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Everything posted by masterded

  1. The moral of the story is now after looking up what Hell Comes to Frogtown is I must find this movie.
  2. Just a random thing. They Live is the best movie to ever star a wrestler. That is all.
  3. If I was at home I think I would order it, though online for $14.99 (as I only have basic cable so no PPV). Edit: never mind as it is not available in the US (due to contracts with PPV companies) So I guess I wouldn't as I don't think it will be good enough to bother going to a cousin or friends house who has PPV and trying to get people to throw in some money for It and some pizza. So Nastys vs 3D is going to be bad, but I am also guessing it will be short. Abyss Foley will also be bad with the only thing that could help it at all would be if right before it starts Bischoff announces it is now a hardcore match (would fit with the storyline). Even then though that would depend 100% on the spots, which have been pretty bad in most of Foleys matches in TNA. I think Abyss wins. Angle Anderson should be a good match. I could see it going either way though I hope Angle wins, as I don’t care to see Anderson Abyss 2. If Anderson does win though it will be a tainted win. Morgan Hernandez should be okay for a big guy vs big guy match. I see Morgan taking it as The Carbon Foot Print is the only finisher the 2 have that one could for sure do to the other (with the hellavator having no chance and the border toss seeming unlikely). Pope Wolfe may end up the best match of the tournament if it gets time (and if one of them vs Angle isn’t the final). Have no idea which one takes it. I think the finales ends up Angle Morgan with Angle getting screwed some how in the end or Anderson Morgan, which ends up a coin flip with a small edge to Morgan as the champ is heel. AJ Joe should be a good match with the only thing hurting it being that it almost seems like a lock that AJ wins with a screw finish. Though up until that point it should be gold.
  4. I am a tad more optimistic then I thought I would be for Black’ reign. Sure they waited too long to finally pull the trigger on it (should have happen way before Aries ever got the title). But, at least it wasn’t like when Nigel had the title. When they would build people up then never pull the trigger even though they had zero fresh match-ups and a Champion who got injured every other month (I like Nigel, but his health was horrible his entire reign). Though once they finally pulled the trigger you got a short but okay Lynn title reign. Followed by a great (if not a little too short) reign for Aries. So if the trend continues we should be in line for a good title reign, which I expect to be fairly short, as it will most likely lead to then next year plus reign that will be Richards. The only thing that could hurt it is he will be compared to Aries all the time who is a better wrestler and by far has a better character.
  5. WWE wants to own the names of the wrestlers and I can't blame them for that. Though they could have come up with a name that rolls of the tung better. He is going to need some kind of nick name. Daniel "The ________" Bryan.
  6. In that case. I don't have a problem with me not knowing where it is going. I just don't think they know what they are going to do yet or at least are 100% sure of what they are going to do. Plus what are the odds Hall can behave well enough to even make it to some kind of payoff (I say that as a Hall fan)?
  7. I don't think they know what they are going to do or at least for sure what they are going to do. About yesterdays Impact. Did anyone else find the promo work to just be horrible? It just sounded so forced and at times ridiculous (like everything Hogan said). It just seemed any segment that was longer then say 30 seconds just came across poorly.
  8. He has talked about wanting to do something this summer. He was also going to be a host sometime last month, but then had to go to Mexico to promote his movie.
  9. Yeah, what he said. What you said may not have been directly with advertising TNA would be bigger then WWE, but that is what one would intrepid the results you expect of TNA house shows with advertising to mean. Which adds up to your expectations being over inflated. Would advertising help TNA house shows? Sure, but nowhere near as much as you seem to think.
  10. Though I do agree with you two lets not start that discussion here too.
  11. Though I agree the house so numbers are not a good sign I don't know how well they can be use to dictate PPV attendance. I mean they would at least advertise a PPV (I would hope). Also it wouldn't be a weak roster like a good number of the house shows get (I know last time they came up here I didn't go due to who wasn’t going to be on the show and no way am I alone).
  12. Wasn't TNA giving away tickets the day of the show to help fill the building? (Not saying most of the people didn't pay just some)
  13. A wrestling zombie who in every big match has a moment where he gets hit with a huge move which seems to kill him only to sit up and appear damage free isn't a dangerous larger then life monster? I do know what you are saying, though I think the only real difference is that Taker is built for life so they don't need to put him in domination matches to remind people that he is dangerous. Hmm, taking Taker out i guess the last one to do it would be Yokozuna, which was a long time ago.
  14. I would have to agree, I like the whole look. Though I am indifferent when it comes to 6 or 4 sided ring.
  15. Yeah when I went is was like 600. It doesn't help they don't seem to advertise at all. I mean when WWE comes to town you have radio and TV ads telling you. When TNA comes to town you better check the website or have a good chance of missing it.
  16. With the Hall and Waltman like the person who posted it said it was a so-so source. It could be true it could also be like a lot of dirt sheet reporting using ones past to make up bs.
  17. I know he pauses at the top of the ramp and then goes down when the beat starts, but it just looks funny watching him walk to the top of the ramp during the into. Also I know it isn't a big deal and they have many more and much bigger problem, but it just bothers me for some reason.
  18. I have one small thing that is really bothering me about Samoa Joe right now. He gets a new theme which I actually kind of like, but he comes out to it at the wrong time. It has an intro then goes to the new beat which is the perfect time to walk out, yet he comes out right away during the intro part. It just doesn't seem right and bothers me much more then it should.
  19. The problem is some people act as if best isn't an opinion but that it is a fact, and the only way it can be a fact is if you go by success. People just need to be more clear when they talk and accepting of apposing views.
  20. I know quoting what you posted makes what you did pointless, but none of that was spoilers as no results were posted. Also if the only thing to come out of this when all is said and done is TNA gets organized it will have been worth it (assuming an organized backstage equals an organized show which I think it would).
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