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Everything posted by Crychon

  1. I'm more disappointed that Ryback ended up winning. That guy is the worst. Also, I'm excited that Owens won, and that match was amazing, but man, this card has gone downhill hard since that match.
  2. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="milamber" data-cite="milamber" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>Raw Notes:</strong><p> </p><p> - They need to disband the Authority soon. Their segments are getting as boring as Wyatt's. Cena's pre-US Open Challenge promos are also too long-winded and repetitive.</p><p> - I like the Ambrose/Rollins and Rusev/Lana storylines but the weak PG scripts are letting them down.</p><p> - Barrett losing to an injured Ryback was stupid. What was the point of his KOTR push if he still loses to everyone?</p><p> - Stephen Amell > Entourage guys.</p><p> - Sheamus vs Ziggler delivered another good match.</p><p> - Powerbomb Owens Powerbomb!</p><p> - Since when do heels get put in handicap matches? Does that make Kane a babyface?</p><p> - LOL at WWE sneakily promoting Ambrose's cop movie.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I swear that whenever there's something specific on Raw that I want to see, that's one of the things Hulu cuts out. Could've done with so much less of that Entourage BS, I wanted to see Amell/Stardust's confrontation. :/</p><p> </p><p> Yeah, I can look this stuff up on Youtube, but it's so annoying that this always seems to be the case.</p>
  3. I thought the 2nd half of the card (starting with Cena/Rusev) was kind of weak until the main event, which was a lot better than expected. Overall, most of the show exceeded my expectations, with the exception of Cena/Rusev, the Divas and Neville/Barrett.
  4. Some shows have the entire seasons available if you have Plus. Flash and Gotham aren't among those shows though. As someone who has watched both, I love Flash. It's light superhero fun that has been consistently entertaining. Gotham, on the other hand is just painful for me to watch. I don't understand why that's as well received as it is... Also, I concur that Orphan Black is awesome. It sucks that I probably won't be able to watch the current season until it hits Prime, though.
  5. Does that make Paige the only active face diva in the division now? Emma had kind of a tweener turn on NXT, so I'm not sure if I'd count her. I'm not sure where she stands on the main roster. I'm pretty sure everyone else is a heel.
  6. I think it's kind of a shame. He filled his role well, and even though you knew he was always going to lose, his matches were generally fairly solid.
  7. Hulu Raw is the worst. :/ I keep reading about the Lucha Dragons and Neville on Raw, and that's basically what they cut out of it.
  8. Ah, cool. I didn't remember those cases. Thanks! I might have to look all of those up at some point.
  9. Even though I loved the ending, it's somewhat strange that the new world champion lost cleanly earlier in the night. Has that happened before? EDIT: Also, even though at the time of the musical performance I hated it. At the same time as I was listening to that song all I could think is "This might be the last time I hear this damn song" and that made me happy.
  10. Well, I wouldn't say it's one of the best, but I actually enjoyed most of it. I do think that Bray should've gone over Taker, though, especially considering we probably won't see him again until next year.
  11. Yeah, pretty much. At first when they started expanding, pretty much everyone wanted to avoid having to use Steam as well. Then at some point (I'm not really sure when) it got way better, and now it's pretty much the go-to for computer gaming. As for the Half-Life series. I actually don't think I've finished HL2, or done any of the episodes either. I played some of it, then stopped for some reason. I should probably do that at some point.
  12. I first started using it with Half-life 2, and apparently registered it on Jan 1 2005. I let my account lie dormant for quite a few years after that, though, as I didn't have anything else to play on it.
  13. Yeah... I just looked again at mine as well: Games owned - 394 Games not played - 276 (70%) 1952.5 hours over 10 years.
  14. There's a site that gives you the stats on your Steam catalogue... The % of games that I own that I haven't played yet is pretty sad. I think I've played like 30% of my games... Humble Bundles have had a lot to do with that, though, as I buy them for 1 game a lot of the time.
  15. Yeah, this is basically what I was getting at. I had a lot of Rock Band DLC for the 360, I'm not sure exactly how much I had (because I can't find the cord for my controller charger to check ), but it was a couple hundred songs. I'm still going to be buying it, but I'm going to miss having so much DLC, and I'll have to rebuy some of it.
  16. Excited for Rock Band 4, but I really wish I bought a PS3 back in the day rather than a 360. I'm going to lose so much DLC, as I have no desire to buy an XBOne.
  17. I wish Hulu would just show full episodes of Raw. I didn't get to see that Cesaro/Kidd/Nattie or Miz moments because it cuts out half the show.
  18. Yeah, this event was pretty terrible. Reigns is not ready for a Wrestlemania main event at all. Maybe it's because I finally just listened to those podcasts yesterday, but the fact that Reigns already has one, and Punk never did just doesn't seem right to me. He's so green. I'm pretty sure I'd be ok if it were either of the other Shield members, but Reigns just isn't there yet.
  19. I'm pretty sure the Wyatt promo was the highlight of the night.
  20. I dunno, it doesn't seem any less awkward than the Dubstep Cowboys. Their attempted promo on Enzo and Cass after their match was pretty dreadful, and they don't really do anything interesting in the ring.
  21. I think that one problem with a lot of WWE's tag booking in general lately is that they generally don't let teams stay together long enough for their breakups to really be meaningful. Most teams stay together for a few months, then feud with each other, then they move onto another partner and do the same thing. The reason why the ultimate tag partner turning angle of Michaels and Jannetty worked was because they had such a storied history that lasted years as partners. I think they need to be more patient before they do the inevitable turning angle. That said, I agree that they don't really have any tag depth. The fact that Enzo/Cass is one of their top tag teams is kind of depressing, but that may be because I can't really stand Enzo (I do like Cass, though). They do need to breathe some life into the division, and I think that the Vaudevillains seem like the most people to be able to do that. Having them job in an extremely short match to a team that doesn't have much momentum doesn't make sense to me. Though, I guess NXT does have a tendency to back burner people pretty abruptly sometimes. I haven't been watching NXT terribly long, but Breeze and Bayley (though I think hers was injury related) come to mind.
  22. Why have they been burying the Vaudevillains lately? They're probably the most interesting tag act NXT has. They had fairly decent momentum going into their last title match against Sin Cara and Calisto, but it has been down hill pretty fast since then. Definitely not buying the current tag champs as being worthy of having the belts. They're kind of vanilla.
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