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  1. Legend mate. Thanks very much for the detailed description
  2. Im not sure who's RW mod is better between Questlove and The Who or what the differences are? Anyone help me out?
  3. Yet you included CSC who hadnt posted in like 2 years before IX was announced
  4. Have to agree. for me 2016 was the best. If 2016 had a few of th additions 20 and 9 have it would have been perfect
  5. Brother i have to disagree. I think the UI in 2020 was a massive downgrade from 2016 and could have been improved upon and should have been a priority
  6. I can download it but its calculating more than a day to transfer it into the TEW IX folder
  7. Mate. Funny you mention riks videos. One of the worst periods of my life I was In a deep hole of depression and that guys impact reawakened series was incredible. Would binge it for hours. Went to search it recently and it’s not on YouTube anymore. Shame really.
  8. I remember promotion wars too. There were a few booking sims around that time. Then ewr 4.2 released and it was a big upgrade on the others. I couldn’t get into the CV with the early TEWs I got 13 and immediately 16 was announced. 16 has by far been my favourite. Had a long save with that. Turning Mike Bennett from Mike Kannelis to “Main Event” Mike Bennett was one of my best accomplishments.
  9. Curious how everybody discovered these games. For me it was 2002 during the "e-fed" popularity. I remember my tag team partner at the time (Shauny Dreamer) talking to me on MSN and asking my opinion on if Mick Foley returning to WWF and winning the World Title would be a good move. He explained it was on this booking simulator called Extreme Warfare Revenge and that was when my love for these games began. Anyone else got a good story?
  10. Adam, be an absolute legend and release the demo today so we get a full weekend at it mate. please.
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