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  1. Interesting. I’ll definitely rattle that around my dome while I play around. Does seem to be a decent option.
  2. There’s certain scandals, like the aforementioned Vince one where I can use “starts to have law problems” and that will….suffice I guess but in the case of the Rob F, I don’t believe there was any legal action so that doesn’t fit the bill. I think everyone just knew he was Sus AF after and a huge loss in reputation would reflect that. just something to help push the AI into mimicking them losing their position/standing/job within a company if they are employed. In a TEW2016 save I had, HHH had a scandal and became toxic so wwe fired him. I think we should definitely be able to have some form of this. Especially we who tinker in the editor.
  3. I’ve been playing around in the narratives, and I’m very thankful for the many options we do have, it feels there could be more negative effects when it comes to workers. In recreating narratives like the Vince scandal or the rob feinstein scandal there’s not many “repercussions” to be found. I see popularity boosts, but no losses. There’s gains loyalty, but no losing loyalty. Maybe an opportunity to Lose (or gain) reputation could also be an option. maybe I’m just blind and there similar options that I can’t see or aren’t finding.
  4. In laws…what do you guys do with in laws? I’m currently working on relationships and I’ve come to the windham/rotunda family. I suppose they could just be classed as “siblings” or maybe better as“distant relatives” just kinda curious how the community handles this.
  5. I’ll definitely be testing this out. Funny how art imitates life. Crowd reaction adding to the overall match quality is a real thing for sure. Can make a good match great, and a great match legendary. It also adds to the home viewers experience as it makes ge matches/event feel alive. We can watch any Covid era match and see/feel the difference than any match with a crowd.
  6. For sure will do. It’ll totally be under eras, im sure it’ll be playing with attendance levels, etc. probably won’t be able to mimic the “thunder dome” type situations for WWE, I’ve only started looking at geo tags and know nothing about them yet, but if you were playing as AEW, I’m guessing you’ll just have to manually pick Jacksonville (or any other “residency” location) at the beginning of every show. ive been mainly concerned with the US when it comes to eras, so I’ll have to go back through, do an overhaul to try and get the rest of the world in order.
  7. I mean, this is an era that happened. If a historical RW mod was made with out it it wouldnt be a “real” RW mod would it? At least in my opinion. This also gives a chance for those those who were couch quarterbacks to try and do better then the real world did at that time. Part of the Appel of a RW mod to be is not only to succeed but to go through the ups and down of the RW and rewrite history.
  8. So I’m working on eras and I’ve come to the Covid/no fans era. I’m tinkering with setting and playing with attendance levels and such. im curious if anyone else has been able to mimic the Covid era and maybe give me some ideas how you handled incorporating it into RW mods.
  9. I’ve been listening to my world with Jeff Jarrett. This has totally influenced my booking….got hood and bad lol. Love me some Double J.
  10. Good call buuuut they did see wrestling talent in him…. whats gable Stevenson up to? lol
  11. Gerald Brisco, Pat Patterson, William Regal these people are responsible for wrestlers like Bret Hart, Shawn Micheals, Kurt Angle etc. Just a few to start
  12. Question about changes to a broadcaster. ive been working on a 97 mod and in the early days TNN is a broadcaster, in early 2000s they change to Spike TV then in 2018 they change to Paramount Network. ive set it up for TNN to change to spike tv. Is there a way to do the next change from spike tv to paramount network? im Guessing not. Tnn is goin to turn to spike tv but spike tv isn’t an active broadcaster so I can’t set it up to change to paramount and I’m guessing I can’t set up tnn to change to paramount because it’s set up to change to spike tv so it won’t be active to change to paramount.
  13. I’m working on/updating a 98 real world mod. I’ve been investing time in the narratives as of late, trying to make the game world feel more alive. ive added such events like Promo Azteca money issues after wcw locked down the luchadore talent they were using, The ROH/Rob F scandal, the economic crash of 2008, etc. things that shaped the wrestling world and the world in general of the late 90s/early 2000s. Here’s where I get alittle iffy. I’ve removed/decided not to add the events that affect particular wrestlers and/or any you have to manually manipulate through the in game editor. For example Shawn Michaels injury at rumble 98/his retirement after WM, His getting clean and return, Owen harts death, Brock Lesnar leaving the WWE, Matt Capatoli (spelling) Brain tumor, etc. I believe this doesn’t shape the game world but limits me (you) as you know not to invest any time in these guys as they have a shelf life. we all know how things worked out when these situations happened. So now we (I) have the chance to play that era and beyond by letting things play out how they will, according to the game. Thoughts? Opinions?
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