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Posts posted by Rayelek

  1. Started my own company on Easy difficulty, fell from Medium to Small after 2 months because I didn't have enough big stars to sign at the beginning of the game. My monthly (and soon to be twice/month) PPVs are starting to get my guys over, and my last show scored a 67, though that was spurred by a main event of the departing Casey Valentine losing to the debuting Zimmy Bumfhole.


    The big news in the wrestling world is, here in October 2018, Tommy Cornell will be making his return to the United States as part of USPW. He just signed "today", and I'm sure this puts USPW way ahead of any other company in the world.


    My biggest stars right now are James Justice (not resigned by USPW), Zimmy Bumfhole (not resigned by SWF), and Chris Caulfield, who has been with me since the beginning. The tag division is where my company excels right now, with The Samoan Pit Bulls/Wildboyz, Samoan Destruction Inc, Death Row, Savage Fury, The Dirty White Boys, The Canadian Blondes, Young & Wasted (Bret Kyle & Tayler Norton of FCW fame), and The Gopher and the Ant (Ant-Man & Topher Smith of ACPW fame). In July, at Instant Classic, our season finale, we completed a round robin tournament to crown the first tag team champions, with Savage Fury, The Samoan Pit Bulls, and Death Row each finishing with 8 points (4-1 records) and facing off the following month in a triple threat, won by the Samoan Pit Bulls.


    The World Champion is Logan Wolfsbaine, who is the 2nd champion, having dethroned Frankie Perez at Instant Classic. He's helped by Virgil Voss and Matt Blackburn, forming the Glorious Trio stable (Voss & Blackburn have excellent chemistry, so they're a tag team called The Glorious Duo). James Diaz may come up from developmental to join the stable, he was always intended to be in it, but if he can develop into a better worker, that's a huge plus, as he starts out pretty good for his age.


    My biggest problem is that my heels are the ones rising up the card as my faces take losses, but I need faces to challenge Logan & Co. Right now, my biggest risers since the game began, Logan aside, are Davis Wayne Newton, Ernest Youngman, and Nelson Callum, all of whom are definitely heels.

  2. How do you guys the TV title? I've always struggled with them because while the holder is getting a push, it's hard for me to build programs with a payoff since the gimmick is that the belt is defended on free tv, not PPV.


    I guess I'll end up making it a small or tertiary title once Gauge drops it and do that gimmick, but I want some other ideas.


    I'm still doing the Greg vs Benny (and Jimmy Foxx) feud, with Greg having beaten Benny, then they beat him in a tag match at Malice, and are now looking for another shot. Doing the pay-off on tv is a little strange, but it allows for feud to begin and end in the middle of the month which can be nice for signing a new guy.


    I think most of the time, the TV Champ will either be in a tag match on PPV, or have a highlight video of his defenses for the month. Or I'd consider something like Ring of Honor does, where it's a multi-man match, if the champion wins, whoever lost can't challenge for the title while they're champ, if the champ doesn't win, whoever does win gets the next shot.

  3. Just started TCW the other night and its super fun. I really wish Jeremie Courtney had better stats because I saw his default Trust Fund Kid gimmick and instantly thought of Richard Holliday from MLW. So TCW is gonna get their own version of The Dynasty. I'm leaning towards Courtney as Holliday, Nick Booth as Alex Hammerstone, and Matt Hocking as MJF. Not sure if I want to sign a luchador to be Gino Medina or not, or if I want to add a bigger star to the group, like Jay Chord or Greg Gauge in the MJF leader role.


    I got as far as finishing the 3 Total Wrestlings leading up to Malice. The last one went off the air with a wild brawl between Aaron Andrews, Divine Fortune & T-Bone Bright against the Syndicate, from a contract signing for an Andrews/Hawkins Malice match. Because the brawl started before Wolf signed, Doc Hammond is gonna be wrestling the title match instead.


    I only added 1 new feud to the initial storylines, between Edd Stone and Joshua Taylor. I went back to my tried and true of Taylor doing a Butterfly Lock Challenge, with Edd failing on Ep 1. Episode 2, Edd comes out after Taylor refuses to break the hold on Eliott Thomas. Episode 3, Taylor warns Edd that he won't let go at Malice until Edd passes out. Meanwhile, Edd has a video appearance training for the match, a combination of silly Edd things and serious Stone things.


    Really looking forward to booking/running Malice tonight after bedtime.

  4. Newbie here, so apologies in advance for my ignorance. A couple of quick questions:


    *Adam references an "in-game handbook" but I don't see a link to it, and searching doesn't seem to find it either.


    *When I am looking at my Road Agents, some are very over in regards to Experience, Respect, and Reputation but are 0 rated (or very low) in Booking Reputation, and Booking Skill.

    It seems to me that the main purpose of Road Agents is to book the matches during the events so the highest rated in Booking Reputation and Booking Skill is optimal over other attributes. Am I missing something? Are Experience, Respect, and Reputation more important than the Booking Reputation, and Booking Skills?


    The in game handbook is available in almost any window and is in the upper right. It looks like a question mark.


    Booking reputation and skill apply specifically to the Head Booker position. I think road agents need psychology, respect and reputation, but I'm not positive.

  5. <p><strong>Taylor Kidd is my boy.</strong> I forget which TEW game ACPW game debuted in, but he was in the original roster. My first game was USPW, and I signed him to be basically Brian Kendrick when he first debuted in WWE (delivered a singing telegram to the Undertaker, got talked into streaking by Sean O'Haire, silly stuff like that), and eventually Sam Strong's assistant. Well he had great tag chemistry with Captain USA, so he got an alt with Cap's mask and The American Kidd was born, USPW's hottest new underdog. Then a sweet re-render for him came out, and I've never stopped being a fan. I always give him a shot, and if I'm a big company, he's pretty much guaranteed a developmental deal.</p><p> </p><p>

    Some other boys are Ernest Youngman, Logan Wolfsbaine, Ash Campbell...Probably others, but I'm not in front of the game.</p>

  6. So I want to start a brand new Fed from the ground up. I am looking for logos/Banners. Are all of the ones provided in game already earmarked for Feds that will eventually debut in game?


    The VAST majority, yeah. I know there's a Grey Dog Software Logo that isn't associated with anything. There's some free-to-use logos & banners in the mods section already though.


    I'm sure someone's asked why India isn't selected at the start, anyone know the deal there?


    I didn't notice any companies there, I am thinking much how Adam didn't do a full showing of the TEW2016 data in the demo that he might add it for full release?


    According to the help file, India is off by default, and if you want to turn it on and have it develop properly, you have to go into options and turn off Picture Requirements, or there won't be enough workers, as there aren't enough free Indian worker pictures.

  7. I was just the good ol' mayor. Franticloser already outed me earlier in the game and I acknowledged it. I am surprise no one was able to piece it together. Granted, I wasn't able to fully establish that claim, but that could have been attributed to people rushing lynches before I could talk. Lol


    I had you as the double voter really early because of my resurrection, but I didn't know if it was you doing it or someone else, or whether it was a town or scum role.


    This was a much nore high powered game than I expected.

  8. <p>Not sure if EP/Outlaw is busy or there continues to be a vote manipulator on the scum team.</p><p> </p><p>

    For the record, since we are very much in the end game, rerolled to theeletrickg's Watcher, Watched MLT last night, Zergon was the only person there. If he is also manipulating votes, we are probably just waiting for Leion to wake up.</p>

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