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Big Roguey

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Posts posted by Big Roguey

  1. Presumably on the basis it’s easier to slot a character type like Kyle O’Reilly (for however bland you may or may not think he is) into a show that it is for someone like Danhausen at this point. A lot of Danhausen’s premium stuff is heavily shtick dependant. 

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  2. 7 hours ago, Matt_Black said:

    Was he in the WWE?

    who….who were you referring to as world champion then if it wasn’t swerve?

    also to edit in just in case i’ve misread, why does it matter where someone worked before and who holds what titles? with the rate of turnover in the wrestling business, everyone has pretty much worked everywhere. 

  3. Discussion about things and criticism is fine but we're drawing the line at baiting people into responding on here. If that's how things work elsewhere then fine but a hard no to any posts calling for responses. Ideally it would be discussion about things that are actually happening in AEW instead of five pages back and forth about a talking point raised by an unaffiliated podcast etc.

    This part is me taking the mod hat off now. Things like what TV deal might or might not be coming is an incredibly tiresome talking point that really doesn't have any outcome on the actual product and it's always so weird when it's brought up as a major deal breaking thing. TNA never had this level of in depth scrutiny about what TV deal that they'd get even in the POP TV days or whatever that network was called. A lot of the way the posts about AEW come off (to me) is that people feel obligated to them in one way or another so everything is always magnified be it positive or negative. A subpar Raw can come and go but a subpar Dynamite just leads to days and days of Discourse.

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    • Confused 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Wrestling Machine said:

    After a useless trial for people's intentions at least you managed to give an answer! In your view, AEW is not facing a critical period despite the numbers, so there is no reversal needed. Cool.



    Now, I'll love to hear the opinions of other users too! 

    I'm going to pull rank a little bit here because this stops here.

    You're not entitled to a response and if you want earnest replies, posting like this isn't going to win you any favours. You're right when you say this is a thread about discussing AEW but we're past that point now because it's hypothetical scenarios cooked up to incite snipping back and forth.

    It is quite tiresome dipping into this thread every so often and seeing the same points go round in a circular fashion, it's less of a discussion and more of a weekly town hall meeting at this rate. I've said it before in the last 24 hours but if this truly isn't for you then that's fine, there is like 100+ other promotions out there that you can watch and presumably not post after shows demanding a list of changes to suit you and you alone. 

    If the sniping continues after this point, we'll go down more of a moderating route.

  5. I mean if that's the metric he's happy with then I don't understand why it's perpetually a talking point about AEW failing or whatever. Just feels like the discussion is always very circular about what they need to change to appease a vocal minority in discussions online and ultimately no one is ever going to get the answer that they want from it.

    There isn't a magic wand that's gonna wave and fix whatever issues people have because group A has a different point of view from group B etc. It's the same anywhere really, my biggest question is why waste the time in your day to come to a thread in a relatively niche wrestling forum to come and try to find the answer each week. I guess coming here means that if you're really determined to fix AEW you can just download Real World Chronicles and book AEW?

    • Like 2
  6. I don't watch AEW mostly so if you're expecting answers from me on that then you're not gonna get them. It's not my thing to watch, I've spent most of the last month watching old Toryumon or current Dragongate. This is very much a looking on from the outside observation about what seems to be the points after every Dynamite. If you don't think the product is for you then why are you watching?

    • Confused 1
  7. i swear that no storylines point comes up like every week and every week there are actual storylines that are progressed. i’m beginning to think words mean nothing and are just thrown out at random so the same old tired played out debates can be had every week. 

    • Like 1
  8. I’m saying this early (and potentially unnecessarily) because I have no intentions of watching this thread like a hawk in between work. 

    Play nice or don’t play at all. It’s fine to not be a fan of something, it’s fine to give criticism towards AEW or critique points raised. In an ideal world, people would watch what they like and be done with it but such is the modern way on the internet. 

  9. 21 minutes ago, Pschmidt2113 said:

    Sorry for the bother, but I had found some time ago a THUNDERVERSE: REY DE REYES "Plus" and have lost where I downloaded it from. Does anyone have a link or know if the original post contains this somewhere?

    The data link in the second post (not the April 2024 one unless you just really want a mod where everyone is on steroids) is the TVerse+. Made the decision to just make that the main one to make it less confusing.

    Or it should be. If it's not, give me a shout.

    • Like 1
  10. i will give you all five of the queen’s english pounds if you can make a point about aew without being weirdly hyperbolic about it

    edit: sorry, i forgot the queen died. five of the king’s english pounds i guess?

    • Like 3
    • Haha 4
  11. Okay so removing the hyperbole, it sounds like you just don't like hardcore wrestling (although from my limited watching of AEW shows, it feels like that description doesn't quite fit every Jon Moxley match). I feel like there is an easier way of saying that than repeating buzzword phrases coined by Jim Cornette.

    • Confused 1
  12. Lucas, I think the large point of your post has already been discussed and agreed to. You're saying you don't want people to take your work and use it in any sense without permission (And given that the criteria for this is no posts/updates on a mod for three years, I'm not actually sure if any of your current works would be in for consideration here?) so I'm a little confused by the circle we seem to be going in as both the original post by Adam and follow up posts by myself have said that would be fine. I'll say it again and apologies if this seems snarky but I just wanted to make sure this part was clear;

    Any mod creator who doesn't want their work to fall under this proposal is well within their rights to do so. We're not stripping this aspect of mod making away from people at all.

    Mammoth has more or less worded the rest of my thoughts better than I can in regards to the other points raised.

    • Like 1
  13. I've been trying to reword this all day, apologies if this seems blunt at points.

    This proposal (important word, proposal. It's not set in stone yet) isn't to give any Tom, Jane or Harry carte blanche to take another creator's mod, slap their own name on it and go about their day. Instead it allows projects where it's abundantly clear the creator has moved on to be continued to carry on. Again, to point out, if someone has said they don't want someone else to pick up the baton if they drop away for whatever reason that'll be respected regardless of if it's said on here, on another forum, in sky writing or messages in a bottle etc. 

    There have been some great mod ideas that either don't get finalised or were started in, say, TEW2007 and not carried over leading to scarcity of mods over time. This proposal just means that if there is a mod from wayback when that someone wants to pick up and run with then there is scope for that to be done. In cases like yours Lucas, the door shuts right away because you've all taken the step of going "These won't count under this proposal, please contact us if you're interested in collaborating".

    You can believe it or not, we're trying to find a solution that allows the spirit of mod making to carry on whilst also being fair to people who choose to play TEW.



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