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Posts posted by moon_lit_tears

  1. You know what gets me?



    I a female who was minding my own business walks into a store. Some drunk a-hole comes pushing through the door and pushes me against the stupid door. Never apologizes or anything. So I said *excuse you*. The douche bag follows me around the store going *excuse you baby*. WTF. I'm not his baby. Eww drunk old men!!! Dirty f*ers. :(

  2. I'm so glad that there was such a big response to this one. I suck at games, but I've been convinced for years that my inability to do this level in any reasonable amount of time was more down to it's stupid, stupidly high level of difficulty than my own shortcomings. :D



    I never played any of the GTA games after the first one.


    I honestly could not get past the first part when you have to drive the car to a specific spot. I got bored, and lost. So I just started running over people. :p

  3. I say AMEN to this one...


    The fact that he ripped off one of my childhood heroes doesn't do him any favors with me either. Who, you ask? Well, just imagine a nice red snuggie, emblazoned with a big golden 'A' on the front, and paired with matching cap, and soon the answer will come to you.







    If so he never wore a snuggie...it was a dress... :p

  4. I manage a bookshop and yes I'll take a phone call when I'm on the clock, but only within reason. If I'm behind the register I won't touch my phone especially if there are customers there, I won't do it I expect my employees not to and they don't. If you were in a shop were an employee was talking on the phone at the register then management is not doing their job.


    Here's how I work it.


    1) If you get a phone call while you're doing something that doesn't involve helping a customer then by all means take the phone out of your pocket and see who it is. If its your mom, or your child or some one else who could be calling you for an important reason then pick it up. If its your buddy and you know he's just calling to ask you about going out later then don't


    2) If you have a customer or are working register then let it ring and finish what you were doing and then ask me for a minute to return a phone call.


    3) If you know its a BS call I'd prefer you actually wait for your break instead of asking for a minute to make a call, but truth is I'll never know but I give my employees the benefit of the doubt and as far as I can tell they haven't been taking advantage of it (if the number of times I'm asked to have a minute for a call is any indication.)


    I absolutely agree with you. There are times when taking a call is more important then your job.


    A few years ago I was in a nail salon that I went to often. A newer girl was doing my nails and well she got a phone call. Long story short. She cut my nails WAY to short and I had to have acrylic nails put on. ( I use to be vain)

    The worst part of it was she expected me to pay the 72 dollars for the set.


    I spoke to her manager and told them. Look I told her not to cut them short. The manager said I should have been paying attention. I was like well ask the person she was on the phone with because I know they heard me yelling at the b****....:D


    Your policy on phone use seems like a very good one. I would agree with you on how it works.

  5. Really? Did you really just ask me that? *SIGH* "THATS NOT THE POINT! THE HOLY HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?!" Blah Blah Blah


    That's not the issue. The issue is they have the audacity to say to me their going to take my personal property away. No, your right, it shouldn't be out. If I'm caught I should be written up for it. But unless some mofo' got a gun on me I'm not handing over my property over.




    If my mom's husband calls and says she's going into the hospital I need to be able to answer my phone then and there. If my sister calls and says my brother got held up and I need to run and get the kids from the sitter because I'm closest then I'm answering my phone. My expectation of my employees which has been met to date is that you know the difference between an emergency call and not. You see you're buddies number on the screen you put your phone back in your pocket, your with a customer you wait til you're done and call back. If its your mom and you pick up for a second find out its not an emergency and say I can't talk now then that's fine too.


    Ok. I agree with you on a few points.


    1. No they can't take your phone from you. I have done some digging on line and in NO state in the U.S are they allowed to take a cell phone from you in there own personal business. They can however ask you to leave.


    2. Many people carry phones for emergency reasons. No one can fault you for that.


    Now with that being said, I may have missed it because well there was a lot to read up on.


    Were you ON the phone during working hours? I know that sounds like a silly question but it's not. I ask this because my brother works for the state here. They are not allowed to ahve cell phones out during the working hours BUT well lets face it 85+ percent of people over the age of 10 have a cell phone. Plus he has a pregnant fiance. He uses his phone to talk to her and stuff when she is not sleeping (she works night shift).


    I agree with what someone said about checking during breaks. If you have a specific need for the phone like your mothers health or whatnot. Keep the phone on vibrate and ONLY answer if it is something of importance.


    I say this because I have gone to places where I am waiting in line and SOMEONE either the cashier or person buying stuff is on the phone. It annoys the hell out of me because I just want to pay for my stuff and leave.

  6. I don't know if this is what you meant by it or not but it reminded me of another thing, and its actually one of my biggest. Can't believe I forgot it


    - People who think they're in the Fast and Furious movies. With tricked out rides, spoilers are the worst. I just can't see spending good money on a car or extra parts for a car, just to have it sound like a moped.


    - People who make the tires squeal on purpose because they think its cool, I always make the comment even at the ripe old age of 25 " I want to be just like that guy when I grow up. "


    - People who have a $2,000 stereo system in a car that isn't worth $200 dollars. If you're trunk rattles louder than the bass hits, get rid of the system.


    as an added bonus


    - People who wear sunglasses inside at a bar or club.


    - Grills. Not the kind you cook on. Not the grill on your vehicle. I'm talking about the grills people put in their mouths. Another waste of money in my honest opinion. If you have enough money to waste to make it look like you haven't brushed your teeth since the day they grew in, you have too much money.


    Probably the biggest pet peeve of them all I have is


    - People who use the word noob. Whats worse is they use it as a way to try and insult someone. I had to break it down to someone one time. Long story short. The word people is NEW it isn't spelled NOO. By using this ignorant form or and insult you are calling someone a NOOBIE it is in fact NEWBIE. Therefore the logical shortening of the word would be NEWB not NOOB. So please I implore everyone of the internet gaming world to at least learn proper English, Grammar and Spelling before you try to insult someone for playing a game where at every point in time everyone was NEW to.



    This whole thing made me laugh. The bolded made me laugh the most though.


    I am not one to correct ones mistakes as I am not good with grammar at all.


    I am with you though. People who try to correct others mistakes when in fact they have no clue what they are talking about is pretty annoying. :D

  7. Understandable. I have had this as well but usually I'll still leave something minimal. When I was a teenager and I thought I was getting bad service I would do mean things like leaving the tip under and upside down glass of water but I grew out of that.


    I use to leave pennies. Of course that was when I was a teen. MANY years ago. :p (geez I feel old now)


    When I befriended a waitress and I found out what she went through to support her young child at the ripe age of 17 I understood why some came in grumpy or had bad tempers when they served people.


    I was with a friend a few weeks ago at a diner.


    The waitress NEVER refilled our glasses after being asked too. She actually sat at a booth behind us talking to another couple of people who were her friends.


    The worst of it all was that I don't eat all my food EVER. I gave my fries to my friend. He was about to eat them (they were sitting RIGHT in front of him) and the waitress took them. Just took them away. I was like whoa!


    We never did get refills. Desert took forever to arrive and it was wrong. ??


    Needless to say the tip she received was very low.

  8. The cook usually gets paid over minimum wage but the tips from the waiter also get split with the busboy who busses their tables much like the bartenders tips get split with the bar back who keeps the bar clean, restocks the beers and changes the kegs.


    Yes in most places yes. Generally when you just go for a quick bite at a diner it is usually the waitress who does it all. Like I said I don't mean that you don't tip the waitress. I usually give a pretty generous tip because they don't make much money and tend to do a lot of work.


    I have had waitresses who don't deserve the tip though.


    My problem was, you couldn't ground me and expect that to be effective. I've always loved to read (and write) so I'd just go in my room, pick up a book and get to it. There'd be no pain or deterrent involved at all. Take my TV? I don't care. Oh look, she took my Atari and Colecovision. Guess I get to finish The Count of Monte Cristo now. *shrug* I had a hustle in middle school where I'd write book reports for people so you ground me and you actually HELP ME. :p



    I was the same way. I was put in my room for whatever I did. I would read, write, or draw for hours. It drove my parents nuts because they said I learned nothing of my mistakes.


    What they failed to realize is I learned how to NOT get caught. :p



    I'll add more a little later but for now:



    - Arguing on the internet. REALLY?!? Its so pointless, no one cares if you win. What truly amuses me though is when it comes to the point of I'll kick your you know what. Reply: I'd like to see you try I'm a (insert non existent Karate belt here.) Its even worse when they agree they're going to fight but live in two different countries separated by an ocean. I always hope they meet somewhere in the middle and drown in the ocean or get swallowed by a whale or something.


    - Stupid people!


    - Having been a cook for most of my working life, and this is a big one: People who go out to eat. Order a steak. Then send it back because they don't know WTF they were ordering. They just ask for it because it sounds good. I've lost count of the amount of times I've had to redo a steak that was ordered medium because " this has too much pink in it. "


    - Now being a bartender I have one to add to that. IF YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO TIP, YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO GO OUT. I'm not saying you have to tip a lot just leave something. A good rule to follow is if it comes down to getting one more shot/beer/drink or a tip, ALWAYS go with the tip.



    All of these make me so mad as well. Fighting on the internet ties into the whole *stupid people* thing.






    Dude? You are saying people need to give YOU money, instead of doing something that would satisfy themselves. Isn't it the same if a bum is waiting outside the shop and asks money from a guy, and the guy comes out of the shop with an ice cream and the bum says: "if you can't afford giving me money, you can't afford buying anything!!!11"



    FlameSnoopy you misunderstand what he says. As a bartender it is his job to make drinks and such for people. Do you go to a restaurant and not tip the waitress? No that is rude. If you want to have your drinks and not tip people then go to the liquor store buy your alcohol and make your own drinks.


    you tip the waitress for bringing you food. The cook does all the work yet the waitress gets the money.


    So you would tip someone who just carries your food to you and not a person who takes care and makes the drink YOU ordered the way YOU like.


    I'm not saying the waitress doesn't' deserve the tip as well, just making a point.


    As a social drinker I always tip the bartender. It's common sense, as well as saying *hey you made an awesome drink*.

  10. Thousands of people don't pay money to come watch me write reports on any given night. Thousands of people aren't willing to pay $8 a beer or $5 for a hotdog while watching me write that report.


    Nobody pays at least $100 for my replica work shirt either.


    The amount of revenue these players bring in for their teams, especially a guy like Albert, is well over 30 mil a year.


    Supply and demand. They are actually getting well below market value because the owners are so greedy. The make so much because they are in the gifted few that can draw in the kind of money that rev talks about.


    Its the same for actors. They have easy high paying jobs but not everyone can do it otherwise they wouldnt get paid so much.


    If people stopped watching them and stopped coming to the ballpark they would make what everyone else does.



    Don't get me wrong, I agree with you both.


    I enjoy watching from time to time.



    It jut has me in awe that these gu;s make so much money.

  11. Why arent they?



    I admit they have skill and talent. BUT seriously 30 Million dollars a year?


    My biggest problem with this is they do what they do because they love it and they are good at it. What about the millions of workers who are doing manual labor and getting paid crap for it?



    All the people struggling to survive and these people make MILLIONS of dollars a year ?


    Granted they go through a lot physically, but I don't think they are worth 30 MILLION dollars a year.


    I am not just saying this about baseball players either.


    Actors, sports players, and all that kind of stuff.

  12. Gator keep your blasphemous remarks to your self. :p


    Yes it would be a sad day indeed if Prince Albert were to leave. But I dont think they want me handling the negotiating either. Ok Mr. Pujols, here is a blank check. How much do you want? And for how long?



    Yeah well I want to get into Baseball Want to offer me a blank check?




    I'm actually ashamed of my home team right now.


    My cousin went to the O's opening home game. Gonzales was hit in the face with a hotdog thrown by a fan. I was like no way!!!


    The dud (not a typo) has lost us 2 games in the 9in inning. I'de be willing to trade him if I was able too. :D

  13. Yeah they were one of the worst teams in the history of baseball (Heck they even hired a midget to play in one game, got to love Bill Veeck!) when they were in St. Louis. So they eventually moved to Baltimore, because lets face it St. Louis always has and always will be a Cards town.



    Well they don't suck as the O's so that's fine with me :p

  14. I understand what you are saying Remi. Sorry I am a product of the 80's so I cant help myself. Dont hold it against me either. :p


    Luxury Tax is a good thing to me. Reason how can you have a league if all of a sudden 1/4 of the teams fold. And no the owners do not do it for the kindness of thier hearts. Its a business and they expect to make money. And I am for that as well. As far as the dieing part. Eck, maybe its the traditionist in me. And no it does not put them on equal footing as NY/LA/ Boston. But it is still a source of income and it should be reinvested into their prospective clubs.


    Stats: The example that you give rarely happens. But I can see what you are saying.



    As I said before Remi. I have always respected you and do so now. I will have to agree to disagree sir. But it is still a fun debate.


    I seldom follow baseball anymore. I am an O's fan though ( don't hold it against me). I have to agree with you on this one. Being VERY young in the 80's but old enough to understand the deal.

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