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Posts posted by lazorbeak

  1. I will never admit I'm wrong about Cena, because I'm not wrong about Cena. Bottomline.


    The problem isn't that he's bad, but the fact he's simply not good enough. In fact, I don't find him carryable at all. His matches usually range from typically boring to typically bad. Other than his looks, there's nothing that's good about him. Charisma? Please, there's people with better charisma than he has. Mic Skills? Same thing. Wrestling? I don't even need to discuss that. Athleticism? Come on.


    He's not bad, but he's not good either. He's just average. He deserves to be in the midcard/lower midcard at best. He nowhere deserves the defenses he has.


    If you like him, fine, but don't try to say he's good, because he isn't. Name one Cena match being good where you can attribute it to Cena, and not because of the match gimmick, or the other wrestler. I can't.


    In fact, the HBK Vs. Cena match sucked. And don't even mention the RAW match to me, because it was pretty much a "make-up" for the match before. If Cena could do half of what he did in that RAW match against HBK on every other PPV, then I wouldn't be complaining, would I?


    So, uh, how many post-2006 Cena matches have you actually watched? And seriously, deserves to be in the midcard/lower midcard? I take it you have selective memory of how ridiculously over he got on Smackdown during his run as a white rapper? He was getting bigger babyface reactions than Chris Benoit on Smackdown before Benoit won the Rumble (and left the show). And it's not as it if was just a matter of "well they booked him to steamroll everyone," because he worked his way up the card and had solid feuds with guys like Eddie Guerrero, Undertaker, and other veteran talent to help get him established: it certainly wasn't the Brock Lesnar push where he beat both Hardy Boyz, RVD, Hogan, and the Rock in a 4 month period.


    Not to mention he's been a solid and reliable draw, helping WWE to pick up their buyrates after some pretty stiff drops- even if he did suck in the ring (and he doesn't), he would be a top guy for that reason alone.


    But really is it still en vogue to hate on Cena? What is this, 2005? How about some new material. In fact, I'm going to beat all the smarks to the punch this time. Kofi Kingston is completely terrible! He's got what, 4 moves, and 3 of them are kicks? Get outta heah!

  2. Kinda like the miss-a-charge-and-ram-into-the-turnbuckle-then-get-finished finish from a little while ago.




    I'm more of the opposite viewpoint. If 99% of matches end clean, then when someone does cheat to win, it's really dastardly. If 99% of matches have the heels cheating, then no one is going to care when someone low blows John Cena and steals the title. The key is moderation.


    Thumbs to the eye. Back rakes. Foot stomps. Using the ropes for added leverage during an abdominal stretch. These are good forms of cheating though. We need a couple of guys doing old school stuff like that.


    Completely agree. If Mike Knox cheats to win his match, it makes CM Punk's cheating in the main event or on pay per view lose some importance (I hate to use Knox but with Escobar turning face I can't think of a lower midcard heel). My favorite things about heels like Jericho though is not only does he cheat, but when he's not cheating he wants the rules enforced to the letter.

  3. I think his awful feud with Sting was the last time he went for the whole 'gothic heel' gimmick, but that was in 2007 I think. The original evil preacher gimmick was very early ROH, as I recall. In TNA his gimmick was mostly "****y guy who is a good wrestler" while he palled around with Low Ki and Skipper or feuded for the X-division title.
  4. I guess we were taught [sic] differently then. When I learned it, it was essentially mistake insurance. Sort of "I know I'm spelling this wrong. But I can't remember the right spelling and am not comfortable disrupting my flow to find it."


    If that's what you were taught, I don't know what to tell you: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sic.


    In case you don't believe wiki, the Columbia guide to American English says: "Americans pronounce this Latin word meaning 'thus' ... to disassociate themselves from errors in a text they're quoting." Still better than your Spanish. ;)


    But, Lazorbeak, to end things on a light note if I may. How many times is it now that you've posted to try and talk me down after I've over-reacted to another guy's over-reaction? I see a pattern starting to develop here in that regard. :)


    I do what I can. :cool:

  5. Cappy seriously, lighten up. Nobody is making "accusations" towards you. (And why did you spell condescending incorrectly and add a [sic]? Generally you should only use those if you are quoting something or using archaic language.) I appreciate the image that somehow someone's suggesting you 'bow to the altar' of 1970's and 80's style 'wrasslin,' but again, nobody is actually doing that.


    Also I guess I could understand your point about bikini contests or whatever being same old, same old if they took place every week, or if they were anything other than a rarely used novelty. I have to admit I don't love segments that go nowhere, but the fact is sometimes they're necessary; wrestling is a variety show and that means sometimes you get comedy segments or "sex sells" segments that don't directly lead into a PPV match. At least this stuff has some on-screen explanation. But your earlier point that you can see the same sort of stuff anywhere seems to deliberately ignore tristram's point: wrestling does a 2nd rate job of lots of things.


    Also no one is attacking your moral standards or calling you a prude.

  6. By your example of going over is this getting over another wrestler than as well.


    -Undertaker is destroying Jericho in the ring, Big Show comes out and nails Undertaker 32 times with a chair. Jericho falls on top of him for the pin. Is that Big Show getting over or Jericho?


    How is that like my example? Again, Sheamus booted Kofi over the top rope. No heel chicanery, no Orton interference, no crooked referees, no mass conspiracy, nothing. Sheamus is the one that slammed Cena afterwards, too, to start a feud.



    What do you mean give the storyline a chance? I doubt Im going to send protest letters to McMahon telling him Sheamus sucks. Im just saying that this is headed down a bad path that has been followed many times and never really strikes gold with the fans. Overpushing a guy before hes ready.


    I mean stop complaining about some guy because you don't see him as a next world champ based on one appearance and give the storyline a chance. Maybe you don't buy him as champ now but if the storyline is successful maybe you will down the line. I didn't buy JBL as champ when he beat Eddie but eventually he convinced me he belonged.

  7. I recommend toning down the conversation a bit. No need for hostilities and name calling at.


    I'm not even going to post my own personal thoughts about the guy, because it would probably be non-productive at this point of the conversation, perhaps later after we calm down a bit?


    Anyways, all I'm asking is if you don't know about the character outside of Raw, please try to understand that RAW is not the reason he's where he is, but the result of what he's already done to get there (in the WWE, specifically ECW for this guy).


    I am sorry if I am coming off antagonistic but I can't believe I'm in an argument with someone who had never heard of the guy and posts about how they don't understand how "anyone" could find a wrestler entertaining. God, debating how much smaller Cena is after I said he was physically smaller than Sheamus? How is that anything but a waste of time?


    While I used the word "dumb," I directed it towards a statement, not a person. And the statement, that Sheamus didn't go over Kofi, when Sheamus eliminated Kofi to win the match, was pretty dumb. But I'm not calling anybody names, and I'm only being hostile to someone that seems bound and determined to argue with me over niggling details to the total exclusion of any point I might try to make.


    It should be a fine midcard battle. Sure it's a title match, but if it goes on after DX vs JeriShow, Kofi vs Orton or whatever Undertaker is doing I'll eat my hat. And there's nothing wrong with that. I'm glad WWE are mixing it up a bit.


    Exactly, Self. The same way that Cena/Umaga took a backseat to the Royal Rumble storyline between Undertaker and HBK.

  8. Okay, I will take the bait.


    I love how you use the term "dumb" so freely. It really makes you come of great in your arguments which are really opinions.


    I used the word "dumb" once, in a situation where you argued that Sheamus didn't "go over" Kofi Kingston when he physically eliminated him from the ring and thus won the match. That's not using it 'freely.' I think there is practically judicial notice that that is an incredibly dumb thing to say. That is textbook "dumb." That is vintage "dumb."


    I will expect an apology when Sheamus is out of the E within a year.


    Seriously? 24 Hours ago you wrote this:


    Who is this Sheamus character?


    Yeah surprising is good but Id never heard of the guy before last night...


    And now you think you have an opinion regarding this guy so strong that ANYBODY is going to owe you an apology? You're the one that can't seem to wrap their head around facts because you have some weird problem with some dude you've seen wrestle what, once?


    See how I can use the facts of your previous post to show how little you know what you're talking about? Isn't this fun? :D



    John Cena

    http://www.onlineworldofwrestling.com/profiles/j/john-cena.html 260 pounds, FYI the wrestling world will fabricate weights and nation of residence to evolve storylines in case you didnt know that. Mark Calloway isnt really from Death Valley, lol and Andre the Giant didnt really weight 550 pounds.


    Gee, thanks, mister. And um, out of curiosity, how many guys in the wrestling business say they weigh significantly less than they actually weigh? Do you have one documented case in the history of wrestling? Cena's billed at 6'1 which means he's probably a legit 6'? Weighing 240 pounds is a stretch. Weighing 260 pounds, he'd have to look something like this:





    Also, you really need to watch more of the E before you call out people as being dumb. You apparently dont understand the E's booking pattern if you honestly think anyone will believe Shameus will beat Cena. If the fans dont believe a guy has a chance how is it a great match? Even you, a big Shameus mark said " I mean, duh, Cena's not losing the title, but so what?"


    I'm sorry, what? I'm not the guy who said "who is this guy?" I'm the one that needs to watch the product? I don't understand WWE's booking pattern? I'm the one that made comparisons to Umaga vs. Cena, a recent example that was extremely similar? WWE markets to marks. Kids who will see Cena get beaten up for the next few weeks and then wonder "gee I wonder if Cena can pull this one out?" And then they will be happy when he does.


    Also, reading comp time: did I call YOU dumb? If you answered "yes," please re-read what I wrote.


    Also, when did I say I was a big Sheamus mark? I guess burying him out of hand after having never heard of him was a big giveaway, eh? I think the jury is still out on the guy, but I think at worst he will be the next Test, because I don't have some irrational problem with the guy. Oh, and I watch the show often enough to know who he is and to have seen more than one of his matches.


    Pretty much says it all right there. No one, even you believe he has a chance to win so how exactly is that entertaining?


    Again, no one with any knowledge of the business realistically thought Umaga, a guy who never cut a single promo, was not a complete physical freak of nature (Khali's token title run), and had a finisher that was a running thumb was going to win the title. And his match with Cena was, by your own admission, a "great match." But jbergey, how can it be entertaining since EVERYBODY KNEW Cena was going to win?! It's wrestling.


    Also, nice job avoiding everything I said about giving the storyline a chance.

  9. He eliminated all the midcard faces huh? Seemed to me he sat in the corner most of the match and flipped Kofi over the rope as Orton was being eliminated. Not really the most decisive win for a supposed threat. Umaga would come in a throw people around and he looked like an animal.


    Did you watch the match? He eliminated Mark Henry. He eliminated MVP. He eliminated R-Truth, and he eliminated Kofi. The only people he didn't toss were Legacy and Orton. How that makes him "not a threat" is one of those mysteries that only you know the answer to.


    Phsically bigger than Cena? WTF are you lookin at? Cena is a brick wall compared to this guy. Cena is 260 pounds of muscle while this guy is 3-4 inches taller 15 pounds heavier and not nearly as built.


    See, when I say physically bigger, what I mean is, he is larger. Physically. Which he is. By a pretty significant margin. That you would call Cena, who is BILLED at 240 pounds "260 pounds of muscle" tells me that you either don't pay much attention or might need a new prescription.



    What makes you think the "business" is so high on this guy? Do you have inside knowledge or something? I am fairly certain they know this guy is just like "The Mighty Hercules" so they need to push him before the fans hate him.


    Triple H is apparently a big fan of his backstage, and management has pushed and protected him since he debuted. You are fairly certain based on what, exactly? Your ten minutes watching somebody on one episode of a TV show? Seriously you apparently know nothing about the guy so perhaps you are significantly premature in assumptions? I'm not saying he's the second coming, but you're not even giving the guy a chance.


    Yeah, he earned a title shot by beating no one of any name value. Are you saying he got over Orton or Kofi in that match? There was a reason they did the "battle royal" thing you know, so he didnt have to get over anyone important.


    For being a fan of "old school wrestling," I'm just shocked that you could say something so dumb. Yes, he went over Orton. Yes, he went over Kofi. He freaking eliminated Kofi! This is how battle royale's have worked since the beginning of time!


    Its just stupid booking. If you want to try and force a guy like Sheamus atleast give him something to make it appear he could beat Cena. Perhaps an ally or a descructive weapon or some illegal move. Pretty sure hes not going to get over Cena by winning straight up.


    That's why he punked out Cena this week. It's why he will Punk out Cena AGAIN in the weeks to come. Again, this is just you jumping the gun and burying a program before it's even off the ground. Instead of whining about the only set-up being the first date and WWE doesn't do anything creative and other assorted whining, just watch the show and see how the story develops.

  10. I am going to address three smarky posts for the price of one!


    Well I guess I dont mind new matchups but there is just know way Sheamus beats Cena or even appears a threat to Cena. Id love some creative booking and see a big upset but it just wont happen therefore making this match non interesting to me.


    No way he appears a threat to Cena? You know, he just powerslammed him through a table? He eliminated nearly all of Raw's midcard babyfaces to get this shot. He got pretty massive heat for destroying Noble. Also he's physically significantly bigger than Cena. But no, he's not a threat. Did you whine this much when Cena and Umaga had an amazing pay per view match a couple of years ago?


    I think we both know the way the E books these days that nothing creative or exciting will come from this. Athough I have been impressed with the booking of Kofi lately. They need to keep this going while his momentum is hot. He brings a new character to the otherwise stale main event scene.


    I think we all know that nothing creative or exciting will come from a PPV that features never-before seen match-ups between established stars (Cena, Orton) and up-and-comers (Kofi, Sheamus). One of the generic bellyaches of the past few years has been "no new stars," but the second WWE actually attempts to do that you've got smarks who have played too many wrestling games whining about card position.


    No offense to Sheamus fans but what about him is appealing to a wrestling fan? Hes not a destructive giant, hes not charasmatic, I am unsure of his wrestling ability because I havent seen much of it.


    What was appealing about Test? He was just a big, athletic guy, right? Beyond which Sheamus has a better look (Test was a Canadian with long blonde hair on a roster full of Canadians with long blonde hair). Also you admit you've never seen him before but you can make these (stupid) claims that he's not a destructive giant or not "charasmatic." Maybe if you actually withhold judgment long enough for the freaking story to build you'd understand why people that know something about the business are high on the guy.


    Yeah surprising is good but Id never heard of the guy before last night and now he is fighting Cena for the title. That part alone doesnt bother me but the fact that he doesnt even appear a threat is what does bother me. What happened to the old style booking where Cena is fighting a match and a guy like Sheamus comes out and destroys him sending him to the hospital. Setting up a grudge match for the title.


    Why should he get a title shot without earning one? Sheamus DID earn one: He won a qualifying match and then a battle royale that featured Orton and Kofi. The fact that despite that and the fact that he is significantly bigger than Cena you keep saying he's "not a threat" tells me you're not watching as a fan but as a smark. I mean, duh, Cena's not losing the title, but so what? A solid match could have Sheamus on the fast-track to actually being ready for the title. Remember when Cena got a shot at Lesnar, or JBL's first match with Guerrero? Neither of those guys had ANY business getting title shots, but they looked good enough that eventually both ended up being champions.

  11. As with pretty much all the Da Vinci Code, you can get this information from Holy Blood, Holy Grail.


    Why is it obvious Brown stole his plot from this book? Well, because the research has precisely the same mistakes...


    Uh, actually, I was referring to a specific, bone-headed clue from the Da Vinci Code specifically. I think Pope barely appears in Holy Blood, Holy Grail, except for them to point out that he wasn't a Freemason but actively opposed it.


    I have read both though, and love the bits about Rennes Le-Chateau and the Merovingians that don't really get a chance to show up in Da Vinci Code.

  12. They have an event called "Where the Angels Fear to Thread". I am not sure, but a friend of mine says it is a reference to the anime Neon Genesis Evangelion. I am not sure, for I have never seen the series myself.


    Well, sewing can be pretty dangerous. But seriously, "Fools Rush in Where Angels Fear to Tread" is an extremely famous bit of literary criticism written by Alexander Pope (I heard he interred a knight one time). It's been featured in Sinatra songs, a novel and a film, and a bunch of music. I doubt it's a reference to a show about people in mechs.


    "Reach for the Sky" is also a cliche in westerns so ubiquitous it was featured in Toy Story. CZCW holds events in the American Southwest.


    The War to Settle the Score takes place one month before Wrestlemania I.

  13. Just found out that Barry Kingman has two alter egos:


    Dork the Clown

    Snarf the Clown....



    besides the obvious reference to Dusty Wolfe/Doink the Clown (solid worker with no charisma that plays an outrageous gimmick to add some spice to his character) I figured out that "Dork" and "Snarf" are two things that Pinky from Pinky & The Brain says a lot.....so I guess that's a reference to the cartoon.


    Say whaaaaaaaat? Where did you find this information? Pinky's 'catchphrases' were "narf" and "poit" and "egad," but never "dork" or "snarf." The best connection I can make other than an obvious Doink reference is the fact that Snarf was a character from Thundercats, but that's a huge reach.

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