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Everything posted by 20LEgend

  1. I noticed that too and he was the anti religious guy and CM now has the religious connotations, weird
  2. I didn't see Lethal and Kaz or the last two matches but from what I saw. if you like MCMG vs. Beer Money watch that but if you saw any of there match before it was very similar, Rayne vs. Mickie was a standard knockouts match, 'Bully Ray and D-Von was a decent brawl, Abyss and Doug was made good by Doug Williams. Matt vs rvd was quite good but the crappy ending ruins it, and the double J, Angle exhibition was a joke.
  3. LOL and referees doing one thing in one scenario and different a second later BS
  4. The way Shelley goes from injured to fine again is unbelievable!
  5. Wikipedia has it listed that tonight RVD is facing Matt Hardy... weird
  6. Weird question but why is all of tonights impact up on desirulez.net already when it hasn't finished, how do they get the full show before its aired pr had it been aired and finshed in some places already? Also: Wasn't Desmond Wolfe supposed to show up tonight
  7. My thoughts exactly. What do people see for Doug Williams vs. AJ Stlyes at Genesis, I kinda hope AJ leave Immortune as I'd hate to see doug lose the belt so soon, also it's a TV don't have it change hands twice on back2back PPV's please!
  8. Not watched all the show but I'm I imagining that when Ric Flair is in a promo he always seems to want to out in another word when it's another's promo time, when Foley threw down his mic he stopped himself from saying something and although it may have just have been to show the anger it seems like Flair/Foley is improvised (or semi-improvised.) Does anyone else think that Flair's interuptions are just him trying to get an extra word in on the other guys time as it seems like people have to struggle to get a point across and have to start it about 5 times before he lets them get it out:p
  9. I'm surprised by that, he was WWE's "2nd breakout superstar" or whatever NXT's tag line as, didn't really worl out . What next? TNA, PWG, ROH? I can't see him back in TNA, but I'd like it as it;s the only wrestling I even occasionally watch and thats only because I don't know many WWE guys and the TNA are mostly the guys I watched when I liked wrestling on its face value rather than what the web has turned it into!
  10. Wiki says: "He later revealed that he had asked for his release after realizing that the company had no plans to revamp its cruiserweight division"
  11. WC, I don't think the outburst of angry swearing help people know you're a grown man, I understand why you'd get annoyed by it but there is better ways of going about it that going crazy when someone annoys you or disagrees with you. You are the one paying so you have the high ground, you should have used that to make them look bad. TBH If I wanted to watch a WWE PPV I don't think I could bring myself to buy it just through the philosophy of, 'other people steal it with no consequences why should I pay?' Which is why I threaten to report someone who tried to get Football Manager 2011 illegally when I'd paid, they are actually buying it now!
  12. I wouldn't say I've been faithful watching but I think the shows are probably at a similar level but more is expected, and show it should. So to me I see them as worse than they were but I have a small feeling they're similar... [Goes to search for 2009's Final Resolution.] So my answer is I don't know or at least a 'I'll get back to you'
  13. He should leave, just for sheer awesomeness of a return to ROH Would WWE want him? (it seems he is going to resign)
  14. This is a joke... right? Having googled it someones set up a Juan Cena Twitter, and I hope this isn't real
  15. decent stuff, but Taz needs to STFU almost ruined it for me... and TeNAy for that matter. Also don't know why but angles like the MCMG/Nucks always remind me of cut scenes in Smackdown vs Raw 2008 or 09
  16. (Above Peters last post I mean the spoilers)^^ This sounds, dull and boring as well as very repetitive, are TNA intent on de valueising every match type, also not liking The Pope's casket
  17. Impact, thought Rhino turning was stupid (is he still leaving?) and Brother Ray annoyed me (not in a heel heat way in, stupid way) hope they don't feud (at least in ring) after their 'retirement'. Glad I watch it online so I can skip through it, I generally watch it in about 40 minutes and I think thats as much as I can bare. That said I do get a chuckle when Taz and Tenay build stuff up like it's the most shocking, amazing, blockbuster thing when it really something obvious or crap. I know it their job but it always get me
  18. Didn't Joe lose in the tag match at BFG because Jarrett left him?
  19. I watched it, certain members didn't seem to bright did they? Edit: Day 2 is up
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