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  1. Cool, I'll get started and send them to you as I go with arenas from japan and mexico in the format you discussed.
  2. Perfect. Two questions -- 1) Where do you want me to start so that we are not covering the same ground? If you want to tell me where to target, I can, like "get all the arena's ECW/WCW went to in 1999-closing" or "Would be nice to have the smaller companies, see what you can find for RoH in 2001ish." Or should I just find every arena that was hosting wrestling shows in that era and get it over to you? Just let me know so that I'm not getting in your way. 2) I can just put it into that format and send it to you in DMs? That way I'm not editing a file, just sending you the raw data? Or is there a way you would like me to put it into a random database file and send it over to you, and you can import it? I've never collaborated on editing a database before, just tinkering on my own, so I don't know the process of sharing data in a way that makes things convenient for you.
  3. Would you like help with venues? I have time right now, I can do exactly what you are saying and just take a company and go card by card. I could put them into a google sheet or something so that you can just access it as you go. I'm happy to do grunt work like that to help free you up for whatever else you want to do, and I'm good at that kind of research and data entry. Love your mod. Just really got a chance to dive into the game today, and I am having a lot of fun with what you have done.
  4. Thank you for ALL of this work. I'm really excited to spend time with this mod this weekend.
  5. I love this game, and have played is since back win the Extreme Warfare Revenge days. I am older now, and have time to give back. I love playing real world mods, and I would be happy to do anything I can if anyone wants help. My personal preference for the game would be to have the latest game I would start be in the 2001-03 game era. After that, I just don't find them as fun. So I would love to focus on that or before, going as far back as could be. I have a history degree and am very interested in the history of wrestling since I was a child. I would be extremely happy to research and fill in any blanks that may exist, but I know most mods are fleshed out. I'm happy to just add heights and weights for individuals going line by line on a spreadsheet to complete the stats. Same with any other grunt work. I just really want to do anything I can do to move any of your projects forward, from the 1920's mods to the 2000's, I'd love to help.
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