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Posts posted by kn23m

  1. It was a work 100%, if you saw the Jericho report you would have seen the second part of it that said Orton told him everything is okay. Can't believe how many people fell for that finish

    I really don't understand how anyone thought that it was a shoot, especially after those german suplexes from Lesnar which were as safely executed as it could be because of Ortons bad neck, where most of the time Orton even didn't landed on his neck!

    If you want to know how a real shoot in pro wrestling match looks like then go and watch Yoshiko vs Act Yasukawa (tho it is hard to watch it by the end) and after watching that imagine how Randy Orton's face (if he would still had it) would look if Brock were shooting at him!

  2. Ummmm.. Isn't Ric Flair supposed to know about wrestling? A cruiserweight is a wrestler who is defined as weighing 220lb or less and Dolph Ziggler is 218lb, Seth Rollins is 217lb so the only Heavyweight of the 4 in these 2 matches is Dean Ambrose.... and only just, because he is 225lb.

    In WWE Cruiserweight Classic you should be maximum 205 pounds (legit weight-ins) to participate, so...

  3. So POP is ad free and you don't need to pay a cable bill to watch it? That's what free to air is.

    NO! TEW isn't a tv station simulator, but a wrestling booking simulator, so it doesn't really matter if POP is add free or not or if you should pay for a cable to see them or not! Only what matter in TEW terms is if wrestling promotion earns money by putting up their product on tv network or not!

  4. I don't know if this has been fixed in v4 or not, but less than a month into my TNA game I've turned a profit of $1.1mil and I've been getting a crowd of 3000 for every Impact. They need some serious nerfs.

    And this leads to a question why TNA is still a cult sized?!?

    To maintain a PPV deal, while they in reality have like 2 PPV per year (I don't count those One Night Only) and even all matches from those two PPV then are shown on TV anyway in full length!?!

    In my opinion their strategy should be set as at least TV Oriented or even Entirily TV (I would vote for the latest)!

    And another thing is that POP network should be set as Free-To-Air (I would say allmost all networks except USA Network should be too in USA), because TNA was booted from Destenation America not because station thought that ratings were low, but because they couldn't sell adds and the same thing is now with POP and it looks like they soon will be booted from POP too - story short - it almost impossible to sell adds on wrestling product if you are not WWE + it will will solve the problem that TNA is making tons of money, because it will cut their tv revenue!

  5. In the new release WWE still don't get near the fans attending they do in real life. I've just boosted them to 83 overness in US and Canada and it makes little difference as they are still only getting around 4000 people to Raw.

    You don't have to bump their popularity, just delete all arena data like I did and I have Raw attendance of 13,000 while using generic arenas (I guess AI is just too stupid to use proper arena size or there are not enough proper sized arenas in db)...

  6. I don't understand, Bobby Lashley vs. Drew Galloway for the title is scheduled for the Slammiversary PPV in June, yet they are also fighting for the belt on an episode of Impact. Well who the hell is going to pay to see a rematch - even if ti is a Submission/KO rematch? Wouldn't common sense dictate that "hey we got Slammiversary coming up, we should build this title match and feud, have them wrestle exclusively for the belt on PPV to help the buyrate." rather than "Lets give fans the title match on free TV and then expect them to buy the PPV with an Impact main event."

    It's because noone is buying their PPV anyway, so they don't care about them + all last years Slammiversary matches were shown on Impact in next month anyway, so why would anyone will buy it this year, because I am sure that this year won't be any different!

  7. I have a question..


    How is it that Roman can go over so many people who is better than him..(Bryan, AJ, Trips, etc) but yet Ambrose has to get jobbed out to everyone....and their mother...

    Maybe because Ambrose is bad, fake and soft!?!

    Have you seen even a single match with him? You can take even this Payback match against Jericho - he runs the ropes almost as bad as most of divas, his comeback offense was almost as bad as Jenna Moresca's offense in her match against Sharmell and overall he works so soft that it looks so bad and fake, that it was hard to watch and buy into it!

  8. If you want to look at it as "well, it doesn't really affect anything", then what exact negative game-play effect does the AI holding shows outside the US have? If its not gradually drawing down the popularity of the promotion, the issue that Derek helped me resolve, then what is it messing up? If I'm going to shrug off "well, I can't hold shows there at all" and "I won't be able to get or renew a TV deal", why is it any more wrong to shrug off "well, the AI holds more shows there than is realistic". You seem rather bothered by the AI doing that but if its not actually negatively affecting the promotion.....?

    Look at post above which I am quoting now, because SirMichaelJordan are given a hint/answer to your question!!

    At no point did I claim that I wanted to make it "as realistic as possible".

    OK - then there is no point to continue this discussion - like I already wrote - good luck!! ;)

    Just want to point out that a lot of the viewers and attendence figures can get manipulated by tweaking the community size which I like to call "wrestling community size" Community size is the main culprit of inflated attendence. Those default c verse numbers could be easily be cut in half for USA in a RWM.

    I completely agree with this - in fact - it must be the first thing that is done when creating a new database, then continue with "Area set up" and "Trends" and only then tinker with promotions, workers and so on!!

  9. Yup, they are mostly house shows. But house shows that outdraw the US house shows. As K-Nection points out, you cannot perfectly emulate reality with the game. The AI is going to do certain things that won't be exact to reality and you can't necessarily force them to do it otherwise. But as Derek points out, its about playability above "reality".

    I really don't understand what potential playability issues come with setting no popularity outside USA?!? That user or AI won't be able to hold events outside USA (in fact it will, but may lose money), just like real WWE is not doing it - is 9 USA regions not enough to chose from?!? For God sake, you can even book each Raw, Smackdown and PPV in different region each month!!

    Imagine if real WWE would hold any of Raw in France or Mexico and in opening segment Seth Rollins will come out and start one of his "famous" 20min+ monologues and majority in the crowd won't even understand what the hell he is trying to say (language barrier) - that segment will boom big time and after 10min half of the crowd would be leaving (or not, but still - you get the picture)!!


    However, if you drop the popularity to spillover levels, you lose other aspects. No shows are viable in those areas, either by the AI or the user. You cannot get or maintain a TV deal. You may not be able to get a PPV deal. None of those are realistic either. So its a choice.


    WWE Raw is shown on Sky Sports 1, Sky Sports 2 and Sky Sports 3 and the biggest audience share of these channels have Sky Sports 1 with 0,97% (others 0,45% and 0,18% respectively, the leader is BBC with 21,46% followed by ITV with 13,21%) - put it as tiny or very small coverage across UK and even with spillover popularity you won't have any problems to maintain that TV deal!! I guess that there is a similar situation with Canada or maybe they are on bigger network there (with small or medium coverage at best) + there are so many different aspects that you can set for networks, that it should never be a factor in the first place!!

    As far as I know there are no such thing as PPV in Europe and in UK it exists, but the audience share for Sky Box Office (which were showing WWE PPV before WWE Network were launched) is 0,01%, so it will warrant what - tiny coverage across UK?!? And I would imagine that WWE buyrates in UK was as tiny as that PPV carriers audience share, so it will just simulate reality!!


    Besides which, the WWE realistically is almost as popular in Canada as it is in the United States, so dropping that popularity to an unrealistic level to get the game to realistically emulate the frequency of shows doesn't strike me as an appealing compromise.

    How that "realistically" translates in in-game terms?!? That WWE almost 50% of their events hold in Canada, while in reality they not even 5% of their events hold in Canada?!? And what's the drawback of having no popularity in Canada, beside the feeling that they are as popular there as in USA?!? I guess that NONE!!


    The real question is - do you want to make a real world database that simulates real world or you want to make yet another fantasy database that is based on real world characters...!?! That's, of course, up to you - good luck!! ;)

  10. The WWE recently held their first live broadcast event from Japan. From what I've seen, attendance was about 8500. Which is comparable to what New Japan draws for some of its non-major events (New Beginning, Dominion, Invasion Attack, etc). Similarly, they just pulled 11.5k for a live event in Mexico City, which I think is better than what CMLL and AAA do for most shows outside of maybe their biggest events. Its hard to gauge too much from a one off event or even a couple of shows, but its evidence that there is some actual WWE popularity in those regions.


    Most of the events held in the UK and Europe are house shows, with typically one or two TV broadcasts or tapings. The attendances are typically fairly strong. Some quick stats I found - they ran a total of 70 shows in the UK on the November tours from 2012-2014 and the attendance averages ranged from 5300 to 6100 per show. That's pretty solid. They can hit 10k for a TV broadcast over there.


    Putting them at the spillover level of E doesn't make that possible. Again, the novelty factor of only being over there once a year is a factor, most definitely. But putting them at a level where they can draw a decent crowd for a show, where they can get on PPV or TV (which they are), that seems more legit.

    Like I wrote before - all those are house shows!! By looking at events (Raw + PPV) from WWE in 2014 in real life... 49 out of 52 Raw were held in USA, 2 in UK and only 1 (ONE!!) in Canada... All 12 WWE PPV where held in USA, so more then 95% of WWE events in 2014 were held in USA!!

    And now look at the data from one of real world mods after a year of simulation... Only 26 out of 48 Raw's were held in USA (from which 7 were in Puerto Rico and 3 in Hawaii were in real life WWE haven't held their shows there, so in reality this number is not even 26 out of 48, but 16 out of 48), 19 were held in Canada (!!compared to 1 in real life!!), 2 in UK (both in Scotland, which in real life they haven't held a Raw too, so off again) and 1 in Japan... With PPV it is the same: 6 in USA, 4 in Canada, 1 in Japan, 1 in UK (Ireland LOL)!! So in this mod WWE only 53% (if we count Hawaii and Puerto Rico too, if not then it's only 36%) of their events held in USA compared to real life 95% - the question is - is this really a real world mod or another fantasy mod...!?! :rolleyes:

    It is good that you are looking at attendances and are trying to get them right, because that is one more thing in which most so called "real world" mods fail and even one of those moders wrote that getting attendances right is the last thing that he worries about - LOL - really - then based on what he is determining promotion size, if not how many asses they are putting in seats!?! And then we see in those "real world" mods that TNA constantly have a 4k+ attendances (sometimes even 10k - really!?!) what they NEVER had or will have in real life!! So my question here is again - is this really a real world mod or another fantasy mod...!?! :rolleyes:

  11. But that's not entirely accurate, either. The WWE does have popularity in areas outside of the US. Not massive but also not non-existant. It can hold shows in Europe, the UK, etc, and get pretty good attendance. So giving them F or E popularity there isn't really accurate. But like Infernalmiko points out, at least part of those attendances would be based on the relative rarity of WWE shows there. I was going at least partly by Derek's explanation in the first few posts of this thread about WWE popularity.


    Looking to the default CornellVerse data is pretty helpful with a lot of RW mod stuff, but not so much in this one aspect. The SWF is a company that has never actively looked to expand much outside of the US, which is pretty opposite to the WWE's business model.

    Like I wrote WWE would still get popularity outside USA because of spillover (something like E- or E across the world) and as far as I know, then they don't hold shows outside USA except one Raw per year in England and one Raw and/or PPV in Canada (other are house shows (European/Mexico tours)) or am I wrong!?!

  12. You should only assign popularity to regions where promotion is holding majority of their shows (in WWE case only in USA (except Puerto Rico and Hawaii), in TNA case only in South East and maybe Tri State) while other regions should't have any popularity at all assigned in the editor (in-game it will still get some based on spillover)! That's on of the core problems with most/all real world mods!!
  13. Well, you never came back with specifics, so here's what I came up with. Hope it works for you.


    DWA World Heavyweight Championship



    DWA Canadian Heavyweight Championship



    They are awesome!! ;)

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