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Everything posted by 20LEgend

  1. I just woke up and reading these I remember, when CM Punk got put right in the middle of the ring for the STF. I thought that was it right there... until he reversed it.
  2. Yeah not arguing, but IMO this blew DX (which I was one of the more positive fans of) out of the metaphorical water. Also, Absolutely right, my brain is in a fuzz. wrestling is "fake"? This is real! My reaction how much "real" stuff can do this.
  3. ^^^ Miles, miles, miles, miles better than this years WrestleMania!
  4. What a moment! It's 4 O'Clock, how am I supposed to sleep after that. So perfectly executed. Cena fired? CM Punk f***s over the WWE? Daniel Bryan MTB winner? Have I slipped into some sick parallel universe, where we the IWC rule. What is going on?
  5. What?!?!?! Whatever this means what a PPV. WWE delivered well done Cena, Well doen Punk!
  6. This is awesome. BOoooooo Like ONS head down, good work Cena. this is huge!
  7. Punk is pumped, the crowd is pumped, we are pumped. Come on WWE!
  8. Spitting should be a DQ that said Orton is boring. Bryan is dumb if he doesn't get out here.
  9. Christian by DQ?!? That was f'n disgusting. An hour lest with the main event to come, bonus match?
  10. And then another referee comes out and says it was a bad decision. By way of which Christian become champ anyway With all the talk off lawyers is see them exploiting the contract to give Christian the title, even though we all think RKO has retain, the decision gets reversed
  11. I can see boos for Randy and cheers for Christian in this match.
  12. Super Heel crowd, Super Botch, Unlucky Rey, was that supposed to happen.
  13. Ouch, I hope he wasn't booked to win... Jesus Booker have some compasion bro. On a brighter note - It's Little Guido
  14. I hate when the high flyer do illogical spots, pisses me off!
  15. I know, if anything this is one of the more unpredictable PPVs, without this.
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