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  1. yah i think the arkham word is a batman reference. LOL im having issues with ZEN as well
  2. Last bu That Darn logo alone took 3 days.. lol bc it kept giving me batman logos
  3. I couldnt find her mask and tried to make it by hand but it looked awful
  4. My only complaint is that i couldn't get the original background they used to make there logos and i havnt figured out how to make the background color change. Reminds me of montreal expos logo lol, The idea came from an old WCW logo i remembered as a kid.. I put the European flag instead of the Scottish or Irish flag bc i thought many European wrestlers would sign there.
  5. Thats my issue i donno what one i like more lol. The blue one reminds me of Labbate beer logo for whatever reason. You can tell im not in 2021 ingame or i havn't been looking at the data file. In game im only in year 2019
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