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Posts posted by fullMETAL

  1. Going back to trying the Original belts. Finished Original 06 last night, and I gotta say, it was the most ANNOYING one to date to do so far, even WITH the almost-viewable source pic right behind the other layers.


    Original Belt 06


  2. Finished 2 more renders over the past week. Gonna get back to my "SvR Belt" work when the mood strikes me.


    USWA Tag Team Titles



    WWE-ECW 2008 Title



    As with all my "new-style" belt renders, they can be easily modded by me for whatever fed one needs them for. :)

    (that leather on the ECW belt was a bitch to get shaped just right though...)

  3. That Original 04 is class, Lin. :)



    Also, this:



    A preliminary test render for the default strap texture on my "SvR Belt" prop that I will soon be making available. I'm working on the texture bits this week (it seems I may need to use somewhere between 4 and 6 textures across the model at the moment to get it done the way I want), and I should hopefully be finished with the first official pack-in texture by this weekend.


    If all goes well, I'll first make it (with plates) available here, then post it on Renderosity and/or ShareCG.

  4. I forgot about posting these 2 renders here when I posted them in the Render Thread. :p


    a prelim render for a belt model I'm working on ("SvR Belt" with custom material zones and custom plates) in Poser 4 and a prelim render for my character Axl Evermore, testing some new duds out in Poser 8.



  5. Just finished this last night (these days, it takes an average of 2 nights of work to finish a larger job like this) and thought I'd put it up on display:


    Bob Backlund's "Big Green"



    A couple things need to be changed (I meant to use the Australian flag on the bottom-right inner, and that's certainly not Australia; plus, the belt-holding guy in the middle is totally not the right one, but it's the only one I had on me at the time), but this is a pretty good 1st version in my opinion.

  6. I figured if anybody else wanted to take a crack at the Original 10 Belts, here they are:








    That's odd, I thought there were 10.

    Here are larger pics of some that I had on my hard drive.





  7. I think making the "Key City" text black (or even red, like I use, or blue) would also make it pop after the shrinkage. As it is, you can't be entirely sure what the text says if you're viewing it on higher-res monitors.


    And my new personal best for concept-to-completion: 3 hours.




    (That strap texture grew really old, really fast. I wish I had a better option...)


    WHOOOOOO! I fixed it!




    And since this thread is all about sharing and caring, here's a link to all the leather textures I just picked up (I tried to get them all on one image for convenience, but because I wanted to keep the same resolution I'm gonna be using, the file itself is HUGE):


    http://www.megaupload.com/?d=E89MQX1L (Wow. It was too big for Photobucket...)

  8. I've been fixing the filenames more and more lately just to combat filename overwriting (a problem I have as well when getting other people's graphics more than occasionally).


    Yup, Fireworks (I use Alien Skin: Chrome, so it's kinda cheating--but it still works). I could basically be considered the FW expert for belts here (ReapeR and Payne for PhotoShop, Linsolv for InkScape, etc.) unless someone else more experienced and well-versed wants to step up?

  9. I'm attempting to make my own versions of the 10 Default belts that come with the game. Let me know what you think.


    Here's 3 of them:

    Original Belt 02



    Original Belt 08



    Original Belt 09



    The next few will be done when I get their source pics.

  10. My newest renders/belts

    Fire Pro Club Person Pack Tag Titles (1st and 2nd Gen)




    Shin-Toukon Puroresu (based off NJPW/IWGP 2nd) for the NWA Domination Mod


  11. I'll put a few more requests here, just cuz I like testing you. ;)


    for my NWA Domination TEW 2005 mod, I need to lessen my own workload by another few belts, so I need 3 belts for the fed "NWA: Joshi Power" (I haven't made a logo yet, but if you need to make a placeholder logo, use the font "Electroharmonix")


    NWA: Joshi Power (aka NWA-JP)

    1 - World Women's Championship (Singles)

    - base it off of Kendo Ka Shin's 2nd IWGP Jr. belt, on black leather, with the middle replaced by NWA-JP logo text and/or victorious woman




    2 - Lovely Angels Championship (Tag)

    - base it off of the TNA Knockouts (singles) belt on white leather, replacing the TNA logo with the NWA-JP text and a pair of victorious women



    3 - Devil Woman Championship (Hardcore/Garbage)

    - base it off of this JCW belt, but with the NWA-JP logo text and a woman (probably use a Gina Carano fight/promo pic) punching, on white leather


  12. Don't worry, you got what you could out of the tutorials (if you used them, that is).

    Now, what you do is to develop your own method of shining (ReapeR uses Gradient Overlays, I use Alien Skin:Chrome AND Gradient Overlays, Payne uses "natural" shining like in the tutes, Linsolv uses gradients in Inkscape, etc.) and bringing out natural texture in your leather and the details in your plates. Soon your belts will come out looking as awesome as ours! ;):D


    lol yepp.


    Edit: A little better lol. I'll get there, don't worry.




    How is everyone awesome at belts except me? lol


    Here's mine:



  13. Hell, the only thing stopping ME from making a version myself is the fact that the actual belt does not hold up to close scrutiny for more than 3 seconds.


    I mean come on, 3 bejeweled filled-in dollar signs on top of a non-descript hex-shaped gold plate, and instead of a strap just a chain of gold dollar signs attempting to hearken back to the classic Lou Thesz leatherless belt?


    Let's face it, while we all think the Million Dollar Championship is super cool, it's like the Ultimate Warrior of belts--don't think about it too much or your brain will explode.

  14. I made these for my NWA Domination mod, for NWA Empire City (WWE).


    European Title



    Tommy Dreamer's Hardcore Title (his license plate on top of a Figs Inc European Title)


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