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  1. Me racing home from work at exactly 5pm tomorrow to boot up the new Territory Daze mod when my boss tries to get me to stay late again: (Thanks for all the hard work Mammoth, I can’t wait)
  2. Im noticing the same on American save, if you check their personal details it will say they are Asian American but the volume you get is probably unrealistic for the 1920s. Not sure if thats fixable with how the game is designed though One similar issue that is fixable is the names of generated workers not being made region specific. I have an asian-canadian worker named Ashton Ortiz, which should be a surname limited to hispanic/european wrestlers and a hispanic-American wrestler named Imran, which should probably be region locked to middle eastern workers. Also I have a 1920s Asian-American named Harvey Barry lol Its not game-breaking, Im just having to give workers alter-ego names and assign a more accurate picture whenever I sign someone. Apart from that the actual meat and bones of the mod seem pretty good so far
  3. Never tried this mod in previous versions but looks very interesting Just downloaded and about to start giving it a go as Frank Norris booking Southern Pro Wrestling I've only ever really played real-world mods due to feeling overwhelmed with the amount of workers and history to catch up with in the C-verse and other fictional scenarios so being able to start from the very beginning of pro-wrestling appeals to me Thanks for the hard work
  4. To be fair there was a time where most of the talent publicly praised Vince, and people like Cena and Taker are still loyal to him Would you publicly give an honest media interview about your boss? or the leading decision maker at the top company in your industry that you hoped to be one of the top guys in one day? I agree that HHH seems to have mellowed out since his heart issues and seems to be running WWE incredibly professionally but that doesn't change 20 years as being one of the most insecure, political guys in the biz
  5. Super cool start to the diary with the intros/bios, cant wait for the booking to kick off. Also love the interactive competition element - if I ever have the discipline to stick to a save long enough to make a diary worthwhile I may have to shamelessly steal take inspiration Anyway I have to confess 1997 is a real black-spot in my knowledge of the WWF but ill do my best Shotgun Saturday Night #1 Faarooq/PG-13 vs Flash Funk/Hardy Boys Farooq/PG-13 Ahmed Johnson vs Crush Crush (tainted win - outside interference) The Godwinns vs The Headbangers Godwinns Goldust vs The Sultan Goldust Sunday Morning Superstars #534 Justin Hawk Bradshaw vs Rocky Maivia Rocky Maivia Mil Mascaras/Perro Aguayo/Octagon vs Pierroth Jr./Cibernetico/Fuerza Guerrera Team 1 after Mil Mascaras pins Fuerza Guerrera Marc Mero vs The Stalker Mero The Goon vs The Undertaker The Goon - Roll-up pinfall after Undertaker is distracted at ringside Comments: The best part of Sunday Morning Superstars was when the Goon said "Its goonin' time" and gooned all over the Undertaker Monday Night Raw #192 Mankind vs Owen Hart Mankind Can-Am Express vs Diesel/Razor Ramon Diesel/Razor Bret Hart vs Vader Bret
  6. I'm surprised this year hasn't had more love - The year Vince Jr takes over from Vince Sr might be the most pivotal year in all of wrestling history
  7. Incredible news and thanks again for working so quickly. Cant wait to rekindle my quest to take over British Wrestling with one of the regional joint promotions members and end up with a national company vying for global dominance against American counterparts. The balancing act between using Big Daddys Entertainment skills and Star quality to elevate the company without becoming over-reliant and practically killing Britwres in the long-run like in real life should be even more dynamic with TEWIXs new backstage systems
  8. Amazing work. Cant wait. Definitely the mod I gravitated towards the most by the end of the TEW2020 cycle
  9. 94/95 would be great, the Monday Night Wars are always a go-to and I'm extra excited for that era with all of the new backstage/attribute additions. I normally play Fleish's 92 mod to scratch that itch due to how comprehensive it is but 2-3 years at the start always feels a bit "too long" to set up for the war Although the mod I have by far the most playtime on is Mammoths 1970 and so I cant wait for that on the new version also Having said all that the first Real World mod to be released that makes full use of the new attributes and backstage roles while managing to convert heights/weights and geo-tags will be getting a hell of a lot of playtime from me regardless of the era because I'm that desperate to play the new game (not to rush anyone, perfection takes time)
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