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Everything posted by galleyfan2005

  1. Actually Coolyvol, you don't speak for everyone hear! I find you & your general attitude to be quite arrogant. Whenever someone comes in here & asks what's up with this game & why the lack of updates, fanboys like you pull out your lightsabres & wanna duel to the death instead of letting people have their say. He is right when he says that it is unprofessional on Arlie's part to only give a couple updates in 4 years. I, for one can wait a little while longer but just want Arlie to keep us in the loop. Need to know if he's actually working on it yet. There have been many games that were announced then 10 years later, no game or update. I am talking about that joke of a game, Division Rivals. I know that things happen in life & that Arlie has to work a regular job also but he has a responsability to his custumers to update them every few months or so. Just to say hey I am still working on game! So chill out and let people have their say unless they are really getting out of hand!
  2. Hey Arlie, Glad to hear from ya. We know you are busy on the game. We just need a bone once in awhile. I like option #2. I could live with #1 if I had to I guess. Looking forward to the game. I know it will be good. TPF was good & on the right track for a first version. Still play it. The draft & offseason are what I really like about that game. Hope your new one is out by year's end. Galleyfan2005:D
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