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Hyde Hill

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Posts posted by Hyde Hill

  1. I know but Hogan likes to aggrandize things to say the least. But I am not as doom and gloom about him coming in as a lot of the IWC or lay the blame at his doorstep for every bad decision TNA might make.


    Edit: Before it was always Russo's fault but when Jarret/Mantell/Vega (,and later Cornette,) where removed from creative the product actually improved imho. So it is always very hard to say who makes what decision.


    BTW If AJ and the British Invasion lose the titles it doesn't really matter it just depends how and to who they will lose it. You can't say Beer Money/Guns or Angle/Joe would make bad champs. With some other teams and singles wrestlers also being credible contenders.

  2. Just a thought I had a while back with the rumors of Dreamer and RVD coming in and the discussion here about Raven and Stevie.


    Remember that 3D + Rhino and Neal call themselves the 3D Wrecking Crew? Well how about adding Raven and Stevie to that mix lead by Raven and possibly adding Dreamer and RVD or having them go against them. What's the name of the stable? Wrecking Crew Extreme (WCE)! See what I did there lolz.

  3. push Big Rob Terry! Next X-Division champ... and going to be the first man to hold every belt in TNA by himself.


    Angle beat him to it although at that time the Legends/Global belt didn't exist but as atm its a vanity belt it doesn't really count.


    BTW the full IGN interview is a very worthy read. And everything I have read from Hogan and those around him doesn't have anything about pushing Heavyweights or bringing back all the old guys. Especially since Nash made fun of the anti Hogan/TNA smarks for suggesting them during Impact, I loved that segment hehe. EG Brutus, Nasty Boys etc


    Also I heard the name DDP was being bandied around seeing as he said he would be interested to return to TNA if his independent work went well. Any update on him?

  4. I would wait with Hardy till his court stuff has been settled and I hope Hall, Flair and Waltman will put over other people and not take up too much time for the rest good ones imho.


    PS seems I was right and new years knockouts was the top three matches unedited btw although they where not in order. And I really hope they start pushing Hamada man she rocked!

  5. Apart from the whole Jarret-Foley-Hogan-Dixie stuff which is meant to be vague and thus hopefully interesting to follow what will actually happen/ is happening what do you mean?


    As covered before they try to cram 4 hours into 2 but for me nothing isn't really making sense atm. Or maybe that is just my weird brain in that I can follow Russo booking lolz.

  6. Well it was glaringly obvious he would be in the whole Abyss feud given his involvement at Slammiversary we don't know how he will be used moving forward and the hardcore match at final resolution was good for what it was. I wouldn't say he has been misused yet and I am seeing Richards and Raven as being more on an equal footing then leader/lackey.
  7. Well Raven can't really go as good as those days anymore and rumor has it he likes the bottle to much. I don't see Raven getting a Main Event run anymore but a new flock or other midcard/uppermidcard feuds could work. Plus he has only recently returned no telling what they are going to do with him. As for Stevie yeah they really need to put an end to him vs Abyss for a while.
  8. I may be wrong, but didn't Mcguinness come up with that name himself? I didn't think much of it at first, but I must admit, it's grown on me a bit although the announcers have hinted that Wolfe is an alias being used (something they haven't done with numerous others, like Velvet Sky, etc), so maybe it'll be dropped in time anyway.


    Russo came up with it and Nigel liked and agreed to it, they give the talent veto rights on the names. Hell Nigel McGunness isn't even his real name. They just mentioned it as a "shout out" to the indy fans, they won't be using it unless he agrees to give the intellectual rights to TNA.

  9. Here is a question for people.....Who pays who in the tna situation with universal? I mean.....i am sure some people go to the park just to watch the show.......and some say "o hey, tna is taping something i should check it out". So does tna pay them because of the increased trafic to the park or does tna pay them to "rent" the area in the park?


    It's zero both ways. TNA can use the place rent free and Universal get the added attraction. TNA makes the bulk of their revenue off of TV licensing etc.

  10. The undercard matches had their moments though and Neal ate that chair shot hehe, and for undercard matches weren't bad especially the two tag team matches and the final two where great KUTGW TNA!!! My expectations are never that high on undercard/midcard matches and in general they where met and the two last ones where fantastic. Can't wait for Angle/AJ, Lashley/AJ, Angle/Lashley etc with Joe/Daniels/AJ/Angle/Lashley/Wolf they have a serious great six competitors and that is with guys like Morgan and Hernandez waiting in the wings and the big signing Dixie has reported who will likely debut on the 4th. If that is RVD then it doesn't matter that Bret is back cauz TNA will rock!
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