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mike b

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Posts posted by mike b

  1. Thanks SHAWN and yea im mostly recovered from everything cept um were I impaled myself on a long large nail through the foot lol. still getting over that one but the lockdown is helping me to stay off my feet lol/
  2. so it has been awhile since I have been here years in fact and its good to be home back with all great people both new and old that make this site the best. A few health issues couple of surgeries on both my legs did the job but im glad to say im all healthy now and back to normal and ready to get back into all the games here. now if I could just figure out how to use the space bars on this bran new gaming hp I be very happy(sorry everyone)
  3. I generally don't get into holiday themed episodes of shows because they're generally out of continuity, but the Christmas episode of Justice League was super good. I think it's the first time I've ever seen it.


    Superman still believing in Santa?

    Martian Manhunter discovering more humanity?

    Flash convincing Humanite to help kids?

    GL and Hawkgirl fighting a entire bar?


    Seriously, a great episode and I might put it up there with the Hereafter Two Parter.


    I'm rather excited that I'm almost done with season two so I can start JLU.


    Rem watch the 1 with vandal savage its great and also death of superman

  4. I'm on season 2 of Justice League and it kind of bugs me that episodes ignore each other half the time.


    Earlier episodes with Lex having kryptonite poisoning and than him finding out he has it later? Also, villains meeting for the "first time" episodes after working together and "knowing each other".


    Ugh, so annoying.


    As perfect as Kevin Conroy is as Batman, Michael Rosenbaum is just as perfect as the Flash. He's actually become my favorite part of the series.


    Hawkgirl and Wonder Woman both annoy the heck out of me.


    Are we talking animated series i am presuming yes :D




    Anyone seen any clips or anything on new marvel series agent of shield.??


    I kinda liked it the show what you have to watch is season 2 death of superman based on the novel in parts but no doomsday but still friggin awesome show.

    Also the episode with Vandal Savage the 1 hour plus special is also classic.

  5. Anyone going to watch world war z.


    I will just cause i love zombie movies and also because i loved the novel even though i know most of the movie is nothing like the novel.And i just learned that Romero is at it again with another zombie movie this time based of a book by another writer.:)

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