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Posts posted by KColl

  1. That's pretty much what I reasoned as well. I just expect lots of characters giving me grey hair over this popularity issue...




    This pretty much goes for all the mutants except Magneto and those who have been a member of The Avengers, I'd argue. Noone really knows them in the general populace.


    I suppose not in '91, things are a little different tday with the likes of Utopia etc.

  2. I agree, but even that causes trouble for me. Because how many civilians know Professor X? Pretty much none. But like I said, he's highly respected/feared by the other superpowered beings. So what to do? :confused:


    Well at least you don't have to worry about what the readers think. Lol.


    So that's one less variable!


    Personally I'd give Professor Xavier a Major League rating, he's the face of mutanthood, the one they put up front and centre for interviews on the news.


    It gets tougher with a Logan, who everyone in the know knows he's a bad ass, even if comparatively underpowered, but the general world knows very little about him.


    Definately. I'm using this site for stats:


    with their benchmark explanations here:



    I'm basically just multiplying their stats with 10 to fit with the CBH standards. There are, of course, some stats present in CHB that are not on this site... but in those cases, I just pretty much (with small variations) based two CBH stats on one stats from this site - like endurance and toughness both being based on endurance. In most cases, when reading the descriptions of the stats on this site, they actually do include the CHB counterparts (or close enough). Tweaks can of course be made here and there from this site, if necessary - but I'm mostly following this to the letter.


    One thing I'm a bit confused about, however, is how to handle popularity... how is it defined? Popularity for readers? Popularity in the ingame world? Popularity between ingame characters? For instance, Professor X isn't one of the most recognizable and popular characters... yet he's so powerfull and respected in the Marvel universe that he needs somewhat of a high pop... right?


    Populairty would be how they're considered a) by the civilians of the world and b) how they're considered by the other heroes. How we consider them shouldn't come into it, should it?

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