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Posts posted by TheKenwyne

  1. 14 minutes ago, Adam Ryland said:

    I'm not seeing this at my end. Are you sure that you understand that those settings only affect villain schemes? It's perfectly acceptable for Mordred and Showman to be on the same side in a heroic quest, for example, as Showman isn't working for Mordred in that context, they're merely both opposing a hero.

    That was the case looking back at the log, yes, apologies for the misunderstanding. Could I make a suggestion that the game is biased towards pulling in relevant stooges for villains where possible, since the encounter I was referring to was a "kidnap" and the eclectic mix of baddies around Mordred made it seem like he as a) expecting it and b) had organised an international criminal symposium to put a halt to the endeavour. The full compliment of villains in this encounter was as follows, none of whom seem like they are particularly likely to just be hanging around guarding Mordred:
    The Abominable Showman, Michael Mordred (target), Princess Corral, Vortex, Grand Knight Assay, Medusa, Vexxer Daemonchild.

    My side, for comparison (unedited from the AI's suggestion), was a mixture of Albion based characters and lower tier travelling guys (none of the characters offered were at the star limit of 9 for the encounter):

    King Arthur (quest origin), Granite Man, White Rose, Darvin the Monster Hunter, UnstoppaBull, Sgt Steel, Dragon of the Valleys, Flashing Blade  

    Of course, if this particular fight was just incredible unusual then I'll be quiet, but if every quest is going to be a rogue's gallery of baddies from across multiple factions I can imagine things starting to feel samey more quickly (rather than specifically fighting Mordred with various Albion based stooges one issue, and then The House of Amass or The Circus Aberrant next, rather than stumbling into the Tower of London and coming across representatives of two unrelated major villainous factions, and several other "monster of the week" tier solo enemies judging from their descriptions. 

    I was trying Champion difficulty, if that effects villain selection than maybe I'll steer clear of that difficulty level for a bit.


    Re: meanwhile... logging, as someone that loves to look back on the development of a universe I'd be appreciative of that if possible.

  2. Played a couple of times through the demo, captures the "simulation" aspect of the world in a much better way than CBH and in a way reminiscent of WMMA/TEW, so expect I will be getting lots of hours in here. That said, a couple of things I noticed:

    • Lots of characters appeared to ignore their "will not work for x/will work only for close allies and associates" rule on the villain side. I had Michael Mordred assisted by The Abominable Showman, amongst others
    • There's no way to track changes that occurred during "meanwhile" events that I could find after you move to the next issue - is there a log I'm missing where I can go back and see the "meanwhile" events of prior issues, or a way to include that in the issue log?

    Looking forward to the full version!

    • Like 1
  3. So, Chris Jericho's suspension, due to denigrating the Brazilian flag.


    Work or legit?




    I honestly don't know on this one. Sounds like the kind of BS that WWE usually does to try to work the fans, and it seems to be known that Jericho is supposed to be touring with Fozzy this summer.


    It smacks of a work to me, but I honestly don't know on this one.


    If it's not a work it's pretty coincidentally well timed; Fozzy have a new album to release and are set to play at Download (Donnington Park) in two weeks time.

  4. So I was wandering the wastes of Wikipedia one dull afternoon and ended up surfing my way through recent UFC events. I headed over to 146, and lo-and-behold, what faced me but a deletion notice?




    See also this page for some of the 'points' suggesting why UFC pages should be deleted:




    A bit of research reveals we have a couple of wiki-zealots trying to remove or downgrade a lot of the MMA information on the site. If anyone has any pull over there (I don't) and wants to make their voice heard and can do so without feeding the trolls within that beaurocratic nightmare, please do. Unite, my MMA-loving brothers!

  5. *bump*


    Mdickie recently released his entire back catalogue for free. Wrestling Mpire remix is a fun 3D sim (if a little quirky) and there is also a boxing sim, a video game industry sim and a music industry sim for those who are after some quick fun. I must reiterate that these are very flawed games almost undividedly, but if you're looking for something to fill a lunchbreak you can't really go wrong. Check it out :)



  6. Bisping works very hard on his defensive wrestling. That's why he's so hard to take down, and when taken down, hard to keep down. The same goes for his clinch-he trains his ass off in that area as well.


    Doesn't change the fact that he very nearly beat Sonnen in Sonnen's self professed area, an area that Sonnen has trained in most of his life. Must try harder Chaely-boy, or maybe think about what do in the fight rather than which pro wrestler to ape in your post fight interview.

  7. Sonnen needs to sort it out. His fight with Bisping was 29-28 to Sonnen on my card, (Bisping clearly took the second round, and I can see the argument for him taking the first too) but the fact that our Olympic Alternate wrestler got wall-n-stall'd for an entire round by someone with no background in grappling is mind-boggling. If Bisping can control him in the Greco clinch imagine what Munoz would've done to him - Bisping just outworked and out-pumelled him, and for someone who bases his game around wrestling that's unforgiving. Hell, Bisping even took him down in the Third! I'm just saying that Munoz must be really irritated he missed that fight now.
  8. I think you guys are painting with too broad of a brush. Sure, there's some people who are genuinely angry at Jericho. But there's a lot of people who aren't angry but disappointed that the return wasn't more interesting or entertaining.


    But whatever, people have different opinions. It would be cool, though, if people could express those opinions without denigrating others. Having a different opinion doesn't make someone a smark or not smart or a little Jimmy that likes hollow, generic crap.


    Just to note that I meant both 'smart' and 'smark' in the sense of someone who is 'in' on everything; as another word for IWC members like ourselves, not as an insult to anyone's intelligence, which, on reread, that inverted comma 'smart' could be seen as. If anyone took offence I apologise.

  9. Totally Awesome.


    Yeah, that has to be something special in the works, Jericho was trying not to laugh for real, there at the end, when he lit up his jacket and then kept walking.


    Classic Stuff, time to buckle up and enjoy the upcoming ride.


    I refrained from posting a wait-and-see type response after the initial heat on Jericho for his enigmatic return, but I personally loved it. Jericho works the smarks better than anyone and this is one of those examples - I think we're seeing the birth of the first 'True Heel' in a long time - a guy who almost everyone hates - look at the rage across forums and sites professed to be 'smart', the same sites that dug heel Punk, heel Christian and 'The Best in the World at What He Does' Jericho. This hate is NOT directed at WWE but at Jericho - in creating a heel persona by converting his return pop into genuine heat the man has excelled himself in a truly original way. Monday night was brilliant, and I for one can't wait to see how their going to follow it up. I hope they build to the guy everyone loves CM Punk vs. the guy everyone hates Jericho at WM. The fact they mentioned the Rumble match in the video I posted, and the fact a Rumble win is missing from CJ's resume makes me believe that that could be the road we go down. But hey, I don't really want to fantasy book it, I just want it to be awesome.

  10. Wow, this is so inaccurate.


    Bisping was always going to win a fight against Mayhem, he was a dreadful style match-up for Miller. Did he lose the first round? Yes. Did Miller make him "his bitch"? Far from it. You call someone getting poked in the eye and reacting to it as though it hurt "a pussy"? I can assure you from personal experience that being jabbed in the eye bloomin well stings (and I was poked by a friend who wasn't trying to hurt me, let alone a trained fighter trying to punch my head in).


    The head kick attempt was moronic, I will give you that, but the entirety of your statement before this excerpt is misguided at best and delusional at worst.


    As I have said previously, Bisping is far from my favourite fighter. But I have to be worried about the amount of blind hate being thrown his way today. People hating on him, building up Mayhem, saying that 'the win meant nothing' and 'Bisping was gassed and shit' and such while saying only hours earlier that Mayhem was a lock to tool Bisping. I think Mike might just be the best heel in the history of ever.


    Put him in against Hendo again while Munoz/Chael fights Andy. That could be fun.

  11. Anyone else pumped for a TUF finale for the first time in many a moon? Bermudez-Brandao and Dodson-Dillashaw are both actually good fights! And Bisping-Miller should be fun. As a Brit I know I'm supposed to love The Count and I sort of support him in a reluctant sort of way but he's not the ambassador for the sport the UK needs, all macho posturing and cocky BS. Dan Hardy was, with his educated nature and traditional martial arts background but then he discovered he's actually a bit naff at fighting. Anyways, bottom line is I find both Miller and Bisping irritating so I'm bound to win on Saturday, right?
  12. Awesome.




    *looks closer* I think you're right. Buffer wasn't the only one entertained-Dana thought it was funny as well. Dana doesn't mind goofy stuff as long as it doesn't lead to anyone into serious trouble. :p


    I KNOW I'm right. I was in the arena yaknow ;)


    Dana didn't find it funny enough to stop the guy getting thrown out though - no main event for him... :rolleyes:

  13. I think it was the referee, actually. But it looks like he didn't try to stay in, and it looked the minute the put their hands on him, he was on his way out anyway. :p


    A combo actually. Ref put a hand on the shoulder, security ejected him from the cage then the building. Buffer looked like he found it rather entertaining.

  14. If I had gone tonight, I'd be really unhappy right about now with a mediocre night of action like that. BAMMA 7 smoked this show out of the water.


    Shh. I had a fantastic time, as did the chaps I was sitting with. Bitching about back control fails, having arguments about who the best British wrestler is and whether John Maguire deserves that title after his performance last night (he does - awesome grappling fight, check it out), and complaining about Big Tan Dan even when he was doing things right. Silly Big Tan Dan.


    The prelims were very good, all entertaining fights with the exception of Broughton-De Fries, and even that was mildly entertaining in round 2. Nice mix of things to see - standup and grappling both well represented.


    Biggest reactions were for (in order) Vaughan Lee, Terry Etim, Brad Pickett and Chris Leben. Chris Cope got plenty of 'woos' on his way down too. I informed him Ric Flair did it better.


    Barao beating Pickett (check the crowd chanting for One Punch while he's being choked out - after that walkout he could do no wrong) took the wind right out of the crowd. It came right back when Barao fail back-flipped and we all got to chant 'he fell over'


    The crowd didn't understand how the ME ended - hence the boos during Munoz's post fight interview - everyone believed it was a stoppage on cuts and not a throwing in of the towel. Most unlike Leben that.


    The chant of the night had to be 'DO 'IM' which gained alarming popularity in any fight where it took a while to get going.


    Terry Etim's flying guillotine was siiiiiccck


    You know it! Biggest reaction of the night by a mile!

  15. Even if this card was being held in the o2 arena, a venue which is easy for me to get to, there is no way I would pay to go see this card. I might not even watch it on ESPN....


    I respect your opinion and all, but as I have said, I have missed out on tickets to 120 and that one in the MEN, and there's plenty of enjoyable stuff on the card. I live many miles from any arena the UFC would consider visiting (the only one within easy commute down here is a 4,000 seater, and I think that's a little small) so I'm grasping this opportunity with both hands. So LoNdOn? IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU THINK! ;)

  16. Serious answer: It just wasn't good enough. Ticket prices went up again, card quality went down again. While tickets prices don't affect me, it's the principle of the situation.


    I'm not one of these people who moans about the UFC treating us like second class citizens, because we ARE. We'll get a better card or two next year to sweeten the move to Sky Sports, but we're a small market for the UFC in comparison to their plans for South America, Asia etc. Trust me, I go to some woeful MMA events; I know what a bad card looks like and this isn't one. Some good fights, and great matchmaking. The worst UFC event ever blows most of the stuff out of the water, but most events aren't charging £100 for an average seat.


    My issue is this: I get asked all the time why the UFC's UK cards get worse while the ticket prices get higher. My answer is always the same: Because they sell 10-18,000 seats regardless. If you think the cards are rubbish, vote with your wallet, because that's the only thing they'll react to. I can't tell people that and not follow my own advice, so I simply decided to give this one a miss on principle. They've had such little press interest in this one that they're even letting some of the UK MMA blogs in, which has NEVER happened before. Says a lot.


    I know, in theory, that I shouldn't buy tickets and make them put on a better card, but I missed out on tickets last year and the year before and basically I want to go to some decent fights. I've been to many half-assed regional events, I've stayed up all night to watch fights from the states and I'm a little sick of not having anyone to talk fights with. So I'll go, I'll sit in my £50 seat and I will enjoy myself. Sorry if I'm messing with your moral battle but it's making he happy, and that's what counts, right?

  17. I was wondering why Barrett was "elected" to speak on behalf of the superstars, myself. That just didn't make sense to me, since he hasn't done anything of note since being excommunicated from the Nexus.


    As for why Beth was speaking for the divas, I assumed that was simply because she's the Divas Champion. You didn't see Kelly Kelly or Eve out there at all.


    I think he was elected simply because everyone hates the guy. Even in his hometown of Manchester he was booed out the building last year - and if he runs down HHH there's no danger of anyone forgetting who the face in the segment is. I don't agree with the booking, but I'm willing to give it a chance.

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