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Posts posted by alanreao

  1. Sorry - I mean I'm playing an SWF game and I decided it would be fun to see what happened if I had Emma Chase fued with Ana Garcia. It's pretty amusing, their heat pretty quickly got up to like 79/80 because they're constantly interacting. So I was thinking it would be fun to have them do a one-off match to end the fued eventually, except they're both under contract as "never involve in-ring." I went into the editor and changed both their profiles so they're occasional wrestlers, but that doesn't allow me to put them in the ring because of their contracts.


    I guess I can cheat around it by just editing their contracts to end, signing them to new "whatever is needed" ones, and then resetting the $$ and length if they're crazy.


    You could book their "match" as an angle. Since they are both non-wrestlers, with little to no in-ring training, their match would hardly be a match anyway.


    Might seems a bit cheaty, but that is the easiest way to do it.

  2. Not really total flops, but The Bumfholes had a bad run of luck. A year or so into my SWF save, Randy was going off to make a movie. I planned a big singles run for Zimmy while Randy was out, culminating with a Zimmy heel turn when Randy comes back, due to jealousy.


    A week before Randy was to leave, Zimmy gut hurt, and would be out until a week after Randy came back. OK, so much for the singles run, but I could still do the heel turn based on jealousy. Except when Randy got back, his popularity and star quality went back to pre-movie levels.


    Neither Bumfhole had anything that would really make them stand out as singles, they would just be lost in the upper-midcard shuffle. So they went back to being my top tag team and the whole storyline was scrapped.

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