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Everything posted by 20LEgend

  1. Anderson is getting really, really, REALLY! ANNOYING!!
  2. Pathetic Vince, can't wait to see TNA capitalise on this. TNA: America's largest Wrestling Promotion ! Bryan Danielson, get yourself out of there!
  3. Yeah I actually agree as well some great matches from back then.
  4. You could say, technically Ken Shamrock only worked for the WWF he was never employed when they became the E and hasn't been since, so technically he wasn't an MMA crossover in the WWE, he was one in the WWF. But still, stupid to just miss out history to hype someone, disrespectful for to the amazing Ken Shamrock imo. .
  5. Signing Hulk was BS, I didn't care when he joined and now I just can't stand the guy. I think Eric Bischoff can be useful but Hulk Hogan turns up once a month, he is a prick.
  6. He was online yesterday at 10:24 GMT according to his profile, I just think he's taking a break / busy.
  7. Walking on his toe and the hands down by his side deal, I really dislike
  8. Nothing, he's the TV champ though. Please TNA do not push that piece of monkey crap
  9. I can't see it as work, result aside watching it all just looked to awkwardly legit to me, plus pull Jeffro losing a 2 minute match on iMPACT, but on a $20(???) PPV no way, not even TNA could do that... I think
  10. Maybe I'm naive but I wouldn't expect it myself, plus I didn't know he'd done it before. Still blame Jeff more, the prick maybe they could have changed it around though, must still mostly Jeff;s fault
  11. I watched it first time and didn't notice but it definitely looks that was, and I hope what happened gets out, everyone loves a bit of "gossip". Also, FIRE JEFF! FIRE JEFF! FIRE JEFF! (Hardy, Jarrett is gold )
  12. Also a comment on youtube saying Jeff is trying to kick out. It does sorta look that way
  13. Wow, I can't believe how paying customers are feeling right now. The Sting I agree part is pretty crazy and this should see the end of Hardy in TNA, really just release him and hopefully his fat ass of a brother will go too. Really dreadful, Sting's look when re-watching it looked less like storyline and more real and the near fall on the steps I seriously have to say depush him to X Division or get him out of their and Sting is dead on with his reaction of essentially breaking character. In the end it was kinda funny unless you paid (I couldn't if I wanted to it's on free tv in the UK.) On the positive side, I really like Robbie E, his crazy in-character like selling is awesome Can't wait to the Rise (was there a rise?) and Fall of TNA DVD, it is a finger poke of doom moment. No but this actually for once isn't TNA fault Hardy is a dick
  14. I would if I could... I did hear that the Bucks are going to tie them up and take their clothes and see if anyone notices.
  15. Why get freakin' Snooki in I though TNA were bad getting their Shore crap iin but WWE? I expected better, speaking of expecting I can't wait until TNA mention this >: (
  16. That Zack Ryder thing was pretty good especially The Rock bit, I thought he was a dull, another stupid WWE character but I seem to have a better opinion on him now, bearing in mind I don't watch WWE is this a lot different to his persona or is he just a faceless jobber on Superstars now? also I'm joining in.. .push Ryder! EDIT: Watching the other two didn't know he was actually Jersey Shore parody though he was just a clubber gimmick, wow Robbie E's character disappoints me even more now. Pretty cool stuff. The Robbie E and Ryder characters are scarily similar
  17. Watching TNA Superstars "reaction" to Sting returning and Pope said he couldn't care less, I would like to think Pope's alliance w/ Nash and Sting would be referenced at least just touched on but know I'd imagine not, I hope they do put them in a feud or something and that atleast gives you a new heel challenger rather than just JHardy
  18. I'd say Taz and Tenay would put it over as amazing and say they are the best tag team ever and Taz;ll say something about I used to wrestle so I know!
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