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Everything posted by 20LEgend

  1. Well the shocking Raven turn was very obvious to me, decent show. Matt Morgan vs Mr. Anderson look to be a fun fued
  2. I really enjoyed this diary and the PAW one so to see an update for either is great
  3. He looks like Big Shows mini-me even if that segment was awful http://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t112/thetramp_photos/CMBS.png
  4. Tenay and Taz actually said 'ECW' didn't they? Are they aloud to use the actual 'ECW' even if it is just a comment?
  5. I've read that Paul E has said he want $30m over 5 years I think, I read this on 'The Sun' websit so does anyone have a reliable source for this or is it BS
  6. I used to like Kaz was amazing but after he returned post Suicide from the little amount of TNA I've seen he just blended in and become boring and bland
  7. Why? What is is wrong with misspelling a word on an internet forum? Especially when Erik is a correct variation of the name Eric, it's not like he spelt every word wrong and used terrible grammar.
  8. They have a picture here: http://bleacherreport.com/articles/406281-raw-61410-blog-nxt-invades-pros-stand-together-more When i zoomed in it looked a bit like Danielson but i doubt its him doing the stunt
  9. Wow thanks these are great. Can start my D.E.A.D game thanks so much
  10. They are great. PS: For picture editing e.g. Alt worker pics is GIMP a great deal better than Paint.net
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