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christmas_ape last won the day on March 19 2023

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About christmas_ape

  • Birthday 05/28/1993

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  1. It's always an exciting time when a new game comes out. I think the combination of extra eyes on the boards, some new writers, and a whole load of fresh space creatively. Personally I'm torn between getting really struck into the actual game, likely with a performance over pop company. Usually TCW. Or getting into a diary, I'm hoping RAW are in a position which interests me as that's the most fun I've had with a diary in TEW2020. Young me would have just done both, ran a diary and played the game on the side but realistically that's not possible. Looking forward to seeing what plans other people have.
  2. I think she deserves a send off so I'll keep her for now. I'll keep an eye on who out of the above are spooky material.
  3. Looks like I've missed some big stuff! Look at everyone, scrambling to ditch their AEW stars for the incoming WWE'ers. TUT TUT. No I'm going to stay loyal to my team of AEW originals like... Satnam Singh? The Spooky Club: Sting & Singh
  4. I'll go Sting, Black and Satnam for Dynamite Black, Satnam and Danhousen for Collision
  5. Hart and Abadon, sooner or later all this experience teaming will start reaping rewards.
  6. The Spooky Club v Black Lotus - men tag Sting and Black
  7. Yes I'd also go 1. Realistically these things happen, whilst I'm sure it can be frustrating for you Nobby, getting even a few people to regularly be involved, make decisions, comment etc can be a tall order so whatever system you have should probably be ready for people to go missing. I think them essentially becoming AI/Nobby ran is the best option. In a perfect scenario he makes a return, if not the team can be replaced in the future (although part of me would find it funny if his team won the league).
  8. If it's broke don't fix it- I'll stick with the dreaded team of Julia Hart and Abadon Black Lotus get ready *Tony Shiavone voice* IT'S... ST- No actually it's Danhausen, you're up again Danhausen.
  9. All I'm saying... Is there's only a couple of women who fit my explicitly stated spooky vibe... So hands off people!
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