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Everything posted by Tag01

  1. The storyline is interesting, but Bret vs. Vince is going to be awful in the ring. Bret can't even throw a punch or walk without wobbling anymore. Yes yes, I know, he had a stroke, it's amazing he can still get in the ring, what do you expect from an old man, etc. WWE made the decision to put this on knowing all of that, and I think it's just going to be ugly.
  2. I'm guessing it won't change much but in name only. I love ECW now, I wouldn't mind it being two hours, expand the roster, etc. I would be suprised if they got rid of the veterans and made it all no names, I think it's major draw is Christian and Regal, I think that it's good for the entire WWE to get these prospects in there against the likes of Goldust, Benjamin, etc.
  3. Liking the Rumble, especially the bit with Punk. Thought HBK was going to win, though... Edit: I like the Edge win a lot though. Something new(ish).
  4. Was he arrested again after that appearance? I want to like TNA. But they're making it hard. The Nasty Boys have been on my tv for the last 5 minutes; I'd much rather be watching Generation Me flying around the ring...
  5. Where's Jeff Hardy? What's the deal? I was excited to see him on the big Hogan Impact debut. Then nothing. Was that a one time thing? If so, that's the most pointless bit ever.
  6. I'm sick of the guest hosts. Jon Heder and don Johnson? Seriously? When is the cast of the view or some of the fat asses from Biggest Loser getting their turn? That main event was really lame, and the segment afterward was super awkward.
  7. I'm thinking Kennedy. Brock will never wrestle again. Rock will probably never wrestle again, and if he does it would be in a limited capacity and for the WWE.
  8. I thought the Angle/AJ match was great. It was without a doubt my favorite TNA match since I started watching a few months ago. I'm really looking forward to Jeff Hardy in the mix, and I always liked Shannon Moore too. Not the best personality, but his matches were always exciting. I think the only problem is that TNA was trying to do too much. Using the Nasty Boys for comedy spots would be fine with me, but I wish Venis and Jordan hadn't been brought on. And it remains to be seen what they can get out of Hall and Waltman. Hogan is cool, although I was hoping for a face run. And man, Eric Bischoff can still make me hate him without breaking a sweat.
  9. Jeff Hardy and RIc Flair are the big signings, I think. And I think the Nasty Boys bit could wind up being funny if done right. I'm just worried they'll end up putting them over guys like the Machine Guns. Shannon Moore is always exciting too. Val Venis and Orlando Jordan though? What's the point? And yea, TNA seems full of non-wrestling personalities as it is. Adding the nWo guys seems a bit much.
  10. I've been flipping back and forth. They're both holding my interest. Very interested to see what Hardy will do in TNA. I dig Hart being back, though. Hopefully TNA will provide enough competition to force WWE to start being innovative again.
  11. I've never seen one of these Feast matches. So they get the briefcases, but then don't open them until down the road? Yeesh.
  12. What is the point of this Black Machismo Invitational? I think the guy has huge potential, I really enjoy his matches. So why have him squashed over and over by hasbeens? Where is this going?
  13. I agree, I think Deaner is a goner. But Kiyoshi would make the most sense; Bashir hasn't been worth much lately but I always liked him. So with Hemme taking over some of the interviewing, did that bit with Lauren walking out pissed mean she's off TV? Because she's smoking hot, and that would be a shame.
  14. Where do they have to wear suits? I saw Orton a few months ago in Chicago-O'Hare and he was wearing some afflicition looking shirt. To the midcard with him!
  15. I have been watching more wrestling lately for the first time in years. I think I'd like Smackdown, but am never home on Fridays. I want to like TNA, and it's not bad but it just really smacks of WCW. And Raw has been decent too, but I'm really over the Guest Host thing. It takes up so much time every week that I feel like they skimp on minor fueds so that Freddy Prinze Jr. can hype some movie I don't want to see. At least ROH is on YouTube.
  16. This argument is awesome. One of you guys will certainly win the internet.
  17. Steiner's new gimmick is better than his usual bit, but his ring work still makes me want to punch myself in the face.
  18. I realized last night that I really just don't care about Mick Foley anymore. He was always one of my favorites, but I'm really pretty much ready for him to wrap it up. If he would take Nash and Steiner with him I'd be pretty pleased.
  19. I don't watch much of the E; what's up with Punk on ECW? Is that the end of his push?
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