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Everything posted by Doublezero

  1. I'd like to see a video of one of the developers or testers try to navigate this game.
  2. I think my favorite game was one of the first TEWs, I forget which. It had a really simple few clicks, a couple of dropdowns and that was it. TEW 2020 has so many clicks and dropdowns and submenus on all sides of the screen that it's almost impossible for me to understand how to do basic stuff. That early TEW was really a lot of fun. I think maybe a Youtube video of how to play TEW would help. That would be my suggestion. Now I've played games like Out of the Park baseball for many years and that game is a lot of fun, even though it's a glorified spreadsheet game. I wish TEW was as easy to play as OTTP. I didn't even read a manual to play OTTP because it's intuitive and the menus are user friendly. I mean, look at OTTP and how easy it is to go from owner menus to playing a game. I'm not saying baseball is like wrestling but the TEW demo has to be the most unapproachable game I've ever played.
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