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Everything posted by Hive

  1. They are really getting this Punk storyline right, it just keeps being more awesome than I had imagine the WWE would ever be capable of being again. Huge kudos to whoever is the mastermind(s) behind all this.
  2. While I'm not sure I'd rate quite that high (perhaps more inclinded to 4½ stars, but still close), I do completely agree with the reasoning. The match had good in-ring action, but it wasn't what made it so special: it was the buildup, the crowd, the storytelling... it all just added up and made it something really really special. For the first time in many years, I actually got emotionally invested in a wrestling match.
  3. But if he's not, then exactly how would it be interesting? You want another 15-minute disaster where Vince stomps on Punk in the corner? Have Punk squash Vince in 2 min, fine... but that would be a huge waste of Punk's talent. But then again, any form of matchup with Punk against a 66-year old would be imo. You keep talking about mistakes they did in previous matches and how you're certain that they wouldn't do them again, without mentioning neither the mistakes nor the solutions to avoid doing them again.
  4. I watched Destination X, it was pretty good. The highlight was of course the 4-way for a TNA contract, good stuff by all involved. AJ Styles vs. Daniels and RVD vs. Lynn were pretty good as well, though I expected a bit more. There were no outright bad matches on the card, which was a pleasant surprise. All in all, it was a pretty good PPV which I definately enjoyed more than this year's Wrestlemania. It was dwarfed by MiTB though, but that's a different story... I hope they'll continue this focus on the X Division as it could make Impact! interesting again.
  5. Lawler vs. Cole was a catastrophe for the entire duration of the match, and not even Steve Austin managed to save it one bit. The match should have been Lawler beating up Cole for 2 min before pinning him and nothing else. When one part is a 61-year old has-been and the other part a non-wrestler who can't tell the difference between a Sharpshooter and a Texas Cloverleaf, you must be insane to let the match drag on for 15 min. Bret vs. Vince was horrible because Bret is a physically crippled man who can't do anything but smash Vince with a chair and lock on the Sharpshooter. I bet Vince could actually have outwrestled Bret in that match had he wanted to, at least it looked that way... and that alone made the match terrible. And again, it was way too long given the physical performances of those involved. But at least it had some fun storytelling with the Hart family. But again: anything short of making it a 2-min squash was a mistake. Punk is a red-hot wrestler in his prime who recently defeated John 'Superman' Cena for the biggest title in wrestling at the moment. You want him in a match where a 66-year old man is suddenly his equal? A 66-year old man who got easily beaten by a crippled legend in 2010, no less? This is a man you want the audience to believe is the equal of Punk in his prime? Really? What's your main event for 2013 then, Punk vs. David Arquette?
  6. Yeah and how good do they usually turn out to be? Granted, I haven't seen Big Show vs. Moneyweather or Vince vs. HBK... but the other two you mention are both among the worst matches I have ever seen, and both really dragged the card down. More of those? I'd prefer not.
  7. Just as the all kinds of awesome MiTB PPV gave the impression that they were going to be a bit more about wrestling, a stupid string of 5-min matches totally smashed that and once again reminded the world that they are 100 % sports entertainment. Sure, the ending was shocking and interesting... but it's a huge shame that the only interesting part of a 2-hour wrestling show is 10-min angle in the end. It's cute btw to see John Cena try to be cool like Punk by hinting towards a rival company on tv. You can't blame him for not trying!
  8. That Punk-Cena match was all kinds of awesome. It had everything a big PPV match is expected to have: drama, excitement, good characters, lots of quality in the ring and an ending that got people up from their seats. I'm no fan of Cena, but my hat is off to his performance last night. Best match I've seen from him.
  9. That would actually be a pretty good way to advance Christian's storyline. But cashing in right after a match is a too heelish thing for Bryan to do on his own (eg. without being forced by Vince).
  10. Your point being? "The current champ sucks so the next one might as well?" I hardly find that to be sound reasoning. Why not strive for more? If you prefer guys like Danielson to be at the top of the food chain instead of guys like Orton, then maybe you should be watching ROH instead of WWE.
  11. Maybe the guy who suggested that both MiTB winners would be used tonight is right: Punk beats Cena through interference by Colt Cabana. Vince sends out Bryan, who loses due to another interference by Cabana. Vince sends out the RAW winner, likely Del Rio, who wins. Cena gets in both Vince and Del Rio's faces to set up a feud. WWE signs Cabana who begins what would for the IWC be an epic feud between Bryan and Cabana. ...far out, I know. But weirder things has happened in WWE.
  12. Meh, I was rooting for Sheamus. Bryan Danielson is amazing in the ring, but imo lacks the charisma or mic skills to be in the world title picture for a company like WWE. But at least the matches should be fun, regardless of whether it will be Orton or Christian who walks out as champion tonight.
  13. He basically says that Cena talks big time but never delivers to the fans and that his matches are always boring, repetitive and filled with BS. Yes, he does also suggest that Cena can do better... but he's basically saying "you're matches are crap, stop having crap matches". I wouldn't exactly call it an encouraging pad on the shoulder.
  14. Chavo decides to rip Cena a new one: http://www.ewrestlingnews.com/headlines/Chavo_Guerrero_Rips_John_Cena_Takes_Shot_At_M.php
  15. That's pretty cheap. Unfortunately, they don't seem to be willing to sell their PPV in Denmark. For some odd reason.
  16. <p>Really interesting interview with Punk:</p><p> </p><p> <a href="http://www.ewrestlingnews.com/headlines/A_Must-Read_CM_Punk_Interview_-_Tons_Of_News.php" rel="external nofollow">http://www.ewrestlingnews.com/headlines/A_Must-Read_CM_Punk_Interview_-_Tons_Of_News.php</a></p>
  17. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jaysin" data-cite="Jaysin" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>If Austin can still go in the ring, that match would easily, EASILY get me to buy Wrestlemania. Hell, I WANT that to happen now. The promo work those two guys could shoot back and forth would be money.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I'm not exactly one of Austin's biggest fans, but man I would want to see that as well.</p><p> </p><p> If they really did a Wrestlemania with Cena-Rock and Austin-Punk, it would be the up there next to the most epic of Wrestlemanias.</p>
  18. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="LiquidSwords" data-cite="LiquidSwords" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25170" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I don't understand the fascination TNA has with Gunner and Crimson. At best both will probably be decent midcarders but I can't buy either one being a legit main eventer.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Amen, brother. I thought I was the only one.</p><p> </p><p> How on earth they can choose to push those two ehead of Samoa Joe, The Pope and Matt Morgan is beyond me.</p>
  19. Oooooh let's put on our tinfoil hats and talk about Vince sending Hogan and Bischoff to ruin TNA as well then.
  20. Given The Rock and Cena's recent rants against each other and The Rock saying that he'll be seeing Cena much sooner than Wrestlemania... maybe The Rock will cost Cena the title against Punk, with Alberto Del Rio cashing in his MiTB on Punk afterwards - which would also set up a fresh Del Rio vs. Cena feud, which has been rumored that WWE has been planning...?
  21. Now I haven't watched the show, but only read about it, and from what I read it sounded like Austin Ares is a heel in TNA... and if that's the case, it's his job to rile you up.
  22. Heh I just noticed a funny advertisement for TNA's next PPV:
  23. Agreed. Except that Undertaker/Triple H was a bit too heavy on finisher-spots for my taste. My favourite match was Edge/Del Rio (though it was way too short), and that was the opener iirc - so it all sort of went downhill from there from my persective. And all the angles, even those with The Rock, were awful. Wrestlemania as a whole wasn't bad per se, it just wasn't anything special either. And that's my problem with it: when you hype something as the biggest and best of its kind, you better deliver.
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