a week but this is start! Still learning formatting and such on this forum so please bare with whatever stank there may be for the time being.

    • Like 2
  7. vfsWWVK.png

    TCW Presents Total Chaos

    West Texas Coliseum, 2,000 Attendance (SOLD OUT)


    No DQ Singles Match

    One Man Army vs. Wolf Hawkins

    TCW Television Championship/No DQ Match

    Greg Gauge (c) vs. Edd Stone

    No DQ Tag Team Match

    Ernest Youngman & Sammy Bach vs. Jeremie Courtney & Matt Hocking

    No DQ Singles Match

    Cip Conduit vs. Jay Chord

    Kendo Stick Match

    Dave Diamond vs. Joshua Taylor

    Also Featuring The Hot Taggs vs. Local Workes

    • Like 1
  8. s5GtcdP.png

    Total Championship Wrestling: Total Chaos TV



    "Are you insane Rhodes? This is a business! Not some ego-powered passion project! We've been doing just fine!" The Shady Exec to the left had lost his temper now. They'd been sitting brows furrowed, nostrils flaring from the moment Kyle had announced he had big plans for the promotion going forward. "Now you want to take twenty four years of work and trust and flush it down the toilet because we're falling a tad behind the other kids in the playground?"



    "A tad behind? Gentlemen, we are stagnant! A half-live corpse floating down the rapids towards the edge of the waterfall! I know this isn't a game, this is a business and we're a failing business doomed to closure if we stay the path we're currently on!" Kyle himself hadn't an ounce of patience left within his body bless him. We'd been good friends since my arrival in 2008 and it's truly a rarity to see him this passionate. "Your company has only had a stake in TCW since 2015, I appreciate you appointing me CEO at the time but I have 23 years here myself! I know what's best for this company, I'm asking you to trust in a new direction!"



    "We sell action figures to little boys Mr Rhodes. We sell dollhouses to little girls. We don't sell blood and guts to drunken louts that don't know Shakespeare from Salt Shakers! You forcing this change has already forced Mr Hill and a bunch of loyalists out of the company. You're the one with the spade digging the grave here Mr Rhodes, not we." An accusatory finger pointed towards Rhodes, oh dear, this is only going to end one way. Kyle had just about blown his top at the wrinkled, boney index directed at his direction.



    "What do you know about wrestling? This is a business of soul! Of daring challenges and overcoming impossible odds! It's not for fat useless exec-"



    "What Mr Rhodes is trying to say is that if you're willing to take a chance on this, we could push the company potentially up the ranks again, get people talking and with exposure comes profit Gentlemen. It's a risk with a return for certain, the matter of discussion is really just how significant and long lasting will our return be once we change TCW for hopefully the better." I had to interrupt Kyle before he said something that'd really put us in hot water. Or so I thought, turns out it's already boiling over here in San Antonio as the Execs hit us with the words I dreaded to hear.



    "Sorry Gentlemen, it's a firm no from us. Of course we understand that we granted Mr Rhodes full creative capacity in 2015, unaware of where it might lead us, but if this is the direction you're heading then Total Championship Wreslting will be doing so without the backing of BriCo Inc. We will send you the disillusion papers for our partnership come next week. Good day and good luck to you both." The three Executives hurridly picked themselves up and turned tail out the door, leaving Kyle to hold every curse word he could possibly muster to sit on the tip of his tongue. With just the two of us and the silence of the room remaining, Kyle turned to me with the look of exasperation I had grown all too familiar with since our fall to America's third place.



    "Do you still believe in this idea Ed?"



    I laughed at him in response. "If I didn't kyle I'd be teaching restholds to rookies like Hill is right now." I gave him a playful jab on the arm. "This is the next step my friend, we'll be making waves for sure so lets just do our bests to stay on our boards." My ridiculous mimicry of a stumbling surfer earns a chuckle and some relaxation from Kyle. We look down at the old logo the stains the meeting room table, it represents an older, safer Total Championship Wrestling and where we're going? Nothing will ever be safe again...



    Scenario In-Game Effects

    • Total Championship Wrestling product switches to Crash TV
    • Total Championship Wrestling lose $9Million of starting $10Million as BriCo back out of Majority Ownership of the Promotion.
    • Total Championship Wrestling lose 11 Popularity points in both United States and Canada for alienating traditional wrestling fans.
    • Brent Hill is diposed as Head Booker causing Bart Biggins, Benny Benson, Danny Fonzarelli, Darryl Devine, Eddie Chandler, Elliot Thomas and Troy Tornado to walk out with him in solidarity.
    • PGHW break agreement with Total Championship Wrestling due to dislike of new product.
    • Pitssburgh Steel Wrestling adopt a hostile attitude of Total Championship Wrestling for "not stayin in their own lane".
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  9. Thought I'd create a thread to share the various Logos and Banners I have done for the CornellVerse and the ones yet t come. All of these are completely free to use for whatever you want so go hogwild! I am not doing commissions right now but I may do so in the future. Without further ado,


    CornellVerse Base Companies Logos


    CornellVerse Base Companies Banners




    CornellVerse Custom Companies Logos


    CornellVerse Custom Companies Banners





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