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Posts posted by Zergon

  1. (P) Umari vs Aaron Redcloud

    Assuming Umari is new signing but considering he´s on dark match with decent young talent instead of jobber, I´m going to give this one to Aaron as I feel this would be main show match if Umari would be big enough name to go over here.


    (P) Bertha Slay and Violet Bee vs Laurette Lorio and Rosemary Pfeiffer

    Not much idea to be honest and I feel this is pretty even but going with Slay and Bee mostly since Bee got a win last show and Slay did appear decent in the match write-up (even if she lost) on the only time I saw her in the show.


    (P) Rodriguez and Carleton vs Banner and Durant

    Bigger names


    Kramer and Nations vs Man Mountains

    Bigger names plus you been pretty clear on Man Mountains disappointing you


    MJ Abruzzi vs Kurt Grey

    These two are going towards differend directions with Abruzzi going up (if not there already) while Grey is certainly going down the pecking order.

    Black Hat Rodeo vs Osburn and Wells

    I believe you said you like to put actual teams over random pairings and while Osburn is a decent name, he´s not someone who´s pushed so I´d assume he takes the pin here.


    Antone Benner vs Jack Raiden

    Bit tough one as both have storylines going (and Benner could use a big win like this before challenging Wolf) but Raiden is the bigger name in my eyes and I don´t see him beating Sunset Army four against one to just lose here.

  2. (P) Violet Bee vs Trinity Branch

    You said Trinity is green so I´d assume that means she´s going to learn by putting other´s over.


    (P) Sawyer Rodriguez vs Big Hank Banner

    Banner continues his winning ways


    (P) Heavenly Bodies vs Man Mountains

    I do feel like you are slighly higher on Bodies than Mountains so far and with face champs, thinking you put the heel team over here.


    The Dregs vs Grey and White

    Well, they not going to lose to random pairing if they plan to challenge teh tag champs.


    DeGeorge and Darville vs Derby and Mitchell

    Feeling these two are the most likely challengers for current women champ


    Antone Benner vs Tarzan Brownfield

    Benner is doing more at the moment and if the plan is for him to feud with Wolf, then I don´t see him dropping to match to Tarzan here.


    Dale Whitlock vs Ryan Osburn

    Dale gets a win to keep him looking dangerous as he´s stable is still a big deal

  3. (P) The Dregs vs The Hillbillies

    I had to double check I didn´t do these pretictions already since this felt familiar :D. Joking aside, the end result is the same


    (P) Trent Stevens vs Layton White

    Stevens appearantly have some upside, not sure if White does but it haven´t looked like it.


    (P) Madalene DeGeorge vs Adrianna Mitchell

    Still trying to remember who was who in women division and since Madalene rings more bells I go with her.


    Josilyn Darville vs Trinity Branch

    I assume her getting into finals means that she´s still one of the top women in the division even if she didn´t get the belt.


    Heavenly Bodies vs The Gwinn Brothers – GCW Tag Team Championship Match

    They just won the belts and Heavenly Bodies would need a bit of a build-up before I could see them getting the belts in any case.


    ??? vs Nehemiah

    I assume this is the big name signing considering the opponent and card position.


    Marcus Kramer vs Dustin Robinson

    Robinson is still higher in pecking order.

  4. <p>(P) <strong>The Dregs</strong> vs The Hillbillies</p><p>

    <em>Dregs are higher on pecking order</em></p><p> </p><p>

    (P) Jimmy G vs <strong>Sebastien Durant</strong></p><p>

    <em>Durant continues he´s winning ways in the undercard.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    (P) <strong>Madalene DeGeorge and Violet Bee</strong> vs Rosemary Pfeiffer and Lilyanna Darby</p><p>

    <em>Bit of a coin flip in my eyes.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kramer and Nations</strong> vs Sills and Redcloud</p><p>

    <em>Heels look like stronger duo to me here.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    The Sunset Army vs <strong>Jack Raiden</strong> – Gauntlet Match</p><p>

    <em>Not particular fan of this type of matches as in my eyes it usually buries many and benefits only a few but I don´t see Raiden losing here.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    Black Hat Rodeo vs <strong>The Gwinn Brothers</strong> – GCW Tag Team Championship Match</p><p>

    <em>Right, lets try this one again</em></p><p> </p><p>

    Dale Whitlock vs <strong>Dustin Robinson</strong></p><p>

    <em>Dustin has been more on spotlight so far, it´s still up in the air if dropping the belt means he takes backseat now but at this point, I still see him as bigger name than Dale.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Josilyn Darville</strong> vs Lily-Rose Criss – GCW Women’s Championship Finals</p><p>

    <em>Going to go with the one who had promo time and who had better match rating in semi-finals</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Billy Ray Bragg</strong> vs Carver Wells – GCW North American Championship Match</p><p>

    <em>Nope, Wells ain´t getting the belt back.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    Wolf Koziol vs <strong>Poseidon</strong> – GCW Heavyweight Championship Match</p><p>

    <em>Poseidon won´t be dropping the belt this early</em></p>

  5. <p>(P) <strong>Sunset Army</strong> vs Bret Danger and Auston Sandy</p><p>

    <em>Army are the ones with stuff going on.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    (P) Alonzo O’Toole vs <strong>Big Hank Banner</strong></p><p>

    <em>Bit hesitant on this one as O´Toole feels bit too good to job for Banner but I go with one with connections anyway.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    (P) <strong>Scorpio Nations </strong>vs Richard Auston</p><p>

    <em>Nations seems to get decent build-up so doubful he would lose in pre-show match.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    Carleton and Stevens vs <strong>Sills and Redcloud</strong></p><p>

    <em>Looks like they have storyline going</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jase Marshall</strong> vs Darrell Gwinn</p><p>

    <em>I probably shouldn´t do these pretictions right before going to sleep as I´m way too tired to rremember much or actually check things (meaning that I totally not remember which side won the last singles encounter) but I go with Rodeo taking this one.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    Madalene DeGeorge vs <strong>Lily-Rose Criss</strong> – GCW Women’s Championship Semi Final Match</p><p>

    <em>Picking the one who´s first match wasn´t in pre-show.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    Lash and Machine vs <strong>Wells and Koziol</strong></p><p>

    <em>Higher on pecking order</em></p>

  6. (P) The Dregs vs Bret Danger and Auston Sandy

    Wonder if you are looking another team fir Bret with him being here but either way, Dregs are going to get a win.


    (P) Trent Stevens vs Tarzan Brownfield

    Tarzan has been getting build-up before while jury is still out for Stevens role so I go with more established talent.


    Sunset Army vs Grey and the Hillbillies

    Army is the one with storyline going.


    Marcus Kramer vs Aaron Redcloud

    OK, so I probably did sell Kramer short on last pretictions, maybe I should think him more as upper midcard/main event gatekeeper instead of a veteran being jobbed down the pecking order? In which case, he likely goes over Aaron as while he have gotten some push, I don´t see him being quite in the upper midcard range just yet (that said, win here would probably chance my view so lets see what your plan is here).


    Josilyn Darville vs Lilyanna Derby – GCW Women’s Championship Semi-Final

    Darville was on main show while Derby was in pre-show so that makes me assume Darville is the one you trust more at this point.


    Black Hat Rodeo vs Robinson and the Gwinn Brothers

    I could see this one going either way but thinking that Robinson gets a bounce back win after dropping the belt.

  7. (P) Madalene de George vs Rosemary Pfeiffer, GCW Women’s Quarter Final Match.

    Going to assume tough veteran goes over high society lady.


    (P) The Dregs vs The Hillbillies

    Two teams that could both well become at least midcard team if given some wins (or that´s how I see them). I go with Dregs as I ahve been bit more impressed with them so far.


    (P) Trent Stevens vs Aaron Redcloud

    So, I was trying to search who Trent was and found nothing so either I missed something or he´s new signing. That said, even if Aaron has been bit MIA lately he was decently pushed earlier so I´d assume he´s not relegated to job division all the sudden.


    Camile St. Croix vs Lily-Rose Criss – GCW Women’s Quarter Final Match

    She sounded like a bigger name when you introduced the women so guess I go with her until I have better idea.


    Mean Machine vs Sebastien Durant

    Thinking Durant is higher on the pecking order but not 100% sure on this one as I don´t recall seeing him much lately while Machine have at least been on shows.


    Marcus Kramer vs Boston Sills

    I assume Sills have more left in the tank plus he´s new signing while Kramer seems to be jobbed down the pecking order after being near the top.


    Billy Ray Bragg vs Carver Wells – GCW North American Championship Match

    Eh, why not. I figure Billy is the most likely guy to become next North American champ so might as well back him up here.

  8. (P) Bertha Slay vs Lilyanna Darby – GCW Women’s Championship Quarter Final

    These women matches will pretty much be coin flips until we know more but I go with Slay because... well, I kind of like her name more... yeah, no idea.


    (P) Sunset Army vs Danger Brothers

    Army keeps getting the build-up


    Tommy Carleton vs Boston Sills

    Sills is above jobber level, Carleton... well he´s not.


    Josilyn Darville vs Adrianna Mitchell – GCW Women’s Championship Quarter Final

    This sounded like veteran vs. newbie and until knowing better, I typically pick the veteran.


    Dwayne Olivares vs Bill Gwinn

    Could see this one going either way but with Darrell being the injured one, thinking this one goes to Gwinns and the next singles encounter that likely have their tag partners goes to Rodeo.


    Wolf Koziol vs Jack Raiden

    Wolf has unfinished business with Poseidon so thinking he´s higher on current pecking order because of that.

  9. (P) Giant Kajitani vs Jacoby Disney

    Disney doesn´t win


    (P) Jimmy G and Heavenly Bodies vs Osburn and Man Mountains

    Bigger names


    Black Hat Rodeo (Whitlock and Bragg) vs Danger Brothers

    Brother´s continue to job


    Scorpio Nations vs Boston Sills

    I´d assume this feud is here to build Scorpio up but thinking Sills takes the first win,


    The Gwinn Brothers vs Black Hat Rodeo – GCW Tag Team Championship Match

    Going to predict title change here although I could see this one going either way


    Antone Benner vs Kurt Grey

    Benner is the one going over at the end, the only question is if the end is now or later. I´d say now.


    Mean Machine vs Carver Wells – GCW North American Championship Match

    Thinking Wells will eventually drop the belt to bigger name than Mean Machine.


    Marcus Kramer vs Wolf Koziol

    Kramer looks to be on his way down, Wolf might be too but I do feel that Kramer is more obvious probably because he´s not in a any storylines while Wolf is feuding with your best heel.


    Reijiro Kandori vs Jack Raiden

    Thinking Raiden is taking this round

    Poseidon vs Dustin Robinson – GCW Heavyweight Championship Match

    Poseidon gets lots of promo time and it´s even easier to justify if he´s the champ so thinking that´s the way this will go.

  10. (P) Carleton and Whisenant vs Man Mountains

    Named team over random jobber pair


    (P) Jimmy G. vs Big Hank Banner

    What boss wants boss gets and he want´s Banner to win.


    Mean Machine vs Tarzan Brownfield

    So far, Tarzan have been looking like one you plan to build up our from these two.


    The Dregs vs The Gwinn Brothers

    Gwinn´s continue to impress

    Scorpio Nations vs Kurt Grey

    Antone Benner vs Ryan Osburn

    Thinking Benner and Grey will cost each other´s these matches so grouping these together.


    Sunset Army (Kandori, Sanzo, and Karasuma) vs Raiden and Danger Brothers

    I would probably go other way here but with Danny leaving I don´t see him picking win here even if Raiden is in the same team.

  11. (P) Keaton Whisenant vs Big Hank Banner

    Don´t know him but I know Keaton is jobber so assuming Banner is new signing whoyou hope to be better than just jobber.


    (P) Sunset Army vs The Hillbillies

    Wasn´t expecting army to go over in the six-man match with Raiden on the other team but since they did, I assume they are getting a bigger push that I thought so I go with them here when I would likely gone the other way before last show.


    Giant Kajitani vs Danny Danger

    That wrestler handing their notice thing hit me hard om my own Effganic game were I simmed to 1925 and took PoG, only to lose four guys by them handing their notice to me during first year. Didn´t mind three of them too much but fourth one was guy who I gave midcard singles belt, gave a pay raise, but him into main storyline and pushed into main event and the worst was that he wasn´t even signed elsewere (not did he even have another company that he would be able to go expect one from Britain). Ok, sorry about the mini rant, happened week ago and I´m still bit annoyed on that one. Hoping it´s just one shot thing for you and not regular occurrence and obviously Danger is eating the pin here.


    Jimmy G vs Boston Sills

    Sills get a debut win


    Benner and Mean Machine vs The Gwinn Brothers

    Tougher opponents for Gwinn Brothers but they look to instantly be one of your top teams to I doubt they would lose to random pairing.

    Poseidon vs Ryan Osburn

    With Poseidon becoming the number one contender (well, assuming that the deal him and Whitlock made actually was official ruling) I don´t see him losing here. Not that it would be likely even if he wasn´t contender now that I think of it.


    Black Hat Rodeo (Whitlock and Bragg) vs Robinson and Wells

    Robinson have back-to-back tag losses so assuming he gets a win here to keep him looking strong.

  12. (P) The Dregs vs Man Mountains

    So, looks like Man Mountains are still getting pushed while Dregs have followed their pre-show tag loss by... well, not being in the shows at all. Giving this to Man Mountains based on recent results.


    (P) Scorpio Nations vs Layton White

    White is jobber, Nations looks to be bit more than that.


    Sawyer Rodriguez vs Kurt Gray

    Gray has storyline going while Rodriquez has been in job squad.


    Carleton and Jimmy G vs The Gwinn Brothers

    Named team over random jobber pair.


    Sunset Army vs Raiden and the Danger Brothers

    Raiden is the difference maker here.


    Poseidon and Whitlock vs Robinson and Koziol

    Poseidon back his challenge with a win in tag action.

  13. (P) Heavenly Bodies vs Holston and Beltran

    Could see this one goign either way as you were decently high on Bodies last time they showed up but Holston and Beltran have been pushed more lately... I go with Bodies since you have been saying that Holston and Beltran haven´t delivered.


    (P) Scorpio Nations vs Jacoby Disney

    Not much question on this one.


    (P) Sawyer Rodriguez vs Sebastien Durant

    Durent have been doing more


    Benner and Carleton vs Grey and Brownfield

    Thinking this is a way to give Grey a win without hurting Benner. Oh, and Tarzan gets a win too without anyone needing to complain with him partinering Grey.

    Mean Machine vs Layton White

    Neither guy haven´t done that much but Machine has been jobbing less.


    Marcus Kramer vs Jack Raiden

    Kramer looks to be on his way down so doubful he beats Raiden at this point.


    Whitlock and Bragg vs Robinson and Wells

    Thinking this is here to give Whitlock (and Bragg too) a win over champs andd perhaps set future titie rematch or match in Bragg´s case.

  14. (P) Sunset Army vs The Hillbillies

    Sunset Army is the team with more going on right now


    (P) Jimmy G and Whisenant vs Holston and Beltran

    Failing tag experiment they might be but that´s still more than what Jimmy and Whisenant have showed so far.

    Billy Ray Bragg vs Aaron Redcloud

    Bragg is higher on the ladders

    Adonis Lash vs Tarzan Brownfield

    Could see this one going the other way as well but I tend to go with more established talent until proven otherwise.


    Black Hat Rodeo vs Durant and Osburn for the GCW Tag Team Championship

    Named team over no-name one.

    Antone Benner vs Kurt Grey

    Surely Benner is the one going over in this feud.


    Marcus Kramer vs Carver Wells for the GCW North American Championship

    Could see this one going the other way if you want to push Wells past midcard title but thinking win over main event veteran like Kramer could help Wells as well while belt keeps him at spotlight so going with him retaining here.

    Reijiro Kandori vs Jack Raiden

    Pretty certain Raiden is going over here in the long run but I do think that Kandori has the early advantage thanks to Sunset Army.


    Poseidon vs Wolf Koziol

    Poseidon was pinned in the tag match so thinking that leads into second straight singles win over Wolf for him.


    Dale Whitlock vs Dustin Robinson for the GCW Heavyweight Championship

    Bit doubful Whitlock would be the one to take the belt off from Dustin, espesially right after disappointing main event performance.

  15. (P) Giant Kajitani vs Layton White

    Assuming Kajitani keeps his monster aura here against White.


    Tommy Carleton vs Kurt Grey

    Grey looks to be higher on the pecking order.


    Nehemiah vs Marcus Kramer

    Right, took me some time to find any mention on Nehemiah (I didn´t remember him at all) and what I found didn´t make me chance my mind so Kramer it is.


    Lash and Mean Machine vs Holston and Beltran

    Assuming same logic works here than in last show with Machine replasing Carleton as the fall guy.


    Dale Whitlock vs Jack Raiden

    Going to go with DQ win for Jack with Sunset Army likely interfering here.

  16. (P) The Dregs vs The Danger Brothers

    No idea who Danger Brothers are so going with the team I know plus Dregs seem to be getting decent TV time so far so I´d assume there´s some plans for them


    (P) Keaton Whisenant vs Tarzan Brownfield

    Not much to go here yet but Tarzan did get elimination in that battle royal while Keaton´s only appearance is tag loss in pre-show so I go with Tarzan here.


    Lash and Carleton vs Beltran and Holston

    So this is a tough one. Lash looks like the top guy here from what I have seen so far but Carleton looks like the lowest on the ladders with him jobbing in pre-shows. Beltran and Holston had one win in pre-show tag action and you said you preferred to put teams over singles guys so I´m picking them to win here but I could easily see this one going the other way as well.


    Blly Ray Bragg vs Jacoby Disney

    First one here were I´m pretty confident on my pick.


    Karasuma vs Jack Raiden

    So, actually had to double check who both of these guys are which shows how much I remember from previous shows :o. Raiden is easily the favorite here with Karasuma likely having no popularity and being a tag guy against singles guy who´s already decently big name and young enough to stay on top even after most of the other current main eventers have retired.


    Poseidon and Kramer vs Koziol and Wells

    OK, so back to hard ones after two easier picks. I see Poseidon as more likely to win his singles match against Koziol (although he did already win the last match so maybe Koziol will take the next one to tie the score before third and final match?) so first though was to give Koziol a win here. That said, I think Wells is more likely to keep his belt against Kramer than Kramer winning it, not because Wells is higher on the ladders but because their age and you wanting youth movement, and keeping the belt on Wells sound like more likely outcome on the title match based on you wanting to push younger guys. Unless you think he´s ready to move to chase main event belt in which case I could see Kramer getting one last run with the midcard belt.... I could see this one going either way depending on your plans but I give it to the heels with the idea that Koziol is going to beat Poseidon in their next singles encounter to set a third match and that you plan to keep the midcard belt on Wells.

  17. Always fan on Effganic diaries so will follow along.


    (P) Jimmy G. vs Aaron Redcloud

    'Redcloud was in your roster review and did get a win in last show so I´m going to assume he´s higher on pecking order. since only thing I found on Jimmy G was a loss in pre-show


    (P) Heavenly Bodies vs Nehemiah and Ponder

    Still trying to get used to all these guys and none of these names ring a bell but I go with named team over what might be random pairing.


    10-Man Battle Royale featuring Alonzo O’Toole and Gabe Pilcher, Antone Benner, Auston Sandy, Kurt Grey, Layton White, Marcus Kramer, Sebastien Durant, Tarzan Brownfield, and Tommy Carleton, for the North American Championship Number One Contendership - bonus points for the final four or runner up!

    final four: Antone Benner, Kurt Grey, Marcus Kramer, Sebastien Durant

    Runner up: Sebastien Durant

    Right, this will probably be longer answer than it should but lets start this by taking Sandy, White, Brownfield and Carleton off the potential winners list as they haven´t done anything so far that makes me think they would be something else than filler here. The other six I could all see to at least be in the final four. With face champ that at least put Grey and Durant off as potential winners. Kramer looks like the top guy here and logical winner our from the the rest of the four, espesially with Benner being tied to feud with Grey. So thinking Kramer will win and Durent being the runner up with Grey and Benner eliminating each other´s (or one eliminating the other and getting eliminated straight afterwards). However, I do think they should be in last four since their feud is likely one of the main stories on this match so I have be the last four over O´Toole and Pilcher as while I could see them getting into last four thanks to teamwork (over Benner and Gray who ccould eliminate each other´s earlier), there would then need to be a face to take them out (as they aren´t going to win this) and while Durant could potentially be that guy, I think having Gray and Benner at the last four is more logical option considering their feud and the fact I had Kramer win this one instead of Durant.


    Scorpio Nations vs Wolf Koziol

    Wolf looks to be bigger name at this point.


    Black Hat Rodeo vs Dustin Robinson and ??? for the GCW Tag Team Championship

    I don´t see you moving tag belts to your main champ so thinking this will either be a DQ win for Robinson or he´s partner is actually heel (or face who´s turning heel) who betrays him and gives heels three on one advantage.

  18. Riley McManus & Masked Stranger vs. Tennessee William & Denny King –NYCW Tag-Team Titles

    Champs ain´t dropping their belts on first defense


    Happy Elwood vs. Ozzie Goldstein

    Thinking Ozzie is higher on the pecking order.


    Brutus Milano vs. The New York Doll vs. Curtis Shaw vs. Andrew Harper – Four Corner Survival

    Hard to look past Milano but thinking this could be perfect say to set-up one shot title match so I have Harper going over here.


    Brooklyn’s Finest & Team Livestream (DeGraff & Corner) vs. The DiMeo Family

    Thinking they need wins soon if they want to look something else than jobber pair


    Chuck Casey vs. Ray Snow

    I would pick singles guy over tag guy here.


    LA Stars vs. The Heartrbreakers (Riggins & Don)

    Thinking they have more going on right now.


    Animal Harker vs. Sandman Winks

    Harker has that very slow going feud with Queen so likely stays strong here.


    The Wolf Pack (MAW) vs. The Boys from the Yukon (NYCW) – COTT World Tag-Team Titles

    Assuming they get longer run than this.

  19. Brutus Milano Vs. Ozzie Goldstein – NYCW Empire Championship

    Ozzie might one day be the champ but doubt he´s there quite yet.


    Hawkeye Calhoun Vs. Tennessee William

    Thought Williams left already but since he´s still here I guess he puts another guy over before leaving.


    LA Star #1 Vs. The New York Doll Vs. LA Star #2 Vs. Denny King – Four Corner Survival

    Thinking King is the top guy here.


    Freedom Eagle, Charlie Corner, & Dominic Degraff Vs. Sal Dimeo & The Italian Americans

    Going with actual stable here.


    Riley Mcmanus & Masked Stranger Vs. The Boys From The Yukon – NYCW Tag-Team Titles

    If the titles wouldn´t be on the line, I would go with faces here but thinking actual tag team should have the belts instead of random pairing.


    Curtis Shaw, Crocket Tubbs, & Happy Elwood Vs. Andrew Harper, Richie Riggins, & Devastating Don

    Thinking that Tubbs has the least going out between these six so I assume he takes the fall here.


    The Casey Brothers Vs. Quentin Queen & Super Massive Destroyer

    Usually I would go with actual tag team but with Queen seemingly getting a big push and Destroyer having that moonster heel aura, I go with them instead here.


    Jonah Pilgrim Vs. Ray Snow

    Assuming Snow is higher on pecking order at least until I see more from Pilgrim


    Geoff Borne Vs. Machine Gun Marino

    Borne has bit more going on.

  20. BBOA Commonwealth Championship

    Lee Bawes © vs Maniac Monster vs Maelstrom vs Hack the Hunter vs Lorenzo Oliverio

    Thinking champ retains here.


    Also Featuring

    Adrian McGhee vs Trey Tallman

    I´m bit rusty on what was going on previously but I think McGhee was the one who had storyline going


    Janus vs Banky Bremner

    I just go wit hthe bigger guy here


    The Anarchist vs Raul Macy

    Another one were I pick the guy who has feud going

  21. <p><strong>Brutus Milano</strong> vs. Tennessee William – Two out of Three Falls for the Empire Championship</p><p>

    <em>If Williams is on his way out then there´sno chance of him getting the belt.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Riley McManus</strong> vs. Richie Riggins</p><p>

    <em>McManus is facing Harker who I rate higher than Riggins so Riley wins here, maybe cleanly or maybe with a DQ if Don decides to pay a visit.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    Charlie Corner vs. <strong>Vito Pirelli</strong></p><p>

    <em>Thinking Vito has more going on</em></p><p> </p><p>

    Crockett Tubbs vs. <strong>Quentin Queen</strong></p><p>

    <em>Queen has been hyped up quite a lot so doubful he loses here.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    Happy Elwood vs. The New York Doll vs. Tully Casey vs. <strong>Ozzie Goldstein</strong></p><p>

    <em>Thinking Happy and Doll cancel each other´s out so I´d give this one to Ozzie.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    Dominic DeGraff vs. <strong>Sal DiMeo</strong></p><p>

    <em>Wondering if I should go 1 - 1 here but I go 2 - 0 for DiMeo´s gang as I see them having more upside currently.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    Curtis Shaw vs. <strong>Andrew Harper</strong></p><p>

    <em>Shaw is being build up but probably not this much.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Geoff Borne</strong> vs. Ray Snow</p><p>

    <em>Neither guy haven´t done that much so far but Borne has that self given time limit storyline going so he´s bit more of a focus in my eyes because of that.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    Masked Stranger & The LA Stars vs. <strong>Denny King & The Boys from the Yukon</strong></p><p>

    <em>Could see this one going either way but with Boys winning the COTT tag belts I go with them being build up here as well.</em></p>

  22. <p>Great start so far. I did miss first two shows but plan to be here for now on.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Brutus Milano</strong> vs. The New York Doll – NYCW Empire Title Match</p><p>

    <em>Even if you plan to take the belt of from Milano, I´m quite doubful Doll would be the one to do so.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    Riley McManus & Happy Elwood vs. <strong>Denny King & Ozzie Goldstein</strong></p><p>

    <em>This feels like it could go either way. I was first going to pick McManus and Elwood but changed my mind in the last second for the simple reason that interferences could play a role here (either from Queen or from Harper as long as Harper doesn´t acctually physically touch McManus) and it´s usually heels who benefit from that. Namely, I think Harper is going to come here but not get physical in hopes of getting McManus to lose his temper and attack Harper thus giving Harper a title shot opportunity.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    Chuck Casey vs. Justice Jolson vs. <strong>Animal Harker</strong> vs. Super Massive Destroyer</p><p>

    <em>New head booker coming in and telling audience you are bad example (yes, it´s an angle but still) does put me on bit of notice about what the said guys role would be going forward but I don´t see the other three picking a win here unless Harker is on his way out and right now, I think that Vibert´s point on Harker is just s atoryline and not actual reflection on how Vibert sees Harker.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    Masked Stranger vs. <strong>Tennessee William</strong></p><p>

    <em>I don´t have any real experience with C-verse on TEW2020 so not 100% sure were everyone stands but as far as I know, William is the top guy so he´s likely to pick the win here.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    Curtis Shaw & The LA Stars vs. <strong>Andrew Harper, Richie Riggins, & Devastating Don</strong></p><p>

    <em>Thinking this is a way to give Don a win with his feud against Shaw without making Shaw look any weaker.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Brooklyn’s Finest</strong> vs. Sal DiMeo & Machine Gun Marino</p><p>

    <em>Not 100% sure who Brooklyn´s Finest are but thniking Freedom Eagle and Calhoun in which case, they should get win even if I dislike Eagle.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    Geoff Borne vs.<strong> Luca Sacramoni</strong></p><p>

    <em>DiMeo´s guys haven´t looked particularly strong so far but have gotten some promo time so I assume they aren´t meant tp be just jobbers, hence I think Luca might pick a win here.</em></p><p>


    The American Cobras </strong>vs. The Boys From The Yukon—COTT World Tag-Team Title Match</p><p>

    <em>Boys have two wins in two tag matches so far so they are a real threat but I do think Cobras are on another level and thinking that the situation with COTT tag belts is pretty much the same than with Heavyweight belt on that Vibert probably would want to eventually have one of his teams to win those but probably won´t rock that boat just yet.</em></p>

  23. Woops, missed the last round, sorry about that.


    Daniel Loiselle vs. Emilio Suarez

    This is a tough one and will depend on were these two are going. I actually go with draw here, thinking that someone or someones could interfere here and best both of them down in order to kick-start a new feud.


    Spike Morgan, Perry Bryant & Nathan Hayesvs. The Kuroki Boys & Saita Kuroki

    Thinking that heels get the win here as they look like stronger unit.


    Sir Anthony Henry vs. Roland Pascual

    I'm still rating Henry higher.



    SPW Tag Team Title Match- The Faithful © vs. No Nonsense

    No title change just yet.


    Squire Albert Berik vs. Scott Levesque

    Berik is higher on the pecking order.


    Double Shot vs. Levi Andrews & Friedrich Herzog

    Andrews and Herzog gain some momentum here.


    Diana Gosselin vs. Ryo Matsuda

    As usual my pick is entirely based on champion so now that thete's heel champ, I think faces are more likely to win.


    La Oscuridad & Danny Cool vs. Dustin David & Bernie Hughes

    This looks pretty even match but I go with faces.


    Big Z vs. Leroy Disco

    Thinking that Disco is higher on pecking order

  24. Wiiner Enters Rumble Last, Loser Enters First: Smasher vs Surfer Dude Lucas

    Thinking Smasher wins here because on interferences to make Lucas go first and keeping him looking strong in rumble without needing to win it.


    No DQ Beach Brawl: Dee Lucketti & Ice Ice Davey vs The Bat Men

    No DQ feels like it should favor Bat Men, well unless GoW decides to come out and play.


    Michel Bernard vs Elvis Robinson

    Bernard is higher on the ladders.


    Diesel Dan vs Whirlwind Lee Wilkes

    I´m not particularly experienced with Australian scene on TEW2020 but I´d assume Diesel has more name value thansk to his time in DIW.


    20-Man Rumble Match: Australian Devil, Dee Lucketti, Diesel Dan, D-Pod, Elvis Robinson, God of War, Ice Ice Davey, Jesse Tasman, Mauler, Michel Bernard, Moonchild, Pat Rigsby, SLugger, Smasher, Surfer Dude Lucas, Syrus, Toby Tough, Trey Tallman, Wes Schnorfesst, Whirlwind Lee Wilkes


    Winner: Jesse Tasman

    Final Four: Surfer Dude Lucas, Jesse Tasman, Smasher & Trey Tallman

    Most Eliminations: Surfer Dude Lucas

    Iron Man: Surfer Dude Lucas

    Thinking Lucas is kept strong here but that he´s ain winning, thus he has to start and keeps fighting the odds until only four remain in switch point I assume he gets double teamed by which ever Taniko´s men are still in the match. Giving Tasman the win here, there´s probably not instant title shot on the line here with champion in this but thinking winning this could still build towards that direcction and help Jesse beome a challenger while Lucas likely keeps himself busy with rest of Taniko´s guys.

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