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Everything posted by jwt13

  1. Very good PPV and one of the best triple threats I can remember seeing. Also Hardy has been on top of his game lately with some of the better matches he's had in years, he deserves a good run with the title.
  2. I'm surprised York went over King but it was a heck of a match. Good show so far.
  3. # 1 You saw what happened in OT, Fox didn't want that to happen in Reg, it was a good choice if you ask me.
  4. TNA is much better than WWE to me right now, they have made new stars in Aries and Roode, plus their using the stars they had in a good manner. I'm interested to see where this AJ storyline goes will they have a "Crow" like AJ gimmick like sting did when he became a "Free Agent" in the WCW days without all the face paint? Or will they go a different route. Also I agree the Bully/Brooke/Hulk thing had me worried but the way it has been booked so far is really entertaining. Plus I can see ratings improving now that there is no college or pro football on Thursdays and now that the title is on a established star like Hardy.
  5. QJeff is the highest drawing member of TNA when he had the belt last their ratings were so e of the highest they've had. It's a good smart move by TNA.
  6. Great show......Ending was ehh, but I read it has alot more twists and turns I'm intrested how does Daniels know her?, was Dixie keeping it from Serge for a reason? We will find everything out in the long run just let it play out she where it goes.
  7. No but it's like having a video with butterflies and flower in a sunny town with kids running around playing happy, being the promo video for an Undertaker or Kane return. It just doesn't match up.
  8. I'm thinking Steph McMahon being the women and her coming on later most likely I can't think of another woman that makes much sense...but then again Jericho don't fit with the promos so who knows
  9. No I won't watch next week anyway pretty much. I watch WWE every now and then, and TNA most of the time, but this is the last straw for WWE it has so many wholes and it is just worse than Russo booking.
  10. They said in that video something along the lines of "As I ask when and where I should come, they said it's up to her" and continue up till jericho comes out to point that this girl was the one bring Jericho back. It is a major point that has yet to be answered. Go back and watch all the video it mentions her as the reason he was coming back and that she had a certain power.
  11. You'r on the internet right.....so you're part of the IWC.....Which means you're one of these IWC brats you talk about? It point blank sucked you can't defend it, it just was not done well at all.
  12. Only the biggest WWE fanboys and Chris Jericho marks will like this and thats it. It was very poorly done, all the dark hype videos , the girl, and we get a happy go luck silent man that at the end frowns, and that frown signals to the WWE/Jericho marks that it's a heel turn.....RUSSO SWERVE
  13. I know you're a WWE mark that will defend what the E does no matter what. But they build up this for about 5 to 6 weeks, having a good hype up of a man and a women comeing...so we get Y2J which is cool even though he is nothing like the dark minded hype videos that were shown, but we don't get the women that so called told him to come back. WWE failed at this big time.
  14. That is worst return ever. No words spoken. We don't know what he is taking, is he taking the WWE over? And last but not least WHO THE HELL IS SHE???????
  15. IWC isn't a big part of wrestling fans though its lik 1/4 of all wrestling fans so to say TNA should listen to that 25% of fans is stupid
  16. So you bitch when it doesn't happen then you bitch when it does happen thats why I hate the IWC they are a cancer to wrestling.
  17. Storm is the highest drawing champion in TNA history Impact broke a record with over 2 million viewers last night
  18. So this leads to the question is Roode the Marty Jannetty of Beer Money?? Also James Storm is the #1 trending topic on twitter right now.
  19. But the new head guy in creative is that Bruce guy so now maybe it's a new era in TNA
  20. I watched ROH for the first time tonight and I have to say that I will most likely not watch it again it just sucked bad imo. The Code of Honor really did it for me. What kind of wrestling is it if both guys are shaking hands their wrestler not pro sport players. The production values are terrible also and that Richards guy just is boring to me. Lethal was good and so was the tag team match but other than that it sucked.
  21. Well Nash was their before TNA got a TV deal correct? I'm not sure but I think so. And the Hogan think kind of proves my point they went all out to hype Hogan the biggest name in wrestling and still got around a 1.5 or 1.8 or somthing. Not many people watch spike which idk why TNA is awesome imo I like them more than WWE but Spike needs to use some othe viacom networks to promote TNA.
  22. Because why would you put your self through something that would make you as mad as Nash seem to make you lol, its common sense watch who you want to then dont watch Nash its very simple.
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