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Big Roguey

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Everything posted by Big Roguey

  1. If the games are Pokemon Yellow x3 get them and send me one If not, get WMMA2.
  2. Drew is okay. I like him, mainly because he is a fellow Ayrshire boy. His work doesn't impress me a great deal. Then again I don't think many midcards are impressive.
  3. In repsonse to Slagaholic's send part of the spoiler. That would fit the storyline. Bring all the old guys back. It will still fail though.
  4. I like Wings as well. Fun McCartney Fact = In addition to being a muti-million selling artist, Sir Paul is also a painter.
  5. I love the fact everyone is convinced that the Beatles dropped subtle hints about Paul's death.
  6. I cannot remember where it was but I once saw a picture of the two from Twilight with Blade behind them. Suffice to say, it was awesome.
  7. Ah. "Paul is dead". I love just blurting that out in the middle of a conversation and see what happens. What is everybody's opinion on that anyway?
  8. Never actually struck me about Jacko. I think it is because it is a better name for someone of Jacko's stature. I mean how many people will obsess over Paul like they did with Jacko. I mean the doctor is still being sued.
  9. I forgot The Count. And I am supposed to be doing a Seasame Street mafia. The shame. The shame of it all.
  10. R-Patz is related to Dracula. Also I hate Twilighters. I hate how they obsess over everything. Vampires aren't supposed to be cool, damnit!
  11. I like Vampire Weekend. I love bands who break the mold in terms of music. I mean, how many bands in the modern indy circuit have African influences in their music.
  12. :eek: It has been revealed. Now wonder. The Dude looks like a lady.
  13. Just a place where people can provide links to music they like/discuss music festivals and so forth. Anybody who watched Glastonbury this weekend impressed more by the likes of Vampire Weekend and We Are Scientists than the headline acts. I don't know what it is but I was waaaay more impressed by VM and WAS than the Gorillaz and the Scissor Sisters.
  14. I agree with you, to a certain extent. BP are trying their damnest to clean up the spill. Yet everyone critices them.
  15. You do realise what you have done. MGMT are going back to RoH! Thats if Hogan wants stoners in his palace of steroids.
  16. You are the J Silver of ECW. If J Silver reads this, no offence is meant btw.
  17. I can actually see it. The end of Richards/Black at DBD, whoever wins is celebrating a hard earned victory. Lights go out and the opening chorus of The Final Countdown hits. Mark-out moment for RoH in 2010 guaranteed.
  18. I could see a bypass to the clause if TNA are smart. Here goes Have a mysterious character show up at Slammaversary. End of the show, said mystery person locks in say The Cattle Mutilation. Boom Danielson appears. TNA probably have the money to challenge the rule. WWE are feared in case some of their cast-offs will make it. However, almost everyone and their dead giraffe knows this thing reeks of work.
  19. It is inappropriate for what Daniel Bryan did this past Monday. Very disrespectful, I've seen enough from this vintage sore loser. More from "Michael Cole"'s Twitter account. VINTAGE FAKE ACCOUNT. Notice how the rest of NXT are exempt from Cole's wrath.
  20. It can also lead to police at Kaval's door due to non-sexual abuse towards another gender.
  21. My interpretation of the twitter message is simply that he is changing his name. I mean, for years he work as Brian Danielson and then it was suddenly changed to Daniel Bryan. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if the whole NXT gang broke kayfabe and changed to there real names.
  22. You are smart this time round. I want this to be a mark soooooooooo badly. Only because I want to read the insiders reaction to the "firing".
  23. Personally, I think if TNA get Danielson and reveal it just right,then TNA gets most of the IWC who followed Danielson watching and waiting. I'd rather him go to RoH and make Tyler Black or A-Double tap out like a b!tch.
  24. If the firing is legit, yes Danielson cannot compete in a company for 90 days, however RoH, DGUSA , TNA or any other company CAN show hype videos or whatever.
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