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Everything posted by 20LEgend

  1. I have a bit of a feeling they may be some form of spot with the cage in the actual rumble match, don't know what though
  2. I think that I can't make a judgement yet, I'm going the wait and see route even though I disliked it (I kept getting excited week on week in the Punk / HHH / Authority / Nash and got nothing.) That said I think most fans, and WWE should know this wanted something after that build up. I think that for non-IWC fans more so actually I'm sure they were annoyed and bemused at what happen, but I don't really know . I will say, I was really excited for the return and had been excited all week () but know , I may be being rash but I'm kinda not really that interested in Jericho anymore - now next week will change that *fingers crossed*. I think the "You have brought this upon yourself" line may be key in all of this.
  3. Lol, I stayed up for that. The woman could be metaphorical, in fact I'm convinced based on some "theory" I read the other week. I say don't crap on the whole thing BUT for the build up, on the night, it was dissapointing. I'm convinced come 2nd (Time Zone ) April 2012 watching Punk vs. Jericho at Wrestlemania I'll be happy, I hope. I thought Jericho was going to turn on the crowd there and then but he could just keep trolling until someone question what the hell he is doing!
  4. I don't know but having rewatched it I'll say: Steen is amazing and... Steen is amazing.
  5. I can see Brodus going another week (and maybe a few more after than), unfortunately - I'd love to see him next week, which should be an excellent show, should. I can't decide whether I want Jericho back or I would prefer it to be Ryback just to see everyone's reaction
  6. I thought Edwards / Richards was good and they did really well, but I agree with your assessment and that I expected just something extra but I can't think of what they could have done. Loved Steen / Corino thought the whole match and post-match stuff was really well executed. Very good opener, loved the suplex catch and some of the other spots in that match. El Generico was great, I really like him and thought the rope to rope to Generico and then the DDT was really good. I really thought the commentary was quiet good as well. Pretty much a good show all round, but seeing some reviews it almost seems some ROH fans are spoilt One site I read, some guy (who watched on a FREE steam, so had no right to complain) was crapping on everything. I thought I must have watched a different show. REALLY enjoyed the show as it's the first iPPV I've got. Steen is amazing and
  7. I also think that to a casual fan it's more like Michael Cole = dislike, so they disagree with Michael Cole's opinion. I think that makes sense to the less knowledgeable fan, but I don't know any so it's just something I think makes sense. I like Cole, just not when it takes away from matches, he is really funny at times.
  8. <p>Have we seen this?</p><p> </p><p> <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZzdJHeb9ns&feature=player_embedded" rel="external nofollow">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZzdJHeb9ns&feature=player_embedded</a></p><p> </p><p> apparently the link came up during Raw last night.</p><p> </p><p> People saying a Jericho return (I hope so.) Some "evidence" is the return is 1/2/12 and it was on youtube so... Youtube 2nd January = Y2J <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> itbegins2012 is the youtube account which is linked to the end of the world thing: <a href="http://itbegins2012.com/" rel="external nofollow">http://itbegins2012.com/</a></p><p> </p><p> pwinsider explain it better actually <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="pwinsider" data-cite="pwinsider" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>During Raw one of the Twitter plugs, the graphic turned to static and listed a Youtube address. At that address was a video, which is building to a return at the 1/2/12 Memphis Raw taping. You can watch the video below:</div></blockquote>
  9. Getting tired of so many screwy finishes. I'm also finding the shows more and more bland each time. I didn't even watch Christian vs. Sheamus I just couldn't be bothered sitting through it again.
  10. I think it used to be used on crappy, boring people but now "What" is used by the fans just on someone they don't like (good heels). It kind of seems like this generation of fans (saying that at my age sounds stupid, but I don't really mean generation I just couldn't think of the word) are a bit dumbed down, I could be wrong but the fact that Vickie Guerrero gets the biggest boos really annoys me since it's just because of that grating voice and terrible catchphrase. I think fans now (and I don't wanna say it's because they're stupid baby 6 year olds blah, blah, blah) don't see the difference (why should they, they boo who they hate) between a good heel and someone they want to go away. I literally cringe whenever Vickie is on TV (or atleast talks) and even more the fact she is with Dolph who should be main eventing, and doesn't need a mouth piece as his promo, for my money are the best in the company right now, and he is actually funny.
  11. I get there is an initial coolness to this and if it goes the way I think it will I'll be quite happy. But why on this show? Why didn't they go the other way (the way they went with the not spoiler guy), seems on the fly booking? I am being cynical but why not, then things can only be better.
  12. I can't imagine how pissed Bobby Roode is, I hate Hulk Hogan - he's screwed Bobby over, I certainly can't see TNA doing any worse with Roode as champion than they are doing. If they give Jeff Hardy a new run as champ there is very little chance I'll continue to watch. I feel like some of these guys need to leave TNA for the sake of their careers, sure they might make money (and to a lot of people that is the most important thing) but what about accomplishment, what about self satisfaction? I've gone off on a bit of a tangent there but I wish these guys had somewhere else to go basically, where they'll not only be respected but pushed on how good of a fit they are to said promotions roster, ROH would be great but they can't really take on that many more people I don't think.
  13. That's what I was saying they could do but to me the streak hasn't been that great to me and although they could still say he's undefeated (because in a way he is) it kinda takes a bit away from it in my eyes to say in a match with Joe and Morgan one of the others could beat the guy before Crimson could. For him to look unstoppable I'd have to book him to get the win if it was me.
  14. Only way is if they had Morgan take the fall (or Joe) but that still tarnishes the streak IMO, so I agree. That made me think, does anyone know what happened / is happening with the "Xplosion Championship Tournament"?
  15. Crimson AJ Styles Austin Aries© Mr. Anderson RVD Sting Bobby Roode Mexican America
  16. I hated Ziggler when I first saw him (I stopped watching wrestling for a bit including when he debuted) and also because he was an ex-SS but he has really grown on me, his promos are really good, he is not generic like most others.
  17. 1) CM Punk 2) Dolph Ziggler =) Dee Bryan Now I'm struggling... 4) Zack Ryder 5) William Regal (honourary mention but I do look forward to him being on TV, and I like him)
  18. I agree. His selling is so good, it's really unique. I've noticed he doesn't just fall conveniently he'll fall into the ropes and bounce back or just crash through them onto the outside in a realistic way. In fact, his overall ring style is really unique. And his "Shhhh" is much better than when Big Zeke did it.
  19. I am not liking where this is going BUT it is keeping me damn hooked! CM Punk shaking hands with Triple H pissed me off so much, I wish a couple of people would have made it clear they were back for the new GM and not Johnny Ace because to see for E.g Bryan shaking Ace's hand seemed weird since he played a huge role in the chaos. I can't put my finger on it, but so many part in this story leave me uneasy with what has happened and it feels like there are holes left, like why didn't commentary say something about unsafe environment because of "ZigSwag" and co. even after the incident. I just feel unsatisfied after going crazy in my head about how great it could be, and it has become another story IMO, I'll say it again though, I'll continue to tune in!
  20. I enjoyed Raw, wonder where they're going with Miz/ Truth, they've sure as hell grabbed my attention for another week.
  21. I would hope their is some sort of similar thing like that, (I think they should still be anti-Mr. H's though), I just don't have much faith in that. I hope so and I will be tuning in regardless
  22. R-Truth came out to give CM Punk the win, so why did he stop the pin when Punk was about to win? What positives come from him stopping CM Punk winning? This just after Miz/ Truth tried to give him the win. I thought it was an overbooked cluster_ _ _ _, and I personally didn't like it.
  23. I watched the match and it didn't feel all that big in the way it was executed. Commercial may have been necessary but I didn't like that. Match itself wasn't too bad, but I hate Impact Zone crowds, they rarely get into it (I also believe sounded is artificially added) really thought it could have been better, I knew what to expect in the ring, but ten years since their last match "so much" at stake it just wasn't presented well enough IMO, I may be in the minority though.
  24. No you are not it is excellent. Particularly the one with Kendrick, RVD, Mickie and Doug Williams, it has lost a bit of it's charm since Lethal is no longer there to heckle. Shelley, Magnus, Sabin were all awesome on it. One thing I find awkward is when people are trying to stick to heel characters in it, but other than that it's awesome.
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