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  1. I can't see any evidence that Angel Blanco was ever known as El Medico so you're right that ChatGPT is spitting out some nonsense, but there were other El Medico's after the one you mentioned who died in 1960. Cagematch seems to attribute the specific El Medico who was NWA Hollywood Tag championships with Pepe Lopez to Luis Hernandez, but I guess to Mammoth's point it could be anyone under the mask
  2. Does anyone know if the new career plans can override the loyalty system? I'm thinking of people like Nakamura and Okada who you would have thought will be NJPW lifers but at some point in their career their plans became about doing something different. I kind of imagined this is the kind of impact career plans could have but couldn't see anywhere stating if it does
  3. I think it would be good when using a combination of pre-taped and outside broadcast in the angle settings, to be able to use people who are not available due to working elsewhere. As in theory with the pre-tape option, I should be able to record something for a show a day or two ahead. If it's a bit too gamey to do it while booking the show, being able to pre-book the angle on a day the worker would be available would be good
  4. WWF December 1996 (started January 1996) WWF World Heavyweight Champion - Bret Hart (def. Greg Valentine October 1996) WWF Intercontinental Champion - Chris Benoit (def. Greg Valentine July 1996) WWF Tag Team Champions - Sycho Sid & Tatanka (def. The Steiners September 1996) WWF Junior Heavyweight Champion - Juventud Guerrera (inaugaral champion) ---------------- Absences changed the course of history. Austin who was due to win the rumble, title at Mania has gone down injured for 1 year +, 1-2-3 Kid who was supposed to be Junior HW champion got sent to rehab, and after winning the WWF Title, Bret went down injured for 4 months, thankfully after surgery only a few weeks but enough to miss Survivor Series and ruin those plans.
  5. Valentine returned as part of an NWA styled faction with Dory and Terry funk. Didn't want to be known as the joke people thought he was after his last run. Won the IC title at Wrestlemania over a surging Benoit ("remind the young punks who Greg Valentine is") in a tournament after Michaels vacated to challenge for the Heavyweight title. Then in the build up to Summerslam they set their sights on HBK. Michaels retired Dory in Texas in a title vs career match at an In Your House, cost Valentine the IC title in a rematch with Benoit, but then succumbed at Summerslam and lost the title to Greg after interference from the Funks and a debuting Gerald Brisco
  6. WWF September 1996 (started January 1996) WWF World Heavyweight Champion - Greg Valentine (def. Shawn Michaels August 1996) WWF Intercontinental Champion - Chris Benoit (def. Greg Valentine July 1996) WWF Tag Team Champions - The Steiner Brothers (def. Owen Hart & Yokozuna January 1996)
  7. Excited that it's getting close! Think I've settled on Australia and WCW for me. Trying to take a blend of Japan and America, with a little home grown sprinkled in too to make Australia the home of "global" wrestling by the time the 80s come around
  8. Bumping this as I was about to post the same I think having billed weights especially would be very important because of title weight limits. Now we don't have a generic size as the maximum limit for a Cruiserweight or Lightweight title, the real weight (while a fantastic addition) is a little too granular. If I have a title limit of 220lb and a worker who is 230lb - realistically I could easily push that worker as a credible contender for the title, but in game i'll be punished because he's over the limit. Having that billed weight of like even 5-10% either way would allow for that flexibility
  9. I like to play in booker mode so I have owner goals turned on however I do find in some circumstances they are a little too strict. My main example is owner goals around worker skills. As WWF in 1996, Vince has set me a goal of not hiring anyone with under 60 in selling. However if i'm hiring someone on a developmental contract, my expectation is that they will be lacking in skills but have the opportunity to develop. For example Rhino has 56 selling at this point, so right now he falls under the threshold, but it's reasonable to think that by the time I call him up he would be at the 60 mark. I think a bit of nuance when hiring someone to developmental, like for example if their skill is within 25% of the required value (so in the case of 60 selling - 45 would be accepted) then they will be accepted as long as it's a developmental deal and they spend X time in development
  10. Will be following this keenly, love this era! In terms of hires I'd love to see, as a face bringing Wahoo McDaniel back to the company following his retirement from football would be great. On the heel side, Pampero Firpo is a couple of years away from WWWF irl but could definitely come in a do a job now before he gets a bit too old
  11. I use auto booker for b-shows and have no issue. If anything sometimes it books too many angles for my product and I have to manually adjust. Sure you're not selecting "book only matches" instead of "book whole show" ?
  12. So, who else blew through their 3 months in a few days and has been waiting impatiently for tomorrow ever since? Adam, Arlie, if you fancy dropping the purchase link a day early, no complaints from me
  13. First death of TEW 9 for me was a shocker, a career taken before it even really started
  14. Yeah I think where it'll really come in handy is in situations where you can justify splitting a state, for example limiting Western States to run West Texas by tagging arenas in Amarillo, El Paso, Odessa, Lubbock etc. as "West Texas" or keeping Big Time Wrestling in NorCal/Nevada
  15. Yes, yes yes! Very much looking forward to this, will be my main save when released! What are your thoughts on the geo tag system? I was playing around with a conversion of the 2020 version and tagging up arenas with City, State, Region to try and really hone in the territory boundaries. Do you think that's workable or too restrictive in it's current state?
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