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Everything posted by brat99

  1. I completely agree that once it was down to Triple H and Ambrose, it was ridiculously obvious how things would end. Too bad the booking team missed a huge opportunity......Triple H vs Reigns at Mania was going to happen no matter what and doesn't really need to be about the title. Ambrose winning would have given WWE the opportunity to elevate two people.....obviously Ambrose by winning the title, but tonight on RAW they could have stripped Ambrose of the IC title (can't carry two singles belts given as the excuse) and announced a tournament to name a new IC champion......great matches with KO, Styles, Neville, Zayn and anyone else they wanted to include would have gone a long way to elevating someone else. It's really kind of sad that WWE's booking has become so predictable over the last several years and at the same time made little to no sense with their decision making ability. Oh well..........
  2. This work for ya? http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j235/brat99/Cornellverse/Alternate%20Pics/Random/KCGlenn_zps6ab522bb.jpg
  3. Go ahead and find/save any pics you may want to use (Adam has already confirmed that the current graphic format will work on the new game in the TEW 2016 thread).
  4. Thank you, but I have to give a lot credit to the guys doing work in the re-render thread. They are creating the base images (I've never developed the talent to work with the rendering software), and I am just cutting and moving around parts to change up the pictures a bit to suit my needs (and hopefully some of yours as well). Oh yeah, you might want to re-load and shoot for a better chemistry match for them after this........ http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j235/brat99/Cornellverse/Tag%20Teams/Platinum%20Blondes_b99_alt.jpg LINK TO MY CUSTOM TAG TEAM GRAPHICS THREAD: http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=532801
  5. Loved the facial expression and attitude on this Frederique Antonio Garcia from the re-render thread, but always felt it needed to be more 'fabulous', so....... http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j235/brat99/Cornellverse/FrederiqueGarcia_b99.jpg edit: realized it just wouldn't be right if the other half of the Platinum Blondes didn't get the "fabulous" treatment...... http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j235/brat99/Cornellverse/James%20Prudence_b99.jpg
  6. http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j235/brat99/Cornellverse/Atom%20Smasher_b99.jpg
  7. Glad you like them. The tag team pics is something I had been kicking around in my head for a while now and finally just decided to see how they came out and judge feedback to see if anyone would want to use them. Captain Atomic is one I did not too long ago to kind of "heel" him up, but I ended up liking it so much myself that it's now his default pic for me.
  8. Thanks! In most cases, I have saved the original png file for the logos, so they could be used as an overlay. Finished a couple more last night, and have "logos" for several more default teams. Going out of town until Sunday this afternoon, but will likely post more once I get back.
  9. Never done anything with Emerald Angel, but I did have Findlay O'Farraday as an "evil" Enygma in one game to further a storyline and give him something to do until I was ready for him to be out from under the mask. Also, a new "pet" project that I may continue if people find these useful (primarily for use with diaries as they would be useless in game right now).................... http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j235/brat99/Cornellverse/Tag%20Teams/Night%20Terrors_b99.jpg http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j235/brat99/Cornellverse/Tag%20Teams/American%20Cobras_b99.jpg http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j235/brat99/Cornellverse/Tag%20Teams/Hero%20Squad_b99.jpg http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j235/brat99/Cornellverse/Tag%20Teams/Freedom%20Fighters_b99.jpg http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j235/brat99/Cornellverse/Tag%20Teams/The%20Tribe_b99.jpg As I said, I may continue with these (and possibly some by request if there is any interest).
  10. Still looking for something to make a "Kamala-type" War Machine, but did go ahead and creat a ROH Hanson & Rowe inspired version of him....... http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j235/brat99/Cornellverse/WarMachine_b99a.jpg
  11. Thank you sir, and big props to you for all of your recent work (you have been churning out some amazing pics both here and in your thread)! I keep looking at the Zimmy pics and can't help but think if he turned heel he would make a great John Morrison type character -- now I gotta find the right props to make that happen!
  12. Can't decide which one I want to turn heel in my game, but for anyone wanting to turn Randy, Zimmy, or both into cocky heels........... http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j235/brat99/Cornellverse/RandyBumfhole_b99a.jpg http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j235/brat99/Cornellverse/RandyBumfhole_b99b.jpg http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j235/brat99/Cornellverse/zimmybumfhole_b99a.jpg http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j235/brat99/Cornellverse/zimmybumfhole_b99b.jpg
  13. Here are the ones I've used most in private games (not sure of the original artist, found them in one of the re-render threads)..... http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j235/brat99/Cornellverse/Alternate%20Pics/Random/JohnGreed_alt.jpg http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j235/brat99/Cornellverse/Alternate%20Pics/Random/JohnGreed_suit.jpg As far as a gimmick/push goes, I see him as the perfect worker to carry out the Devil's Advocate gimmick that WWE started with Sean O'Haire, but never really followed through with. He seems to have the combination of ring skill, entertainment skill, and star quality to make the gimmick work.
  14. couldn't find a mountie costume that I could make work, but I was at least able to get rid of the nightstick to make working with her pic a bit easier. Hopefully one of the other alt guys/girls can work with this to get what you are looking for. http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j235/brat99/Cornellverse/Officer%20Goodhead_b99.jpg
  15. Seen several new alts with props lately and had this idea for the inevitable turn of Captain Atomic....... http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j235/brat99/Cornellverse/Atom%20Smasher_b99.jpg
  16. Glad you like it. I wasn't completely happy with the first one, so I attempted to "color-up" the beard a bit to make it match his hair a bit better...... http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j235/brat99/Cornellverse/Dagger_1.jpg
  17. http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j235/brat99/Cornellverse/Dagger.jpg This work?
  18. Couldn't find a way to remove the afro that looked right, but a basketball jersey and gold chain from the prop pack make him look a little more Cena-like. Hope it's at least somewhat useful. http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j235/brat99/Cornellverse/Fro%20Sure_b99a.jpg
  19. Not sure if this is what you are looking for, but I whipped this up with an "angry" re-render of Parker that I use........ http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j235/brat99/Cornellverse/StevenParker_b99_da.jpg
  20. Frankie looks great! I really appreciate you doing these (no rush on Mikey, whenever you can)!
  21. The Spencer Spade looks great! ....any chance you could try the Finn Balor facepaint on these two: http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j235/brat99/Cornellverse/MikeyJames_zpseb08efee.jpg http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j235/brat99/Cornellverse/FrankiePerez_zps8bc8ee14.jpg Thanks in advance.
  22. Took me a minute to remember exactly where to change the settings in GIMP, but I found it. Thank you so much for your help!
  23. A new alt for one of my favorite jobber tag teams........ Mad Dog Mortimer and Bob Casey http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j235/brat99/Cornellverse/Alternate%20Pics/MadDogMortimer_b99_01.jpg http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j235/brat99/Cornellverse/Alternate%20Pics/BobCasey_b99_01.jpg On another note, looking to create some new/alternate USPW event and tv show logos but I cannot find the background. If anyone has the blank background like below, please post or PM me....Thanks! http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j235/brat99/Cornellverse/Alternate%20Pics/Random/USPW_Americana.jpg
  24. That's actually one of the Angry Gilmore re-renders under The Ghoulie mask......I might have to find several more "masks" to alt him with so he can really become Rich Money's (or any other opponent's) unknown nightmare complete with a reveal at a ppv. I'm open to suggestions for "masks."
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