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Everything posted by Gouge

  1. Eh, not liking this card at all but I'll throw in my two cents for predictions. RVD over Styles. I don't agree with RVD winning the title early at all and I think it was very poor booking to something that should have been a first time dream match. Think about it, how many times has RVD vs. Styles been included on dream cards all these years? Wasted opportunity, I believe. But in any case, they may as well run with it for now. Have AJ get into a few upper-card feuds while RVD has some fresh title feuds with the likes of Mr. Anderson. Sting Vs. Jarrett... I don't even know. Nor could I possibly care much. It's not that I hate Sting or Jarrett, I don't, but this feud just doesn't interest me in the least. I still think Sting is a very weak heel and I've been having a hard time taking him seriously for awhile. Jarrett, while I consider myself one of the few that actually enjoy him, has just been bland. I thought him and Foley had potential to be some sort of rebellion, tweener veteran outcasts but ever since Foley left, Jarrett's just been bland. Williams vs. Kaz, I see Kaz winning. I'd love to see Williams win since I think he's one of the more interesting people on the X-Division roster and he really breathes life into it, but I think this just adds closure to the match I think Williams was supposed to lose last month anyway. Tag Title match I see Ink Inc pulling an upset. I don't care who wins though as I really don't like either team. What does TNA see in Jesse Neal? Why is Shannon Moore constantly being pushed? I don't think Moore is bad, but I feel he should be putting guys over in the X-Division. Him getting all these title shots is random as heck. Knockouts I see Rayne winning. Knockouts need a shot in the arm, it's getting pretty redundant now. Pope runs in and costs Anderson the match. Hardy goes to King of the Mountain, Anderson takes on Pope next month. Terry vs. Jordan... again, couldn't really care. Don't like either. I think Terry is extremely overrated. Not as bad as a lot of people say he is, but has no business holding the second tier title either. Then again, neither does Jordan. I see either Terry winning by DQ or Jordan doing something freaky to cause Terry to get rolled up. And then, of course, this feud to... *sigh* continue in some very gimmicky match next month. Furry handcuffs on a pole, perhaps? Abyss vs. Wolfe.. *sigh*. Well obviously I'd like to see Wolfe win. But I see Abyss taking this one as well. Three way tag I see Beer Money winning and moving on to feud with Ink Inc.
  2. Eh. Not liking the Rumble too much. Seems a bit rushed and too many flash eliminations for my taste. Nice to see Edge back.
  3. LOL. I keep making the "penalty" reference on other message boards and nobody gets it Yeah, that show was... ugh. I don't understand the point in them blatantly ripping off the Montreal Screwjob right down to the spitting. I mean, they've already done two of these in the past with Larry Z and Earl Hebner. Did they just do it in hopes that WWE would rehash it and ruin it's appeal? Who knows. I tried my best to enjoy it, I couldn't. None of the matches were good, it was flooded with pointless segments, and there's too many guys sitting on the sidelines who have good momentum at the moment that just aren't being followed through with (Beer Money, Desmond Wolfe)
  4. Unreal. The Knockouts are the last true alternative left to WWE and honestly, they're pretty damn good. Melissa has been busting her butt for 10 years to get where she is, but is overlooked by WWE because she isn't a model. It's a shame she'll never get the recognition she deserves. I was hoping TNA would be the place for that, but it would appear not. Kong leaving is a huge blow as well. And I can't help but think Hamada's time is limited. I can't see Hogan being a huge fan of legitmate female wrestlers. Considering right now, the Beautiful People seem to be the only ones getting air time due to them feuding themselves.
  5. I'm not from the UK so I may be wrong on this, but I read something about them being taken off Bravo and put on another station that has far less subscribers. I don't recall the name off the top of my head.
  6. The thing is, I think this Hogan storyline could be soooo much better if Hogan was a subtle heel with Bischoff being his typical smarmy heel as well. They could kinda just keep shutting the fans down, trying to promise change, and keep doing ridiculous things i.e. changing the ring, bringing in the likes of the Nasty Boyz, attempting to shun out the X-Division... and then have someone like Jarrett attempt to fight it saying he's the founder, he's the one to get TNA where it is, and have a power struggle between both sides. But instead, Jarrett bashes TNA and turns heel. Hogan makes fun of TNA's early days, but stays face by bashing McMahon every so often.
  7. Screw Scott Hall. He knew he was coming in and had been wrestling regularly on the indies. And now the day of the PPV, he gets worried cause he has a gut as if he's never noticed? Ridiculous. This is, what, the third time he's punked out on a match? And a PPV match at that? Christopher Daniels losing to Sean Morely is an absolute joke. I love Sean Morely too, but he has no business cleanly going over a guy who was just main eventing in two MOTY candidates. Other than that, great show. The wrestling was solid and I loved the ending. AJ officially turns heel and Ric Flair screws Kurt over. Great stuff.
  8. Sort of reminded me of when Matt Hardy told Braden Walker that he was quite the wildcat, lol. But yeah, I don't really get why they changed the Bucks to look they way they did. They're already compared to the Hardy Boyz.... that doesn't mean changing them right down to their attire and names to resemble them even more. Who knows, maybe it'll lead to something with Jeff. That just kept bothering me throughout the match though, couldn't help it. The PPV looks really, really weak. It looks thrown together. I have no reason to care about the bulk of the matches save for maybe the main event and the big surprise. But even the main event, we just saw it last week, so the magic on that is kinda tainted too. I know they only had two weeks to develop it, but gosh. Will be interesting to see the buyrate nonetheless.
  9. I heard rumors of Kendrick being in the Asylum match. Would have been a nice surprise, but I'd be better off forgetting that mess even happened. But yeah, Londrick would be a great addition honestly disregarding the whole WWE reject argument. I've always wanted to see them vs. MCMG and now that the Young Bucks at in TNA too, that could be another fun match.
  10. I enjoyed tonight's show. There were a lot of times where I was beginning to facepalm, mainly in the first hour, but the second and third hours were fine. The main event was fantastic and the women's tag match was terrific. They really should have put that tag match in the first hour though over ODB/Tara, which was way too short and awkward. Cameos were a bit much, but I'll give my thoughts: Nasty Boys - They won't last. The point in bringing them in is to just have them face off against the Dudleyz in a little novelty match. Now is it something TNA should make a priority? Absolutely not. It could be a fun match, but that spot could go to MCMG, or the Young Bucks, or Beer Money, or Morgan/Hernandez. Hopefully if it does happen, it's on iMPACT! and it doesn't take up space on a PPV. Ric Flair - Great to have him on here. Everyone's complaining about the retirement angle, but really, is there anyone that retires the first time and stays retired in this business? It just doesn't happen. People need to get over it. Flair is great on the mic and could be excellent in a managerial role for someone. He doesn't have to wrestle, although I'm sure he'll have a few matches here or there. Eric Bischoff - I've always loved Eric Bischoff's swarmy on-screen character and I'm thrilled TNA are using him in that light rather than just being Hulk Hogan's puppet. Hall/Waltman - I've always loved Scott Hall, but eh. He's too old and out of shape at this point in his career to put on great matches. I still love his persona and hearing him on the mic. If he stays on that, kinda like Nash is more often than not, I won't mind. Waltman I don't really have much to comment on, he's always hit/miss for me. Val Venis - Honestly don't expect this to be anything more than a cameo appearance. And I'll admit, I laughed when he showed up. Wasn't expecting it at all and it was great to see Val back in his ol' persona again since I always loved his character. Orlando Jordan - I didn't really catch his & Pope's scuffle. Jordan seemed decent in the WWE, but enough to be a priority on TNA's radar? Don't think so. Jeff Hardy - Well I'm personally not much of a Jeff Hardy fan, but he does fit TNA a lot more than WWE. I just really hope Hardy doesn't screw TNA over like he did last time and is actually motivated this time around. Shannon Moore - I've always liked Shannon Moore. Him being associated with Hardy will likely get him a decent push right off the bat which is fine by me.
  11. You clearly didn't read my post. Edit: Sure, they could. They could pick their shots at the right time. But the question is - why should the #1 company in North America hold back and just wait until they need to create a decently acceptable program? That's the complaint WWE is getting. RAW for the past few months has been awful and very lazy in terms of booking. They've gone nearly a decade without any viable competition. Now suddenly they're bringing out the big guns with Hart on the 4th. You can't tell me with a straight face that's a coincidence after all these years of WWE hyping Hart and teasing a potential return. I think it's quite clear they marked it for that day. That is the spirit of competition and that won't be the last instance of it if TNA continues to fight the fight. Whether TNA gets destroyed or not, both companies got a kick in the ass and they're both about to get a hell of a lot more exciting. That's what competition is all about.
  12. Thought the same thing. Also kinda raised my eyebrow at them advertising Dixie's twitter during the Roxie/Hamada match since that match was spoiled on her twitter due to Roxie's broken leg. Other than that, good show. Great to see Joe/Daniels/AJ and Wolfe/Angle again. Hamada/Roxie was great. Hope the main event is too. Bret Hart is on RAW for the first time in 13 years just out of the blue on January 4th. That's enough, to me, to say the war is on. It's not about TNA beating WWE. I dunno about Hogan and his ego, but most people in TNA know they'll lose the ratings war. It's not just about ratings, though. It's about bringing competition in wrestling again. Whether they get crushed or not, WWE is stepping up their game for competition which is what wrestling needs.
  13. Thought Final Resolution was great. Undercard matches were meh, but the two main attractions were fantastic.
  14. ^ Pretty much what I was going to say. I love the KO division in TNA. It has diversity and personality, something that's been missing from mainstream wrestling. A WWE Diva division these days; you got the sexy faces and the bitchy heels. All the faces are friends, all the heels are friends for no reason other than alignment. ODB isn't someone I consider fapable, but I never found sex appeal to be that big of a deal in wrestling for women. She has an interesting character and can wrestle an entertaining match. That does it for me. Anyway I caught iMPACT for the first time in ages. Thanksgiving episodes are usually really bad and plagued with horrible gimmick matches and stipluations, but this one was alright. All the matches had enough time to tell a story and all were pretty enjoyable. Just a few things that kinda bugged me: - The whole concept of them representing a division was stupid to me. Ok so you have Bobby Roode face off against Homicide, Angle, and Lashley. I know he lost, but hypothetically, say he won all three matches...and then he uses this tournament to have him and James Storm go for a title they could probably get without having to quality for to begin with? You would think if you beat two main eventers that you would take the opportunity to fight for the World title. Especially if you're someone like Roode, Suicide, or Homicide who normally wouldn't be in contention. - While I'm happy that Lashley didn't beat Desmond clean to keep him strong, it made the finals look pathetic. You had Bobby Lashely, who just recently lost to Steiner at a PPV and only beat the previous round by disqualification. Then you have Bobby Roode, who is going for a tag team title shot and won his last match by countout thanks to Desmond Wolfe interference. And Lashley winning the whole thing just further muddies up TNA's all-over-the-place booking of him. - STOP MENTIONING WWE!!! The whole promo with Hogan just is an epic facepalm. ffs, stop trying to give the fans a choice. Focus on making your product better and let us make the choice ourselves. The Hogan videos just made me dread his signing even more. I just can't see anything positive coming out of it in TNA's longrun. The Hulkamaniacs that come along to watch just aren't worth the effort. In any case, disregarding the booking and such, the show was enjoyable. And I thought Bobby Roode looked fantastic. His match with Angle I'd consider PPV quality, even if it did come out of nowhere. I'd love to see him get a single run sooner than later as I feel the whole Beer Money team is holding back. I do like them, but James Storm will never amount to anything above a comedy character. Roode, on the other hand, still does have potential.
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