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Everything posted by jwt13

  1. Janice Carter is related to Dixie she also owns part of Panda Energy
  2. Joe went for the tag JJ left him Sting/Nash/Pope tied to tell him we told you so but Joe tried to fight them off and ended up loseing
  3. why are taking up for this guy so much calm down from what ive seen in TNA he sucks and should NOT be in any title match
  4. just a little bit:o I love spot fest so im a little biased
  5. Thats anice sized crowd anybody know how many are there?
  6. So I was looking through twitter and i saw Chris Harris tweeter 10/10/10 and Monty Brown retweeted it hmmm
  7. But its the second straight week Raw has been in the 2.0's if im not mistaken. But I agree Raw was terriable but Smackdown was OK the thing that botered me was WWE trying to bring back what they once had with NXTUS they used them way too much. Plus did JG get hurt doingthat 460 on Big Show the first one before he botched the second one?
  8. just saw the raw rating ouch Vince must be pissed in the 2's even with MNF is terriable for the E they dont usaly have this problem with MNF
  9. I loved Impact actually and I think the Flair/Foley promo was my favorite along with the Pope/Nash/Sting promo and Pope on commentary is gold. On the ratings its good to see them make their wayup right before BFG as they have a really good card in place thatpeople would most likly buy. Only thing I didnt like wa on ReAction when I saw Vince Russo WTF wa he doing on my TV this probaly means we will be seeing more of him.
  10. I would like it to be steph,VKM, or Hbk but the iron sheik would be an epic GM if u ask me
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