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Everything posted by 20LEgend

  1. I don't know if it's aired in the US yet but did anyone see the camera guy fall over the WWE sign when Teddy Long came out in the opening segment. If it's yet to air in the US check out the WWE sign in the background when Teddy comes out. I laughed
  2. I didn't say bad about things I didn't watch I said overall the show dissapointed me with who was on it, I see what you mean, it's a fair point but I didn't say bad about RVD / Steiner, I say I was dissapointed with what was on. I just didn't like the content of the show and since I could have been doing other things than watching people I'm not interested in (unless he is cutting a promo in Steiner's case) I love RVD but knew it would be nothing special even if it was a decent. I wasn't bombing the parts I didn't see I was alking about the Velvet / Mickie James segment and Sting's gimmick and the knockouts segment, which I didn't like. Angle talking about respect I didn't like, also a five minute main event where Anderson was pinned cleanly (IIRC), so I also don't see how this can turn into an argument but I know the characters and the fact, the show spent a lot of time with the knockouts and Mexican America are featuring over talent I like annoys me and I personally dislike that the man who is the top dog in the country has a gimmick that is terribly off putting to me. I honestly don't see where I said anything about the segments that I didn't watch other than the fact I skipped them. P.S If i did point it out and I'll hold my hands up as it may have come across in a way I was not intending it to
  3. Because I've watched every episode of Impact since about September 2009, and watch it semi-regular before then. I think when I said I didn't like it I meant by how many people on it I can't bear to watch. I didn't skip parts just to get through it quickly, I actually know for a fact that hearing Sting use that stupid voice and pull stupid faces actually annoys me, odd but it does, then I hear Kurt Angle talk some crap about respect and I skip that because I've heard it 100 times before, I listen to Anderson Ray thought it was good. I, like Fantabulous pointed out, intended to watch all of the show, but: - I know the knockouts on display don't interest me. And I certainly know Miss Jackie and ODB aren't the solution to that. - I know that Steiner is a poor in ring talent and so I'm not going to watch a 48 year old man take on a 40 year old man. I don't need to sit trough that so I won't - I know that I get annoyed from Sting doing his goofy crap as well as him switching in and out of character (when Anderson mentioned it, going back in it for one example) and I know that I don't listen to Angle say he respects Sting, and quite frankly I'm not interest in a 52 year old (?) take on a 42 year old. - I know I like Matt Morgan, Samoa Joe and AJ Styles. I know I'm undecided on Gunner, so I watch the match. - I know that I don't find it cool for TNA to blatantly break kayfabe. O know I like EY, so I stuck and watched the whole segment. - I know I really really like Alex Shelley and that BK is one of my favourites so I was delighted with that match. - I know I am a big Beer Money fan and I know my dislike of the character Anarquia because of his loud, brash over the top fake Mexican voice is so bad it ruins a segment to the point I simply can not bear it. - I know that having a 5 minute TAG TEAM Main Event is not going to be worth my time, because when I even attempt to get invested in it, it's over. Make of that what you will, and take my opinion however you want to take it, if you think I'm wrong that's what makes it my opinion, if it was fact I wouldn't have said it. I hope you realise I haven't gone oh it's Sting I'll skip that, I've given a segment 2 minutes and it's got me to the point where I know I don't need to sit through it and so. I wanted to watch the show. I watched all of Raw on Monday and all of MITB and it is rare I do that. I know which characters work for me and which don't it's not like I've seen a show and known what to expect and watched it to complain. If I saw Kazarian take on Robbie E or Amazing Red or, Beer Money or if The British Invasion were on the show. I would have watch if they advanced Pope vs Devon. I have not just tune in and span ahead I watch the show week in and week out and I don't want to seem like I'm going on (which I undoubtedly). Please don't take my opinion seriously if you think it's a load of whatever, but it is there and it is true. I wish I enjoyed what I saw I didn't and I'm glad other people enjoyed it.
  4. I'm going to write this as I go through watching it: Skipped through Sting at the start, the new voice just makes me feel so annoyed I can't stand this Sting. Angle then spoke and we got the bull about RESPECT, which we here every f'n time. Then I realised Face vs Face, two old guys, I thought I don't care about the world title scene. Then Anderson spoke to Sting, who was looking normal and then went back into character that annoyed me after Bully Ray did his thing. Anderson / Ray > Sting / Angle tonight... Skipped RVD / Steiner, watch last few mins was okay didn't like the finish. Mickie and Velvet was soppy, but they looked nice. Pointless segment. Then Angelina came out and was being a normal heel, which is stupid, plus that was not what Winter wanted at the start. Too long of a segment. Winter was better than the others easily. The brawl was boring. Wanted to watch the tag match entrances skipped the match. Lol Spiderman, sure Cole used that as well, well done cliche commentary. Seemed to not have great effect as 5 days ago I just saw two of these with twice as many guys but it was good. Gunner going into the Footprint was crap. Decent match overall. The EY D'Lo thing meh, D'Lo saying gimmick annoyed me stop it it's not cool TNA! Why did D'Lo chas him Alex Shelley is so cool. Shelley easily got up from a move that finished Robbie E a few weeks ago. Consistency. Good match, didn't like the ending, but I thing they are trying to scream AA is a heel, because everyone loves him. good match Shelley and BK are great. REALLY, REALLY can not listen to Anarquia or Mexican America, they are crap. Beyond boring. Skip the segment sorry beer Money. ODB, Jackie yawn, heels break their word shocker. Skipped the rest of the show no interest in it, just looked and saw it wasn't so good. Traci Brooks Main event was short and crappy. All in all Sting being a main guy, Anarquia being in the company I really am not enjoying TNA at the moment. Angle being respectful and Sting's off and on character. I hate Sting's character that decided it for me. Hey Anderson, "where's your rematch" Wish I could be positive but watch MITB then this TNA will never reach WWE IMO. Other than 4 way and X match this was boring, I think I'm losing any faith in TNA, inconsistency and boring generic, same and same again stories.
  5. Regards that spoiler: I don't think he'll make it to WM with the case I think he'll lose it.
  6. I thought that's who he meant. I thought it was Roderick Strong he was talking about but then I thought why would Strong be mentioned in the TNA thread
  7. Then CM Punk would says "That stuff about you being a doofus, I was kidding"
  8. But I just hope after this he doesn't just go back off doing whatever after taking the top job. But that is what I see happening. Also, a lot of crazy stuff is happening in WWE ATM, it scares me a little:(
  9. Wasn't worth staying up until, 4:15 but interesting to see where it goes. I hope HHH is an on screen authority now because creeping back under the wood work now would suck... Vince's suit was
  10. The family agrees, Vince the board has appointed a replacement it''s HHH
  11. HHH says board meeting this morning, he says the board said they are concerned about the situation and want to talk in the back. Board is concerned about Vince, they understand he built the empire. But the board is concerned about his "questionable" decisions. HHH says the board have filed an injunction with a vote of no confidence.
  12. Just thanked Punk, he said he didn't want to be the guy who screwed CM Punk. He is saying, he doesn't care, he has challenged Vince to find a new guy to face "Dwayne" at WM28. But he wants his pride so is happy to be fired. He said he loves WWE, Cena says if Cena makes him walk he will do it on someone else's TV show brother.
  13. He is cutting a promo about the screwjob attempt and how it affected HBK's reputation Edit: This crowd sucks
  14. Vince postponed the title match, and is now making an announcement.
  15. Vince has come out don't say Miz is injured please. Vince wants a shot No way
  16. I hear no buzz. This has gone way quick and has been a boring episode so far, hope there is something big at the end. May be too late people will have tuned out IMO
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