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Posts posted by smurphy1014

  1. why do people think Kevin Kolb is worth a 1st round pick?


    The fact that he has shown flashes of being a great QB. Is he worth a 1st round pick? No. Will someone offer Philly a #1? Probably, just on the chance that he turns out like Schaub did when he went to Houston.

  2. Am I the only one thinking Cam Newton will never be an elite QB? I say average at best but I have been wrong before with a QB.


    I think Newton could be a very good NFL QB. But I believe that whoever selects him (Carolina) has to be willing to let him sit a good portion if not all of the upcoming season. Have him sit and learn how to be a NFL QB. If that happens and he doe shave the desire to be the best, then yes I think he can be a very good NFL QB.


    Here is a question, if Carolina thinks (thought) Clausen is their guy why would they select Newton? Wouldn't it make sense to maybe pick AJ Green #1 and give Clausen some help? Or maybe Von Miller or Marcel Dareus considering Rivera is a defensive guy?

  3. the TUF finale was just an extended commercial for UFC 124 and it probably still got more viewers than SF.


    I'd love to watch SF since they do have some name fighters (Hendo, Fedor, Nick Diaz, etc) but without ordering Showtime I am unable to watch them. If SF could get on TV again (perhaps F/X) maybe they'd be seen as more of a rival to UFC. Just my opinion.

  4. Got this off of roh's site:


    Roderick Strong w/ Truth Martini over Tyler Bloack © to capture the ROH World Title after a combination of high-impact moves that ended with a Sick Kick before pinning Black.


    Strong offered his hand to Tyler in a shake, but was met with the a double middle finger.


    The arena went dark and Homicide returned to ROH....going toface to face with Strong as the iPPV went offline.

  5. Like, the Briscoes aren't good talkers, but they're believable. When Roddy gets mad, he doesn't sound like he's mad, or like he's gonna whup some ass. He sounds whiny, and wimpy, and his facial expressions are comical rather than menacing.


    I had the same thought about Roddy while watching the recent videowire. Is it just me or are the Briscoes similar to the Rock and Roll Express? They can go in the ring but only one (Jay/Ricky) can cut a decent promo while their partner should probably never speak into a live mic.

  6. I would be stunned if Homicide won the belt tonight. It's the kind of hotshotting ROH aren't known for, plus for Cornette to play a role in it would make no sense based on the storyline that wrote him out of the company. where his vendetta against Homicide led to his getting the boot.


    Agreed, perhaps it is just wishful thinking that Homicide would show up to win it tonight. :D

  7. Penny Hardaway says he'd like to play for the Heat.


    I'll just go ahead and like to make my intentions clear for everyone as well, I'm announcing I wouldn't mind playing for the Heat either.


    Count me in as well. Played ball in high school so I can handle the rigors of being on the bench. Also, played baseball for a long time so I can master the intricate high five actions of being in LeBron's introduction. :D

  8. 1) Gasol trade was fishy to everyone in the business. Jerry West was the GM and he gave them a great deal. The Griz were strapped for cash and the Lakers offered Kwame Brown, Jarvis Crenttion, and two first rounders. Both pickest were the 28th overall.


    Actually West did not make that move it was the current GM Chris Wallace.

  9. Cena just posted the following on his Twitter account within the last hour (link is below):


    “I am very upset to hear about the release of Bryan Danielson. Social networks were formed so people would have a voice, and an opinion. I know you all have your own, theories and whatnot. I respect that. I have never asked any of you to feel a certain way about me. But Bryan left a lasting impression on the WWE universe in a very short time, and although it came at my expense, I agree with the majority of you who are caught off guard by this choice. I know I’m not exactly appreciated by all, nor do I care to be, but I believe what I believe. I would like Bryan to come back to the WWE. I would like to sign your petition to bring him back. I was taught to stand up for what I believe in. I tried and failed, so I could use some help. Tell me how to sign and I will. If for nothing else, to at least have a chance to have a match with him after what was done. I know that seems a bit more fair. Give me a chance to have a fair match with him, and give him yet another chance to prove that he does belong with us. Sorry for the long message, I know I am probably way out of line, I am sorry if I have offended anyone. But like me or not that is what Hustle. Loyalty. And most importantly Respect means to me. Enjoy game 5.”




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