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Everything posted by alden

  1. It is the style. It is a big reason i don't like a spot monkey. It is hard to not screw up atleast a few big spots. Can you name a pure spot monkey who does not screw up atleast one spot in every match?
  2. I prefered koshi as the muta gimmick. I am a mutta mark so who knows.......I think koshi is a good wrestler but needs something more then the world elite which seams dead now by the way. I think the suicide gimmick is going to be intresting.......I guess the company will put people under it to just give them something to do. I wonder if they will ever have mutlipte people under the mask at the same time.....There is no rule that the same person has to do it all the time.
  3. raven came back a few month ago to feud with abyss and joined doctor stevie dang beat me to it
  4. A good impact this week. Pope calling rick......well i know it will be edited so....pope is so great on the mic it is insane. I was never a fan of burke in ecw........he just never seamed to have IT........that one thing that would put him over. what a diffrence a gimmick can make. I am not sure if it is the gimmick or not but i am becoming a huge pope fan. He is getting a good but not insane push *he has lost a few matches* so it is not going to be a "goldberg" push. He is earning he sports i think. I guess suicide is done.........unless they want to put chris under it again..... and hogan giving abyss his hof ring??????????? Seams like a little bit of a slap in the face to what it was. I don't think we will ever EVER EVER see hogan in wwe again. He just took alot of credibility away from the hof........not that it had much to begin with.
  5. isn't the point of the show is it is also a non scriped show? They are putting it over as in ring and out of ring "real life" stuff. I am still not sure about the concept. If done right it could work but could also bring down the last "curtain" of keyfabe. Real names....friendships backsatage.....stuff like that.
  6. That is why i think it would work. I don't see jordon willing to make a joke out of his life style. Just as i don't see kanyon willing to play a over the top homosexual charactar. I would love to see a bad ass wresting who just happens to be bi. could work.
  7. So who is ki's "mentor" going to be? They said truth is going to be one. If it is truth it is going to be epic. triple x vs three live crew was a good feud in tna. Now Ki will have to be teamed up with him. Classic.
  8. most wrestlers would do almost anything ANYTHING to get a shot at the wwe even if it is for a short time. look at what a basic wwe contract pays. 250k is nothing to sneeze at. when you figure a worker on the indy level is lucky to pull down 20k a year. if they work for multiple promotions.
  9. Yes i do believe jordan lives a what is the pc term for it now a day? I think it would work as jordan would not make a joke out of it.
  10. I am a little surprised givin spikes audience. Unless they are going to try to put him over as a heel ala chuck and billy.
  11. That was only one "segment" their has been no evidence that it is a storyline yet.
  12. I noticed it said for season 1. Meaning that they go through the "program" and then get assigned to a brand? Intresting if that is how it works. If it is a "reality" program i wonder how they are going to handle guys like lowki who has been wrestling for 10+ years and was a big name in tna. Wonder if they will address that.
  13. From what i understand sheely is hurt and that is why the guns are not on the show right now. As for generation next *get use to it people * i have no idea. I love the guns though. they are such a great tag team but i really see the x guys being pushed to the side .
  14. WOW!!!!!!! the crowd was dead for the springer segment.....that was just hard to watch.
  15. I was a huge war games fan. I don't see how it would work in wwe now though. The war games was a match made because the horsemen. You have a heel stable that can't be kept down. You have five faces that have had enough and try to take them down. You would have to have a dominate heel stable to make it work. you can't just have five faces vs five heels. Plus war games was one of the most violent matches around. wwe pg would not be able to pull off a war games.
  16. I enjoyed the super bowl this year. I was SHOCKED!!!!!!!!!!! when the saints won. i figured it would have been a blow out. won a little money though lol
  17. I don't expect there to be ONLY new wrestlers. You need the five or six guys to train the young kids how to work a wwe style show. They will most likely keep golddust regal christian and helms to help the young kids. Then you bring in a guy like danialson who already knows how to work and it will be good. You have guys like shelton *who is young but still can work* and you will be set.
  18. I did not think i would ever hear anyone call that one a good show lol. Remember that was the one with team 3d vs lax in a electrified cage match *shutter*
  19. I have seen this punk head shaving thing coming for a while. I do think it will be punk vs someone at mania in a hair vs something match. I would love to see it be rey. I do also hope that punk wins but the heel will always loose in a situation like that. The blow off of this head shaving thing has to be punk getting shaved.
  20. I believe that bash you are talking about was the one on the beach wasen't it? If that is the one you are talking about everyone got in free It was on a public beach and they could not charge. Just like when nitro was at mall of america. They could not charge because it was a public mall and they let everyone see the show for free.
  21. Tna is a regional promotion with a great tv slot. Pure and simple. That is not a bad thing but to be honest they are a south eastern company. They go out of florida.....heck even out of orlando and they will bomb. I would love to see how they do in an arena in orlando that people would have to pay to get into. Just to see how they would do. I am a tna fan, big time but i am also realistic that they need to stay put.
  22. ah.....poor jimmy rave. That guy got so much heat it was crazy. I have to admit i have not watched roh for a while. But one thing that stuck out in my mind was the toilet paper being thrown into the ring when rave was intoduiced. I still to this day don't know if that was roh doing plants in the audience or the people just really hated him that much. There were not alot of great heels in roh at that time. Rave got super heat.
  23. from what i understand panda energy *the parent compnay if you will* makes alot of money and was willing to loose money for a while till tna started making a profit. I do understand that tna was turning a profit. but that was before hogan and all the new people started coming in. I am assuming that is costing them alot of money. They might not be making a profit any more but panda might be willing to risk it for a few more month.
  24. I hope they can talk her out of it. She is a huge part of the knock outs. She is a champion and would hate to see her go. hermada is getting a good push with her. i would hate to see her push go away.
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