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Everything posted by Killagy

  1. Ugh.....ugh.......ugh......UGH......OH MY ******* GOD!!! *Vomits everywhere* ......G-guys.....ugh......t-there's.....t-there's......OH GOD!!! *Vomits again* ........Ugh......I'll let the link below to the 24Wrestling article tell you.....Never thought in my life I'd hear something as horrible as "Hulk Hogan" and "S--" *Cuts off abruptly as he releases another torrent of vomit* Read the damn article! x.x WARNING!!! THIS MAY KILL ANY APPETITE, ABSOLUTELY RUIN YOUR DAY, OR GIVE YOU A LIMP PECKER FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!!! READER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!!!
  2. Sooo.....I'm just gonna go out on a limb and throw out a wild prediction for the Road to Wrestlemania: Given how Jericho showed the video segments of various memorable events, including his Undisputed title win... Y2J will win the rumble, and then he will challenge both champions at WM to once again be the Undisputed champion. Thus being the "End of the world as we know it" which he foretold? I know right, I really went there, but there is no longer any need for two main belts in my opinion.
  3. Is Drew McIntyre being 'buried' (in the true meaning of the term) or is his constant losing each week simply a different kind of push? Usually losing to mid and lower carders a few times in a row as well as being given a lame gimmick or character is what defines a genuine burial (McIntyre's frustrated silences with Teddy Long are pretty lame imo). But what's the point if they have no faith in him? Why bother having him lose constantly, why book him at all? It seems to me like he's getting a push, just an unconventional one. His character's getting loads more air time than he has in the previous weeks/months, but where exactly can they take his story of constant losses?
  4. Photo: Chris Jericho Spotted In Host State Of Tonight’s RAW Jericho Comments On Photo Of Him At Airport lmao, the "Gettysburg" photo had me rolling! XD
  5. Randy Orton Suffers Back Injury At SmackDown Tapings Bad break for Orton, he's expected to miss WrestleMania. Wonder how badly the creative team is going to react to this.
  6. The sad thing is, most of these guys are saying it's Taker just because of the long hair. Clearly they hadn't received the news that a couple of months back he had shaved his entire head bald. And oh crap, the conspiracy has taken yet another turn for the worse. I just had a conversation with a friend of mine and he brought up some rather interesting info to "prove it's Taker". ((Sigh...)) http://derryx.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/undertaker-mask-chain.jpg http://derryx.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/undertakermask2.jpeg Current Returning Kane: http://www.24wrestling.com/24/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/kanenewmask.jpg I gotta admit though, quite a nice find, I totally forgot about this version of the Undertaker. What storyline involved him at the time for him to wear the mask?
  7. Totally agree. Obviously Kane. If others can't see that, they're obviously slow in the head.
  8. 2nd to comment on Big Red Machine's return: Hate the ring attire. Thought the mask was awful too, 'til he removed the first one, then I was content. But the rest of the attire, especially with the flames: Ditch it! D:
  9. .....OH, COME ON! I just thought with Adam working on the upcoming Comic Book Hero that it'd be appropriate to start up a discussion thread centered on, well, comic books. Anything goes. DC, Marvel, other big names, and if you could please drop in some indies as well. I guess I'll start off with this: Hello, Miles Morales. Or should I just strictly refer to you as "The New Ultimate Spiderman"? New Biracial Spider-Man Causes Controversy on the Web Honestly, I don't really seem the least bit fazed by this. It caught me off-guard a little, but seeing that this guy only exists in the alternate "Ultimate" universe, it wasn't much of a big deal for me to be spazzing out pissed about like I notice some die-hards are at the moment. What about your takes on the matter?
  10. Meh, his previous affiliation with WWE kind of fizzles that point out. Now, in terms of someone who has been there from the start and a constant figure in the upper-midcard and main event picture, AJ Styles really comes to mind. But I long ago wrote off the possibility of him jumping ship, he's too loyal.
  11. LMFAO, This has made my day! XD "My dick.....has never seen denial." "Your dick.....made Justin Bieber smile."
  12. Omg, before they showed that different angle, I seriously thought Mcintyre took a huge ass fall. Relieved! XD
  13. I now noticed that, just got back from commercial break and everything is going normal for me now. That was weird though...
  14. Nah, I meant as if the program was being "sped-up" artificially, everyone's movements were irregular, faster than normal and abit jerky at times. It could be a problem on my cable provider's end though.
  15. Hey, is it me, or does it seem like the show is airing in an irregular pace or something. I know this episode is taped and all but...I don't know, maybe I'm trippin' on something, but everything seems abit "chipmunk'd", just without the high-pitched voices. Right now its commercials, so maybe it'll return back to normal for me afterwards.
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